
96fm - The Dog License
This is a Wind-up done on Irish Radio's Cork 96 FM a few years back. It genuine and must b...
published: 06 May 2008
author: finmix
96fm - The Dog License
96fm - The Dog License
This is a Wind-up done on Irish Radio's Cork 96 FM a few years back. It genuine and must be the funniest thing I ever heard! Its about telling a west cork fa...- published: 06 May 2008
- views: 204788
- author: finmix

Pet owner speaks out about dog license
Flint enforcers order mandatory dog licenses for pet owners....
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: connectmidmichigan
Pet owner speaks out about dog license
Pet owner speaks out about dog license
Flint enforcers order mandatory dog licenses for pet owners.- published: 24 Jun 2012
- author: connectmidmichigan

Town of Whitby Dog License Door to Door Harassment
The Town of Whitby does not canvass door to door for dog and cat licenses. These people ar...
published: 06 Aug 2013
Town of Whitby Dog License Door to Door Harassment
Town of Whitby Dog License Door to Door Harassment
The Town of Whitby does not canvass door to door for dog and cat licenses. These people are commissioned independent sales people often posing as municipal employees. This woman clearly identifies herself as a town employee until she realizes the camera is rolling. She came four times to our home and threatened with fines unless we purchased a dog license. Do not encourage this policy of the town. Purchase your dog license from the Town itself or your vet when when you get your dog vaccinated. Remind your town Councillor that you pay property taxes and the dog is legally your property. Do not hesitate to give these commissioned sales people a trespass warning. They have not been screened for Criminal Records. See official Town policy https://whitby.civicweb.net/Documents/DocumentDisplay.aspx?ID=6108 and http://www.whitby.ca/en/News/index.aspx?feedId=d1355fb3-c8f0-419b-a81d-ab1cef457bd0&newsId;=de57cffb-b282-46ac-a35f-dd0fce426ad0- published: 06 Aug 2013
- views: 51

"Dog License PSA" | Genesee County Michigan
With the dog licensing renewals procedures changing as of this year, the Genesee County, M...
published: 24 May 2013
author: thespenceragency
"Dog License PSA" | Genesee County Michigan
"Dog License PSA" | Genesee County Michigan
With the dog licensing renewals procedures changing as of this year, the Genesee County, Michigan Treasurer's Office wanted to inform the public - in a fun w...- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 227
- author: thespenceragency

Dog License Plates
Dog License Plates....
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: GearBuyersGuide
Dog License Plates

Beyond the Badge, January 2014 — Dog License Renewal
Attention dog owners, it's time to renew your dog licenses.
Residents are required to pur...
published: 03 Jan 2014
Beyond the Badge, January 2014 — Dog License Renewal
Beyond the Badge, January 2014 — Dog License Renewal
Attention dog owners, it's time to renew your dog licenses. Residents are required to purchase a license for all dogs six months of age or older. Licenses are to be renewed annually at the beginning of each year.- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 6

2014 Montgomery County, OH Dog License Commercial
2014 Montgomery County dog licenses are on sale now through January 31, 2014!
Owners whos...
published: 02 Dec 2013
2014 Montgomery County, OH Dog License Commercial
2014 Montgomery County, OH Dog License Commercial
2014 Montgomery County dog licenses are on sale now through January 31, 2014! Owners whose dogs have been spayed or neutered will pay a $20 license fee. Owners whose dogs have not been altered will pay $24 per dog license. All currently licensed dogs registered as spayed or neutered will automatically pay the $20 license fee. For newly acquired dogs, owners can: o Provide veterinary records confirming spay / neuter status o Submit a form provided by the County and completed by their veterinarian o Submit a legal affidavit affirming that their dog is altered There are exceptions made for dog breeders who have proper registration and hunters who have a valid hunting license and use their dog for hunting. In addition, dogs that are medically certified by their veterinarian as being too old or health compromised may receive the $20 rate by providing certification with their application to the Auditor's Office. Licenses are available online at www.mcohio.org/dogs, at Montgomery County Auditor Karl Keith's Office, the Animal Resource Center and numerous outposts. Call 937-225-4314 for more information. Dog license sales are the Animal Resource Center's major source of funding. Proceeds from license sales ensure that the Animal Resource Center can care for stray and lost animals, spay and neuter every animal that leaves the center as an adopted pet and provide animal control services throughout the County. The Animal Resource Center is a nationally recognized shelter providing excellent service and care to the citizens of Montgomery County and their pets.- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 8

Dog License Renewal Applications (Pennsylvania)
A look at the dog license renewal applications generated by our Online Dog Licensing syste...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: OnlineDogLicensing
Dog License Renewal Applications (Pennsylvania)
Dog License Renewal Applications (Pennsylvania)
A look at the dog license renewal applications generated by our Online Dog Licensing system. This demo is specific to Pennsylvania, but is reflective of our ...- published: 13 Mar 2013
- author: OnlineDogLicensing

2013 Dog License Commercial - Bark Park
The Montgomery County Bark Park is a great place to take your four-legged friend and all y...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: MontgomeryCountyOH
2013 Dog License Commercial - Bark Park
2013 Dog License Commercial - Bark Park
The Montgomery County Bark Park is a great place to take your four-legged friend and all your pet needs is a dog license to get in on the fun. A Montgomery C...- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 63
- author: MontgomeryCountyOH

Metal detecting - small spigot, Jeep, watch, wheat penny, dog license and a ring.
WOOHOO no rain today. Had a good time diggin up my uncle's yard. The old man was callin me...
published: 13 Apr 2013
author: BobsDigginIt
Metal detecting - small spigot, Jeep, watch, wheat penny, dog license and a ring.
Metal detecting - small spigot, Jeep, watch, wheat penny, dog license and a ring.
WOOHOO no rain today. Had a good time diggin up my uncle's yard. The old man was callin me gopher.- published: 13 Apr 2013
- views: 197
- author: BobsDigginIt

Grandma's dog license story.3gp
Lawyers shouls never ask a mississippi grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the ...
published: 22 Feb 2014
Grandma's dog license story.3gp
Grandma's dog license story.3gp
Lawyers shouls never ask a mississippi grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer. By Dina Alattar. IDK if this is true!!! I OWN NOTHING. Hey . IDK if this is true!!! I OWN NOTHING. Grandma goes to court in front of a Judge for not have having a dog license. Edward, at home, talking to his grandma. Get to know all about Grandma and what questions she will be able to answer for you. Inbox me your questions and I will be posting new videos every week! Contrary to the title, this has little to do with Canada.or Grandmothers for that matter. Don't know how well this will actually work on YT, but I figured . Leila's story about Grandma mcgarvey. And another loep for Animation Design (HBO artez, Zwolle). For now this is my last one. It's about a bandit who tries to escape from his jail. But he get spo. atar triak triak. GRAMMA IS FUNNY. Orlando toughen up!!!! In the wake of tragedy, entrepreneuring programmers create apps and games to capitalize on sensationalized horrors. Someone created a Trayvon Martin app; man. Subscribe, CLICK HERE: Vine by: Eric Walbridge Be sure to subscribe and share with all your friends! Vines Compilation 2. Former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa talks to Larry about marriage equality, surviving scandal, and who he blames for the stalled immigration reform effort. . WIN* don't want to miss this level:Boss. Jimmy. Jostin had us rolling. hahah good times. Recording on tablet. My Grandma shows the world she's a single lady!- published: 22 Feb 2014
- views: 0

2013 Dog License Commercial - General
Montgomery County dog owners, thank you for showing how much you care. A dog license tells...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: MontgomeryCountyOH
2013 Dog License Commercial - General
2013 Dog License Commercial - General
Montgomery County dog owners, thank you for showing how much you care. A dog license tells everyone your pet is loved and it's the best way to reunite the tw...- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 139
- author: MontgomeryCountyOH
Youtube results:

Deschutes County Dog Licensing - License Them!
Oregon Revised Statute 609.100 and Deschutes County Code 6.04.012 requires that every pers...
published: 18 Feb 2014
Deschutes County Dog Licensing - License Them!
Deschutes County Dog Licensing - License Them!
Oregon Revised Statute 609.100 and Deschutes County Code 6.04.012 requires that every person owning or keeping any dog that has a set of permanent canine teeth or is six months old, whichever comes first, shall within thirty days after he becomes the owner or keeper of the dog, and yearly thereafter, procure from the County a license for the dog. Dogs are issued a permanent tag which has the ID number and the phone numbers for both the Bend and Redmond animal shelters. Each shelter has a computer with up-to-date lists of tag numbers and owners' addresses and phone numbers. Licenses and ID tags may also be purchased at these shelters. Instead of buying a new tag each year, pet owners will keep the same tag and mail in an annual renewal fee. Dog License Application forms are available at Deschutes County Finance Department, Veterinary offices, as well as the Redmond and Central Oregon animal shelters. No dog license fee shall be required to be paid for any dog owned by a blind or deaf person who uses the dog as a guide. A license shall be issued for such a dog upon filing with the County a signed statement by the blind or deaf person stating facts showing that the person is entitled to this exemption. Such licenses shall be renewed every year. Rabies certificate must be valid for the same period of time as the license. Any person owning or keeping an unlicensed dog will be subject to a fine.- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 2

Metal detecting good clad haul, beautiful cog, mystery medal, dog license and buttons.
Been doing a lot of short hunts at several locations....
published: 02 May 2013
author: BobsDigginIt
Metal detecting good clad haul, beautiful cog, mystery medal, dog license and buttons.
Metal detecting good clad haul, beautiful cog, mystery medal, dog license and buttons.
Been doing a lot of short hunts at several locations.- published: 02 May 2013
- author: BobsDigginIt

Fibber McGee & Molly radio show 3/19/40 Dog License Problem
The McGees receive a letter from the city telling them to renew their dog license or else....
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: FrankNelsonNet
Fibber McGee & Molly radio show 3/19/40 Dog License Problem
Fibber McGee & Molly radio show 3/19/40 Dog License Problem
The McGees receive a letter from the city telling them to renew their dog license or else. Trouble is, they don't own a dog. There's an interesting historica...- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 37
- author: FrankNelsonNet

Guess How Bolls Know My Dog License Needs Renewal? (Boll's Idea of a FUNfilled Saturday Night)
One theory POST OFFICE ACCIDENTALLY Mixed up the mail and they opened a notice of renewal ...
published: 14 Jul 2013
Guess How Bolls Know My Dog License Needs Renewal? (Boll's Idea of a FUNfilled Saturday Night)
Guess How Bolls Know My Dog License Needs Renewal? (Boll's Idea of a FUNfilled Saturday Night)
One theory POST OFFICE ACCIDENTALLY Mixed up the mail and they opened a notice of renewal from the City. Or animal control told them license wasnt up to date? Robin's Influence Over HCP Board- published: 14 Jul 2013
- views: 9