Productivity Commission recommendation threatens livelihood of book industry

Tom Keneally has grave misgivings for the future of the book publishing industry if parallel import restrictions are ...
Tom Keneally has grave misgivings for the future of the book publishing industry if parallel import restrictions are modified. Paul Jones
by Tom Keneally

Like other Australians, I was excited when Malcolm Turnbull announced encouragement for innovation in Australia. How strange would it be if, at the inception of innovation policy, the very medium through which ideas are disseminated in Australia, the publishing industry, were eviscerated.

Sadly this is what we are facing.

On Friday the Productivity Commission draft report on intellectual property recommended the government repeal parallel import restrictions for books – to take effect no later than the end of 2017.

Publishing and bookselling in Australia are subject to parallel importation rules (or restrictions, depending how you look at them). I hope that's the most boring sentence I ever have to write. The truth is though that PIR is a major factor in the Australia we have, in its identity, its cohesion, its heritage.

Author Richard Flanagan (left) and Thomas Keneally. The two teamed up with Peter Carey to ask the government to protect ...
Author Richard Flanagan (left) and Thomas Keneally. The two teamed up with Peter Carey to ask the government to protect the local publishing industry in the same way the UK and the US does. Sahlan Hayes

PIR represents the little ledge of copyright security, the small acre, on which we have created a respected publishing industry, one of the largest in the world, and a treasure house of writing of all kinds.  On that said ledge, many successful books of Australian or international derivation enable the publication of more marginal Australian books and more risky ones – that is the way a healthy publishing industry is run.

It is worth saying that PIR does not restrict individual readers from buying books from anywhere in the world, and book retailers can order single copies from anywhere in the world on behalf of a customer.

A customer has freedom in Australia under the current model but the law protects the industry from large-scale dumping.

As the law is now, if an Australian publishing company owns the rights to publish any book in Australia, section 37 of the Copyright Act of 1968 prohibits other people, major booksellers, for example, from importing commercial quantities of that book from other markets. According to law, the Australians have the right to publish their edition within a month of publication elsewhere. But in fact Australian publishers have agreed to produce their edition of any book within 14 days of publication elsewhere.

Australian publishing produces more than 7000 books annually and supports over 1000 related businesses.
Australian publishing produces more than 7000 books annually and supports over 1000 related businesses. Daniel Munoz

In November 2015 Treasurer Scott Morrison said the government supported the parallel importation of books but would progress the recommendation of the Productivity Commission after its report on the matter.

So what would that mean?

Take territorial copyright away, and the ecology of the Australian book world and the range of Australian books published will wither. "Without parallel import restrictions, Australian publishers would be exposed to all the risks and failures but be unable to benefit from the successes," says a comprehensive report  from Systems Knowledge Concepts Australian publishing

New Zealand repealed its PIR legislation in 1998. Since that time the New Zealand publishing industry has contracted disastrously. Even since 2008, according to Nielsen Bookscan, the range of books published there has shrunk by more than a further third, and sales are down 16 per cent. 

The cost of New Zealand books has risen since 2008, while Australian prices in 2015, under PIR, had fallen and were 18.2 per cent cheaper than New Zealand's. The orthodox priests of fundamental market economics have not produced a New Zealand miracle, but a wasteland where once there was an industry, and a betrayal, as well, of New Zealand's literary inheritance.

Our industry produces more than 7000 new books annually and generates $2 billion in revenue. More than 1000 businesses in Australia are engaged in the publishing industry, and directly employ more than 4000 people. Many are, of course, small businesses. Australia has the 14th largest publishing industry in the world and the largest independent bookseller section in the entire English language market.

My friend the author Richard Flanagan was so concerned about the coming immolation that he got together with Peter Carey and myself and drafted a letter. By now Flanagan's reputation is such that he would survive without the local market, but it was the market that grew him, and he loyally wanted to see it continue in existence.

Of the proposed abolition of PIR, he wrote, "The consequences will be job losses, public revenue losses when profits are transferred overseas, and a brutal reduction in the range of Australian books publishers will be able to publish. Australia will become a dumping ground for American and English books, and we will risk becoming – as we once were – a colony of the minds of others … We are not asking for money, or for a subsidy.

"But as writers we ask for the same rules and intellectual property rights that prevail for writers and book publishing in the USA, in Britain, and in Europe." The Americans and British have never contemplated abandoning their territorial copyright for the sake of economic fundamentalism. Nor should we!

And it cannot be irrelevant that books are not toothbrushes, as admirable for their purposes as toothbrushes are. Books are our magical doors, our personal treasures, cherished possessions loanable only to closest friends. In the name of the totalitarian Moloch of a free market, some are willing to cut out of the picture not only the present emerging writers of Australia, but writers of the future, and with them the wonders that could be created by them, the beloved artefacts of the spirit of our community.

Thomas Keneally is the author of most recently, 'Napoleon's Last Stand', published by Random House. Among his most famous titles are 'Schindler's Ark' (1982) and 'Bring Larks and Heroes'. (1967).

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