Monsanto and more – Northcote Walls

Another in our very occasional series:

Poster exposing Monsanto

We have no idea at all who has been posting these around High Street in Northcote, but there is a Facebook page for the Anti-Monsanto Project for anyone interested, and this report of the March against Monsanto on March 25:


The new owners of this building on High Street:

Building formerly featuring street art

have seen fit to paint over one of Northcote’s favourite children:

Girl watering flowers - painted on wall


Wall painted over

Now – and the planter box holds only cigarette butts and rubbish

[Added 15 September]

On the other other hand, someone has pointed out to us that the young lady lives on, granted in a somewhat damaged form and wearing a different dress, on a wall by the entrance to the Public Library in Fairfield:

Girl watering flowers in box by  wall in Fairfield - partly erased

[Added 11 October]

On the other other other hand, a chance link has led us to this Facebook page, where will be found many more exploits of the young lady in question…