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Saturday, Apr 30, 2016

'Trunks 'N Asses' game captures presidential delegate race

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The race for delegates is playing out not just in presidential primaries but on a board game being developed by two New Hampshire men.

"Trunks 'N Asses" is named for the elephant and donkey symbols of the Republican and Democratic parties. It looks like a bit like Candyland and plays like Cards Against Humanity.

Steve Polczwartek and Blake Amacker, co-workers in Keene, came up with the idea during their lunch breaks and are trying to raise $40,000 by May 11 to get it produced. By Friday morning, backers of their kickstarter.com campaign had pledged just over $700.

The game features six candidates — Republicans Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio; Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders; and Vermin Supreme, a performance artist and perennial candidate in the New Hampshire primary. Players can "delegate cards" by providing the best response to fill-in-the-blank scenarios. "Campaign cards" propel players forward and backward along the path.

"You can pull campaign card that says, 'Hey, a small kid knees you in the groin. Go back three spaces,'" said Amacker, a mechanical engineer. "Or, 'Get a Super PAC. Move ahead two spaces.'"

Amacker's sister, who is studying graphic design, came up with the logo and board game design.

Polczwartek, who works in information technology, said he enjoys playing board games with his kids and friends and thought it would be fun to combine that with politics.

They have plenty of company: Theirs is one of three dozen kickstarter projects involving election-themed games.
