- published: 05 Jun 2017
- views: 152400
Boxxy is a character performed by American Internet celebrity Catherine "Catie" Wayne, known for her highly energetic vlogs. Her rise in popularity began in late 2008 and early 2009.
Her videos, under her YouTube account known as "boxxybabee", were initially made to be posted to her Gaia Online friends.
In January 2008, Wayne recorded two videos addressing her friends on Gaia Online and uploaded them to YouTube under the alias boxxybabee. They were reposted to the site i-am-bored.com later in the year, and then eventually appeared on 4chan. Wayne responded to the popularity of her initial videos in a third video that was uploaded to her new YouTube channel, boxxybabee, in January 2009. The videos depict Wayne in heavy eyeliner rambling excitedly about various things.
The presence of the videos was divisive on 4chan, with factions claiming to either support or oppose Boxxy, leading to various flame wars and hacking incidents. This led to a denial-of-service attack on 4chan itself, shutting the site down for several hours. Participants went elsewhere, launching a "Twitter bomb" that May. On YouTube, the popular Boxxy channel was hacked and the source's identity outed. A number of spoofs, parody videos and remixes were posted throughout the web.
Wayne may refer to:
"Thank you" is a common expression of gratitude. It often refers to a thank you letter, a letter written to express appreciation.
Thank You or Thank U may also refer to:
what it's like to be a youtuber
What's Wrong With Catie Wayne's Hair
Catie Reacts to YouTubers React to Boxxy!
Live Anyhoo G+ Hangout with Catie Wayne
Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End ft Catie Wayne Belated Media Movie Talks #4
Catie Wayne: Thank you
Mirror of the first Anyhoo channel livestream with Catie Wayne
boxxy makeup tutorial - valentines day!
The Best Moments of MLP:FiM Re-enacted!
Cuttlefish Are Weird, Gross & Beautiful
Geese Are Weird, Gross and Beautiful
CATIE's extended interview.
Raccoons Are Weird, Gross & Beautiful
Santa Baby - 3v3 (official music video)
Steve and Will's SNACK CHIP Adventure! Ft. Catie Wayne!
I'm fuc**** magic dude by Catie Wayne (ReUpload)
i got in a fight once.
STAR WARS Cookies and Blue Milk (CETWC Ep 8)
Homemade Taco Bell (Creating Edible Things With Catie ep 5)
Thank you so much for everything. This video was meant to come out on June 3rd but WHOOPS looks like making youtube videos while you're in the middle of moving is pretty tuff. PLS WATCH MY SHOW https://www.groundedreason.com/watch-disney-channel-online-legally/ send me silly faces to imitate you know iT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN: http://www.twitter.com/catiewayne also i have an official bookface: http://www.facebook.com/catiexboxxy if you want a tshirt or something, you could go here: http://www.boxxosphere.spreadshirt.com © 2009-2017 Catherine Wayne (ANewHopeee/Boxxybabee/bodaciousboxxy)
Do you think Catie Wayne's hair looks like a dead animal? We're putting out new episodes Monday-Sunday, so please tune in daily and subscribe! Download the new Animalist iOS App: http://anmlst.co/1dILpRb Check out some of Catie's personal YouTube content at: http://www.youtube.com/user/ANewHopeee?feature=watch Twitter: @catiewayne Facebook: facebook.com/catiexboxxy website: www.catiewayne.com Check out some of Alex's personal YouTube content on his Damitsgood808 channel!: http://www.youtube.com/damitsgood808 Special Thank You to Trace Dominguez: Twitter: trace501 Take a look at all of our other awesome animal shows at http://animalist.com And don't forget to subscribe to Animalist! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=animalistnetwork MORE FUN LINKS FOR YOUR FACES!...
i happened upon this yesterday and i was like... "yes." subscribe to TheFineBros! http://bit.ly/TheFineBros if you feel like it, subscribe to me! i upload new content every Friday. :3 subscribe to all the lovely youtubers! Brittani Louise Taylor http://www.youtube.com/BrittaniLouiseTaylor Jordan AKA CaptainSparklez http://www.youtube.com/CaptainSparklez ChesterSee http://www.youtube.com/ChesterSee Sam & Niko from Corridor Digital http://www.youtube.com/CorridorDigital Jack & Finn Harries http://www.youtube.com/JacksGap Joe Penna http://www.youtube.com/MysteryGuitarMan Rhett & Link http://www.youtube.com/RhettAndLink Shane Dawson http://www.youtube.com/ShaneDawsonTV Philip DeFranco http://www.youtube.com/sxephil Tay Zonday http://www.youtube.com/TayZonday Gianni http://www.youtube.com/Wa...
Subscribe: http://rev3.co/SubscribeToAnyhoo Facebook: http://rev3.co/AnyhooFacebook Twitter: http://rev3.co/AnyhooTwitter Watch more! 5 Animals That Can Speak for Themselves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbSzTIdm5-g 4 Insane Ways Animals Have Been Used by the Military https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ThN2UVK_sE
Nov 14, 2014 Catie hosted a live Q&A; session on the Discovery Digital Networks (DDN) Anyhoo youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/revision3/videos After the livestream was over, the recordings were removed from the official anyhoo youtube channel but I managed to save this low quality version first, so here is my mirror of the recording.
Chubby Bunny Impressions on Catie's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKocUH2UfMg TWEET IT! http://www.clicktotweet.com/J125d This is far from the last video you shall see of Catie and me... but it's a good start. ;D Catie's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ANewHopeee/ Catie's Twitter: https://twitter.com/CatieWayne FOLLOW ME ON THE THINGS! twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brizzyvoices facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brizzyvoices vlogs: http://www.youtube.com/brizzyvlogs instagram: http://www.instagram.com/brizzyvoices meow!
a makeup tutorial for the 2013 boxxy valentines day video: FOAR BOIS FRUM BOXXY i filmed this right before i filmed the boxxy video. share this with the people who still think i'm not the person who plays boxxy, for whatever reason. :3 HA! music: Daneilson742 - check him out on youtube! youtube.com/user/danielson742 come hang out at my website: http://www.catiewayne.com also i have an official bookface: http://www.facebook.com/catiexboxxy if you want a tshirt or something, you could go here: http://www.boxxosphere.spreadshirt.com © 2009-2013 Catherine Wayne (ANewHopeee/Boxxybabee/bodaciousboxxy)
PLEASE READ THE DOOBLYDOO! This video was really fun! I imagine that it'll be more fun to watch if you actually watch the show, so if you haven't checked it out yet, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO SO! SEASON FOUR STARTS TOMORROW! for those of you bound to say "your ____ voice sucks!" I don't actually think these impressions are any good. :p just having some fun. I LOVE YOU! come hang out at my website: http://www.catiewayne.com also i have an official bookface: http://www.facebook.com/catiexboxxy if you want a tshirt or something, you could go here: http://www.boxxosphere.spreadshirt.com sometimes i tweet: http://www.twitter.com/CatieWayne © 2009-2013 Catherine Wayne (ANewHopeee/Boxxybabee/bodaciousboxxy)
Cuttlefish are resting 95% of the time. It's a beautiful life! Catie Wayne loves animals. Some people think animals are weird or gross. But Catie thinks all animals are beautiful. Well, not all animals. Some animals, like geese, are dicks. Join every week as Catie shares her views on all the weird, gross and beautiful animals of the world. New episodes every Wednesday Subscribe here: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=WeirdGrossBeautiful Watch more Weird, Gross, Beautiful on Animalist at: http://animalist.com/WeirdGrossBeautiful Follow Animalist on Twitter http://twitter.com/animalists Like Animalist on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AnimalistNetwork Add Animalist on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+animalist Keep up with Catie on the web here: http://www.yout...
Geese are the worst, they seem to only be filled of hatred and poop. So gross. But, they do mate for life, which is kind of beautiful. Watch this episode on geese and come to your own conclusion. Are they gross balls of grossness or gross balls of cuteness? _____________________ Catie Wayne loves animals. Some people think animals are weird or gross. But Catie thinks all animals are beautiful. Well, not all animals. Some animals, like geese, are dicks. Join every week as Catie shares her views on all the weird, gross and beautiful animals of the world. New episodes every Wednesday Subscribe here: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=WeirdGrossBeautiful Watch more Weird, Gross, Beautiful on Animalist at: http://animalist.com/WeirdGrossBeautiful Follow Animalist on Twitter ht...
Click here if you haven't seen the original - http://youtu.be/6JbwMnhnMkY
Raccoons are so cute and beautiful! But so bad! And scary! And they do weird things under water and carry lots of diseases and gross Raccoon Roundworms. So I guess it balances out. Catie Wayne loves animals. Some people think animals are weird or gross. But Catie thinks all animals are beautiful. Well, not all animals. Some animals, like geese, are dicks. Join every week as Catie shares her views on all the weird, gross and beautiful animals of the world. New episodes every Wednesday! Subscribe here: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=WeirdGrossBeautiful Watch more Weird, Gross, Beautiful on Animalist at: http://animalist.com/WeirdGrossBeautiful Follow Animalist on Twitter http://twitter.com/animalists Like Animalist on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AnimalistNe...
Merry Christmas 3v3 to all and to all a good night! Download the song on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/santa-baby-feat.-catherine/id491928682?uo=4 Music by - Little Kinky: youtube.com/user/littlekinkybeats Dreadfalls by Hair and Stuff - Hairandstuff.com Filmed at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, CA - sixflags.com/discoverykingdom Costume - Lisa Wayne Filmed by Craig Appel and Sean Boncato Edited by Craig Appel and Catherine Wayne - lameduckasylum.com vocals by Catherine Wayne - catiewayne.com © 2009-2011 Catie Wayne (ANewHopeee/Boxxybabee/bodaciousboxxy)
The most epic SNACK CHIP ADVENTURE awaits! Click play, if you wanna... William Haynes - @mrwilliamhaynes Catie Wayne - @catiewayne
Debo aclarar de antemano que éste vídeo no es mío, esto simplemente es una resubida. Éste es el vídeo original, el vídeo perdido ya que Catie Wayne o mejor conocida como Boxxy subió éste vídeo pero un grupo de hackers le eliminaron vídeos de su canal, ella logró resubirlos todos, excepto éste que no lo recuperó yo lo guardé y justamente hoy me acordé que lo tenía y decidí subirlo 👍😊 Su frase famosa: I'm fucking magic dude Si notan de que el vídeo se ve oscuro perdonen pero lo subí tal cual original, sin ningún tipo de edición. Canales de ella: https://www.youtube.com/user/boxxybabee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC31SuZy7xGHr9K7gVqCLLZg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgiDRy6oyLanAcFeM4-_OYA
yeah. that business happened. sorry for the awkward lighting and camera angle changes and stuff. this video, like all my videos was poorly planned. i try to do better every time, but it doesn't always work out. i still think this is a pretty good story. © 2009-2012 Catie Wayne (ANewHopeee/Boxxybabee/bodaciousboxxy)
"I've totally embraced it. I like Princess Leia, I like how she was feisty." -Carrie Fisher Me, too. Thank you. i tweet (sometimes): http://www.twitter.com/catiewayne also i have an official bookface: http://www.facebook.com/catiexboxxy if you want a tshirt or something, you could go here: http://www.boxxosphere.spreadshirt.com © 2009-2017 Catherine Wayne (ANewHopeee/Boxxybabee/bodaciousboxxy)
this was not a sponsored video. taco bell is sooo yummy, so i decided to make my own version of it. come hang out at my website: http://www.catiewayne.com also i have an official bookface: http://www.facebook.com/catiexboxxy if you want a tshirt or something, you could go here: http://www.boxxosphere.spreadshirt.com sometimes i tweet: http://www.twitter.com/CatieWayne © 2009-2013 Catherine Wayne (ANewHopeee/Boxxybabee/bodaciousboxxy)
Click here if you haven't seen the original - http://youtu.be/6JbwMnhnMkY
i happened upon this yesterday and i was like... "yes." subscribe to TheFineBros! http://bit.ly/TheFineBros if you feel like it, subscribe to me! i upload new content every Friday. :3 subscribe to all the lovely youtubers! Brittani Louise Taylor http://www.youtube.com/BrittaniLouiseTaylor Jordan AKA CaptainSparklez http://www.youtube.com/CaptainSparklez ChesterSee http://www.youtube.com/ChesterSee Sam & Niko from Corridor Digital http://www.youtube.com/CorridorDigital Jack & Finn Harries http://www.youtube.com/JacksGap Joe Penna http://www.youtube.com/MysteryGuitarMan Rhett & Link http://www.youtube.com/RhettAndLink Shane Dawson http://www.youtube.com/ShaneDawsonTV Philip DeFranco http://www.youtube.com/sxephil Tay Zonday http://www.youtube.com/TayZonday Gianni http://www.youtube.com/Wa...
Catie BOXXY Wayne is one of the most popular internet superstars in the USA. On the Red Carpat, BOXXY talks to Comic Con 3DTV about life, love, the internet, the San Diego Comic-Con, and her role in the upcoming film "The Chronicles of Rick Roll" See all our 3D coverage at: http://www.comiccon3dtv.com For more info on The Chronicles of Rick Roll go to:http://www.rickroll.com/ IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1853693/ Find MORE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Comic-Con-3D/140808652604300 Contact us at: info@comiccon3dtv.com
Thank you so much for everything. This video was meant to come out on June 3rd but WHOOPS looks like making youtube videos while you're in the middle of moving is pretty tuff. PLS WATCH MY SHOW https://www.groundedreason.com/watch-disney-channel-online-legally/ send me silly faces to imitate you know iT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN: http://www.twitter.com/catiewayne also i have an official bookface: http://www.facebook.com/catiexboxxy if you want a tshirt or something, you could go here: http://www.boxxosphere.spreadshirt.com © 2009-2017 Catherine Wayne (ANewHopeee/Boxxybabee/bodaciousboxxy)
boxxy new boxxy
Not mine vid. I just reupload it. Source: WellThatsNotRight Foar Boxxy Alright so a lot of people are asking what the song is called, it's Regina Spektor - Laughing With Q&A; Q) I hurd boxy was dead, amirite? A) No Q) hurdur i dont know wat the internet is and were did u get all the pictures from bro A)The Internet a.k.a Google Q) So do you actually know Boxxy? A) No, I don't actually know her but I've talked to her and close friends of hers Q) is there something that you are proud of in your life? A) i once cotch a bullet wif my baer hands If you're going to leave a negative comment please know and understand what you're talking about because when I read it you just make yourself look like an idiot She's not dead
stop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaxQDdnqACI
Boxxy/Catie in Tinychat. I recorded this with no plans to upload, but since the other recording has some audio problem I thought it might be good to upload mine.
bushido interview 2008 i´m not boxxy bmw e36 m3 helicopter crash bushido chin ching
Fun interview with Shannon Boxx as she is about to throw 1st pitch and Fenway park with Abby Wambach at Red Sox vs Yankees series
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
R.I.P. BOXXY the song - Kristin Mainhart - Comfortable - this song is not on itunes, but this singer is. http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewArtist?id=63746793 sometimes, youtube calls it "NIN - only", but that's not it, really
Note: I did not record this video. The original was a live broadcast by studskater14: http://www.younow.com/studskater14/7952/0/7/s/VidCon!!!! (part starting at 24 minutes) -- Thank you for filming it!
Upload of a Fox News report about internet trolls.
Subscribe: http://rev3.co/SubscribeToAnyhoo Facebook: http://rev3.co/AnyhooFacebook Twitter: http://rev3.co/AnyhooTwitter Watch more! 5 Animals That Can Speak for Themselves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbSzTIdm5-g 4 Insane Ways Animals Have Been Used by the Military https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ThN2UVK_sE
Nov 14, 2014 Catie hosted a live Q&A; session on the Discovery Digital Networks (DDN) Anyhoo youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/revision3/videos After the livestream was over, the recordings were removed from the official anyhoo youtube channel but I managed to save this low quality version first, so here is my mirror of the recording.
http://www.boxxy.info/?p=683 Catie Wayne was here for this entire recording, waiting for her first vlog to upload. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pKr7Sj1D9Q She didn't get on cam until 62:54. At about 81:05 is where the LemmingBox recording began Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6aMq7F4a90 This one started early; it also ended early. LemmingBox's recording continued after this was over. This is longer, more boring, and harder to sit through than the Sept 2011 TC session that Catie was in. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q1CbsT2pkU Although there were some other intersting people in the chatroom such as @shoe0nhead (June) and @TheOrangeCitrus. I'll update this description of interesting moments to skip to later.
Catie Wayne and Nick Robinson watch the first episode of Inuyasha The Final Act. Originally uploaded to YouTube on June 13, 2014.
Boxxy/Catie in Tinychat. I recorded this with no plans to upload, but since the other recording has some audio problem I thought it might be good to upload mine.
Vidcon 2014 Anaheim, California Panel: Suddenly a Star recorded Saturday June 28, 2014 at 9:30am Appearances by (from right to left): Moderator: Petar Mandich GloZell Green Colleen Ballinger / Miranda Sings Sara Maria Forsberg / Smoukahontas Laina Morris / Overly Attached Girlfriend Jon Cozart / Paint Rebecca Black Catie Wayne / Boxxy Credit for the green shirt phone answering guy: https://twitter.com/laina622/status/482956424738140161 43:30 Sara Maria Forsberg gives a shoutout to Clara Henry, who is in the audience. http://www.tehlosangelestimes.com/2014/06/28/vidcon-2014-youtube-stars-discuss-viral-video-fame/
Breaking Free - 12-05-2016 - w/ Catherine and Wayne of Freedom Cove
Considerara en su tiempo como la reina del Internet, Catherine "Catie" Wayne creó un personaje llamada Boxxy. Lo que ella jamas esperaría es que su personaje logró dividir a toda una comunidad. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬๑۩ Contenido ۩๑▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [==Cap.1 - Mi nombre es Boxxy==] -MoldyLunchbox (01:06) -Boxxy (03:09) -Y todo empezó… (el descubrimiento) (06:04) [==Cap.2 - La Guerra Civil de 4chan==] -Una comunidad dividida (08:28) -La respuesta de Boxxy (13:15) -Not Found (17:21) [==Cap.3 - La caída de la Reina==] -[REMOVED] (19:51) -Exilio (28:04) [==Cap.4 - A NEW HOPEE==] -El regreso de Boxxy (31:16) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬๑۩ Fuente ۩๑▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ http://catiewayne.com/ http://kernelmag.dailydot.com/features/report/exclusive/8190/the-definitive-history-of-internet-sensation-boxxy/ http://boxxystory.blogspot.mx/2009/01/ri...
It's Christmas and the office is empty. Enjoy a special episode of Comment Commentary. Buy some awesomeness for yourself! http://www.forhumanpeoples.com/collections/sourcefed More stories at: http://www.sourcefed.com or check out: http://youtube.com/sourcefed for our 5 daily videos or anything else we've ever done. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/sourcefed Follow us on Tumblr: http://sourcefed.tumblr.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xQDV8M Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: http://bit.ly/aIyY0w Get your SourceFed Posters here: http://bit.ly/P2Zn7h OFFICIAL SourceFed APP: http://bit.ly/1nmTFJp P.O. Box address: Attention: SourceFed 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #805 Canoga Park, CA 91303 SourceFED Host: @stevezaragoza Special Guest Hos...
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Episode 24 of the Kassem Live Show. EVERY THURSDAY AT 3 PDT Go to Squarespace.com/kassemg to get 10% off your first purchase or use promo code: kassemg. I'm here too: http://twitch.tv/kassemg http://www.facebook.com/gmessak http://instagram.com/gmessak http://twitter.com/kassemg Steve Zaragoza http://youtube.com/user/stevezaragoza http://twitter.com/stevezaragoza http://instagram.com/stevezaragoza NFL PREVIEW by: http://youtube.com/thatsgoodsports http://twitter.com/thatsgoodsports Peter Gilroy http://twitter.com/petergilroy http://youtube.com/petergilroy Jonathan Na https://www.youtube.com/JonNaMean http://instagram.com/jonnana Omar Gharaibeh http://twitter.com/BestOmarEver http://instagram.com/oothmar Executive Producer: Mickey Meyer, Daniel Kellison Series Producers: Brent ...
From the very first episode, the music of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic signaled that this was more than just your average cartoon about pastel-colored horses. Composer Daniel Ingram, orchestrator Steffan Andrews, and vocalists Andrea Libman & Rebecca Shoichet will tell you about the making of the songs that make us all smile, smile, smile. Moderated by Catie Wayne. (Panelists: Daniel Ingram, Steffan Andrews, Andrea Libman, Rebecca Shoichet’ Moderator: Catie Wayne) -- Ponyville Live! is the pony community's largest entertainment and media network. We feature radio stations, video streams, podcasts, live and pre-recorded convention coverage, and much more. PVL is Bringing Pony People Together, join the party at http://ponyvillelive.com/ !
Uplifting Music Mix (with highlights and full length songs). Track list, if you want to skip forward: 00:00 - Daft Punk (feat. Julian Casablancas) - Instant Crush 05:07 - OMFG - Everybody (LFZ Remix) 05:59 - DuGong & Cody Sorenson - Forever 08:56 - Techno Dream Trance- Melody From Heaven HD (DJ Contacreast) 10:39 - Noosa - Walk On By (Sound Remedy Remix) 11:20 - Deaf Kev - Samurai 13:03 - E-type -- Life 13:46 - Tom Mountain - Razzia 2k14 (NeoTune! Remix) 14:14 - Two Steps From Hell - El Dorado 16:22 - Two Steps From Hell - Blackheart 18:27 - IZECOLD - Close (feat. Molly Ann) [Brooks Remix] 19:42 - That Poppy - Lowlife 21:41 - Zach Seals - Once and for all 24:56 - I just died in your arms tonight female vocal remix 28:37 - Falling Up - Fearless (250 and Dark Stars) 31:07...
Each week contestants will compete to decide who's the best VR surgeon! Watch live on Twitch every Friday 4:30PM PT ► http://bit.ly/hyperrpg Subscribe on YouTube ► http://bit.ly/HyperRPGSub Follow us on Twitter ► http://twitter.com/hyper_rpg Like us on Facebook ► http://facebook.com/hyperrpg Official Merchandise ► http://amzn.to/2low4MO Hosts: Stef Woodburn ► https://twitter.com/stefwoodburn Ify Nwadiwe ► https://twitter.com/ifysnotfunny Guest Surgeon: Anna Brisbin ► https://twitter.com/BrizzyVoices VREAL ► https://twitter.com/vrealofficial --Hyper RPG is a gathering place for friends, centered around video and tabletop gaming, comic books, movies and more. We push the boundaries of collaborative storytelling and shared gaming experiences across the web and around the world!
Join Catie, Rina, and Sophie as they come back for a second round of talks about the experiences of being a woman in our beloved pony fandom! Panelists: Catie Wayne, Rina-chan, Sophie Ardinger) -- Ponyville Live! is the pony community's largest entertainment and media network. We feature radio stations, video streams, podcasts, live and pre-recorded convention coverage, and much more. PVL is Bringing Pony People Together, join the party at http://ponyvillelive.com/ !
Panelists: MinNeighsnowta, Catie Wayne, Diamond Doodle A panel by, for, and about Brony and women and girls of all kinds! What's it like when women are the minority in a fandom for a show like MLP? Panelists will share their experiences as female members of the Brony community, how the show has impacted their lives and brought them together with gals of similar stock, and how they've made their voices heard in the herd. Our intro music for this convention is Silva Hound's Trap Remix of Babs Seed by Daniel Ingram. Check it out here: https://soundcloud.com/silvahound/daniel-ingram-babs-seed-silva Ponyville Live! is the pony community's largest entertainment and media network. We feature radio stations, video streams, podcasts, live and pre-recorded convention coverage, and much more. PVL i...
suscribe to trilogy animals TRilogy Animals is your destination for all things animal on the web. From the exotic to the domestic, from the cute to the weird, we cover the whole animal kingdom. We have breaking animal news stories and funny animal sketches. And, yes, we have cat videos--lots and lots of cat videos. Start with TRilogy Animals News, our daily news show with hilarious hosts Alex Farnham and Catie Wayne, and new episode of Weird, Gross, Beautiful with Catie Wayne every Wednesday. Then make sure you check out all our other TRilogy Animals shows like Best Breed Ever!, Pudge It Yourself, Big Cat Rescue, Lil BUB's Big SHOW, Cat Mojo With Jackson Galaxy, Petsami, and more! Crocodile Princess, Secret, animal world, Wildlife (Film Subject), Cá sấu chúa, Crocodile King, động vật, an...
In this final installment of the What If Star Wars prequel trilogy, we see how we can make Episode III "Revenge of the Sith" better. Need to catch up on the first two What Ifs? Episode I: https://youtu.be/VgICnbC2-_Y Episode II: https://youtu.be/JAbug3AhYmw See more art from Jackie: http://www.jackiewhisler.com/ Movie Talk series: https://youtu.be/B_74AFVKArU?list=PL19PWBdoN9Y80Y4OOWErVWBrO7zyAYe2B Top 10 Movies of 2014: https://youtu.be/MogdhguU5E0 Screen Junkies Honest Trailers: Revenge of the Sith: https://youtu.be/4l5eZp8Ae9c Social Media: Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1itMLCO Twitter: http://bit.ly/1eXUhjG Special thanks to Alex Kramer, Ryan Finnerty, Tyler Phillips, Jimmy Beliakoff, Catie Wayne & Zachary Barryte for providing excellent feedback while I was constructing this! Oh,...
Here I stand a broken man
Broken dreams slipped trough my hands
What once was is now gone
I can't go on, I am done
Last call
Last change to make things right
Pick up the pieces and mend my life
But how can I heal a broken trust
It feels so hard, it rips my guts