Let me be your guide to this video.
The following comparisons to
Mormon temple rituals can be made in order of appearance in the video:
DEEP VOICE FROM SPEAKERS - This actually happens in the Mormon temple. The recorded voice tells you to do many things, & everyone is expected to follow instructions.
NAME - This actually happens right before you are given a "new name". The deep voice does not ask for it, but right before a typical "endowment session" you are asked your name so the temple worker can give you a new name on behalf of a deceased person.
STAND UP - This happens often, the deep voice instructs to you stand & sit many times.
NEW NAME - This actually happens, every temple attendant is given a new name when they go through the ceremony for the first time.
Everyone is encouraged to whisper/speak quietly "in the house of the
DON'T REVEAL THE NEW NAME - You are instructed to never reveal the new name to anyone (except for the appointed time in the temple ceremony).
SECRET - All Mormon temple-goers will tell you "
It's not secret, it's sacred!" This line is repeated almost verbatim by Mormons when asked about the secret temple rituals. They are instructed to not talk about it or reveal it.
Near the beginning, everyone is given a chance to leave before making promises, failure to keep said promises you are told will bring about
God's judgement. The ceremony continues, without giving you another chance to leave & you now feel obligated to continue making promises with God. The countdown portrayed in this video is there for comedic purposes, although it does represent the short amount of time given to "commit" without ever knowing what you are committing to.
PUT ON THE APRON - Everyone in the Mormon temple endowment ceremony puts on a green apron with images of leaves.
Temple workers will make sure you are wearing your temple robes etc exactly as directed by the voice.
HAT - Everyone wears an odd white 'hat'.
TURN THE HAT AROUND - Everyone is directed to turn the hat at a certain
point in the ceremony.
ARM UP - There are different parts of the ceremony where everyone raises their arm to the square, among other things.
HAND - This is the classic "secret handshake" that some people talk about with Mormon temple ceremonies. We decided to portray it as holding hands just for comedic value. The actual handshakes are very specific.
OWN - This one is in fact real. The temple ritual wording is all encompassing.
Below is a partial transcript of this part in the ceremony.
The voice says:
"All arise. Each of you bring your right arm to the square. You and each of you covenant and promise before God
.. that you do accept the law of consecration.. in that you do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.. Each of you bow your head and say, "
Yes." "
REAL - One of the most manipulative themes in the Mormon temple is the constant reference to
Satan and his power. You are shown short temple "movies" as part of the ceremony, where God is shown creating the world etc. In these films, Satan turns towards the camera and says menacingly towards the audience "I have a word to say concerning these people. If they do not walk up to every covenant they make at these altars in this temple this day, they will be in my power!" This threat is very real to believers in this situation. They are being threatened in the temple to keep all promises made, the punishment of not doing so is to give yourself to the power of the
17. REPEAT AFTER ME - The phrase in this video "repeat after me" isn't used in the actual ceremony, but you are told exactly what to say/do and it is difficult to explain how odd and downright creepy it is to be in a room filled with people dressed in white robes, white hats, green aprons and a deep voice commanding everyone to promise everything they own to the "
Church" by bowing your head and hearing the voices of everyone around you echo the word "Yes".
At the end of the
Mormon Temple ceremony, everyone has the "honor" of going into a special room which is called the "celestial room". Here you are encouraged to ponder, feel the "
Holy Ghost" and receive "personal revelation". All of which could be described by an outsider as a powerful placebo to induce meditative states or emotional experiences, heightening the belief in the practice of temple worship.
UNDERWEAR - This is one of the most talked about jokes in connection to Mormons.
Special temple underwear, called "temple garments" by the faithful, these are to be worn almost always. They are to be worn as a reminder of your promises made in the temple.
- published: 07 Dec 2015
- views: 3255