29 April 2016

US Vice President Biden travels to Iraq for crisis talks

By Patrick Martin, 29 April 2016

The unannounced trip is the highest-level official US visit to Iraq since the emergence of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Trump’s “America First” speech and the US war election

US authorizes intensified air strikes against civilians in Iraq and Syria

Obama’s war summit in Europe

More on the war in Iraq »

Verizon makes “last, best and final offer” to striking workers

By Jerry White, 29 April 2016

The ultimatum comes as the unions continue to isolate 39,000 telecom workers who are now in the third week of their strike with the telecom giant.

Verizon workers discuss strike with SEP presidential candidate Jerry White

Jerry White meets striking Verizon workers on the picket line in New York City

More on the Verizon strike »

Protests shrink as police attack fourth day of action against French labour law

By Alex Lantier, 29 April 2016

The protesters are coming up against the absence of a viable strategy for mounting a political struggle to defend basic social rights against a reactionary Socialist Party government.

Workers and youth in Amiens speak out against French labour reform

By Antoine Lerougetel, 29 April 2016

French police attack demonstrators protesting anti-worker labor law reform

The working class in France mobilizes against austerity

UK junior doctors denounce attack on wages, working conditions

By our reporters, 29 April 2016

WSWS reporters spoke to junior doctors on picket lines and at rallies during this week’s two one-day strikes without emergency cover.

Public support for UK junior doctors strike grows as government insists they must be “defeated”

More on NHS FIghtback »

The German chancellor’s PR tour in Turkish refugee camps

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 29 April 2016

The trip by the German chancellor and EU Council president to the refugee camp at Nizip resembled a visit to a Potemkin village.

German public sector union holds “warning strikes”

By Marianne Arens, 29 April 2016

Selective strikes are taking place in the public sector across Germany this week, but the Verdi union is determined to impose attacks on wages and work conditions.

“Everyone feels very betrayed by the union right now”
Detroit teachers union holds rally to back governor’s school restructuring plan

By Walter Gilberti, 29 April 2016

The Detroit Federation of Teachers’ mobilization to support new Detroit Schools legislation fizzled as teachers largely boycotted the demonstration at the state capitol in Lansing.

Canada’s defence policy review prepares major expansion of militarism and war

By Roger Jordan, 29 April 2016

The review “consultation” document argues Canada should expand its close strategic partnership with the US, the most aggressive imperialist power on the planet.

On Anzac Day, New Zealand leaders talk peace, prepare for war

By Tom Peters, 29 April 2016

A century after the bloody Gallipoli campaign in World War I, the New Zealand ruling class is once again preparing to support imperialist war.

Sri Lankan prime minister seeks financial help in China

By Vilani Peiris, 29 April 2016

Wickremesinghe’s visit to China underscores the magnitude of Sri Lanka’s economic crisis and the geo-political tensions engulfing the region.

New in Russian

Партия Социалистического Равенства объявляет о начале избирательной кампании
Поддержите Уайта и Нимута в 2016 году!

Заявление Партии Социалистического Равенства, 29 апреля 2016 г.

Кандидат от ПСР в президенты Джерри Уайт и кандидат в вице-президенты Найлс Нимут выступают с социалистической программой, выражающей интересы миллионов рабочих и молодежи в Соединенных Штатах и во всем мире.

New in Spanish

¡Opongámonos a la guerra imperialista! ¡Únanse al acto del Día Internacional del Trabajador!

Por Joseph Kishore y David North, 29 abril 2016

El domingo 1 mayo a la 1:00 de la tarde, horario de verano del este de Norteamérica, el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional celebrará el Día Internacional del Trabajador con un evento en línea.

La Guerra, el Partido Demócrata y las elecciones del 2016

Por Joseph Kishore, 29 abril 2016

Que el neoyorquino New York Times alabó en un artículo al record de Guerra de Hillary Clinton hace resaltar el peligro de una muy rápida aceleración militarista después de las elecciones del 2016.

New in Turkish

Avusturya cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerinde aşırı sağın zaferi: Bir uyarı

Peter Schwarz, 29 Nisan 2016

Avusturya’daki aşırı sağcı Özgürlük Partisi’nin (FPÖ) Pazar günkü seçim başarısı, Avrupa’nın tamamı için bir uyarıdır.

Obama’nın Avrupa’daki savaş zirvesi

Bill Van Auken, 29 Nisan 2016

Obama’nın Suudi Arabistan, Britanya ve Almanya’yı kapsayan altı günlük gezisi, Pazar günü kuzey Alman kenti Hannover’de düzenlenen ve bir mini savaş zirvesi anlamına gelen bir toplantı ile sona erdi.

Emperyalist savaşa karşı çıkın! Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs Toplantısı’na katılın!

Joe Kishore ve David North, 29 Nisan 2016

Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs toplantısının amacı, devam eden savaşları durdurmak ve bunların insan uygarlığının geleceğini tehdit eden bir felakete dönüşmesini engellemek için bir uluslararası işçi sınıfı hareketini geliştirmek, teşvik etmek ve yaymaktır.

Uluslararası Çevrimiçi 1 Mayıs toplantısına dünya çapında destek

29 Nisan 2016

Dördüncü Enternasyonal’in Uluslararası Komitesi (DEUK) tarafından örgütlenen 1 Mayıs toplantısı için 40’tan fazla ülkeden yüzlerce işçi ve genç kayıt olmuş durumda.

100 yıl önce: Alman devrimci Karl Liebknecht 1 Mayıs gösterisinde savaşı ifşa ediyor

29 Nisan 2016

Savaşa karşı artan düşmanlığın ve derinleşen toplumsal krizin ortasında, Spartaküs Birliği, otoritelere meydan okumaya ve savaşa yönelik en açık gösterisine girişmeye karar verdi.

New in German

Socialist Equality Party eröffnet Kampagne zur Präsidentschaftswahl 2016
Unterstützt White und Niemuth!

29. April 2016

Jerry White und Niles Niemuth treten als Kandidaten der SEP für ein sozialistisches Programm ein, das die Bedürfnisse von Millionen Arbeitern und Jugendlichen in den Vereinigten Staaten und überall auf der Welt aufgreift.

Kriegswahlen in Amerika

Von Patrick Martin, 29. April 2016

Die führenden Kandidaten beider Parteien, die Demokratin Hillary Clinton und der Republikaner Donald Trump, haben sich auf eine erhebliche militärische Eskalation nach den Wahlen im November festgelegt.

Berlin: AfD-Vorstandsmitglied wird Leitender Oberstaatsanwalt

Von Verena Nees, 29. April 2016

Die Berliner Justizbehörde hat Roman Reusch, Mitglied des AfD-Vorstands Brandenburg, die Leitung der Abteilung „Auslieferung ausländischer Straftäter“ übertragen.

Thüringen: Linkspartei-Regierung organisiert brutale Abschiebung

Von Marianne Arens, 29. April 2016

In Thüringen werden „massive Rechtsbrüche begangen wurden, um Menschen um jeden Preis mit staatlicher Gewalt aus dem Land zu bringen“, heißt es in einer Presseerklärung des Flüchtlingsrats.

Umsatzrückgang bei Apple zeigt Schwachstellen der Weltwirtschaft

Von Barry Grey, 29. April 2016

Apple ist beispielhaft für die extrem aufgeblähten Vermögenswerte der Unternehmen seit dem Wall Street-Crash vom September 2008.

Other Languages


Obama touts an economic "legacy" of inequality and poverty

29 April 2016

In summing up the domestic policies pursued under his administration, Obama declared that his greatest failure was not convincing the American people that the economy is in excellent shape.

Earlier Perspectives »

International May Day 2016

Click here to register!

“They’re worried we’re going to change the system, and they’re doing everything they can to stop us”
Video: Wayne State University students speak out against war

By Jerry White and Zac Corrigan, 28 April 2016

Oppose imperialist war! Join the International May Day Online Rally!

By Joe Kishore and David North, 25 April 2016

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016

Worldwide support for International May Day Online rally


International Socialist Organization covers for union treachery in Verizon strike

By Tom Hall, 29 April 2016

The authors equate the selfish institutional interests of the union bureaucracy with the interests of the workers, covering up the actual record of the unions’ treachery.

Apple sales decline points to faultlines in global economy

By Barry Grey, 28 April 2016

Michigan officials “game” sampling of lead in water

By James Brewer, 28 April 2016

Far-right victory in Austrian presidential elections: A warning

The Socialist Party’s pro-capitalist call to nationalise the UK steel industry

Arts Review

Class Divide: A close-up look at gentrification, inequality in New York City

By Fred Mazelis, 29 April 2016

Children of hedge fund managers attend private school on Manhattan’s Tenth Avenue, across the street from one of the city’s public housing projects.

Prince (1958-2016)

By Hiram Lee, 27 April 2016

The paintings of Eugène Delacroix at London’s National Gallery

By Ross Mitchell and Paul Mitchell, 26 April 2016

SEP (US) Election Campaign

Socialist Equality Party announces presidential campaign
Support White and Niemuth in 2016!

22 April 2016

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White speaks at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts

By Kate Randall, 29 April 2016

More on the SEP (US) election campaign »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE meetings in Germany oppose militarism and war

By our correspondents, 29 April 2016

The IYSSE held public meetings in Bochum, Frankfurt and Berlin to discuss the return of German militarism and the danger of a third world war.

Successful IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand against the drive to war

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 27 April 2016

Oppose the drive to war, austerity and the assault on democratic rights!
Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

29 April 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

Berlin elections: Workers and students speak out against war

By our reporters, 28 April 2016

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!

By the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 25 April 2016

The 2016 US Elections

Clinton, Trump move closer to presidential nominations

By Patrick Martin, 27 April 2016

Sanders backs Obama “kill list,” troops to Syria

By a reporter, 27 April 2016

More on the 2016 US elections »

Book Review

Canadian capitalism and the subjugation and decimation of the indigenous population

By Janet Browning, 23 April 2016

As Clearing the Plains demonstrates, the Canadian capitalist state was consolidated through the dispossession of the Native Indian population, through violence, chicanery, and state-sponsored famine.

Socialist Equality Party

SEP public meetings: For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!

4 April 2016

25 years ago: Over half of Soviet population driven into poverty

A report released in the last week of April 1991 revealed that more than half of the Soviet population had been driven into poverty.

More »

50 years ago: US troop strength in Vietnam tops 250,000

On April 29, 1966, the number of US troops in Vietnam surpassed 250,000 with the landing of 4,000 soldiers of the 25th Infantry Division at Vũng Tàu.

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75 years ago: Roosevelt intensifies Atlantic war drive

On April 26, 1941 President Franklin Roosevelt announced the United States would launch “sea patrols,” comprised of warships and planes, thousands of miles into the Atlantic.

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100 years ago: German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht denounces war at May Day demonstration

On May 1, 1916, the German Spartacus League, the organization of revolutionary socialists who opposed the imperialist world war that had erupted in August 1914, led a mass demonstration in Berlin on a socialist and anti-war program.

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