Democracy & Civic Participation

ROP and Human Dignity Groups promote year-round rural civic engagement that builds power on local, state and national levels and facilitates democratic participation in our communities.

ROP tools, like the Democracy Grid, are on the Organizing Tools page under Human Dignity Groups.

Jul 152015

Patriot Movement Paramilitaries in Oregon Spencer Sunshine, PhD, Associate Fellow at Political Research Associates This is an expanded version of a talk given at the Rural Organizing Project’s Rural Caucus and Strategy Session in Woodburn, Oregon on June 13, 2015. The Patriot Movement: From Posse Comitatus to the Oath Keepers In April 2015, armed right-wing [read more]

 Posted by on July 15, 2015
Jun 022015

  Today we would like to share with you the incredible story of how Linn County leaders went from hosting an event to helping form a multigenerational and multiracial group who, in the face of hate activity, led their community in action and response! Community Action for Racial Equity (CARE)’s work is sure to inspire [read more]

 Posted by on June 2, 2015
May 222015

We wrote you on May 7th to tell you about right wing and militia groups from across the country converging in Josephine County for an armed standoff with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over what was in reality a matter of paperwork. After over a month of armed encampments, threats to BLM employees, intimidation [read more]

 Posted by on May 22, 2015
Mar 032015

March 2015 Kitchen Table Activity: Legislative Platform WHY THIS ACTIVITY? 2015 could be an incredible year for progressive change here in Oregon! Thanks to decades of organizing by many, including thousands upon thousands of rural and small town Oregonians, this session will include legislation that directly addresses many forms of police profiling to raising the [read more]

 Posted by on March 3, 2015
Feb 042015

Oregonians To Rally For Health Care For ALL–February 11 Dear ROP Human Dignity Groups, The Rural Organizing Project is a member of Health Care for All—Oregon (HCAO), a coalition of 100 organizations working to bring universal, publicly funded health care to Oregon. Coalition members include unions, businesses, advocacy organizations, and political, religious and local community [read more]

 Posted by on February 4, 2015
Dec 082014

Marcy Westerling, Rural Organizing Project Founder December 8th, 2014 Dear Friends of the Rural Organizing Project, Big-time elections can make genuine political conversation impossible. And when the voting is over, superficial analysis often leads to over-simplified conclusions. But human dignity leaders in the ROP have a tradition of taking the time before, during and after [read more]

 Posted by on December 8, 2014
Nov 042014

November 3rd, 2014 Dear ROPnetters, Over the last few months rural and small town Oregonians have made their voices heard. We have knocked on doors, hosted and attended forums, and made hundreds of phone calls. We have delivered STAND Voter Guides, marched through the streets, written letters to the editor, and talked with our neighbors. [read more]

 Posted by on November 4, 2014
Oct 252014

October 23rd, 2014 Dear ROPnet, This month we bring you stories from communities all over the state – rural and small town Oregonians taking action in support of driver cards and against deportations! Over the last few weeks human dignity groups have marched 7 miles from Scappoose to St Helens, marched 150 strong in Hermiston, [read more]

 Posted by on October 25, 2014
Oct 032014

October 3rd, 2014 Dear ROPnet, Our October Month of Action and organizing to pass the Driver Card here in Oregon is off to a great start! Human Dignity Advocates of Crook County set a high bar for action with their community event, “Common Sense on Measure 88.” Over forty people gathered in Prineville on a [read more]

 Posted by on October 3, 2014