"In the Socialist Alliance, we want to rise with communities, not above them."

Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance is adding its voice to young people around the country in condemning several proposals by the Federal Coalition government which shift the cost burden for education onto young people.

Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance has come out in opposition to the Federal government's moves to gut funding to the Safe Schools Program, and substantially censor its content.

Suicide by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was a rare occurrence in pre-colonial times. Now, Aboriginal children are eight times more likely to commit suicide than non-Aboriginal children.

“Thank you for these protests. We love you and our hearts are with you in this moment.”

This message was sent from a refugee inside Northam Detention Centre in West Australia to activists who were protesting outside.

A new wave of feminists is appearing, but sexism and misogyny in Australia is alive and well and still thrives among the younger generation.

While the government has accused the anti-bullying program of encouraging the “indoctrination” of young people, the same forces in the government push for ever-expanded funding for the bloated chaplaincy services in public schools.

From January 15 to 26, five Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance members participated in an exposure tour of Malaysia, hosted by the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM).

The Radical Ideas 2015 conference organised by Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance was a three day conference of socialist ideas and activism.

On 22 November, Reclaim Australia and associated far-right racist groups will be mobilising around Australia to spread hatred, fear, and division.