Annual Rural Caucus & Strategy Session


The Rural Caucus and Strategy Session is the biggest day of the year for ROP – it is when the entire statewide network of rural organizers and community leaders come together to share stories and skills, build relationships and analysis, and advance plans to strengthen the movement for democracy and justice in rural and small town Oregon.  

The Rural Caucus & Strategy Session began in the early 1990s and continued as an annual tradition because it serves as a space for leaders to reflect on our work over the last year, share our lessons learned, and build collective next steps. Every Rural Caucus & Strategy Session features think tanks on topics that reflect on our moment in time, the issues impacting rural and small town Oregon, and how to continue to build our long-term movement for justice and human dignity.

Saturday, May 14th – the main event!
Rural Caucus & Strategy Session (8:30am-5:30pm): ROP’s annual Rural Caucus & Strategy Session will bring together leaders from across Oregon to share stories and skills, build relationships and analysis, and advance plans to strengthen the movement for democracy and justice in rural and small town Oregon. Workshops, strategy sessions, plenaries and lots of time to share local strategies with one another.

Sunday, May 15th
Rural Organizing Institute: Join activists, organizers, and community leaders from across the state for a half-day training to build the skills leaders and organizers need to engage their communities for social change!

Click here to go to the secure online payment page for registration fees.

Check out previous Caucuses:

2015 – Visionary & Fierce

2014 – Inspiration and Perseverance

2013 – 20 Years of the ROP Caucus

2012 – Themes, Reflections, and Stories from the Caucus

2011 – Photos and Stories from the Rural Caucus and Strategy Session

2010 – Hometown Strategies for a Democratic Economy

2009 – Organizing with Hope in Times of Crisis