30 April 2016

Civilian deaths in Syria surge as US-Russian brokered ceasefire unravels

By Thomas Gaist, 30 April 2016

American support for the ceasefire was a tactical maneuver, aimed at buying time for US forces to prepare a renewed push.

Plan B: CIA prepares to arm Syrian “rebels” with antiaircraft weapons

More on the war in Syria »

UK Labour leadership, bowing to right-wing campaign, suspends Ken Livingstone

By Robert Stevens, 30 April 2016

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has capitulated to a scurrilous campaign to portray Livingstone as an anti-Semite.

Hundreds protest outside Trump campaign events in California

By Barry Grey, 30 April 2016

The billionaire candidate is working to stoke up xenophobic sentiments in order to direct social opposition into extreme nationalist and militarist channels.

Trump’s “America First” speech and the US war election

Sanders campaigns in West Virginia

By Naomi Spencer and Clement Daly, 30 April 2016

WSWS reporters spoke with workers and youth at a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Huntington, West Virginia.

Sanders’ phony “Medicare for All” proposal

By Esther Galen, 30 April 2016

The purpose of Sanders’ proposal is not to transform the US health care system, but to promote illusions that such a transformation can be achieved through the Democratic Party under capitalism.

More on the 2016 US elections »

US military whitewashes attack on Afghan hospital

By Peter Symonds, 30 April 2016

The Pentagon’s contrived account of human errors and equipment failure is intended to avoid the more obvious conclusion that the US military deliberately targeted the hospital.

German army assumes leadership of military buildup against Russia

By Christoph Vandreier, 30 April 2016

NATO’s aggressive plans sharpen the confrontation with Russia and bring the world closer to a third world war.

Germany: Left Party state government organizes brutal deportations in Thuringia

By Marianne Arens, 30 April 2016

Since the end of last year, the Left Party-led state government has organised regular mass deportations.

“This is the turning point for all of us”
Verizon strikers react to company ultimatum

By our reporters, 30 April 2016

Verizon workers are determined to continue their fight for jobs, wages and working conditions, while the unions are isolating the strike and seeking a way to impose management demands.

Verizon makes “last, best and final offer” to striking workers

International Socialist Organization covers for union treachery in Verizon strike

More on the Verizon strike »

Baltimore police shoot 14-year-old boy

By George Gallanis, 30 April 2016

On Wednesday, Dedric Colvin was shot twice when Baltimore police mistook his BB gun for a pistol.

New York cop convicted of killing Akai Gurley receives no prison time

More on police violence in America »

IMF, European Union, Syriza government prepare more austerity in Greece

By Alex Lantier, 30 April 2016

European and US authorities are again threatening to force Greece to default on its debts if it does not impose new social cuts.

Unsafe Edinburgh schools expose scandal of privatisation

By Steve James, 30 April 2016

Sixteen Edinburgh schools remain closed after the private consortium that built and managed the properties was unable to guarantee the safety of the buildings.

New in French

Quatrième journée d’action contre la loi El Khomri: manifestations moins importantes et attaques de la police

Par Alex Lantier, 30 avril 2016

Les manifestants se heurtent à l’absence de stratégie viable pour développer une lutte politique et défendre les droits sociaux de base contre un gouvernement PS réactionnaire.

Amiens: des travailleurs et des jeunes se prononcent contre la réforme du Travail

Par Antoine Lerougetel, 30 avril 2016

À Amiens, un rassemblement anti-loi El-Khomri, politiquement dominé par des syndicats pro-PS alliés au petit-bourgeois Nuit debout, a réuni un demi-millier de manifestants.

Pourparlers de crise du vice-président américain Joe Biden en Irak

Par Patrick Martin, 30 avril 2016

Le voyage surprise de Biden est la visite officielle américaine de plus haut niveau en Irak depuis l’émergence de l’Etat islamique

L'«impérialisme» de la Russie et de la Chine: Une étude de cas de charlatanisme théorique

Par Johaness Stern, 30 avril 2016

Les positions de la Revolutionary Communist International Tendency révèlent les implications politiques réactionnaires qu'entraîne la désignation de la Russie et la Chine comme «puissances impérialistes».

New in German

Obamas ökonomisches Vermächtnis: soziale Ungleichheit und Armut

Von Andre Damon, 30. April 2016

In einem Interview in der New York Times vom Donnerstag äußerte sich US-Präsident Obama „frustriert“ über die hartnäckige Überzeugung der amerikanischen Bevölkerung, ihre wirtschaftliche Lage habe sich unter seiner Präsidentschaft nicht verbessert.

Bundeswehr übernimmt Führungsrolle beim Aufmarsch gegen Russland

Von Christoph Vandreier, 30. April 2016

Die aggressiven Pläne der Nato verschärfen die Konfrontation mit Russland und bringen die Welt näher an einen Dritten Weltkrieg.

Bundeswehr bereitet sich auf Cyberkrieg vor

Von Johannes Stern, 30. April 2016

Am vergangenen Dienstag gab Bundesverteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) einen „Tagesbefehl“ heraus, der die Aufstellung eines militärischen Organisationsbereichs für den Cyberkrieg vorsieht.

US-Vizepräsident reist zu Krisengesprächen in den Irak

Von Patrick Martin, 30. April 2016

Biden ist der höchste offizielle US-Regierungsvertreter, der den Irak seit der Entstehung des IS besucht.

Österreich schafft Asylrecht ab

Von Markus Salzmann, 30. April 2016

Die österreichische Regierung reagiert auf den jüngsten Wahlerfolg der FPÖ, indem sie deren rechtsextreme Politik übernimmt.

Arbeitsministerin Nahles streicht Sozialhilfe für EU-Zuwanderer

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 30. April 2016

Einwanderer aus EU-Staaten, die zur Arbeitssuche nach Deutschland kommen, sollen für fünf Jahre von jeglichem Anspruch auf Hartz IV oder Sozialhilfe ausgeschlossen werden.

Postbank kündigt Massenentlassungen an

Von Philipp Frisch, 30. April 2016

Der Postbank-Konzern plant Mitarbeiter systematisch durch Automaten zu ersetzen und massenhaft Stellen zu streichen. Das Unternehmen wird dabei erneut von der Gewerkschaft Verdi unterstützt.

Times-Journalist Kristof verteidigt Clintons „Ehrlichkeit“ mit Lügen

Von Barry Grey, 30. April 2016

Kristof verteidigt den Ex-Präsidenten und die First Lady, die nach ihrer Zeit im Weißen Haus schamlos abkassiert haben, mit Sophistereien und Lügen.

Other Languages


The demise of Sanders’ “political revolution”

30 April 2016

Sanders’ entire campaign has been dedicated to preventing the rising tide of popular opposition in the United States from breaking out of the straitjacket of the Democratic Party.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP (US) Election Campaign

The reality of poverty in America: SEP candidate replies to Obama’s “frustration” over social discontent

By Niles Niemuth, 30 April 2016

The policies of the Obama administration have produced the predictable and desired outcome of soaring wealth for a small minority and poverty, unemployment and low-wage jobs for the vast majority.

Socialist Equality Party announces presidential campaign
Support White and Niemuth in 2016!

22 April 2016

More on the SEP (US) election campaign »

International May Day 2016

Click here to register!

Workers and students in India and Sri Lanka endorse International May Day Online rally

By WSWS reporters, 30 April 2016

Colombo, Chennai, Bangalore and Madras residents speak out about the dangers of war and the need for a unified international struggle for socialism.

Oppose imperialist war! Join the International May Day Online Rally!

By Joe Kishore and David North, 25 April 2016

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016

Mehring Books

Mehring Books launching May Day sale

30 April 2016

In its May Day sale, Mehring Books is offering significant discounts on its wide selection of Marxist works.

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

30 April 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UK junior doctors denounce attack on wages, working conditions

By our reporters, 29 April 2016

More on NHS FIghtback »

German public sector union holds “warning strikes”

By Marianne Arens, 29 April 2016


Obama touts an economic "legacy" of inequality and poverty

By Andre Damon, 29 April 2016

US Vice President Biden travels to Iraq for crisis talks

By Patrick Martin, 29 April 2016

US authorizes intensified air strikes against civilians in Iraq and Syria

More on the war in Iraq »

“Everyone feels very betrayed by the union right now”
Detroit teachers union holds rally to back governor’s school restructuring plan

By Walter Gilberti, 29 April 2016

The German chancellor’s PR tour in Turkish refugee camps

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 29 April 2016

On Anzac Day, New Zealand leaders talk peace, prepare for war

By Tom Peters, 29 April 2016

Canada’s defence policy review prepares major expansion of militarism and war

By Roger Jordan, 29 April 2016

Apple sales decline points to faultlines in global economy

By Barry Grey, 28 April 2016

Michigan officials “game” sampling of lead in water

Arts Review

Class Divide: A close-up look at gentrification, inequality in New York City

By Fred Mazelis, 29 April 2016

Prince (1958-2016)

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

Berlin elections: Workers and students speak out against war

By our reporters, 28 April 2016

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!

By the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 25 April 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE meetings in Germany oppose militarism and war

By our correspondents, 29 April 2016

Successful IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand against the drive to war

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 27 April 2016

Oppose the drive to war, austerity and the assault on democratic rights!
Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!

Socialist Equality Party

SEP public meetings: For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!

4 April 2016

25 years ago: Over half of Soviet population driven into poverty

A report released in the last week of April 1991 revealed that more than half of the Soviet population had been driven into poverty.

More »

50 years ago: US troop strength in Vietnam tops 250,000

On April 29, 1966, the number of US troops in Vietnam surpassed 250,000 with the landing of 4,000 soldiers of the 25th Infantry Division at Vũng Tàu.

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75 years ago: Roosevelt intensifies Atlantic war drive

On April 26, 1941 President Franklin Roosevelt announced the United States would launch “sea patrols,” comprised of warships and planes, thousands of miles into the Atlantic.

More »


100 years ago: German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht denounces war at May Day demonstration

On May 1, 1916, the German Spartacus League, the organization of revolutionary socialists who opposed the imperialist world war that had erupted in August 1914, led a mass demonstration in Berlin on a socialist and anti-war program.

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