Australia's scattergun start-up funding short changes accelerators and won't work

Treasurer Scott Morrison's federal budget will be closely watched by the tech start-up community.
Treasurer Scott Morrison's federal budget will be closely watched by the tech start-up community. Pat Scala
by Rohan Workman

Australia's biggest risk takers have been overlooked amid a bipartisan blitz from Canberra to "get the start-up ecosystem right".

And I'm not talking about our start-ups.

Of the impressive $1.1 billion already committed to innovation, only a mere $8 million - or 0.7 per cent - will reach Australia's incubator and accelerator programs. These groups take early-stage start-ups and transform them into venture capital-worthy businesses.

Of this $8 million, Australia's proven accelerator and incubator programs will receive only a tiny amount - up to $50,000 each - in matched funding, while new and unproven programs will each receive up to $200,000.

Rohan Workman is the director of the Melbourne Accelerator Program at the University of Melbourne.
Rohan Workman is the director of the Melbourne Accelerator Program at the University of Melbourne. Pat Scala

Contrast this to the $28 million spent on simply advertising the government's agenda earlier this year.

While the Victorian government has allocated funds to support the start-up ecosystem as well ($60 million), it remains to be seen how much of this will go to accelerators and incubators.

The federal government wants to use its $8 million incentive to get new accelerator programs up and running, which it believes will in turn nurture the ecosystem.

Flawed logic

But this logic is flawed. Just like venture capitalists wouldn't invest $5 million in an early-stage start-up when it hasn't proven the core assumptions of its business, neither should the government invest the largest amounts in unproven programs.

Only when a business is ready to scale do you increase the investment.

This scattergun approach belies the very ethos of start-up investment in which more cash is given to start-ups that are more advanced and are a lower risk.

Australia does not have a problem with starting a business - we have a problem with scaling businesses. It's in that scalability where the disproportionately large economic and cultural returns will be seen and is why accelerators exist - to help start-ups grow quickly.

To create a vibrant start-up ecosystem with scalable businesses, we need quality of accelerator and incubator programs over quantity.

Track record

Since 2012, conservative estimates say Melbourne Accelerator Program's contribution to the Australian economy has reached $32 million - a contribution already four times larger than the government's spending allowance for accelerator and incubator programs.

We've also accelerated start-ups like Brosa, Venuemob and Quanticare Technologies— all of which have showed signs that they are on their way to big success.

Like most incubator and accelerator programs, we run a lean operation and haven't received any government funding to date. Given we don't take equity in start-ups, at this stage we're reliant on continued support from the University of Melbourne, on corporate partnerships, and donations from successful alumni to help make ends meet.

We can't help but look abroad and see how other governments are nurturing this space.

Singapore is a world leader in start-up ecosystem development. In the city state, incubators can invest up to $S250,000 ($A238,240) and have every dollar matched with $S1.50 ($1.43) of funding through the government's Media Development Authority.

International evidence even points to the long-term value of established accelerators, showing that in the US, for every dollar of public investment in incubators an additional $30 in tax revenue is generated. On top of this, for every $10,000 of government funding invested, 58 new local jobs are created.

There's no denying that there's still a significant element of risk to what incubator and accelerator programs do – anyone playing in the start-up ecosystem knows it's a risky space. However, if Australia is going to transition to a knowledge economy the bigger risk is to not take these risks.

This budget we're hoping the Turnbull government will adopt the lean start-up approach to funding the accelerator and incubator ecosystem. A more substantial contribution from its coffers should be allocated to this critical piece of soft infrastructure to allow us to demonstrate the enormous cultural and economic impact we can deliver together.

It's time to back the backers of the next generation of Australian entrepreneurs.

Rohan Workman is the director of the Melbourne Accelerator Program at the University of Melbourne.