The Rubio/Romney Vulture Connection

Sunday, February 21, 2016

HuffPo reports that former Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney will endorse Senator Marco Rubio. Why? The answer is: the financier known as The Vulture, Paul Singer—donor Number One to the GOP—and top sugar daddy to the Rubio campaign.

Back in 2012, we broke The Nation cover story exposing how Singer, Mitt Romney's finance chair, secretly stuffed the "blind trust" of Ann Romney with up to $115 million.  For $115 million, a politician will wash your car — with his tongue.  So, of course, Mrs. Romney’s husband will endorse the Vulture’s choice. Blind trust=blind endorsement.

Download Vultures and Vote Rustlers,  the film of Romney’s folly and other Palast team investigations, our best for BBC and Democracy Now! (Or get a signed copy of the DVD!)

More to come on Singer candidate shopping spree in our upcoming movie: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.

You can read more about the Vultures here:

Who Hatched Rubio?

BBC America: Palast Hunts the Vultures

* * * * *

In 2016 Greg Palast will be releasing his new feature film The Best Democracy Money Can Buy—A Tale of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits, which includes his award-winning investigation Jim Crow Returns.

Greg Palast is the author of several New York Times bestsellers including The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, Armed Madhouse and the highly acclaimed Vultures' Picnic.

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