Palm Sunday Peace Rally and March – 16 March

Fight the Rich, not their wars …

In spite of the heat – over 40 degrees – between two and three hundred people came together at the State Library on March 16 for the annual Palm Sunday demonstration, combining the traditional anti-nuclear theme with commemoration of the 5th anniversary of the launching of the American-led war on Iraq. After addresses by, amongst others, Kamran Mofid of the UK-based “Globalisation for the Common Good”, Tim Wright of ICANW (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons), and Michael Shaik of “Australians for Peace and Justice in Palestine” the rally set off on a shortened route through the city before re-assembling at the State Library for final speeches by “Chip” of “Stand Fast” – Australian veterans opposed to the war on Iraq – and Joan Doyle, State Secretary of the CEPU Postal Division, representing the union movement. “Nervous Pilots” provided music at the end.
The rally was chaired by Daniella Olea (Stop the War Coalition) and Dave Sweeney (Australian Conservation Foundation), and organised by Melbourne Stop the War Coalition and ICANW.

A few snaps from the march – including the 50-metre rainbow banner seen last year and the “Earth balls”, which unfortunately and perhaps symbolically, showed signs by the end of succumbing to the heat …
(These photos were taken with a video camera, and are rather low resolution; a video of the event is on its way …)
Head of the March

Rainbow Peace Banner

Earth - wilting in the heat

Here is some video of the rally and march: