Rally and March for Same-Sex Marriage Rights – 26 March 2011

The lawns in front of the State Library were fully occupied for the latest in the series of rallies organised by Equal Love in support of their campaign against the discriminatory provisions of the Marriage Act. Introductory music was provided by Sophie O’Connor and John Doxey, with Dolly Diamond and Luke Gallagher hosting. Speakers ranged from Karen Field, CEO of the Drummond Street Relationship Centre and Sally Goldner of TransGender Victoria, Jade Eckhaus, Queer Officer of the NUS and James Campbell of minus18, to comedian Joel Creasey and union activist Daria Healy-Aarons, with Ali Hogg, Convenor of Equal Love, delivering the final call to action. There was the now-traditional competition for the best home-made placard, won this time by one reading “23 years living in sin” … Showers threatened but held off, and there was a spirited march to the Old Treasury Building, where the PA system failed to deliver but the message was loud and clear – the fight goes on…

No photos this time, but video extracts from the rally and march. (There are pics galore here.)

Rally for Equal Marriage Rights – 20 November 2010

Equal Love banner at head of march

There was a huge turnout in Melbourne for the final rally before Victoria’s state election, and a list of speakers to match – see report on Equal Love website . Saturday was also International Trans Remembrance Day, and Transgender Victoria spokesperson Sally Goldner called for a minute’s silence to mark victims of bigotry. After the speeches at the State Library – and the now-traditional competition for the best placard – there was a loud and colourful march through the CBD to the old Treasury Building, where Equal Love convenor Ali Hogg gave a final address, looking ahead to more actions in 2011.

Photos from the rally and march – these and more are included in a slideshow on YouTube, along with some brief video clips from the latter part of the march (there is more video on the Equal Love website referred to above). Most need no caption…

Crowd on State Library lawns

LOVE formed from wire with messages on ribbons attached

In the crowd - 'I luff my girlfriend' t-shirt

Sally Goldner speaking

Sally Goldner

Puppets kissing - 'Brumby' and 'Bailieu'

Group at head of march before setting of

Peaking through the lead banner

On the march - placards calling for 'Equality', 'Don't like Gay Marriage?/Don't have one'

Hanna Williams and her partner lead the march and chanting

Hanna Williams and her partner lead the march and chanting

Australian flag modified - pink background

Socialist Party banner on march

Two of the many dogs on the march

Another dog - in pink and rainbow  'dress'

Yet another dog - with rainbow 'cravat'

Newly-wed couple overtaken by the march up Collins Street

This couple had been posing for wedding photos outside a church in Collins Street

Placard at end of march - 'Julia can marry a hairdresser/Why can't I?'

March up Collins Street, seen from steps of Treasury Building


Video of final stages of march:

May 15 International day against homophobia – rally for same sex marriage!

From the march - couple dressed for marriage

As explained in a previous post, several events clashed on the day, and we arrived at the State Library only in time to catch the last minutes of the rally. There were, however, reports – not very extensive  – on some mainstream media (e.g. the ABC) and we were able to get some shots both at the Library and from the early stages of the march:

Crowd at the State Library

The turnout was impressive ...

Banners at the head of the march

Getting ready to set off ...

'Born gay' and other placards, with red flags in background

CFMEU flags

The CFMEU was one of several unions represented ...

CPSU flags

Socialist Party banner - 'Workers Unite against Homophobia'

Socialist Party of Australia ...

Radical Women placards

... and Radical Women

Marcher gives 'v-sign' to camera

More placards, including 'Jesus had 2 Daddies'

And, finally, these two amazing heroes of the struggle:

Banner of Lesbian and Gay Solidarity, held by Mannie and Kendall

(See Mannie & Kendall’s Home Page and Lesbian and Gay Solidarity)