Support for Australia Post workers – 1 August

View of protest from across the street

See report in Green Left Weekly:

Australia Post attempts to cut wages and conditions

Around 100 posties and unionists rallied outside the headquarters of Australia Post on August 1 to protest the latest attempts by its management to undermine the wages and conditions of its employees and reduce its service to the community…
At the rally, Joan Doyle, Victorian state secretary of the communications division of the CEPU, contrasted this latest attack with the double-digit pay increases and large cash bonuses of between $105,000 and $264,000 that upper management had awarded themselves. Australia Post’s before-tax profit in the 2005-06 financial year was $516.6 million…

Joan Doyle surrounded by workers and supporters

Joan Doyle addresses the protest

Joan Doyle and Dave Kerin

Closeup – Dave Kerin of Union Solidarity in background

Richard DiNatale speaking

Support from Richard DiNatale of the Greens