Rally and March for Marriage Equality – 17 May 2014

[Updated 19 May] For details of event see the Equal Love Facebook page and website. There are more photos (341!) by Michael Barnett at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152426635170149.1073741850.553710148&type=1

Naomi Farmer addressing the rally

NUS Queer Officer Naomi Farmer addressing the rally

Apart from the speakers – Adam Bandt of the Greens, Sally Goldner of Transgender Victoria, Adam Bottomley (Australian Services Union Delegate of the Year 2013), NUS Queer Officer Naomi Farmer and of course Ali Hogg, Equal Love convenor – the keynote of this rally was music. The Melbourne Gay & Lesbian Chorus, resplendent in formal (wedding?) wear, sang on the steps of the State Library during the warm up, and again with Rosco Elliott in a spectacular performance of ‘Equality’, his song written for the campaign. (See Karaoke version on YouTube here.) This performance was repeated at a halt on the march, at the intersection of Swanston and Bourke Streets, attracting attention from passers-by in away the rally itself may not have done.

As to the event as a whole, it would have to be admitted that numbers did not match those of some previous rallies – see for example reports on this site here and here, with accompanying links to YouTube videos – but at four to five hundred was still impressive. After ten years of campaigning a degree of fatigue would be understandable, but the timing may have contributed: the day was chosen to mark IDAHOBIT [International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Bi-phobia and Intersexism - formerly and elsewhere IDAHOT], whereas the rallies just referred to were linked to the anniversary of the amendment to the Marriage Act which banned same sex marriage. (There will be a rally to mark the tenth anniversary – Saturday 16 August, again at the State Library, see http://equallove.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=69:10-year-anniversary-year-of-action.) Some also may have had to choose also between this and the Beat the Budget rally hastily called for the following day (see next post).

‘March in March’ – the Melbourne Rally and March, 16 March 2014

Melbourne responded to the callout (see http://marchinmarchaustralia.org/ and the Melbourne march Facebook page) with one of the largest rallies since the 2003 protests against the war in Iraq. Figures varied widely, as usual, but we are rather inclined to the upper end of the claims, or towards 50,000. It was also one of the most varied, and in recognition of this we are posting the largest selection of images so far on this site for one event. There is also a choice of thumbnail/gallery or slideshow, the latter comprising lower resolution copies. It may be in order to post a few separately:

Part of crowd at start of rally

A very small part of the rally at the State Library

Black and red flag

The holder of this flag told us it was 45 years old – dating back to moratorium days

Placard in German - 'These crimes, your blame'

International contribution

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Rally for Marriage Equality – 17 August 2013

Head of March in Bourke Street

The ninth anniversary of John Howard’s rewriting of the Marriage Act to exclude same sex couples was marked with a rally and march in Melbourne following the pattern of previous years and ending with a marriage ceremony outside the Registry Office for those couples who wished to formalise their relationship “in an act of defiance against discrimination and to send a message to the politicians in Canberra that LGBTI people are tired of waiting for their rights” (from an Equal Love media release). It happens that both the main contenders for the seat of Melbourne in the imminent federal election have long histories of supporting equal rights – Adam Bandt of the Greens and Cath Bowtell of the ALP, and both were among the speakers, along with Margarita Windisch, Socialist Alliance candidate for the seat of Footscray, Luke Hilakari, Campaign/Industrial officer at Trades Hall. Wurundjeri Elder Annette Xiberras delivered a Welcome to Country as well as recalling some of her own experiences – see report of the 2012 rally on this site and the associated YouTube video. There was music from Jade Leonard with support form Dolly Diamond, and Ali Hogg and Anthony Wallace shared the role of MC.
As well as The Greens, the ALP, Socialist Alliance, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party and small representations of a few unions (ANF, ASU. NUS and possibly others we may have missed) there was a bright and vocal band of Sex Party members at the rally and in the march, and the Facebook event page has a long discussion of the fact that organisers had evidently refused a platform for Fiona Patten, Party President and Victorian Senate candidate.

[Added Sunday 18th evening - front page photo in The Age today, article on page 5]

Ali Hogg

Ali Hogg

Annette Xiberras

Annette Xiberras

Ali Hogg  and Anthony Wallace, with Auslan interpreter

Ali Hogg and Anthony Wallace, with Auslan interpreter

Luke Hilakari

Luke Hilakari

Cath Bowtell

Cath Bowtell

Jade Leonard

Jade Leonard

Jade with Dolly Diamond

Jade with Dolly Diamond

Margarita Windisch

Margarita Windisch

Adam Bandt

Adam Bandt

Another view of the head of the march

Another view of the head of the march

Outside the old Treasury Building, housing the Registry Office

Outside the old Treasury Building, housing the Registry Office

The Minister who performed the marriage ceremony

The Minister who performed the marriage ceremony

Back of jacket covered with campaign patches

The person who held the portable PA

More photos, randomly distributed: