- published: 27 Nov 2017
- views: 1449
Coordinates: 40°N 100°W / 40°N 100°W / 40; -100
The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major territories and various possessions. The 48 contiguous states and Washington, D.C., are in central North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is in the northwestern part of North America and the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. At 3.8 million square miles (9.842 million km2) and with over 320 million people, the country is the world's third or fourth-largest by total area and the third most populous. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries. The geography and climate of the United States are also extremely diverse, and the country is home to a wide variety of wildlife.
Ultimo minuto (also known as The Last Minute) is a 1987 Italian comedy-drama film directed by Pupi Avati. The film won the David di Donatello for best sound (to Raffaele De Luca) and for best original song (to Riz Ortolani).
Un destructor de EE.UU. con 56 misiles Tomahawk entra en el mar Negro ¡URGENTE!
ULTIMO MINUTO Py0ngyang dice que sus armas nvcleares apuntan a EE.UU.
Ultimas noticias de EEUU, TRUMP ¿PERSONAJE DEL AÑO? 27/11/2017
Jackson Hole Wyoming USA Town Square - SeeJH.com
Ultimas noticias de EEUU, INICIA CAMPAÑA PARA DESTITUIR A TRUMP 28/11/2017
Animación Coco se apodera de la taquilla en EEUU | Noticiero | Telemundo
Maduro provoca la invasión de EEUU a Venezuela
Ultimas noticias de EEUU, TRUMP HACIA UN CONFLICTO MUNDIAL 26/11/2017
La peor pesadilla de EEUU se hace realidad: Despega el nuevo "Cisne Blanco"
Ultimas noticias de EEUU, TRUMP DA APOYO INCONDICIONAL A MORE 27/11/2017
ULTIMA HORA K1m hace sonar las alarmas en EE.UU Nuevas imágenes 17/11/2017
🔴Ultimo minuto EEUU Corea del Norte Cuba DESAFIAN 23/11/2017
‘EEUU apoya a sus aliados para no perder su poder en Siria’
La nueva Súper Arma de Rusia genera preocupación a EEUU es el torpedo nuclear STATUS 6
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Nuestro travieso mico... nos cuenta las peripecias que pasa un hombre con su esposa, cuando viajan a los Estados Unidos de compras CORTESÍA: CANAL CARACOL
- See all Jackson Hole Webcams here - http://www.seejh.com/live?ref=sjhyt - Cam by Pizzeria Caldera - http://pizzeriacaldera.com/?ref=sjhyt - FAQ - https://goo.gl/LR3PiI - Stream by http://TerraFox.com/?ref=sjhyt
Este canal esta orientado a informar las ultimas noticias mas importantes de tu pais y del mundo. Toda la informacion es absolutamente de fuentes confiables y verificadas. Tambien ubicanos en: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/V%C3%ADdeos-y-noticias-del-mundo-470648956454742/
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. La última película de Disney-Pixar, Coco, superó a La Liga de la Justicia durante el feriado de Acción de Gracias en Estados Unidos; la cinta rinde un homenaje a la tradición mexicana del Día de los Muertos. SUBSCRIBETE: http://bit.ly/1JI1uXV Noticias Este es el canal en Youtube de la división de noticias de la cadena Telemundo en los Estados Unidos. El "Noticiero Telemundo”, presentado entre semana por María Celeste Arrarás y José Díaz-Balart -y fines de semana por Edgardo del Villar- es el programa insignia de la división y la fuente de información más confiable de la comunidad hispana en los Estados Unidos. El programa “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” y los eventos especiales de la cadena, forman parte del compromiso de Telemundo para llevar a los hi...
Venezuela. Donald Trump exige libertad a los directivos de la empresa Citgo que tienen nacionalidad estadounidense. 24 noviembre 2017. En 1989 en Panamá un ataque individual a un soldado americano fue el detonante para el plan de la invasion. Las excusas sobran. Citgo tiene sede en los Estados Unidos y sus funcionarios son americanos. Nicolas Maduro los tilda de espias y los humilla porque son norteamericanos. Maduro se burlo y hasta insinuo que serian tratados de una forma en la que violaria los derechos humanos El departamento de Estado le pide al Gobierno venezolano que liberen a los directivos de conformidad con la Convención de Viena El regimen de Maduro se ha negado e indican que EEUU quiere quedarse con la totalidad de la empresa Citgo, un interes de los exp presidentes Bush de e...
Este canal esta orientado a informar las ultimas noticias mas importantes de tu pais y del mundo. Toda la informacion es absolutamente de fuentes confiables y verificadas. Tambien ubicanos en: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/V%C3%ADdeos-y-noticias-del-mundo-470648956454742/
Este canal esta orientado a informar las ultimas noticias mas importantes de tu pais y del mundo. Toda la informacion es absolutamente de fuentes confiables y verificadas. Tambien ubicanos en: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/V%C3%ADdeos-y-noticias-del-mundo-470648956454742/
Este canal esta orientado a informar las ultimas noticias mas importantes de tu pais y del mundo. Toda la informacion es absolutamente de fuentes confiables y verificadas. Tambien ubicanos en: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/V%C3%ADdeos-y-noticias-del-mundo-470648956454742/
China busca competir con Estados Unidos para cambiar el equilibrio de poder en el Pacífico occidental, señala un informe de Forbes. “China quiere que sus fuerzas armadas, terceras en el mundo, compitan con el N ° 1, Estados Unidos, por la influencia en el Pacífico occidental en lugar de estar retenida detrás de la cadena de islas”, se lee en un informe publicado el viernes en el portal estadounidense Forbes. Al desarrollar tal teoría, el informe menciona el término ‘cadena de islas’ para referirse a los obstáculos en el camino de China para impulsar su influencia militar en el Pacífico occidental, donde EE.UU. tiene una extendida presencia. Luego, el texto especifica la ‘primera cadena de islas’ en alusión a las “islas sureñas de las Kuriles, el archipiélago japonés, Taiwán, el norte de...
Nosotros le brindamos la información veraz y oportuna con nuestras fuentes confiables, sea parte de nosotros en nuestras redes sociales. ................................................................... SIGUENOS EN FACEBOOK ▶ https://goo.gl/aTUorT SIGUENOS EN TWITER ▶ https://twitter.com/AlfredRichW7 SUSCRIBETE A NUESTRO CANAL EN YOUTUBE ▶ https://goo.gl/j5mUn4
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El primer ministro de Turquía, Binali Yildirim, criticó a EE.UU. por apoyar y armar a las fuerzas kurdas en el norte de Siria para combatir a Daesh en el país árabe. El premier turco lo dijo en una entrevista concedida a la cadena británica BBC, tras una reunión con su homóloga británica, Theresa May, en la capitalina Londres, donde abordó temas de índole bilateral y regional, como la crisis siria y la lucha antiterrorista. Yildirim dijo que no ve necesario seguir armando a los kurdos, ya que el grupo terrorista EIIL (Daesh, en árabe) ha sido derrotado. Asimismo, reiteró el compromiso de Ankara en la lucha contra el terrorismo en Siria e Irak. El analista internacional Carlos Martínez aborda el tema desde Valencia (España) en una entrevista con HispanTV. ¡Suscríbete a HispanTV! https:/...
Este canal esta orientado a informar las ultimas noticias mas importantes de tu pais y del mundo. Toda la informacion es absolutamente de fuentes confiables y verificadas. Tambien ubicanos en: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/V%C3%ADdeos-y-noticias-del-mundo-470648956454742/
La nueva Súper Arma de Rusia genera preocupación a EEUU es el torpedo nuclear STATUS 6 Suscríbete a nuestro Canal https://www.youtube.com/c/ercirmilitar Canales recomendados en YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theFreeandTvofworld THE FREE AND TV OF WORLD https://www.youtube.com/user/PoderioArmadas PODERIO ARMADAS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6MDnk-6866vvErdQJ3weLg TOP 5 ARMED POWER Compra los mejores productos y lo último en tecnología, moda, libros, música, deportes, videojuegos, Línea Blanca y otros con descuentos, ofertas y promociones en cualquier parte del mundo y 100% seguro aquí en Amazon http://amzn.to/2v5JNgg YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ercirmilitar Google+: https://plus.google.com/+ercirmilitar Blogger: https://goodby-america.blogspot.com/ DEFENSA MILITAR MUNDIAL ...
The United States offers uncountable sights to the visitor, from the White House and the Capitolium in Washington through the skyscrapers of New York and the buildings of Chicago to the clay buildings of Santa Fe. The west, well known from the movies, awaits the visitors with wooden forts, the endless prairie, Indian villages and pueblos. Nature offers the visitor the Niagara Falls, the amazing red rocks of the Monument Valley, while the city of gambling, Las Vegas and the capital of movie making, Los Angeles shows the visitor a different side of the United States. Come along! -------------- Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p Be our fan on Facebook ► http://goo.gl/0xmbQk Follow us on Twitter ► http://goo.gl/334ln5 --------------...
There are a lot of Americans who are fascinated with traveling to Europe. Can you blame them, Europe is beautiful with a rich history and stunning old architecture. HOWEVER (and that’s a big however), the United States is home to extraordinary beauty as well. What it lacks in the historical/cultural department (compared to Europe) it more than makes up with its diverse and stunning natural beauty. From the beaches of Florida and the deserts of Arizona to the rugged peaks of California and the rain forests of Hawaii, there is hardly anything you cannot find in the United States. So if you are itching for travel, consider a trip around America. In fact, we humbly suggest you check out these 25 Beautiful Places In The United States You Need To Visit Today. Follow us on: Twitter: https://twit...
Take a tour of United States - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 destinations of the United States. Number five: Boston, one of the most historic cities of the United States. It has some of the finest academic institutions and many quaint, charming neighborhoods. Number four: Los Angeles. See the famous Hollywood landmarks, shop alongside the rich and famous, and hang out with the locals at pristine beaches. Number three: Las Vegas. It's the entertainment capital of the world. On the famous strip, amidst the glitzy lights, you will find exciting casinos, dining, shows, and nightlife. Number two: San Francisco. The beautiful city is set in spectacular natural settings. World-famous landmarks...
https://www.expedia.com/lp/destinations/178293 New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants. New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system. No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the ...
✱ 56.234 Hotels in U.S.A - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/Rdpbbv Travel video about destination USA - The West. The west of North America is full of amazing contrast and stretches from the pretentious world of the Hollywood glitterati to a landscape that is both natural and spectacular. This journey features some unique and impressive sights such as the historic rock settlements of the Native American Indians and fascinating salt deserts and volcanic areas.Los Angeles is synonymous with Hollywood and it was here that this amazing city attained worldwide fame. The Sidewalk Of Fame is covered with brass stars that bear the names of famous celebrities of both past and present. Universal Studios is the largest and most active film and television studio in the world as well as providin...
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in USA. Tourist attractions in USA, USA Tourist attractions, USA Attractions, USA Tourist Destinations, USA Destinations, USA Travel Video, Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn Omega Tours Co., LTD Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam Website: http://Omegatours.vn Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
Travel to Charleston, Savannah, Nashville, Memphis and New Orleans with Tour the World TV. In this episode we join Evergreen Tours for part two of our amazing journey across the southern US states. The Deep South is renowned for its hospitality – not to mention its fried chicken. We visit the genteel cities of Charleston and Savannah, and the home of country music – Nashville. It’s on to Memphis for a stop at Graceland – the home of Elvis, before the tour finishes in fabulous New Orleans. For more ideas on travel to the southern US states, please visit: http://thebigbus.com.au/category/north-america/usa/. You might also enjoy our North America travel guide: http://thebigbus.com.au/north-america/. To contact us, please email: info@thebigbus.com.au. This episode of Tour the World w...
http://www.expedia.com/Miami.d178286.Destination-Travel-Guides With its pristine beaches and palm tree-lined streets, Miami is one of the top tourist destinations in the country. Start your Miami tour out right with a sample of delicious Cuban cuisine, followed by some Latin dancing. You’ll find plenty of places all over the city to indulge in both, as well as art galleries, theaters, and numerous murals that contribute to Miami’s artistic spirit. Visit South Beach, or SoBe if you’re a local, and admire its Art Deco district, which is full of remarkable pre-World War II architecture. Continue your Miami sightseeing at iconic Miami Beach, where the streets are lined with palm trees, exotic hotels, and eye-popping cars. Move on to the white sands of the beach itself and lay out in the su...
http://bookinghunter.com Atlanta is the capital of and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Georgia. Atlanta was established in 1837 at the intersection of two railroad lines, and the city rose from the ashes of the Civil War to become a national center of commerce. Atlanta is situated among the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, and at 1,050 feet (320 m) above mean sea level, Atlanta has the highest elevation out of major cities east of the Mississippi River. The most important places to visit in Atlanta are: World of Coca-Cola, Georgia Aquarium, Inside CNN Atlanta, Centennial Olympic Park, Zoo Atlanta, Fernbank Museum of Natural History and Stone Mountain Park, Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, Margaret Mitchell House and Jimmy Carter Library & Museum. If you ...
✱ 2.087 Hotels in New York - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/o3ZkCp New York, the Big Apple for the locals, is the largest city of the United States. Its most famous sight is the monumental Statue of Liberty, but there are the famous skyscrapers like the Empire State Building or the Rockefeller Center, while the twin towers of the World trade Center are sadly missed. Along the streets cabs hunt for customers. The lung of the city is Central Park, the paradise of joggers and dog owners. The Wall Street is the center of the world of money, while the Broadway is the same for Arts. Famous theatres, museums, the cafes and clubs of Greenwich Village and the renewed places of the old docks await the visitors here.
✱ 1.228 Hotels in Utah - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/4f6ZfA Travel video about destination Utah in USA. The State of Utah is located in the south west of the United States of America is a land of endless horizons, canyons, deserts and big open spaces. What Mecca is to the Moslems and Rome is to the Catholics is what Salt Lake City is to the Mormons. It is also the capital of the U.S. federal state of Utah. The prosperous city also contains many of those of other faiths but the highly influential Mormon church makes most of the region’s political decisions. The administrative HQ of the world wide active Mormon church is, at a hundred and twenty eight metres high, the city’s tallest building. The religion’s financial might and strict administration still exist today. Each member ...
Things to do in New York City (United States/America) travel guide tourism video. America tourist places; New York travel guide. Travel to New York City (United States [USA]) with this travel guide video. Find the tourism attractions and top places to see in New York City. Follow Traveling with Krushworth: Facebook - http://on.fb.me/1NKKOwo Twitter - http://bit.ly/1MwQYT1 Travel Blog - https://www.travelingwithkrushworth.com Subscribe @ http://bit.ly/1OndKNL. For more travel stories and photographs, visit me at www.travelingwithkrushworth.com. Thanks to Kevin MacLeod for all music, which is listed below. Enter the Party Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com) Shades of Spring Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com) Hot Swing Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com) Opportunity Walks Kevin Macleod (incompetech...
✱ 245 Hotels in Las Vegas - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/MJvh3s Travel video about destination Las Vegas in the United States of America. A fascinating glimpse into the non-stop entertainment capital of the world, Las Vegas, that offers a great deal more than the gambling casinos for which it's famous. There's the Luxor Hotel that was built at a cost of 400 million dollars and contains 2,526 rooms and an atrium that can accommodate nine jumbo jets. This is in stark contrast to the Excalibur Hotel that evokes King Arthur and his Round Table. Even the New York skyline is on full view and features Greenwich Village, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty and a screeching roller-coaster ride above the residential quarters of New York! The exclusive Romanesque Caesar's Pala...
If you're traveling to the U.S. for the first time there are some things you should know. Hannah and John discuss warnings that other countries give their citizens when they come to the states. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions, exposes amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! ...
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in State Maine: Travel Guide Maine Acadia National Park, Baxter State Park, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Desert of Maine, Eartha The Revolving Globe, Funtown Splashtown, Kennebunkport, Portland Museum of Art, Ski in Maine, Victoria Mansion Portland, Whale Watching in Bar Harbor
http://bookinghunter.com Boston is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Massachusetts, officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. One of the oldest cities in the United States, Boston was founded on the Shawmut Peninsula in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England. The most important places to visit in Boston are: Boston Common (starting point for Freedom Trail, dating back to 1634, this central public park is loved by locals as well as visitors), Massachusetts State Building (given its gold dome, the state capital can not be missed. It is the seat of the Massachusetts government), Faneuil Hall (constructed in 1742, it has been an important meeting hall. Today there's a market that offers many places to eat and shop), Beacon Hill (a famous historical neighborhood of Boston,...
http://bookinghunter.com Philadelphia is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the second largest city on the East Coast of the United States, and the fifth-most-populous city in the United States.[1] It is located in the Northeastern United States along the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, and it is the only consolidated city-county in Pennsylvania. The most important places to visit in Philadelphia are: Franklin Court (was raised in 1812, the ghost of it still stands today. Here is the Christ Church Burial Ground, another famous landmark, where Ben Franklin and four other signers of the Declaration of Independence were laid to rest), Congress Hall (was home of the first Congress. On top of that, George Washington and John Adams were inaugurated here, and the Bill of Righ...
These are the top tourist destinations brought to you by way of the U.S. of A. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 must-visit American cities. Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo. Also, check out the trivia section for this video: http://watchmojo.com/video/id/13083/#trivia Special thanks to our users Nc3210, ian_a_wm2014, e-sam and PepsiYes RacismNo for submitting this idea through our Suggest Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/Suggest Check out the voting page here, http://watchmojo.com/suggest/Top%20ten%20must%20visit%20american%20cities If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest ...
http://bookinghunter.com Phoenix is the capital, and largest city, of the U.S. state of Arizona, as well as the sixth most populous city nationally, and is also the most populous state capital in the United States. Located in the northeastern reaches of the Sonoran Desert, Phoenix has a subtropical desert climate. The most important places to visit in Phoenix are: Mining and Mineral Museum, Cosanti, Tovrea Castle, Sunrise Trail at McDowell Mountains, ASU Planetarium, The Arizona Grand Resort, Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona Science Center, Desert Botanical Gardens, Japanese Friendship Garden and many more. This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Phoenix travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hote...
✱ 347 Hotels in San Francisco - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/C2GdGK Travel video about destination San Francisco in the United States of America. It is difficult to believe that this lively, cosmopolitan city is under constant threat from earthquake, the only rumble being that of the famous cable cars as they vie up and down the city's hilly roads. A boat trip is a great way to see Fisherman's Wharf, various maritime museums, the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz, former home of Robert 'The Birdman' Stroud, Machine Gun Kelly and Al Capone. Built in 1776, San Francisco's first stone building, Mission Dolores, still stands today. Led by the Franciscan Padres, the Christianized Indians built a church, in the cemetery of which many of the city's original settlers were laid to rest. ...
I been on the low for a while, but now
It's time to rise up, so open your eyes up
And recognise the real, that's all up in your grill
Yo Yo gots the flow, y'all niggas know the deal [x2]
[Verse 1]
It's a must that I thrush world plush a little lush money
Green like sus-money, cream and takes the bus
International connects, plus discuss the hush-hush
West-side, Who Ride?, World-wide, Bomb-rush
So what's the deal with all this 'keep it real' rapping
I'm still flexing skills, collect my mill and keep stepping
Pack a weapon close if I ghost a nigga then I'm Swayze
Cause rapping pays me to live shady, wilin' crazy
Just the killer Cali lady, snatch your fuckin lady
If rappers be board, you niggas still couldn't play me
So save the drama for your mommy and your poppy
When I hit the track up a mad truck couldn't stop me
To all you, Versace wearin' Donna Karen tricks
Starin' all up in my grill, I'ma let you know the deal
I'm still droppin' bombs like Sudam Husain
Who-Bang, like Mack-10, sip gin and kick game
[Verse 2]
I've been on the low, but now it's time to show and prove
Turn my dues to power moves, I got 'em winning never lose
So whoever snooze, on the Y-O-Y-O better buy you
A superior plot, I'm blowin' up the spot
Hip-Hop's the mil-ticket, and I still kick it
For my niggas in the hood, best believe it's all good
My game is understood from LA to Amsterdam
So I organise my fam' and rock the world like Pearl Jam
This girl's a thriller, got more game than Shirl' Miller
And as this world turns, my main concern is earnin' scrilla
I'm realer than most don't test this west coast fever
On your reciever, with more respect than Aretha
Franklin, got mo' bankin', drudge and wheezy
I'm movin on up so give it up this shit ain't easy
But see I, step to my B I and be fly
Like a sparrow, but their all stackin' up 'Genaro
[Verse 3]
You best rocognise game about the things that I told
Everything that glitters an't gold, but this mic I hold
Is worth about a million, really don't peep the flow
I generate more pace than Wall Street when I blow
You know this how we do, in killer Cali rule
Mic check, one two, when the Yo be comin' through
With the lyrical, verbal miracle, oh Jesus
I say what I want and I do as I pleases
For any nigga step in my direction and question
My affection for this game that I be flexin'
The same as chin-checkin, I'll be right there like demolition
I'm on a mission, so just listen
I'm spittin', the game related, that keep you faded
Intoxicated, then your pocket get raided
I made it, for them G's and Ladies
Beneath the palm trees just shootin' the breeze
That's the way, uh uh, we like it
Bad as I wanna be, you don't wanna step to me
That's the way, uh uh, we like it
Steady Risin' to the top, movin' up another notch [x2]