Randul lucrurilor - Paula Seling
Muzica, text si orchestratie: Paula Seling
Viori: Madalina Pirici
Bas: Dan Pirici
Mastering: Cristian Faur
Paula Seling - Acasa
Muzica si versuri: Paula Seling (http://www.facebook.com/paulaseling)
Orchestratie: Andrei Tudor (http://www.andreitudor.com). Chitara bas: Daniel Pirici
Thanks to Adam Colton for allowing us to use parts of his video https://vimeo.com/21081887
Paula Seling - Timpul
HQ Music Video Venice, Italy
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula Seling Timpul HQ Music Video Venice, Italy
Paula Seling Get Up Now
Paula Seling Ploaie in luna lui Marte
Paula Seling Acolo Sus
Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi
Paula Seling Vreau Sa Cred
Paula Seling Mi-e Dor De Tine
Paula Seling Le Monde Est St
De-as fi un inger - Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Andrei Tudor
Pian si keyboard: Andrei Tudor
Chitara bas: Daniel Pirici
Mixaj si productie audio: Andrei Tudor
Mastering: SageAudio
Video: Radu Bucura
Doi prieteni vechi - Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Pian: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Calin Ionce
Paula Seling - Ridica-voi ochii
Muzica si text: folclor
Orchestratie : Calin Ionce
Ridica-voi ochii mei la Ceruri
De unde va veni ajutorul meu
Ajutorul meu de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Ajutorul meu de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Către Domnul paşii mei voi duce
Şi legea Lui va fi îndreptarea mea
Îndreptarea mea de la Dumnezeu
Recorded live in Thassos (Greece). Special thanks to the fishermen who fixed our power generator !
Paula Seling - Promit
Paula Seling - La umbra crucii Tale
Muzica: Aurel Bolbos
Text: Traian Dorz
Orchestratie: Sergiu Tuhutiu
La umbra crucii tale eu, Doamne, vreau sa vin
Sa-mi plang mereu trecutul si Tie sa ma-nchin
Sa-mi plang mereu trecutul si Tie sa ma-nchin
La umbra crucii tale eu, Doamne, vreau sa fiu
Sa plang, sa cant cu jale, din moarte sa inviu
Sa plang, sa cant cu jale, din moarte sa inviu
La umbra
Oameni de zapada - Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: A Bird Music Production (Norbert Kovacs)
Mixaj: Florin Sorasan
Mastering: SageAudio USA
Paula Seling - Cum să sting eu dorul tău (@O dată-n viaţă)
Moment din ediţia de debut a sezonului 15 al emisiunii O dată-n viaţă difuzată pe 13 martie la TVR1. Invitaţii Iulianei Tudor au fost artiştii care au reprezentat România la Eurovision: Marcel Pavel, Nicola, Zoli de la Sistem şi Luminiţa Anghel, Nico şi Vlad Miriţă, Cezar Ouatu, Paula Seling şi OVI. Alături de ei, vedetele populare invitate au demonstrat că şi folclorul poate fi… de Eurovision.
Paula Seling - Ploaie în luna lui Marte (Mamaia 2001)
Moment cu Paula Seling, la Festivalul de Muzică Uşoară Mamaia 2001, interpretând “Ploaie în luna lui Marte”, pe versuri de Nichita Stănescu.
E liniste in codrul verde - Paula Seling
Muzica: Paula Seling (prelucrare dupa "Taticul meu e la razboi")
Text intro: Maica Teodosia
Orchestratie: Paula Seling
Fluier: Paula Seling
Mixaj si masterizare: Cristian Faur
Paula Seling - Pansament (Lyric Video)
Paula Seling - Pansament (Lyric Video) by Cat Music
Buy the single from iTunes: http://goo.gl/xd2Zdt
Subscribe to CatMusic: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=catmusicoffice
Cat Music is the main player in the Romanian music industry, representing some of the most influential and successful artists from Romania, for the past 20 years. Cat Music's portfolio includes phenomenal ban
Paula Seling - Danseaza cu mine
Muzica: Paula Seling
Text: Paula Seling
( https://www.facebook.com/paulaseling )
Orchestratie: Cristian Faur
( https://www.facebook.com/cristinelfaur )
Chitara bas : Daniel Pirici
Chitara: Daniel Bourosu
Parts of the animated movie "Sleeping beauty" (1959) were used to illustrate the song. No copyright infringement intended.
EXCLUSIVE! Paula Seling & Ovi - Playing With Fire
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Watch the NEW video clip! Paula Seling & Ovi will represent Romania with the song "Playing With Fire" at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo (Norway), taking place on the 25th, 27th and 29th of May.
(c) & (p) by Adevarul Holding and TVR
Directed by Mihnea de Vries
Production Company: Schneider Productions Romania
Executive Producer: Eduard Schneide
PAULA SELING - A mai trecut un an
MUZICA: Nicolae Moldoveanu
VERSURI: Traian Dorz
ORCHESTRATIE: Sergiu Tuhutiu
A mai trecut un an, s-a dus...
Si-n veci n-o sa mai vie
Si cati crestini ne-au parasit
Si cate suflete-au pornit
Cu el in vesnicie
Asa trec anii dupa ani
Si duc cu ei la vale
Si pe bogati, si pe sarmani
Pe mame dragi, lasand orfani
Si tot ce afla-n cale
In an
Paula Seling si Gheorghe Zamfir - Culeg vise
Video by Fatmir Mura
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
PIan si voce: Paula Seling
Nai: Gheorghe Zamfir
La umbra crucii
Paula Seling
Paula Seling-Prin ochii tai pot visa
Locul 1 creatie Mamaia 2009
Sa scriem poezii - Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: A Bird Music Production (Norbert Kovacs)
Mixaj: Florin Sorasan
Master: SageAudio USA
Am degetele inghetate
Si inima de foc
Tu esti steluta mea din noapte
Tu imi aduci noroc
Te astept pe la noi
Sa bem vin fiert,
Sa radem amandoi
Numai de Craciun
Te-astept sa vii
Sa scriem poezii
Ninge frumos, strada-i luminata
Totu-i alb pe jos, tu hai vino odata
Paula Seling - Ce folos
Muzica: folclor
Text: Traian Dorz
Orchestratie: Sergiu Tuhutiu
Paula Seling feat. Connect-R - MI-E DOR DE TINE
Muzica: Paula Seling
Text: Paula Seling, Connect-R
Randul lucrurilor - Paula Seling
Muzica, text si orchestratie: Paula Seling
Viori: Madalina Pirici
Bas: Dan Pirici
Mastering: Cristian Faur...
Muzica, text si orchestratie: Paula Seling
Viori: Madalina Pirici
Bas: Dan Pirici
Mastering: Cristian Faur
wn.com/Randul Lucrurilor Paula Seling
Muzica, text si orchestratie: Paula Seling
Viori: Madalina Pirici
Bas: Dan Pirici
Mastering: Cristian Faur
- published: 02 Nov 2015
- views: 75880
Paula Seling - Acasa
Muzica si versuri: Paula Seling (http://www.facebook.com/paulaseling)
Orchestratie: Andrei Tudor (http://www.andreitudor.com). Chitara bas: Daniel Pirici
Muzica si versuri: Paula Seling (http://www.facebook.com/paulaseling)
Orchestratie: Andrei Tudor (http://www.andreitudor.com). Chitara bas: Daniel Pirici
Thanks to Adam Colton for allowing us to use parts of his video https://vimeo.com/21081887
wn.com/Paula Seling Acasa
Muzica si versuri: Paula Seling (http://www.facebook.com/paulaseling)
Orchestratie: Andrei Tudor (http://www.andreitudor.com). Chitara bas: Daniel Pirici
Thanks to Adam Colton for allowing us to use parts of his video https://vimeo.com/21081887
- published: 04 Nov 2014
- views: 292784
Paula Seling - Timpul
HQ Music Video Venice, Italy
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula Seli...
HQ Music Video Venice, Italy
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula Seling Timpul HQ Music Video Venice, Italy
Paula Seling Get Up Now
Paula Seling Ploaie in luna lui Marte
Paula Seling Acolo Sus
Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi
Paula Seling Vreau Sa Cred
Paula Seling Mi-e Dor De Tine
Paula Seling Le Monde Est Stone
Paula Seling I Believe
Paula Seling Noapte calda
Paula Seling Dincolo de tot
Paula Seling Promit
Or just enter Paula Seling in the search box to see them all
We also have several related Channels
Keywords: Paula Seling Romanian
wn.com/Paula Seling Timpul
HQ Music Video Venice, Italy
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula Seling Timpul HQ Music Video Venice, Italy
Paula Seling Get Up Now
Paula Seling Ploaie in luna lui Marte
Paula Seling Acolo Sus
Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi
Paula Seling Vreau Sa Cred
Paula Seling Mi-e Dor De Tine
Paula Seling Le Monde Est Stone
Paula Seling I Believe
Paula Seling Noapte calda
Paula Seling Dincolo de tot
Paula Seling Promit
Or just enter Paula Seling in the search box to see them all
We also have several related Channels
Keywords: Paula Seling Romanian
- published: 12 Jul 2008
- views: 3864973
De-as fi un inger - Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Andrei Tudor
Pian si keyboard: Andrei Tudor
Chitara bas: Daniel Pirici
Mixaj si productie audio: Andrei Tudor
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Andrei Tudor
Pian si keyboard: Andrei Tudor
Chitara bas: Daniel Pirici
Mixaj si productie audio: Andrei Tudor
Mastering: SageAudio
Video: Radu Bucura
wn.com/De As Fi Un Inger Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Andrei Tudor
Pian si keyboard: Andrei Tudor
Chitara bas: Daniel Pirici
Mixaj si productie audio: Andrei Tudor
Mastering: SageAudio
Video: Radu Bucura
- published: 28 Nov 2015
- views: 58847
Doi prieteni vechi - Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Pian: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Calin Ionce...
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Pian: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Calin Ionce
wn.com/Doi Prieteni Vechi Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Pian: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Calin Ionce
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 28188
Paula Seling - Ridica-voi ochii
Muzica si text: folclor
Orchestratie : Calin Ionce
Ridica-voi ochii mei la Ceruri
De unde va...
Muzica si text: folclor
Orchestratie : Calin Ionce
Ridica-voi ochii mei la Ceruri
De unde va veni ajutorul meu
Ajutorul meu de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Ajutorul meu de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Către Domnul paşii mei voi duce
Şi legea Lui va fi îndreptarea mea
Îndreptarea mea de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Îndreptarea mea de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Ridica-voi ochii mei la Ceruri
De unde va veni mântuirea mea
Măntuirea mea de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Mântuirea mea de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şï pământul.
wn.com/Paula Seling Ridica Voi Ochii
Muzica si text: folclor
Orchestratie : Calin Ionce
Ridica-voi ochii mei la Ceruri
De unde va veni ajutorul meu
Ajutorul meu de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Ajutorul meu de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Către Domnul paşii mei voi duce
Şi legea Lui va fi îndreptarea mea
Îndreptarea mea de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Îndreptarea mea de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Ridica-voi ochii mei la Ceruri
De unde va veni mântuirea mea
Măntuirea mea de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şi pământul
Mântuirea mea de la Dumnezeu
Cel ce a făcut cerul şï pământul.
- published: 21 Apr 2013
- views: 504840
Recorded live in Thassos (Greece). Special thanks to the fishermen who fixed our power generator !
Recorded live in Thassos (Greece). Special thanks to the fishermen who fixed our power generator !
wn.com/Paula Seling Caruso (Live)
Recorded live in Thassos (Greece). Special thanks to the fishermen who fixed our power generator !
- published: 26 Sep 2012
- views: 481181
Paula Seling - La umbra crucii Tale
Muzica: Aurel Bolbos
Text: Traian Dorz
Orchestratie: Sergiu Tuhutiu
La umbra crucii tale eu, Doamne, vreau sa vin
Sa-mi ...
Muzica: Aurel Bolbos
Text: Traian Dorz
Orchestratie: Sergiu Tuhutiu
La umbra crucii tale eu, Doamne, vreau sa vin
Sa-mi plang mereu trecutul si Tie sa ma-nchin
Sa-mi plang mereu trecutul si Tie sa ma-nchin
La umbra crucii tale eu, Doamne, vreau sa fiu
Sa plang, sa cant cu jale, din moarte sa inviu
Sa plang, sa cant cu jale, din moarte sa inviu
La umbra crucii tale eu vreau sa-ngenunchiez
Caci numai tu, stapane, din greu ma liberezi
Caci numai tu, stapane, din greu ma liberezi
La umbra crucii tale e pacea si odihna
Nadejdea, mangaierea, dreptatea si lumina
Nadejdea, mangaierea, dreptatea si lumina
La umbra crucii tale, eu vreau sa chem mereu
Pe cei ce in viata nu l-au pe Dumnezeu
Pe cei ce in viata nu l-au pe Dumnezeu
Daca-as putea sa zbor mai sus de asta vale
As spune tuturora de jertfa crucii Tale
As spune tuturora de jertfa crucii Tale
wn.com/Paula Seling La Umbra Crucii Tale
Muzica: Aurel Bolbos
Text: Traian Dorz
Orchestratie: Sergiu Tuhutiu
La umbra crucii tale eu, Doamne, vreau sa vin
Sa-mi plang mereu trecutul si Tie sa ma-nchin
Sa-mi plang mereu trecutul si Tie sa ma-nchin
La umbra crucii tale eu, Doamne, vreau sa fiu
Sa plang, sa cant cu jale, din moarte sa inviu
Sa plang, sa cant cu jale, din moarte sa inviu
La umbra crucii tale eu vreau sa-ngenunchiez
Caci numai tu, stapane, din greu ma liberezi
Caci numai tu, stapane, din greu ma liberezi
La umbra crucii tale e pacea si odihna
Nadejdea, mangaierea, dreptatea si lumina
Nadejdea, mangaierea, dreptatea si lumina
La umbra crucii tale, eu vreau sa chem mereu
Pe cei ce in viata nu l-au pe Dumnezeu
Pe cei ce in viata nu l-au pe Dumnezeu
Daca-as putea sa zbor mai sus de asta vale
As spune tuturora de jertfa crucii Tale
As spune tuturora de jertfa crucii Tale
- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 251026
Oameni de zapada - Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: A Bird Music Production (Norbert Kovacs)
Mixaj: Florin Sorasan
Mastering: SageAudio USA...
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: A Bird Music Production (Norbert Kovacs)
Mixaj: Florin Sorasan
Mastering: SageAudio USA
wn.com/Oameni De Zapada Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: A Bird Music Production (Norbert Kovacs)
Mixaj: Florin Sorasan
Mastering: SageAudio USA
- published: 20 Dec 2015
- views: 10239
Paula Seling - Cum să sting eu dorul tău (@O dată-n viaţă)
Moment din ediţia de debut a sezonului 15 al emisiunii O dată-n viaţă difuzată pe 13 martie la TVR1. Invitaţii Iulianei Tudor au fost artiştii care au reprezent...
Moment din ediţia de debut a sezonului 15 al emisiunii O dată-n viaţă difuzată pe 13 martie la TVR1. Invitaţii Iulianei Tudor au fost artiştii care au reprezentat România la Eurovision: Marcel Pavel, Nicola, Zoli de la Sistem şi Luminiţa Anghel, Nico şi Vlad Miriţă, Cezar Ouatu, Paula Seling şi OVI. Alături de ei, vedetele populare invitate au demonstrat că şi folclorul poate fi… de Eurovision.
Ediţiile emisiunii sunt online pe TVR+ http://www.tvrplus.ro/emisiune-o-data-n-viata-46
wn.com/Paula Seling Cum Să Sting Eu Dorul Tău ( O Dată N Viaţă)
Moment din ediţia de debut a sezonului 15 al emisiunii O dată-n viaţă difuzată pe 13 martie la TVR1. Invitaţii Iulianei Tudor au fost artiştii care au reprezentat România la Eurovision: Marcel Pavel, Nicola, Zoli de la Sistem şi Luminiţa Anghel, Nico şi Vlad Miriţă, Cezar Ouatu, Paula Seling şi OVI. Alături de ei, vedetele populare invitate au demonstrat că şi folclorul poate fi… de Eurovision.
Ediţiile emisiunii sunt online pe TVR+ http://www.tvrplus.ro/emisiune-o-data-n-viata-46
- published: 25 Mar 2015
- views: 58204
Paula Seling - Ploaie în luna lui Marte (Mamaia 2001)
Moment cu Paula Seling, la Festivalul de Muzică Uşoară Mamaia 2001, interpretând “Ploaie în luna lui Marte”, pe versuri de Nichita Stănescu.
Moment cu Paula Seling, la Festivalul de Muzică Uşoară Mamaia 2001, interpretând “Ploaie în luna lui Marte”, pe versuri de Nichita Stănescu.
wn.com/Paula Seling Ploaie În Luna Lui Marte (Mamaia 2001)
Moment cu Paula Seling, la Festivalul de Muzică Uşoară Mamaia 2001, interpretând “Ploaie în luna lui Marte”, pe versuri de Nichita Stănescu.
- published: 31 Mar 2015
- views: 6775
E liniste in codrul verde - Paula Seling
Muzica: Paula Seling (prelucrare dupa "Taticul meu e la razboi")
Text intro: Maica Teodosia
Orchestratie: Paula Seling
Fluier: Paula Seling
Mixaj si masterizare...
Muzica: Paula Seling (prelucrare dupa "Taticul meu e la razboi")
Text intro: Maica Teodosia
Orchestratie: Paula Seling
Fluier: Paula Seling
Mixaj si masterizare: Cristian Faur
wn.com/E Liniste In Codrul Verde Paula Seling
Muzica: Paula Seling (prelucrare dupa "Taticul meu e la razboi")
Text intro: Maica Teodosia
Orchestratie: Paula Seling
Fluier: Paula Seling
Mixaj si masterizare: Cristian Faur
- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 12833
Paula Seling - Pansament (Lyric Video)
Paula Seling - Pansament (Lyric Video) by Cat Music
Buy the single from iTunes: http://goo.gl/xd2Zdt
Subscribe to CatMusic: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_...
Paula Seling - Pansament (Lyric Video) by Cat Music
Buy the single from iTunes: http://goo.gl/xd2Zdt
Subscribe to CatMusic: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=catmusicoffice
Cat Music is the main player in the Romanian music industry, representing some of the most influential and successful artists from Romania, for the past 20 years. Cat Music's portfolio includes phenomenal bands and artists, who wrote and keep on writing the music history in Romania. Some of this brands are: Alex Mica, Smiley, Elena Gheorghe, Mandinga, What's UP, Faydee, Edward Maya, Delia, Andreea Banica, Shift, Dj Project, Dj Sava, O-Zone, 3 Sud Est, Voltaj, Ruby, Laurentiu Duta, Cabron, CRBL, Tara, Sunrise INC, Pavel Stratan, Cleopatra Stratan, ROA (Rise of Artificial), Nick Kamarera, Mossano, Narcotic Sound, Ela Rose, Giulia, Hi-Q, Liviu Hodor, Directia 5, Anna Lesko, Andre, BUG Mafia, La Familia, N&D;, Class, Ro-Mania, Valahia.
Cat Music Online:
wn.com/Paula Seling Pansament (Lyric Video)
Paula Seling - Pansament (Lyric Video) by Cat Music
Buy the single from iTunes: http://goo.gl/xd2Zdt
Subscribe to CatMusic: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=catmusicoffice
Cat Music is the main player in the Romanian music industry, representing some of the most influential and successful artists from Romania, for the past 20 years. Cat Music's portfolio includes phenomenal bands and artists, who wrote and keep on writing the music history in Romania. Some of this brands are: Alex Mica, Smiley, Elena Gheorghe, Mandinga, What's UP, Faydee, Edward Maya, Delia, Andreea Banica, Shift, Dj Project, Dj Sava, O-Zone, 3 Sud Est, Voltaj, Ruby, Laurentiu Duta, Cabron, CRBL, Tara, Sunrise INC, Pavel Stratan, Cleopatra Stratan, ROA (Rise of Artificial), Nick Kamarera, Mossano, Narcotic Sound, Ela Rose, Giulia, Hi-Q, Liviu Hodor, Directia 5, Anna Lesko, Andre, BUG Mafia, La Familia, N&D;, Class, Ro-Mania, Valahia.
Cat Music Online:
- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 1091983
Paula Seling - Danseaza cu mine
Muzica: Paula Seling
Text: Paula Seling
( https://www.facebook.com/paulaseling )
Orchestratie: Cristian Faur
( https://www.facebook.com/cristinelfaur )
Muzica: Paula Seling
Text: Paula Seling
( https://www.facebook.com/paulaseling )
Orchestratie: Cristian Faur
( https://www.facebook.com/cristinelfaur )
Chitara bas : Daniel Pirici
Chitara: Daniel Bourosu
Parts of the animated movie "Sleeping beauty" (1959) were used to illustrate the song. No copyright infringement intended.
wn.com/Paula Seling Danseaza Cu Mine
Muzica: Paula Seling
Text: Paula Seling
( https://www.facebook.com/paulaseling )
Orchestratie: Cristian Faur
( https://www.facebook.com/cristinelfaur )
Chitara bas : Daniel Pirici
Chitara: Daniel Bourosu
Parts of the animated movie "Sleeping beauty" (1959) were used to illustrate the song. No copyright infringement intended.
- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 45367
EXCLUSIVE! Paula Seling & Ovi - Playing With Fire
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Watch the NEW video clip! Paula Seling & Ovi will represent Romania with the song "Playing With Fire" at the 2010 Eurovisi...
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Watch the NEW video clip! Paula Seling & Ovi will represent Romania with the song "Playing With Fire" at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo (Norway), taking place on the 25th, 27th and 29th of May.
(c) & (p) by Adevarul Holding and TVR
Directed by Mihnea de Vries
Production Company: Schneider Productions Romania
Executive Producer: Eduard Schneider
The action of this video is happening in the near future.
Paula and Ovi are taking a domestic fight to another level by controlling
different characters in a computer game: Pilots in a space-race, soldiers in urban warfare, dancers
and finally robots dancing in sync with the human dancers.
The video has been filmed in Romania and Austria. The technology behind it is similar to the one used
for making the movie Avatar, called "motion capture". Special suits with motion sensors have been used
to translate the dancers movements onto the 3D generated and animated robots.
The crew behind this is pan-European. Director Mihnea de Vries has Belgian ancestors, Executive Producer
Eduard Schneider is German and French citizen, currently living in Romania. Motion-capture technicians are
Austrian and the CGI-team is spread all over Europe, supervised by senior Visual-FX artist Cristian "Freespace" Ciocotisan.
wn.com/Exclusive Paula Seling Ovi Playing With Fire
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Watch the NEW video clip! Paula Seling & Ovi will represent Romania with the song "Playing With Fire" at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo (Norway), taking place on the 25th, 27th and 29th of May.
(c) & (p) by Adevarul Holding and TVR
Directed by Mihnea de Vries
Production Company: Schneider Productions Romania
Executive Producer: Eduard Schneider
The action of this video is happening in the near future.
Paula and Ovi are taking a domestic fight to another level by controlling
different characters in a computer game: Pilots in a space-race, soldiers in urban warfare, dancers
and finally robots dancing in sync with the human dancers.
The video has been filmed in Romania and Austria. The technology behind it is similar to the one used
for making the movie Avatar, called "motion capture". Special suits with motion sensors have been used
to translate the dancers movements onto the 3D generated and animated robots.
The crew behind this is pan-European. Director Mihnea de Vries has Belgian ancestors, Executive Producer
Eduard Schneider is German and French citizen, currently living in Romania. Motion-capture technicians are
Austrian and the CGI-team is spread all over Europe, supervised by senior Visual-FX artist Cristian "Freespace" Ciocotisan.
- published: 06 Apr 2010
- views: 2728291
PAULA SELING - A mai trecut un an
MUZICA: Nicolae Moldoveanu
VERSURI: Traian Dorz
ORCHESTRATIE: Sergiu Tuhutiu
A mai trecut un an,...
MUZICA: Nicolae Moldoveanu
VERSURI: Traian Dorz
ORCHESTRATIE: Sergiu Tuhutiu
A mai trecut un an, s-a dus...
Si-n veci n-o sa mai vie
Si cati crestini ne-au parasit
Si cate suflete-au pornit
Cu el in vesnicie
Asa trec anii dupa ani
Si duc cu ei la vale
Si pe bogati, si pe sarmani
Pe mame dragi, lasand orfani
Si tot ce afla-n cale
In anu-acesta poate treci
Si tu, iubite frate
Vezi zilele sa le petreci
Caci acolo pe unde mergi
Vei fi-ntrebat de toate
Si ce folos de-ai castiga
Aicea lumea toata
Si sufletul ti l-ai uitat
Caci pentru el n-ai adunat
Nimica niciodata
O, Dumnezeule Ceresc
Rugamu-Te fierbinte
Sa fii cu noi in orice zi
Si-n anul care va veni
Sa ne ajuti Parinte
wn.com/Paula Seling A Mai Trecut Un An
MUZICA: Nicolae Moldoveanu
VERSURI: Traian Dorz
ORCHESTRATIE: Sergiu Tuhutiu
A mai trecut un an, s-a dus...
Si-n veci n-o sa mai vie
Si cati crestini ne-au parasit
Si cate suflete-au pornit
Cu el in vesnicie
Asa trec anii dupa ani
Si duc cu ei la vale
Si pe bogati, si pe sarmani
Pe mame dragi, lasand orfani
Si tot ce afla-n cale
In anu-acesta poate treci
Si tu, iubite frate
Vezi zilele sa le petreci
Caci acolo pe unde mergi
Vei fi-ntrebat de toate
Si ce folos de-ai castiga
Aicea lumea toata
Si sufletul ti l-ai uitat
Caci pentru el n-ai adunat
Nimica niciodata
O, Dumnezeule Ceresc
Rugamu-Te fierbinte
Sa fii cu noi in orice zi
Si-n anul care va veni
Sa ne ajuti Parinte
- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 304001
Paula Seling si Gheorghe Zamfir - Culeg vise
Video by Fatmir Mura
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
PIan si voce: Paula Seling
Video by Fatmir Mura
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
PIan si voce: Paula Seling
Nai: Gheorghe Zamfir
wn.com/Paula Seling Si Gheorghe Zamfir Culeg Vise
Video by Fatmir Mura
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
PIan si voce: Paula Seling
Nai: Gheorghe Zamfir
- published: 29 Apr 2015
- views: 58850
La umbra crucii
Paula Seling...
Paula Seling
wn.com/La Umbra Crucii
Paula Seling
- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 597334
Sa scriem poezii - Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: A Bird Music Production (Norbert Kovacs)
Mixaj: Florin Sorasan
Master: SageAudio USA
Am degetele inghetate
Si inima ...
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: A Bird Music Production (Norbert Kovacs)
Mixaj: Florin Sorasan
Master: SageAudio USA
Am degetele inghetate
Si inima de foc
Tu esti steluta mea din noapte
Tu imi aduci noroc
Te astept pe la noi
Sa bem vin fiert,
Sa radem amandoi
Numai de Craciun
Te-astept sa vii
Sa scriem poezii
Ninge frumos, strada-i luminata
Totu-i alb pe jos, tu hai vino odata
Ceru-i luminos, si drumul ti-l arata
Sa ne batem cu zapada
Ninge ca-n povesti, ca in copilarie
Tu ma amagesti, ca-s una dintr-o mie
Daca ma iubesti, anul nou sa fie
Dragoste si poezie
Am pus cozonac pe masa
Si bradul e-mpodobit
Nu suntem doar noi doi acasa
Poate nici nu ne-am fi dorit
De Craciun sarbatorim,
Mancam prajituri si povestim
Numai de Craciun
Te-astept sa vii
Sa scriem poezii
Ninge frumos, strada-i luminata
Totu-i alb pe jos, tu hai vino odata
Ceru-i luminos, si drumul ti-l arata
Sa ne batem cu zapada
Ninge ca-n povesti, ca in copilarie
Tu ma amagesti, ca-s una dintr-o mie
Daca ma iubesti, anul nou sa fie
Dragoste si poezie
Tot ce visez de Craciun
E sa fim impreuna,
Intr-un an mai bun
Langa tine pot avea
Orice in viata mea
Ninge frumos, strada-i luminata
Totu-i alb pe jos, tu hai vino odata
Ceru-i luminos, si drumul ti-l arata
Sa ne batem cu zapada
Ninge ca-n povesti, ca in copilarie
Tu ma amagesti, ca-s una dintr-o mie
Daca ma iubesti, anul nou sa fie
Dragoste si poezie
wn.com/Sa Scriem Poezii Paula Seling
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: A Bird Music Production (Norbert Kovacs)
Mixaj: Florin Sorasan
Master: SageAudio USA
Am degetele inghetate
Si inima de foc
Tu esti steluta mea din noapte
Tu imi aduci noroc
Te astept pe la noi
Sa bem vin fiert,
Sa radem amandoi
Numai de Craciun
Te-astept sa vii
Sa scriem poezii
Ninge frumos, strada-i luminata
Totu-i alb pe jos, tu hai vino odata
Ceru-i luminos, si drumul ti-l arata
Sa ne batem cu zapada
Ninge ca-n povesti, ca in copilarie
Tu ma amagesti, ca-s una dintr-o mie
Daca ma iubesti, anul nou sa fie
Dragoste si poezie
Am pus cozonac pe masa
Si bradul e-mpodobit
Nu suntem doar noi doi acasa
Poate nici nu ne-am fi dorit
De Craciun sarbatorim,
Mancam prajituri si povestim
Numai de Craciun
Te-astept sa vii
Sa scriem poezii
Ninge frumos, strada-i luminata
Totu-i alb pe jos, tu hai vino odata
Ceru-i luminos, si drumul ti-l arata
Sa ne batem cu zapada
Ninge ca-n povesti, ca in copilarie
Tu ma amagesti, ca-s una dintr-o mie
Daca ma iubesti, anul nou sa fie
Dragoste si poezie
Tot ce visez de Craciun
E sa fim impreuna,
Intr-un an mai bun
Langa tine pot avea
Orice in viata mea
Ninge frumos, strada-i luminata
Totu-i alb pe jos, tu hai vino odata
Ceru-i luminos, si drumul ti-l arata
Sa ne batem cu zapada
Ninge ca-n povesti, ca in copilarie
Tu ma amagesti, ca-s una dintr-o mie
Daca ma iubesti, anul nou sa fie
Dragoste si poezie
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 8651
Paula Seling - Ce folos
Muzica: folclor
Text: Traian Dorz
Orchestratie: Sergiu Tuhutiu...
Muzica: folclor
Text: Traian Dorz
Orchestratie: Sergiu Tuhutiu
wn.com/Paula Seling Ce Folos
Muzica: folclor
Text: Traian Dorz
Orchestratie: Sergiu Tuhutiu
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 56397
Paula Seling feat. Connect-R - MI-E DOR DE TINE
Muzica: Paula Seling
Text: Paula Seling, Connect-R...
Muzica: Paula Seling
Text: Paula Seling, Connect-R
wn.com/Paula Seling Feat. Connect R Mi E Dor De Tine
Muzica: Paula Seling
Text: Paula Seling, Connect-R
- published: 30 Aug 2015
- views: 43450
Paula Seling - TIMPUL (live)
Paula Seling - pian si voce
Andreea Moldovan - voce aditionala
Larisa Borza - voce aditionala
Dan Bourosu - chitara
Daniel Pirici - bas
Viky Red - clape
Radu Bucura - tobe
Marian Simniceanu - sunet
Recorded live at seaside in Thassos (Greece) at 6.30 am.
MUSIC: Dimitris Kontopoulos
LYRICS: Paula Seling & Radu Bucura
Inregistrare facuta de catre TVR in 09.03.2013 in cadrul Finalei Nationale Eurovision Romania. Inginer sunet : Gabriel Scirlet
Muzica: Adda Moldovan, Ovidiu Stanescu
Versuri: Adda Moldovan, Marius Moga
Orchestratie: Ionut Vasilache
Mix: Romeo Bejan
Chitari: Alex Cotoi
Creative Manager: Ovidiu Stanescu - DeMoga Music Publishing (C) 2013
Ma doare ca nu pot sa-
LIVE Florin Salam Paula Seling - Tu nu vezi by Piticu' 220.ro.flv
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu gasesc drumul spre casa
Casa mea e un loc cu soare mult
De oamenii lor le mai pasa
In desertul de astfalt copiii plang
Si oamenii se bat pentru nimic
Intre blocurile gri batranii mor
Si nimanui nu-i pasa ca se sting
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sp
Paula Seling - Promit (concert Sala Radio)
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Emanuel Nastasie
Dirijor: Ionel Tudor
Amandoi am invatat sa ne iubim frumos
Am crezut in viata si-n ce ne-a dat
Si-am pastrat lumina de-nceput ce ne-a legat
Ma cunosti, tu m-ai ales, voi fi mereu a ta
Chiar de lumea nu ne va ierta
Iti promit ca-ntotdeauna te voi ajuta
Promit ca nu te voi uita
Si daca n-ai sa fii cu mine
Vei exista in viata mea
Paula Seling si Marius Ciprian Pop - "Ce s-ar face inima" (LIVE)
Ascultă aici cel mai nou single semnat Paula Seling si Marius Ciprian Pop - "Ce s-ar face inima"!, Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 04-12-2014
Paula Seling - SOS (Live @ Frenchmania)
Cover dupa Indila. Inregistrat live pe 30 septembrie 2015.
Despre FRENCHMANIA: Institutul Francez din România, în parteneriat cu TV5MONDE, susține promovarea muzicii francofone.
Bazându-se pe ideea originală a lui Christophe Gigaudaut, director al Institutului Francez din România şi a cântăreţului şi compozitorului român Keo, Institutul Francez din Bucureşti va fi gazda unor seri muzicale de excep
Paula Seling - "Ruga" (LIVE)
Paula Seling a venit să cânte, la Neatza, melodia "Ruga"., Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 10-04-2015
PAULA SELING - Timpul (concert Sala Radio)
Inregistrare facuta in 14 feb 2013 la Sala Radio Bucuresti impreuna cu Big Band-ul si Orchestra Radio. Dirijor: Ionel Tudor
LIVE! Paula Seling - "Ce folos"
Paula Seling a venit să cânte, la Neatza, melodia "Ce folos", Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 10-04-2015
Paula Seling Ploaie in luna lui Marte Live @ `Neatza cu Razvan si Dani A1
Al Bano - Liberta feat. Paula Seling - LIVE - Bucuresti - iConcert.ro
http://www.iconcert.ro/ Al Bano - Liberta feat. Paula Seling - LIVE - Bucuresti - Sala Palatului - 12.06.2011 - iConcert.ro
PAULA SELING - Tu nu vezi (concert Sala Radio)
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Ionel Tudor
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu gasesc drumul spre casa
Casa mea-i un loc cu soare mult
Unde oamenilor le mai pasa
In desertul de asfalt copiii plang
Si oamenii se bat pentru nimic
Intre blocurile gri batranii mor
Si nimanui nu-i pasa ca se sting
Tu nu vezi, Paradisul meu e-acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi ca merg
Paula Seling - De-as fi un inger LIVE | Ne Vedem La TVR |
Paula Seling, a interpretat ''De-as fi un inger'' piesa extrasa de pe albumul '' POVESTI DE IARNA''
Paula Seling canta live in Morning ZU
Paula Seling - NOAPTE CALDA live
Paula Seling - pian si voce
Andreea Moldovan - voce aditionala
Larisa Borza - voce aditionala
Dan Bourosu - chitara
Daniel Pirici - bas
Viky Red - clape
Radu Bucura - tobe
Marian Simniceanu - sunet
Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle (Romania) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Second Semi-Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Romania: Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Second Semi-Final
Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle (Romania) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Romania: Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
Paula Seling - Promit
Live - 10th Anniversary Special
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula Seling Promit Live - 10th Anniversary Special
Paula Seling Get Up Now
Paula Seling Ploaie in luna lui Marte
Paula Seling Step Back
Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi
Paula Seling Vreau Sa Cred
Paula Seling Mi-e Dor De Tine
Paula Seling Le Monde
PAULA SELING - Toamna-n Bucuresti (live in Herastrau)
Recorded live in Herastrau Park - Bucharest.
Video: Radu Bucura
Thanks to: Cristi, Codrut ( https://www.facebook.com/ckfoto.ro ), Dan Bourosu, Ionut Constantin
Ma uit pe vizor in sufletul meu
Nu-i nimeni acasa
Incerc sa patrund timid, pe un geam
Tacerea m-apasa
Sunt umbre, alinturi, culori si parfu
LIVE: Paula Seling - "Solo"
Paula Seling, fost jurat X Factor, a venit la Neatza să cînte., Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 09-09-2014
PAULA SELING & BAND - Clopote albe, clopote negre (LIVE)
MUSIC: George Natsis
LYRICS: Roxana Popescu
Andreea Moldovan - backing vocal, Larisa Borza - backing vocal, Dan Bourosu - guitar, Daniel Pirici - bass, Viky Red - keyboard, Radu Bucura - drums, Marian Simniceanu - sound engineer, Ionut Constantin - tehnic
Eu, ma-mbat cu ploi,
Nu cer piatra lunii din cer.
Eu, ma-mbat cu timp, uneori
Paula Seling - TIMPUL (live)
Paula Seling - pian si voce
Andreea Moldovan - voce aditionala
Larisa Borza - voce aditionala
Dan Bourosu - chitara
Daniel Pirici - bas
Viky Red - clape
Paula Seling - pian si voce
Andreea Moldovan - voce aditionala
Larisa Borza - voce aditionala
Dan Bourosu - chitara
Daniel Pirici - bas
Viky Red - clape
Radu Bucura - tobe
Marian Simniceanu - sunet
wn.com/Paula Seling Timpul (Live)
Paula Seling - pian si voce
Andreea Moldovan - voce aditionala
Larisa Borza - voce aditionala
Dan Bourosu - chitara
Daniel Pirici - bas
Viky Red - clape
Radu Bucura - tobe
Marian Simniceanu - sunet
- published: 27 Dec 2011
- views: 177059
Recorded live at seaside in Thassos (Greece) at 6.30 am.
MUSIC: Dimitris Kontopoulos
LYRICS: Pau...
Recorded live at seaside in Thassos (Greece) at 6.30 am.
MUSIC: Dimitris Kontopoulos
LYRICS: Paula Seling & Radu Bucura
wn.com/Paula Seling I Feel Free (Acoustic Live Hd)
Recorded live at seaside in Thassos (Greece) at 6.30 am.
MUSIC: Dimitris Kontopoulos
LYRICS: Paula Seling & Radu Bucura
- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 183984
Inregistrare facuta de catre TVR in 09.03.2013 in cadrul Finalei Nationale Eurovision Romania. Inginer sunet : Gabriel Scirlet
Inregistrare facuta de catre TVR in 09.03.2013 in cadrul Finalei Nationale Eurovision Romania. Inginer sunet : Gabriel Scirlet
Muzica: Adda Moldovan, Ovidiu Stanescu
Versuri: Adda Moldovan, Marius Moga
Orchestratie: Ionut Vasilache
Mix: Romeo Bejan
Chitari: Alex Cotoi
Creative Manager: Ovidiu Stanescu - DeMoga Music Publishing (C) 2013
Ma doare ca nu pot sa-ti spun ce simt
Mi-e frica din nou ca pierd tot ce ating
Si m-ascund de-atata timp de noi
Viata in doi ne-a ranit pe amandoi
Stiu ca numai tu ma poti salva....
Am simtit pe cord deschis ca iubirea face rau
N-ai cumva un pansament sa-l pun pe sufletul meu
Sau doar un medicament, ca sa pot iubi din nou
Ai fi ca un pansament peste sufletul meu
In mine e-o lupta cand ma privesti
Se spune ca nu alegi cand sa iubesti
Si m-ascund de-atata timp de noi
Viata in doi ne-a ranit pe amandoi
Stiu ca numai tu ma poti salva....
Am simtit pe cord deschis ca iubirea face rau
N-ai cumva un pansament sa-l pun pe sufletul meu
Sau doar un medicament, ca sa pot iubi din nou
Ai fi ca un pansament peste sufletul meu
Am simtit pe cord deschis ca iubirea face rau
N-ai cumva un pansament sa-l pun pe sufletul meu
Sau doar un medicament, ca sa pot iubi din nou
Ai fi ca un pansament peste sufletul meu
Am simtit pe cord deschis ca iubirea face rau
N-ai cumva un pansament sa-l pun pe sufletul meu
Sau doar un medicament, ca sa pot iubi din nou
Ai fi ca un pansament peste sufletul meu
wn.com/Paula Seling Pansament (Live)
Inregistrare facuta de catre TVR in 09.03.2013 in cadrul Finalei Nationale Eurovision Romania. Inginer sunet : Gabriel Scirlet
Muzica: Adda Moldovan, Ovidiu Stanescu
Versuri: Adda Moldovan, Marius Moga
Orchestratie: Ionut Vasilache
Mix: Romeo Bejan
Chitari: Alex Cotoi
Creative Manager: Ovidiu Stanescu - DeMoga Music Publishing (C) 2013
Ma doare ca nu pot sa-ti spun ce simt
Mi-e frica din nou ca pierd tot ce ating
Si m-ascund de-atata timp de noi
Viata in doi ne-a ranit pe amandoi
Stiu ca numai tu ma poti salva....
Am simtit pe cord deschis ca iubirea face rau
N-ai cumva un pansament sa-l pun pe sufletul meu
Sau doar un medicament, ca sa pot iubi din nou
Ai fi ca un pansament peste sufletul meu
In mine e-o lupta cand ma privesti
Se spune ca nu alegi cand sa iubesti
Si m-ascund de-atata timp de noi
Viata in doi ne-a ranit pe amandoi
Stiu ca numai tu ma poti salva....
Am simtit pe cord deschis ca iubirea face rau
N-ai cumva un pansament sa-l pun pe sufletul meu
Sau doar un medicament, ca sa pot iubi din nou
Ai fi ca un pansament peste sufletul meu
Am simtit pe cord deschis ca iubirea face rau
N-ai cumva un pansament sa-l pun pe sufletul meu
Sau doar un medicament, ca sa pot iubi din nou
Ai fi ca un pansament peste sufletul meu
Am simtit pe cord deschis ca iubirea face rau
N-ai cumva un pansament sa-l pun pe sufletul meu
Sau doar un medicament, ca sa pot iubi din nou
Ai fi ca un pansament peste sufletul meu
- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 199171
LIVE Florin Salam Paula Seling - Tu nu vezi by Piticu' 220.ro.flv
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu gasesc drumul spre casa
Casa mea e un loc cu soare mult
De oamenii lor le mai pasa
In desertul de astfalt copiii plang
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu gasesc drumul spre casa
Casa mea e un loc cu soare mult
De oamenii lor le mai pasa
In desertul de astfalt copiii plang
Si oamenii se bat pentru nimic
Intre blocurile gri batranii mor
Si nimanui nu-i pasa ca se sting
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sparg in spatiul incins
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu mai avem timp sa ne intoarcem
Doamne spune-mi tu ce-i de facut
Caci vocea mea se pierde-n noapte
Intr-o lume-n care totul costa-n bani
Iubirea pentru oameni nu mai e
Cei ce-arunca piatra-n noi cei pacatosi
Versuri Paula Seling - Tu nu vezi
de pe http://www.versuri.ro
Sunt cei ce-nneaca lumea-n minciuni
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sparg in spatiul incins
Cine esti tu sa-mi spu ce-i bun sau rau
Cand tu poate nici nu ai gasit drumul tau
Tu nu vezi
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sparg in spatiul incins
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sparg in spatiul incins
Tu nu vezï ca plec...
wn.com/Live Florin Salam Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi By Piticu' 220.Ro.Flv
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu gasesc drumul spre casa
Casa mea e un loc cu soare mult
De oamenii lor le mai pasa
In desertul de astfalt copiii plang
Si oamenii se bat pentru nimic
Intre blocurile gri batranii mor
Si nimanui nu-i pasa ca se sting
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sparg in spatiul incins
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu mai avem timp sa ne intoarcem
Doamne spune-mi tu ce-i de facut
Caci vocea mea se pierde-n noapte
Intr-o lume-n care totul costa-n bani
Iubirea pentru oameni nu mai e
Cei ce-arunca piatra-n noi cei pacatosi
Versuri Paula Seling - Tu nu vezi
de pe http://www.versuri.ro
Sunt cei ce-nneaca lumea-n minciuni
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sparg in spatiul incins
Cine esti tu sa-mi spu ce-i bun sau rau
Cand tu poate nici nu ai gasit drumul tau
Tu nu vezi
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sparg in spatiul incins
Tu nu vezi
Paradisul meu e acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi
Ca mergem toti pe un drum inchis
Si vise multe sparg in spatiul incins
Tu nu vezï ca plec...
- published: 15 Jun 2010
- views: 794218
Paula Seling - Promit (concert Sala Radio)
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Emanuel Nastasie
Dirijor: Ionel Tudor
Amandoi am invatat sa ne iubim frumos
Am crezut in viata si-n ce ne-a dat
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Emanuel Nastasie
Dirijor: Ionel Tudor
Amandoi am invatat sa ne iubim frumos
Am crezut in viata si-n ce ne-a dat
Si-am pastrat lumina de-nceput ce ne-a legat
Ma cunosti, tu m-ai ales, voi fi mereu a ta
Chiar de lumea nu ne va ierta
Iti promit ca-ntotdeauna te voi ajuta
Promit ca nu te voi uita
Si daca n-ai sa fii cu mine
Vei exista in viata mea
Si-am sa ma rog sa-ti fie bine
Peste ani ne vom revedea
La fel de-ndragostiti
Ne vom regasi si ne vom iubi
Si-amandoi vom intelege vïata cum e ea
wn.com/Paula Seling Promit (Concert Sala Radio)
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Emanuel Nastasie
Dirijor: Ionel Tudor
Amandoi am invatat sa ne iubim frumos
Am crezut in viata si-n ce ne-a dat
Si-am pastrat lumina de-nceput ce ne-a legat
Ma cunosti, tu m-ai ales, voi fi mereu a ta
Chiar de lumea nu ne va ierta
Iti promit ca-ntotdeauna te voi ajuta
Promit ca nu te voi uita
Si daca n-ai sa fii cu mine
Vei exista in viata mea
Si-am sa ma rog sa-ti fie bine
Peste ani ne vom revedea
La fel de-ndragostiti
Ne vom regasi si ne vom iubi
Si-amandoi vom intelege vïata cum e ea
- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 94054
Paula Seling si Marius Ciprian Pop - "Ce s-ar face inima" (LIVE)
Ascultă aici cel mai nou single semnat Paula Seling si Marius Ciprian Pop - "Ce s-ar face inima"!, Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 04-12-2014...
Ascultă aici cel mai nou single semnat Paula Seling si Marius Ciprian Pop - "Ce s-ar face inima"!, Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 04-12-2014
wn.com/Paula Seling Si Marius Ciprian Pop Ce S Ar Face Inima (Live)
Ascultă aici cel mai nou single semnat Paula Seling si Marius Ciprian Pop - "Ce s-ar face inima"!, Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 04-12-2014
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 151947
Paula Seling - SOS (Live @ Frenchmania)
Cover dupa Indila. Inregistrat live pe 30 septembrie 2015.
Despre FRENCHMANIA: Institutul Francez din România, în parteneriat cu TV5MONDE, susține promovarea mu...
Cover dupa Indila. Inregistrat live pe 30 septembrie 2015.
Despre FRENCHMANIA: Institutul Francez din România, în parteneriat cu TV5MONDE, susține promovarea muzicii francofone.
Bazându-se pe ideea originală a lui Christophe Gigaudaut, director al Institutului Francez din România şi a cântăreţului şi compozitorului român Keo, Institutul Francez din Bucureşti va fi gazda unor seri muzicale de exceptie, din septembrie 2015 până în iunie 2016. Staruri ale muzicii româneşti vor interpreta live cântece de pe noua scenă a hexagonului şi vor evoca relaţia lor cu muzica franceză.
Mai puţin cunoscuţi francofoni şi convinşi francofili, Alexandra Ungureanu, Lora, Paula Seling, Dorian Popa, Cornel Ilie (Vunk) şi Bodo (Proconsul) vor fi invitaţii acestor două prime întâlniri, din 30 septembrie şi 18 noiembrie 2015.
Prezentate de Teo Trandafir şi animate de către Keo, aceste întâlniri artistice şi interpretări muzicale în ambienţa intimă a sălii Elvira Popescu a Institutului Francez, vor fi transmise pe reţelele sociale pentru a ajunge la cât mai mulţi iubitori de muzică şi pentru a reuşi să se întrepătrundă cântecele franceze în peisajul muzical românesc.
Mixat si masterizat de Bogdan Muresan.
wn.com/Paula Seling Sos (Live Frenchmania)
Cover dupa Indila. Inregistrat live pe 30 septembrie 2015.
Despre FRENCHMANIA: Institutul Francez din România, în parteneriat cu TV5MONDE, susține promovarea muzicii francofone.
Bazându-se pe ideea originală a lui Christophe Gigaudaut, director al Institutului Francez din România şi a cântăreţului şi compozitorului român Keo, Institutul Francez din Bucureşti va fi gazda unor seri muzicale de exceptie, din septembrie 2015 până în iunie 2016. Staruri ale muzicii româneşti vor interpreta live cântece de pe noua scenă a hexagonului şi vor evoca relaţia lor cu muzica franceză.
Mai puţin cunoscuţi francofoni şi convinşi francofili, Alexandra Ungureanu, Lora, Paula Seling, Dorian Popa, Cornel Ilie (Vunk) şi Bodo (Proconsul) vor fi invitaţii acestor două prime întâlniri, din 30 septembrie şi 18 noiembrie 2015.
Prezentate de Teo Trandafir şi animate de către Keo, aceste întâlniri artistice şi interpretări muzicale în ambienţa intimă a sălii Elvira Popescu a Institutului Francez, vor fi transmise pe reţelele sociale pentru a ajunge la cât mai mulţi iubitori de muzică şi pentru a reuşi să se întrepătrundă cântecele franceze în peisajul muzical românesc.
Mixat si masterizat de Bogdan Muresan.
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 3594
Paula Seling - "Ruga" (LIVE)
Paula Seling a venit să cânte, la Neatza, melodia "Ruga"., Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 10-04-2015...
Paula Seling a venit să cânte, la Neatza, melodia "Ruga"., Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 10-04-2015
wn.com/Paula Seling Ruga (Live)
Paula Seling a venit să cânte, la Neatza, melodia "Ruga"., Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 10-04-2015
- published: 10 Apr 2015
- views: 5532
PAULA SELING - Timpul (concert Sala Radio)
Inregistrare facuta in 14 feb 2013 la Sala Radio Bucuresti impreuna cu Big Band-ul si Orchestra Radio. Dirijor: Ionel Tudor
Inregistrare facuta in 14 feb 2013 la Sala Radio Bucuresti impreuna cu Big Band-ul si Orchestra Radio. Dirijor: Ionel Tudor
wn.com/Paula Seling Timpul (Concert Sala Radio)
Inregistrare facuta in 14 feb 2013 la Sala Radio Bucuresti impreuna cu Big Band-ul si Orchestra Radio. Dirijor: Ionel Tudor
- published: 29 Mar 2013
- views: 27477
LIVE! Paula Seling - "Ce folos"
Paula Seling a venit să cânte, la Neatza, melodia "Ce folos", Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 10-04-2015...
Paula Seling a venit să cânte, la Neatza, melodia "Ce folos", Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 10-04-2015
wn.com/Live Paula Seling Ce Folos
Paula Seling a venit să cânte, la Neatza, melodia "Ce folos", Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 10-04-2015
- published: 10 Apr 2015
- views: 30077
Al Bano - Liberta feat. Paula Seling - LIVE - Bucuresti - iConcert.ro
http://www.iconcert.ro/ Al Bano - Liberta feat. Paula Seling - LIVE - Bucuresti - Sala Palatului - 12.06.2011 - iConcert.ro...
http://www.iconcert.ro/ Al Bano - Liberta feat. Paula Seling - LIVE - Bucuresti - Sala Palatului - 12.06.2011 - iConcert.ro
wn.com/Al Bano Liberta Feat. Paula Seling Live Bucuresti Iconcert.Ro
http://www.iconcert.ro/ Al Bano - Liberta feat. Paula Seling - LIVE - Bucuresti - Sala Palatului - 12.06.2011 - iConcert.ro
- published: 13 Jun 2011
- views: 895601
PAULA SELING - Tu nu vezi (concert Sala Radio)
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Ionel Tudor
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu gasesc drumul spre casa
Casa mea-i un loc cu soare mult
Unde oamenilor ...
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Ionel Tudor
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu gasesc drumul spre casa
Casa mea-i un loc cu soare mult
Unde oamenilor le mai pasa
In desertul de asfalt copiii plang
Si oamenii se bat pentru nimic
Intre blocurile gri batranii mor
Si nimanui nu-i pasa ca se sting
Tu nu vezi, Paradisul meu e-acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi ca mergem toti pe-un drum inchis
Si vise mor pe-asfaltu-ncins
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu mai e timp sa ne-ntoarcem
Doamne, spune tu ce-i de facut
Caci vocea mea se pierde-n noapte
Intr-o lume-n care totul costa bani
Iubirea pentru oameni nu mai e
Cei ce-arunca piatra-n noi, cei pacatosi
Inceaca lumea-n propriile minciuni
Tu nu vezi, Paradisul meu e-acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi ca mergem toti pe-un drum inchis
Si vise mor pe-asfaltu-ncins
Cine esti tu sa-mi spui ce-i bun sau rau
Cand tu poate nici n-ai gasit drumul tau
Tu nu vezi ...
wn.com/Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi (Concert Sala Radio)
Muzica si text: Paula Seling
Orchestratie: Ionel Tudor
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu gasesc drumul spre casa
Casa mea-i un loc cu soare mult
Unde oamenilor le mai pasa
In desertul de asfalt copiii plang
Si oamenii se bat pentru nimic
Intre blocurile gri batranii mor
Si nimanui nu-i pasa ca se sting
Tu nu vezi, Paradisul meu e-acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi ca mergem toti pe-un drum inchis
Si vise mor pe-asfaltu-ncins
Multe rauri avem de trecut
Si nu mai e timp sa ne-ntoarcem
Doamne, spune tu ce-i de facut
Caci vocea mea se pierde-n noapte
Intr-o lume-n care totul costa bani
Iubirea pentru oameni nu mai e
Cei ce-arunca piatra-n noi, cei pacatosi
Inceaca lumea-n propriile minciuni
Tu nu vezi, Paradisul meu e-acelasi cu al tau
Dar tu te joci de-a Dumnezeu
Tu nu vezi ca mergem toti pe-un drum inchis
Si vise mor pe-asfaltu-ncins
Cine esti tu sa-mi spui ce-i bun sau rau
Cand tu poate nici n-ai gasit drumul tau
Tu nu vezi ...
- published: 11 Jun 2013
- views: 104798
Paula Seling - De-as fi un inger LIVE | Ne Vedem La TVR |
Paula Seling, a interpretat ''De-as fi un inger'' piesa extrasa de pe albumul '' POVESTI DE IARNA''
Paula Seling, a interpretat ''De-as fi un inger'' piesa extrasa de pe albumul '' POVESTI DE IARNA''
wn.com/Paula Seling De As Fi Un Inger Live | Ne Vedem La Tvr |
Paula Seling, a interpretat ''De-as fi un inger'' piesa extrasa de pe albumul '' POVESTI DE IARNA''
- published: 28 Nov 2015
- views: 1357
Paula Seling - NOAPTE CALDA live
Paula Seling - pian si voce
Andreea Moldovan - voce aditionala
Larisa Borza - voce aditionala
Dan Bourosu - chitara
Daniel Pirici - bas
Viky Red - clape
Paula Seling - pian si voce
Andreea Moldovan - voce aditionala
Larisa Borza - voce aditionala
Dan Bourosu - chitara
Daniel Pirici - bas
Viky Red - clape
Radu Bucura - tobe
Marian Simniceanu - sunet
wn.com/Paula Seling Noapte Calda Live
Paula Seling - pian si voce
Andreea Moldovan - voce aditionala
Larisa Borza - voce aditionala
Dan Bourosu - chitara
Daniel Pirici - bas
Viky Red - clape
Radu Bucura - tobe
Marian Simniceanu - sunet
- published: 27 Dec 2011
- views: 14270
Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle (Romania) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Second Semi-Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Romania: Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Second Semi-Final...
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Romania: Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Second Semi-Final
wn.com/Paula Seling Ovi Miracle (Romania) Live Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Second Semi Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Romania: Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Second Semi-Final
- published: 08 May 2014
- views: 860896
Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle (Romania) LIVE Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Romania: Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final...
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Romania: Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
wn.com/Paula Seling Ovi Miracle (Romania) Live Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
Romania: Paula Seling & OVI - Miracle live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final
- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 696095
Paula Seling - Promit
Live - 10th Anniversary Special
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula S...
Live - 10th Anniversary Special
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula Seling Promit Live - 10th Anniversary Special
Paula Seling Get Up Now
Paula Seling Ploaie in luna lui Marte
Paula Seling Step Back
Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi
Paula Seling Vreau Sa Cred
Paula Seling Mi-e Dor De Tine
Paula Seling Le Monde Est Stone
Paula Seling I Believe
Paula Seling Noapte calda
Paula Seling Dincolo de tot
Paula Seling Timpul
Or just enter Paula Seling in the search box to see them all
We also have several related Channels
Keywords: Paula Seling Romanian
wn.com/Paula Seling Promit
Live - 10th Anniversary Special
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula Seling Promit Live - 10th Anniversary Special
Paula Seling Get Up Now
Paula Seling Ploaie in luna lui Marte
Paula Seling Step Back
Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi
Paula Seling Vreau Sa Cred
Paula Seling Mi-e Dor De Tine
Paula Seling Le Monde Est Stone
Paula Seling I Believe
Paula Seling Noapte calda
Paula Seling Dincolo de tot
Paula Seling Timpul
Or just enter Paula Seling in the search box to see them all
We also have several related Channels
Keywords: Paula Seling Romanian
- published: 19 Jul 2008
- views: 444760
PAULA SELING - Toamna-n Bucuresti (live in Herastrau)
Recorded live in Herastrau Park - Bucharest.
Video: Radu Bucura
Thanks to: Cristi, Codrut ( https://www.facebook.com/ckfoto.ro ), Dan Bourosu, Ionut Constantin
Recorded live in Herastrau Park - Bucharest.
Video: Radu Bucura
Thanks to: Cristi, Codrut ( https://www.facebook.com/ckfoto.ro ), Dan Bourosu, Ionut Constantin
Ma uit pe vizor in sufletul meu
Nu-i nimeni acasa
Incerc sa patrund timid, pe un geam
Tacerea m-apasa
Sunt umbre, alinturi, culori si parfumuri, in tandretea serii
Sunt rasete, chipuri, tristeti si nimicuri
E linistea verii
E toamna-n Bucuresti
Iar tu, tu nu ma mai iubesti
Numaram amintiri si scadem amagiri sub flori de castani
Cati veniti si trecuti, cati iubiti si pierduti
In toti acesti ani
M-asez pe jos in sufletul meu
S-a cam facut racoare
Si m-as muta intr-un suflet mai...cu vedere spre mare...
E toamna-n Bucuresti
Iar tu, tu nu ma mai iubesti
wn.com/Paula Seling Toamna N Bucuresti (Live In Herastrau)
Recorded live in Herastrau Park - Bucharest.
Video: Radu Bucura
Thanks to: Cristi, Codrut ( https://www.facebook.com/ckfoto.ro ), Dan Bourosu, Ionut Constantin
Ma uit pe vizor in sufletul meu
Nu-i nimeni acasa
Incerc sa patrund timid, pe un geam
Tacerea m-apasa
Sunt umbre, alinturi, culori si parfumuri, in tandretea serii
Sunt rasete, chipuri, tristeti si nimicuri
E linistea verii
E toamna-n Bucuresti
Iar tu, tu nu ma mai iubesti
Numaram amintiri si scadem amagiri sub flori de castani
Cati veniti si trecuti, cati iubiti si pierduti
In toti acesti ani
M-asez pe jos in sufletul meu
S-a cam facut racoare
Si m-as muta intr-un suflet mai...cu vedere spre mare...
E toamna-n Bucuresti
Iar tu, tu nu ma mai iubesti
- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 78728
LIVE: Paula Seling - "Solo"
Paula Seling, fost jurat X Factor, a venit la Neatza să cînte., Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 09-09-2014...
Paula Seling, fost jurat X Factor, a venit la Neatza să cînte., Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 09-09-2014
wn.com/Live Paula Seling Solo
Paula Seling, fost jurat X Factor, a venit la Neatza să cînte., Neatza cu Razvan si Dani, Antena 1, 09-09-2014
- published: 09 Sep 2014
- views: 2843
PAULA SELING & BAND - Clopote albe, clopote negre (LIVE)
MUSIC: George Natsis
LYRICS: Roxana Popescu
Andreea Moldovan - backing vocal, Larisa Borza - ba...
MUSIC: George Natsis
LYRICS: Roxana Popescu
Andreea Moldovan - backing vocal, Larisa Borza - backing vocal, Dan Bourosu - guitar, Daniel Pirici - bass, Viky Red - keyboard, Radu Bucura - drums, Marian Simniceanu - sound engineer, Ionut Constantin - tehnic
Eu, ma-mbat cu ploi,
Nu cer piatra lunii din cer.
Eu, ma-mbat cu timp, uneori
Ca un fluviu nins de flori.
(Eu, eu rad si plang
Sa uit cate ziduri ma strang
Simt ca voi plati mai tarziu
Tot ce uit si tot ce stiu )
Si aud cum bat....
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Timp de Rai si Iad, in fiinta mea
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Amintindu-mi mult, tot ce-mi sunt...
Si as vrea...
Sunt inger de-o zi, ma-mbat cu minunea de-a fi
Simt ca voi afla eu cumva
Cum sa sparg oglinda rea,
Si aud cum bat....
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Timp de Rai si Iad, in fiinta mea...
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Amintindu-mi mult, tot ce nu sunt...
Si as vrea....
Ce straniu zeu e-n cupa mea cu vin,
Cine sunt, ce vreau, de unde vin
Cui sunt datoare pentru ce am luat
Mi-a fost dat sa aud cum bat:
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Timp de Rai si Iad, in fiinta mea...
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Amintindu-mi mult, tot ce nu sunt...
Si as vrea....
wn.com/Paula Seling Band Clopote Albe, Clopote Negre (Live)
MUSIC: George Natsis
LYRICS: Roxana Popescu
Andreea Moldovan - backing vocal, Larisa Borza - backing vocal, Dan Bourosu - guitar, Daniel Pirici - bass, Viky Red - keyboard, Radu Bucura - drums, Marian Simniceanu - sound engineer, Ionut Constantin - tehnic
Eu, ma-mbat cu ploi,
Nu cer piatra lunii din cer.
Eu, ma-mbat cu timp, uneori
Ca un fluviu nins de flori.
(Eu, eu rad si plang
Sa uit cate ziduri ma strang
Simt ca voi plati mai tarziu
Tot ce uit si tot ce stiu )
Si aud cum bat....
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Timp de Rai si Iad, in fiinta mea
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Amintindu-mi mult, tot ce-mi sunt...
Si as vrea...
Sunt inger de-o zi, ma-mbat cu minunea de-a fi
Simt ca voi afla eu cumva
Cum sa sparg oglinda rea,
Si aud cum bat....
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Timp de Rai si Iad, in fiinta mea...
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Amintindu-mi mult, tot ce nu sunt...
Si as vrea....
Ce straniu zeu e-n cupa mea cu vin,
Cine sunt, ce vreau, de unde vin
Cui sunt datoare pentru ce am luat
Mi-a fost dat sa aud cum bat:
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Timp de Rai si Iad, in fiinta mea...
Clopote albe, clopote negre
Amintindu-mi mult, tot ce nu sunt...
Si as vrea....
- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 17679
Paula Seling și Luiza Spiridon - Concert de nașterea Mântuitorului
Concert Extraordinar de nașterea Mântuitorului
12 decembrie, Casa de Cultură Ineu
Paula Seling, Ovi şi Iuliana Marciuc, despre Eurovision România 2016
În ediţia din 11 februarie a emisiunii Prim-plan, Paula Seling, Ovi şi Iuliana Marciuc au fost invitaţii Alinei Stancu în studioul TVR1.
Cele 12 piese calificate în semifinal din 4 martie sunt pe canalul nostrum de YouTube https://goo.gl/Yx97QN
Paula Seling - „Succesul nu este al meu; succesul este pentru că așa vrea Dumnezeu" (Interviu)
http://www.doxologia.ro - Portal ortodox
Pe data de 6 decembrie, chiar de ziua Sfântului Nicolae, ieșenii au avut bucuria de a se reîntâlni cu Paula Seling. Artista a susținut la Iași un concert caritabil, "Poveste din Viflaim", organizat de Fundația Solidaritate și Speranță a Arhiepiscopiei Iașilor. Cu această ocazie, Paula Seling a acordat un interviu în exclusivitate pentru portalul Doxologia;
ED.19 PAULA SELING - 22 august 2015
Mircea Badea la Sinteza Zilei cu Paula Seling, Adrian Sînă, Morar, Dani Otil si Razvan
►MIRCEA BADEA - canal unde puteti vedea cele mai recente emisiuni
►Mircea Badea Youtube - canal cu videoclipuri mai vechi (oldies but goldies)
►Abonati-va: MIRCEA BADEA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKE-swzI_o4xwcMaQ0mpxg
►Abonati-va: Mircea Badea Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVkj9rV2m15HBcbO3VUa15g
Mircea Badea la Sinteza Zilei cu Paula Seling, Adrian Sînă, Morar, Dani Otil si Raz
ColinDAR cu Paula Seling - 2015
Corul mimico-gestual "ANGHELOS";
Corul Facultății de Teologie Ortodoxă din Craiova;
Concert caritabil de colinde pentru sprijinirea tinerilor cu dizabilități.
Prezentatori: Roxana Mihai și Ovidiu C
Poveste de Iarna Paula Seling -Viseu de Sus
decembrie 2013
Concert colinde Paula Seling - Orastie 13.12.2015
all footage is my work.. i am cameraman...
Concert Paula Seling & Duo Voice
2011-12-21 Concert Colinzi Paula Seling & Duo Voice La Biserica Agape Timisoara
Concert Paula Seling la Moinești
Concertul de colinde "Sus, la poarta Raiului". Catedrala "Sf. Nicolae" din Moinești. 14 decembrie 2014. Paula Seling, Corala "Armonia", din Arhiepiscopia Tomisului și ansamblul local "Moineșteanca", de la Clubul Elevilor. Organiyatori: Protopopiatul Moinești, Arhiepiscopia Romanului și Bacăului, UAT Moinești, Asociația "Activ".
Paula Seling Festivalul "CUNUNA PETROLULUI" Moreni 2015
Recital Paula Seling si Adrian Daminescu.
Paula Seling - Colindar 2015
EXCLUSIV ADEVĂRUL - Concert Paula Seling - "Povești de iarnă"
Paula Seling, în concertul de la Teatrelli, un eveniment care lansează albumul „Povesti de iarnă”.
Acesta se va distribui pe 21 decembrie împreună cu ziarul Adevărul și pe 23 decembrie împreună cu revista Click pentru femei.
Mai multe detalii pe adevarul.ro
Paula Seling Colinde de Craciun 2012
Mai multe colinde pe http://buzaultau.ro/colinde.html
Concert Caritabil Poveste din Viflaim - Paula Seling - Iasi 2014
9 decembrie 2014, Centrul de Conferinte Providenta Iasi
organizator: Fundatia Solidaritate si Speranta
Revelion Bistrita 2016 cu Paula Seling
Interviu cu Paula Seling şi Ovi, reprezentanţii României la Eurovision 2014
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling at „Sinteza Zilei" show, 30.05.2012, HD
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling were invited at Mihai Gadea's „Sinteza Zilei" show. They have performed their new song „I'll Show You", and Alexander played his winner song "Fairytale" and accompanied Paula with „Ce bine ca esti" (Nicu Alifantis). At the end he sang a mix of „Let's get lost" (Frank Sinatra) and „All I do is dream of you".
Official facebook page Alexander Rybak https://www.facebo
Paula Seling - Festivalul naţional „Trofeul Tinereţii“ de la Amara 2015
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling at „Danutz srl" show, 3.06.2012 (FULL)
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling were invited at „Danutz srl" show.
Official facebook page Alexander Rybak https://www.facebook.com/alexanderrybak?ref=ts
Official facebook page TRR https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Rybak-Romania/326835702817?ref=ts
Fii la curent cu ultimele noutăți despre Alexander Rybak pe www.teamrybakromania.ro.
Alexander Rybak & Paula Seling in Romanian evening show. 30.05.2012
Alexander and Paula presented their new duet song "I'll show you"(7:10). Also Alexander performed his winner song "Fairytale" (15:00), accompanied Paula with her song "Ce bine ca esti" (19:55) and in the end (29:50) he sang a perfect mix of "Let's get lost" by Frank Sinatra and "All I do is dream of you".
Recording by Julia B & Sonya L. English translation by Laura Ser. Slovak translation by Dank
Concert Craciun 2014 partea III Paula Seling
Paula Seling și Luiza Spiridon - Concert de nașterea Mântuitorului
Concert Extraordinar de nașterea Mântuitorului
12 decembrie, Casa de Cultură Ineu...
Concert Extraordinar de nașterea Mântuitorului
12 decembrie, Casa de Cultură Ineu
wn.com/Paula Seling Și Luiza Spiridon Concert De Nașterea Mântuitorului
Concert Extraordinar de nașterea Mântuitorului
12 decembrie, Casa de Cultură Ineu
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 4666
Paula Seling, Ovi şi Iuliana Marciuc, despre Eurovision România 2016
În ediţia din 11 februarie a emisiunii Prim-plan, Paula Seling, Ovi şi Iuliana Marciuc au fost invitaţii Alinei Stancu în studioul TVR1.
Cele 12 piese califica...
În ediţia din 11 februarie a emisiunii Prim-plan, Paula Seling, Ovi şi Iuliana Marciuc au fost invitaţii Alinei Stancu în studioul TVR1.
Cele 12 piese calificate în semifinal din 4 martie sunt pe canalul nostrum de YouTube https://goo.gl/Yx97QN
wn.com/Paula Seling, Ovi Şi Iuliana Marciuc, Despre Eurovision România 2016
În ediţia din 11 februarie a emisiunii Prim-plan, Paula Seling, Ovi şi Iuliana Marciuc au fost invitaţii Alinei Stancu în studioul TVR1.
Cele 12 piese calificate în semifinal din 4 martie sunt pe canalul nostrum de YouTube https://goo.gl/Yx97QN
- published: 11 Feb 2016
- views: 577
Paula Seling - „Succesul nu este al meu; succesul este pentru că așa vrea Dumnezeu" (Interviu)
http://www.doxologia.ro - Portal ortodox
Pe data de 6 decembrie, chiar de ziua Sfântului Nicolae, ieșenii au avut bucuria de a se reîntâlni cu Paula Seling. Ar...
http://www.doxologia.ro - Portal ortodox
Pe data de 6 decembrie, chiar de ziua Sfântului Nicolae, ieșenii au avut bucuria de a se reîntâlni cu Paula Seling. Artista a susținut la Iași un concert caritabil, "Poveste din Viflaim", organizat de Fundația Solidaritate și Speranță a Arhiepiscopiei Iașilor. Cu această ocazie, Paula Seling a acordat un interviu în exclusivitate pentru portalul Doxologia; un interviu în care a vorbit deschis despre relația sa cu Dumnezeu, despre cum un artist poate duce o viață de creștin autentic, dar și despre sărbătorile de iarnă din copilărie și despre colinde.
wn.com/Paula Seling „Succesul Nu Este Al Meu Succesul Este Pentru Că Așa Vrea Dumnezeu (Interviu)
http://www.doxologia.ro - Portal ortodox
Pe data de 6 decembrie, chiar de ziua Sfântului Nicolae, ieșenii au avut bucuria de a se reîntâlni cu Paula Seling. Artista a susținut la Iași un concert caritabil, "Poveste din Viflaim", organizat de Fundația Solidaritate și Speranță a Arhiepiscopiei Iașilor. Cu această ocazie, Paula Seling a acordat un interviu în exclusivitate pentru portalul Doxologia; un interviu în care a vorbit deschis despre relația sa cu Dumnezeu, despre cum un artist poate duce o viață de creștin autentic, dar și despre sărbătorile de iarnă din copilărie și despre colinde.
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 1079
Mircea Badea la Sinteza Zilei cu Paula Seling, Adrian Sînă, Morar, Dani Otil si Razvan
►MIRCEA BADEA - canal unde puteti vedea cele mai recente emisiuni
►Mircea Badea Youtube - canal cu videoclipuri mai vechi (oldies but goldies)
►Abonati-va: MIRC...
►MIRCEA BADEA - canal unde puteti vedea cele mai recente emisiuni
►Mircea Badea Youtube - canal cu videoclipuri mai vechi (oldies but goldies)
►Abonati-va: MIRCEA BADEA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKE-swzI_o4xwcMaQ0mpxg
►Abonati-va: Mircea Badea Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVkj9rV2m15HBcbO3VUa15g
Mircea Badea la Sinteza Zilei cu Paula Seling, Adrian Sînă, Morar, Dani Otil si Razvan
wn.com/Mircea Badea La Sinteza Zilei Cu Paula Seling, Adrian Sînă, Morar, Dani Otil Si Razvan
►MIRCEA BADEA - canal unde puteti vedea cele mai recente emisiuni
►Mircea Badea Youtube - canal cu videoclipuri mai vechi (oldies but goldies)
►Abonati-va: MIRCEA BADEA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKE-swzI_o4xwcMaQ0mpxg
►Abonati-va: Mircea Badea Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVkj9rV2m15HBcbO3VUa15g
Mircea Badea la Sinteza Zilei cu Paula Seling, Adrian Sînă, Morar, Dani Otil si Razvan
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 9747
ColinDAR cu Paula Seling - 2015
Corul mimico...
Corul mimico-gestual "ANGHELOS";
Corul Facultății de Teologie Ortodoxă din Craiova;
Concert caritabil de colinde pentru sprijinirea tinerilor cu dizabilități.
Prezentatori: Roxana Mihai și Ovidiu Cuncea.
wn.com/Colindar Cu Paula Seling 2015
Corul mimico-gestual "ANGHELOS";
Corul Facultății de Teologie Ortodoxă din Craiova;
Concert caritabil de colinde pentru sprijinirea tinerilor cu dizabilități.
Prezentatori: Roxana Mihai și Ovidiu Cuncea.
- published: 29 Dec 2015
- views: 406
Concert colinde Paula Seling - Orastie 13.12.2015
all footage is my work.. i am cameraman......
all footage is my work.. i am cameraman...
wn.com/Concert Colinde Paula Seling Orastie 13.12.2015
all footage is my work.. i am cameraman...
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 581
Concert Paula Seling & Duo Voice
2011-12-21 Concert Colinzi Paula Seling & Duo Voice La Biserica Agape Timisoara...
2011-12-21 Concert Colinzi Paula Seling & Duo Voice La Biserica Agape Timisoara
wn.com/Concert Paula Seling Duo Voice
2011-12-21 Concert Colinzi Paula Seling & Duo Voice La Biserica Agape Timisoara
- published: 03 Jan 2012
- views: 6603
Concert Paula Seling la Moinești
Concertul de colinde "Sus, la poarta Raiului". Catedrala "Sf. Nicolae" din Moinești. 14 decembrie 2014. Paula Seling, Corala "Armonia", din Arhiepiscopia Tomis...
Concertul de colinde "Sus, la poarta Raiului". Catedrala "Sf. Nicolae" din Moinești. 14 decembrie 2014. Paula Seling, Corala "Armonia", din Arhiepiscopia Tomisului și ansamblul local "Moineșteanca", de la Clubul Elevilor. Organiyatori: Protopopiatul Moinești, Arhiepiscopia Romanului și Bacăului, UAT Moinești, Asociația "Activ".
wn.com/Concert Paula Seling La Moinești
Concertul de colinde "Sus, la poarta Raiului". Catedrala "Sf. Nicolae" din Moinești. 14 decembrie 2014. Paula Seling, Corala "Armonia", din Arhiepiscopia Tomisului și ansamblul local "Moineșteanca", de la Clubul Elevilor. Organiyatori: Protopopiatul Moinești, Arhiepiscopia Romanului și Bacăului, UAT Moinești, Asociația "Activ".
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 1257
EXCLUSIV ADEVĂRUL - Concert Paula Seling - "Povești de iarnă"
Paula Seling, în concertul de la Teatrelli, un eveniment care lansează albumul „Povesti de iarnă”.
Acesta se va distribui pe 21 decembrie împreună cu ziarul Ad...
Paula Seling, în concertul de la Teatrelli, un eveniment care lansează albumul „Povesti de iarnă”.
Acesta se va distribui pe 21 decembrie împreună cu ziarul Adevărul și pe 23 decembrie împreună cu revista Click pentru femei.
Mai multe detalii pe adevarul.ro
wn.com/Exclusiv Adevărul Concert Paula Seling Povești De Iarnă
Paula Seling, în concertul de la Teatrelli, un eveniment care lansează albumul „Povesti de iarnă”.
Acesta se va distribui pe 21 decembrie împreună cu ziarul Adevărul și pe 23 decembrie împreună cu revista Click pentru femei.
Mai multe detalii pe adevarul.ro
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 980
Paula Seling Colinde de Craciun 2012
Mai multe colinde pe http://buzaultau.ro/colinde.html...
Mai multe colinde pe http://buzaultau.ro/colinde.html
wn.com/Paula Seling Colinde De Craciun 2012
Mai multe colinde pe http://buzaultau.ro/colinde.html
- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 9949
Concert Caritabil Poveste din Viflaim - Paula Seling - Iasi 2014
9 decembrie 2014, Centrul de Conferinte Providenta Iasi
organizator: Fundatia Solidaritate si Speranta...
9 decembrie 2014, Centrul de Conferinte Providenta Iasi
organizator: Fundatia Solidaritate si Speranta
wn.com/Concert Caritabil Poveste Din Viflaim Paula Seling Iasi 2014
9 decembrie 2014, Centrul de Conferinte Providenta Iasi
organizator: Fundatia Solidaritate si Speranta
- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 393
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling at „Sinteza Zilei" show, 30.05.2012, HD
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling were invited at Mihai Gadea's „Sinteza Zilei" show. They have performed their new song „I'll Show You", and Alexander played hi...
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling were invited at Mihai Gadea's „Sinteza Zilei" show. They have performed their new song „I'll Show You", and Alexander played his winner song "Fairytale" and accompanied Paula with „Ce bine ca esti" (Nicu Alifantis). At the end he sang a mix of „Let's get lost" (Frank Sinatra) and „All I do is dream of you".
Official facebook page Alexander Rybak https://www.facebook.com/alexanderrybak?ref=ts
Official facebook page TRR https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Rybak-Romania/326835702817?ref=ts
Fii la curent cu ultimele noutăți despre Alexander Rybak pe www.teamrybakromania.ro.
wn.com/Alexander Rybak And Paula Seling At „Sinteza Zilei Show, 30.05.2012, Hd
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling were invited at Mihai Gadea's „Sinteza Zilei" show. They have performed their new song „I'll Show You", and Alexander played his winner song "Fairytale" and accompanied Paula with „Ce bine ca esti" (Nicu Alifantis). At the end he sang a mix of „Let's get lost" (Frank Sinatra) and „All I do is dream of you".
Official facebook page Alexander Rybak https://www.facebook.com/alexanderrybak?ref=ts
Official facebook page TRR https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Rybak-Romania/326835702817?ref=ts
Fii la curent cu ultimele noutăți despre Alexander Rybak pe www.teamrybakromania.ro.
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 5136
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling at „Danutz srl" show, 3.06.2012 (FULL)
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling were invited at „Danutz srl" show.
Official facebook page Alexander Rybak https://www.facebook.com/alexanderrybak?ref=ts
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling were invited at „Danutz srl" show.
Official facebook page Alexander Rybak https://www.facebook.com/alexanderrybak?ref=ts
Official facebook page TRR https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Rybak-Romania/326835702817?ref=ts
Fii la curent cu ultimele noutăți despre Alexander Rybak pe www.teamrybakromania.ro.
wn.com/Alexander Rybak And Paula Seling At „Danutz Srl Show, 3.06.2012 (Full)
Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling were invited at „Danutz srl" show.
Official facebook page Alexander Rybak https://www.facebook.com/alexanderrybak?ref=ts
Official facebook page TRR https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Rybak-Romania/326835702817?ref=ts
Fii la curent cu ultimele noutăți despre Alexander Rybak pe www.teamrybakromania.ro.
- published: 04 Jun 2012
- views: 10684
Alexander Rybak & Paula Seling in Romanian evening show. 30.05.2012
Alexander and Paula presented their new duet song "I'll show you"(7:10). Also Alexander performed his winner song "Fairytale" (15:00), accompanied Paula with he...
Alexander and Paula presented their new duet song "I'll show you"(7:10). Also Alexander performed his winner song "Fairytale" (15:00), accompanied Paula with her song "Ce bine ca esti" (19:55) and in the end (29:50) he sang a perfect mix of "Let's get lost" by Frank Sinatra and "All I do is dream of you".
Recording by Julia B & Sonya L. English translation by Laura Ser. Slovak translation by Danka Čolláková. Russian translation by Zhanna Sergueeva and Sophia Khodorovskaya. German translation by Simone Schmidt/Sabine Fundel. Polish translation by Martyna Agnieszka Jasińska. Spanish translation by Veronica Tovar. .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvG0m-ZsXfk
iTunes : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-iTunes
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Spotiy
Amazon : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Amazon
Wimp : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Wimp
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/track/87746579
Google play : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Alexander_Rybak_What_I_Long_For?id=B6omwflg6e4qjlp2l4gst6roese .
Fansite: http://www.alexanderrybaknews.com/
wn.com/Alexander Rybak Paula Seling In Romanian Evening Show. 30.05.2012
Alexander and Paula presented their new duet song "I'll show you"(7:10). Also Alexander performed his winner song "Fairytale" (15:00), accompanied Paula with her song "Ce bine ca esti" (19:55) and in the end (29:50) he sang a perfect mix of "Let's get lost" by Frank Sinatra and "All I do is dream of you".
Recording by Julia B & Sonya L. English translation by Laura Ser. Slovak translation by Danka Čolláková. Russian translation by Zhanna Sergueeva and Sophia Khodorovskaya. German translation by Simone Schmidt/Sabine Fundel. Polish translation by Martyna Agnieszka Jasińska. Spanish translation by Veronica Tovar. .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvG0m-ZsXfk
iTunes : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-iTunes
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Spotiy
Amazon : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Amazon
Wimp : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Wimp
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/track/87746579
Google play : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Alexander_Rybak_What_I_Long_For?id=B6omwflg6e4qjlp2l4gst6roese .
Fansite: http://www.alexanderrybaknews.com/
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 3349
Interview with Paula Seling & OVI from Romania
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
We met Paula and OVI in Amsterdam during Eurovision in Concert and we had a nice chat with them.
Interview with Paula Seling & Ovi from Romania
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Watch the interview! Paula Seling & Ovi will represent Romania with the song "Playing With Fire" at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo (Norway), taking place on the 25th, 27th and 29th of May.
Paula Seling recorded her first album, Only Love in 1998. Up until now she has released twelve albums, including three Christmas albums and a compilation. Her
Eurovision 2014: Interview with Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) at their hotel
The Eurovision Song Contest 2014 takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is the 59th edition of the contest after Emmelie de Forest won the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmoe, Sweden for Denmark with "Only Teardrops".
The Team of Radio International has teamed up with escflashmalta.com and Eurovision Norwich to bring you some nice interviews with the artists of the participating countries.
ESCKAZ in London: Interview with Paula Seling (Romania)
ESCKAZ talks with representative of Romania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Paula Seling during London Eurovision party, London, April 13, 2014
Eurovision - Romania - Paula & Ovi- Miracle
Евровидение - Румыния - Паула и Ови
Interview Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) - Eurovision in Concert 2014
Interview with Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania 2010)
Welcome Reception at Oslo Townhall From the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Oslo / Norway More information on www.eurovisionlive.com
Paula Seling Interview on 12 Aug 2012 (Antwerp Pride)
Sunday 12 August 2012 the Belgian City of Antwerp was in a fantastic party mood as the final day of the Pride Festivities approached the climax with a concert including Kate Ryan, Alexander Rybak and also Paula Seling. Kate Ryan represented Belgium at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with the song "Je t'adore" failing to qualify Belgium for the Grand Final, although being a fan favourite to actual
Alexander Rybak & Paula Seling interview on Belgian TV. 13.8.12
Official facebook-page:
Recording by Hildebjørg Ha .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvG0m-ZsXfk
iTunes : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-iTunes
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Spotiy
Amazon : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Amazon
Wimp : http://
Paula Seling & Ovi Interview
We speak to Paula and Ovi in Brasov after they win the Romanian national final!
esctoday.com - The Romania interview
Paula Seling & Ovi the singers representing Romania in this year's Eurovision Song Contest spoke with http://www.esctoday.com immediately after completing her first rehearsal for contest semi-final in Oslo.
Read all about their entry at http://www.esctoday.com/news/read/15598
Alexander Rybak in duet with Paula Seling
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
We interviewed Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling. The former Eurovision Song Contest participants recorded a duet, called I'll Show You.
Rybak won the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, representing Norway with the song Fairytale. One year later, Norway hosted Europe's Favourite TV show. In Oslo, Paula Seling represented her country Romania, singing the duet Playing
Eurovision 2014 Interview: Paula Seling and Ovi from Romania | wiwibloggs
We talked to Paula and Ovi after their second rehearsal in B&W; Hallerne. They will represent Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with the song "Miracle". They previously took part in 2010 with the song "Playing With Fire".
Romania: Paula Seling & Ovi interview @ Esctoday [partB]
Interview Paula Seling Part 1
Paula Seling who along with Ovi represented Romania in the last Eurovision Song Contest speaks to esctoday.com (Part 1).
Interview Paula Seling Part 2
Paula Seling who along with Ovi represented Romania in the last Eurovision Song Contest speaks to esctoday.com (Part 2).
Paula Seling talks about Alexander Rybak. Radio interview, 15.08.12
Interview was taken during Antwerpen Pride (Belgium) by JP, Radio International.
Upload by Julia B. .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvG0m-ZsXfk
iTunes : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-iTunes
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Spotiy
Amazon : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Amazon
Wimp : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Wi
Paula Seling interview-clip
Brief excerpt of remarks by Romanian singer Paula Seling from an interview in April 2010with fellow Romanian singer-songwriter Ovidiu Cernauteanu (aka "Ovi"), for use in a
university minicourse about impressive contemporary achievers in Romania.
Paula Seling London interview
This is a great interview about #Miracle, a winner Song with great future!
In this clip you see the first part of the interview JP of Radio International did for oikotimes.com and Radio International. On 03 September 2010, JP traveled to Bucharest, Romania for a long weekend and bumped into Paula Seling who is one of Romania's biggest singers. Together with her singing partner Ovi she reached third place at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, Norway with the superb
In this clip you see the second part of the interview JP of Radio International did for oikotimes.com and Radio International. On 03 September 2010, JP traveled to Bucharest, Romania for a long weekend and bumped into Paula Seling who is one of Romania's biggest singers. Together with her singing partner Ovi she reached third place at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, Norway with the super
ESCKAZ in Amsterdam: Interview with Paula & Ovi (Romania)
Eurovision In Concert, Amsterdam
Interview with the representatives of Romania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Paula Seling & Ovi
Eurovision - Romania - Paula & Ovi - Miracle
Евровидение - Румыния - Паула и Ови
OSLO 2010: Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) speaks to oikotimes.com (May 19)
In this clip you see Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) 2010 Eurovision Song Contest) in interview with JP from Radio international and Oikotimes.com done on 19 May 2010 in Norway at the run up to the 55th Eurovision Song Contest.
Paula Seling and Ovi - Miracle (Lyrics) - EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 2014 ROMANIA
"Miracle" is a song performed by Romanian recording artist Paula Seling in collaboration with Norwegian musician OVI.
The song was written by the Nordic songwriters Phillip Halloun, Ovidiu Cernau?eanu, Beyond51 Productions and Frida Amundsen. Recorded and produced by Beyond51 in Oslo, Norway, it was Paula and Ovi's entry at the 2014 Selectia Nationala.
The song was premiered live during the sho
Interview with Paula Seling & OVI from Romania
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
We met Paula and OVI in Amsterdam during Eurovision in Concert and we had a nice chat with them....
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
We met Paula and OVI in Amsterdam during Eurovision in Concert and we had a nice chat with them.
wn.com/Interview With Paula Seling Ovi From Romania
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
We met Paula and OVI in Amsterdam during Eurovision in Concert and we had a nice chat with them.
- published: 08 Apr 2014
- views: 9775
Interview with Paula Seling & Ovi from Romania
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Watch the interview! Paula Seling & Ovi will represent Romania with the song "Playing With Fire" at the 2010 Eurovision So...
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Watch the interview! Paula Seling & Ovi will represent Romania with the song "Playing With Fire" at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo (Norway), taking place on the 25th, 27th and 29th of May.
Paula Seling recorded her first album, Only Love in 1998. Up until now she has released twelve albums, including three Christmas albums and a compilation. Her latest one, released last year, is a double album with 17 songs, all composed, produced and arranged by herself. In 2005, Paula launched her own recording studio and record label, called Unicorn Records, along with her husband. She sang in duets with e.g. Al Bano, Anita Doth (from 2 Unlimited), Tony Hawks and she served as opening act for Joan Baez , Ricky Martin, Michael Bolton and Beyonce. Ovi is a Romanian/Norwegian singer and composer. In early 2009, he released his first solo album This Gig Almost Got Me Killed. Ovi has also taken part in Norway's national finals for the Eurovision Song Contest before, in 2006 and 2009. Ovi's talent was noticed while he was just a kid. In his early years, he listened actively to music and he actually discovered his voice "by accident" while imitating everybody from We Are The World.
wn.com/Interview With Paula Seling Ovi From Romania
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv Watch the interview! Paula Seling & Ovi will represent Romania with the song "Playing With Fire" at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo (Norway), taking place on the 25th, 27th and 29th of May.
Paula Seling recorded her first album, Only Love in 1998. Up until now she has released twelve albums, including three Christmas albums and a compilation. Her latest one, released last year, is a double album with 17 songs, all composed, produced and arranged by herself. In 2005, Paula launched her own recording studio and record label, called Unicorn Records, along with her husband. She sang in duets with e.g. Al Bano, Anita Doth (from 2 Unlimited), Tony Hawks and she served as opening act for Joan Baez , Ricky Martin, Michael Bolton and Beyonce. Ovi is a Romanian/Norwegian singer and composer. In early 2009, he released his first solo album This Gig Almost Got Me Killed. Ovi has also taken part in Norway's national finals for the Eurovision Song Contest before, in 2006 and 2009. Ovi's talent was noticed while he was just a kid. In his early years, he listened actively to music and he actually discovered his voice "by accident" while imitating everybody from We Are The World.
- published: 20 Apr 2010
- views: 60158
Eurovision 2014: Interview with Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) at their hotel
The Eurovision Song Contest 2014 takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is the 59th edition of the contest after Emmelie de Forest won the Eurovision Song Conte...
The Eurovision Song Contest 2014 takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is the 59th edition of the contest after Emmelie de Forest won the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmoe, Sweden for Denmark with "Only Teardrops".
The Team of Radio International has teamed up with escflashmalta.com and Eurovision Norwich to bring you some nice interviews with the artists of the participating countries.
In this clip you see an interview with Paula Seling and Ovi who represent Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014.
Enjoy !
wn.com/Eurovision 2014 Interview With Paula Seling Ovi (Romania) At Their Hotel
The Eurovision Song Contest 2014 takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is the 59th edition of the contest after Emmelie de Forest won the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmoe, Sweden for Denmark with "Only Teardrops".
The Team of Radio International has teamed up with escflashmalta.com and Eurovision Norwich to bring you some nice interviews with the artists of the participating countries.
In this clip you see an interview with Paula Seling and Ovi who represent Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014.
Enjoy !
- published: 01 May 2014
- views: 8595
ESCKAZ in London: Interview with Paula Seling (Romania)
ESCKAZ talks with representative of Romania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Paula Seling during London Eurovision party, London, April 13, 20...
ESCKAZ talks with representative of Romania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Paula Seling during London Eurovision party, London, April 13, 2014
Eurovision - Romania - Paula & Ovi- Miracle
Евровидение - Румыния - Паула и Ови
wn.com/Esckaz In London Interview With Paula Seling (Romania)
ESCKAZ talks with representative of Romania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Paula Seling during London Eurovision party, London, April 13, 2014
Eurovision - Romania - Paula & Ovi- Miracle
Евровидение - Румыния - Паула и Ови
- published: 15 Apr 2014
- views: 1404
Interview with Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania 2010)
Welcome Reception at Oslo Townhall From the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Oslo / Norway More information on www.eurovisionlive.com...
Welcome Reception at Oslo Townhall From the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Oslo / Norway More information on www.eurovisionlive.com
wn.com/Interview With Paula Seling Ovi (Romania 2010)
Welcome Reception at Oslo Townhall From the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Oslo / Norway More information on www.eurovisionlive.com
- published: 26 May 2010
- views: 2150
Paula Seling Interview on 12 Aug 2012 (Antwerp Pride)
Sunday 12 August 2012 the Belgian City of Antwerp was in a fantastic party mood as the final day of the Pride Festivities approached the climax with a concert i...
Sunday 12 August 2012 the Belgian City of Antwerp was in a fantastic party mood as the final day of the Pride Festivities approached the climax with a concert including Kate Ryan, Alexander Rybak and also Paula Seling. Kate Ryan represented Belgium at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with the song "Je t'adore" failing to qualify Belgium for the Grand Final, although being a fan favourite to actually win that year's Eurovision Song Contest.
Paula Seling together with Ovi represented Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 reaching a respectable 3rd place with the song "Playing with Fire" and last but not least the Winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 for Norway - Alexander Rybak of course performing his winning entry called "Fairytale"
Alexander and Paula also performed a song together which is the latest project called "I'll show you" signed to Germany's Capsound.
Radio International were in Antwerp to watch the many performances but also conduct interviews with the artists. In this clip see the interview with Paula Seling. Enjoy!
wn.com/Paula Seling Interview On 12 Aug 2012 (Antwerp Pride)
Sunday 12 August 2012 the Belgian City of Antwerp was in a fantastic party mood as the final day of the Pride Festivities approached the climax with a concert including Kate Ryan, Alexander Rybak and also Paula Seling. Kate Ryan represented Belgium at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with the song "Je t'adore" failing to qualify Belgium for the Grand Final, although being a fan favourite to actually win that year's Eurovision Song Contest.
Paula Seling together with Ovi represented Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 reaching a respectable 3rd place with the song "Playing with Fire" and last but not least the Winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 for Norway - Alexander Rybak of course performing his winning entry called "Fairytale"
Alexander and Paula also performed a song together which is the latest project called "I'll show you" signed to Germany's Capsound.
Radio International were in Antwerp to watch the many performances but also conduct interviews with the artists. In this clip see the interview with Paula Seling. Enjoy!
- published: 16 Aug 2012
- views: 599
Alexander Rybak & Paula Seling interview on Belgian TV. 13.8.12
Official facebook-page:
Recording by Hildebjørg Ha .
New single "What I Long For" Re...
Official facebook-page:
Recording by Hildebjørg Ha .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvG0m-ZsXfk
iTunes : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-iTunes
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Spotiy
Amazon : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Amazon
Wimp : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Wimp
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/track/87746579
Google play : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Alexander_Rybak_What_I_Long_For?id=B6omwflg6e4qjlp2l4gst6roese .
Fansite: http://www.alexanderrybaknews.com/
wn.com/Alexander Rybak Paula Seling Interview On Belgian Tv. 13.8.12
Official facebook-page:
Recording by Hildebjørg Ha .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvG0m-ZsXfk
iTunes : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-iTunes
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Spotiy
Amazon : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Amazon
Wimp : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Wimp
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/track/87746579
Google play : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Alexander_Rybak_What_I_Long_For?id=B6omwflg6e4qjlp2l4gst6roese .
Fansite: http://www.alexanderrybaknews.com/
- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 3602
Paula Seling & Ovi Interview
We speak to Paula and Ovi in Brasov after they win the Romanian national final!...
We speak to Paula and Ovi in Brasov after they win the Romanian national final!
wn.com/Paula Seling Ovi Interview
We speak to Paula and Ovi in Brasov after they win the Romanian national final!
- published: 01 Mar 2014
- views: 954
esctoday.com - The Romania interview
Paula Seling & Ovi the singers representing Romania in this year's Eurovision Song Contest spoke with http://www.esctoday.com immediately after completing her f...
Paula Seling & Ovi the singers representing Romania in this year's Eurovision Song Contest spoke with http://www.esctoday.com immediately after completing her first rehearsal for contest semi-final in Oslo.
Read all about their entry at http://www.esctoday.com/news/read/15598
wn.com/Esctoday.Com The Romania Interview
Paula Seling & Ovi the singers representing Romania in this year's Eurovision Song Contest spoke with http://www.esctoday.com immediately after completing her first rehearsal for contest semi-final in Oslo.
Read all about their entry at http://www.esctoday.com/news/read/15598
- published: 19 May 2010
- views: 2631
Alexander Rybak in duet with Paula Seling
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
We interviewed Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling. The former Eurovision Song Contest participants recorded a duet, called I'...
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
We interviewed Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling. The former Eurovision Song Contest participants recorded a duet, called I'll Show You.
Rybak won the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, representing Norway with the song Fairytale. One year later, Norway hosted Europe's Favourite TV show. In Oslo, Paula Seling represented her country Romania, singing the duet Playing With Fire (feat. Ovi Martin). They became third.
wn.com/Alexander Rybak In Duet With Paula Seling
Powered by http://www.eurovision.tv
We interviewed Alexander Rybak and Paula Seling. The former Eurovision Song Contest participants recorded a duet, called I'll Show You.
Rybak won the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, representing Norway with the song Fairytale. One year later, Norway hosted Europe's Favourite TV show. In Oslo, Paula Seling represented her country Romania, singing the duet Playing With Fire (feat. Ovi Martin). They became third.
- published: 21 Sep 2012
- views: 25624
Eurovision 2014 Interview: Paula Seling and Ovi from Romania | wiwibloggs
We talked to Paula and Ovi after their second rehearsal in B&W; Hallerne. They will represent Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with the song "Miracle"...
We talked to Paula and Ovi after their second rehearsal in B&W; Hallerne. They will represent Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with the song "Miracle". They previously took part in 2010 with the song "Playing With Fire".
wn.com/Eurovision 2014 Interview Paula Seling And Ovi From Romania | Wiwibloggs
We talked to Paula and Ovi after their second rehearsal in B&W; Hallerne. They will represent Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with the song "Miracle". They previously took part in 2010 with the song "Playing With Fire".
- published: 04 May 2014
- views: 909
Interview Paula Seling Part 1
Paula Seling who along with Ovi represented Romania in the last Eurovision Song Contest speaks to esctoday.com (Part 1)....
Paula Seling who along with Ovi represented Romania in the last Eurovision Song Contest speaks to esctoday.com (Part 1).
wn.com/Interview Paula Seling Part 1
Paula Seling who along with Ovi represented Romania in the last Eurovision Song Contest speaks to esctoday.com (Part 1).
- published: 04 Sep 2010
- views: 967
Interview Paula Seling Part 2
Paula Seling who along with Ovi represented Romania in the last Eurovision Song Contest speaks to esctoday.com (Part 2)....
Paula Seling who along with Ovi represented Romania in the last Eurovision Song Contest speaks to esctoday.com (Part 2).
wn.com/Interview Paula Seling Part 2
Paula Seling who along with Ovi represented Romania in the last Eurovision Song Contest speaks to esctoday.com (Part 2).
- published: 04 Sep 2010
- views: 775
Paula Seling talks about Alexander Rybak. Radio interview, 15.08.12
Interview was taken during Antwerpen Pride (Belgium) by JP, Radio International.
Upload by Julia B. .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get i...
Interview was taken during Antwerpen Pride (Belgium) by JP, Radio International.
Upload by Julia B. .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvG0m-ZsXfk
iTunes : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-iTunes
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Spotiy
Amazon : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Amazon
Wimp : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Wimp
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/track/87746579
Google play : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Alexander_Rybak_What_I_Long_For?id=B6omwflg6e4qjlp2l4gst6roese .
Fansite: http://www.alexanderrybaknews.com/
wn.com/Paula Seling Talks About Alexander Rybak. Radio Interview, 15.08.12
Interview was taken during Antwerpen Pride (Belgium) by JP, Radio International.
Upload by Julia B. .
New single "What I Long For" Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvG0m-ZsXfk
iTunes : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-iTunes
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Spotiy
Amazon : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Amazon
Wimp : http://smarturl.it/WhatILongFor-Wimp
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/track/87746579
Google play : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Alexander_Rybak_What_I_Long_For?id=B6omwflg6e4qjlp2l4gst6roese .
Fansite: http://www.alexanderrybaknews.com/
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 537
Paula Seling interview-clip
Brief excerpt of remarks by Romanian singer Paula Seling from an interview in April 2010with fellow Romanian singer-songwriter Ovidiu Cernauteanu (aka "Ovi"), f...
Brief excerpt of remarks by Romanian singer Paula Seling from an interview in April 2010with fellow Romanian singer-songwriter Ovidiu Cernauteanu (aka "Ovi"), for use in a
university minicourse about impressive contemporary achievers in Romania.
wn.com/Paula Seling Interview Clip
Brief excerpt of remarks by Romanian singer Paula Seling from an interview in April 2010with fellow Romanian singer-songwriter Ovidiu Cernauteanu (aka "Ovi"), for use in a
university minicourse about impressive contemporary achievers in Romania.
- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 29
Paula Seling London interview
This is a great interview about #Miracle, a winner Song with great future!...
This is a great interview about #Miracle, a winner Song with great future!
wn.com/Paula Seling London Interview
This is a great interview about #Miracle, a winner Song with great future!
- published: 14 Apr 2014
- views: 54
In this clip you see the first part of the interview JP of Radio International did for oikotimes.com and Radio International. On 03 September 2010, JP traveled ...
In this clip you see the first part of the interview JP of Radio International did for oikotimes.com and Radio International. On 03 September 2010, JP traveled to Bucharest, Romania for a long weekend and bumped into Paula Seling who is one of Romania's biggest singers. Together with her singing partner Ovi she reached third place at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, Norway with the superb song "Playing with Fire".
The interview took place in the studio complex in Bucharest where Paula's vocals were recorded for "Playing with Fire". Various samples where done there by her and then sent to Norway to the producers of this song for the final touches for it to be read for the great Eurovision Song Contest.
In the interview Paula tells how she experienced the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest and what her future looks like. Plus there is news about the current album she works on with Ovi which of course will contain "Playing with fire" and many more great songs she promises us.
Also in the interview you can see and her talking about the awards she has received recently in Romania and internationally.
wn.com/Romania Paula Seling (2010) Interview (1)
In this clip you see the first part of the interview JP of Radio International did for oikotimes.com and Radio International. On 03 September 2010, JP traveled to Bucharest, Romania for a long weekend and bumped into Paula Seling who is one of Romania's biggest singers. Together with her singing partner Ovi she reached third place at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, Norway with the superb song "Playing with Fire".
The interview took place in the studio complex in Bucharest where Paula's vocals were recorded for "Playing with Fire". Various samples where done there by her and then sent to Norway to the producers of this song for the final touches for it to be read for the great Eurovision Song Contest.
In the interview Paula tells how she experienced the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest and what her future looks like. Plus there is news about the current album she works on with Ovi which of course will contain "Playing with fire" and many more great songs she promises us.
Also in the interview you can see and her talking about the awards she has received recently in Romania and internationally.
- published: 04 Sep 2010
- views: 365
In this clip you see the second part of the interview JP of Radio International did for oikotimes.com and Radio International. On 03 September 2010, JP traveled...
In this clip you see the second part of the interview JP of Radio International did for oikotimes.com and Radio International. On 03 September 2010, JP traveled to Bucharest, Romania for a long weekend and bumped into Paula Seling who is one of Romania's biggest singers. Together with her singing partner Ovi she reached third place at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, Norway with the superb song "Playing with Fire".
The interview took place in the studio complex in Bucharest where Paula's vocals were recorded for "Playing with Fire". Various samples where done there by her and then sent to Norway to the producers of this song for the final touches for it to be read for the great Eurovision Song Contest.
In the interview Paula tells how she experienced the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest and what her future looks like. Plus there is news about the current album she works on with Ovi which of course will contain "Playing with fire" and many more great songs she promises us.
Also in the interview you can see and her talking about the awards she has received recently in Romania and internationally.
wn.com/Romania Paula Seling (2010) Interview (2)
In this clip you see the second part of the interview JP of Radio International did for oikotimes.com and Radio International. On 03 September 2010, JP traveled to Bucharest, Romania for a long weekend and bumped into Paula Seling who is one of Romania's biggest singers. Together with her singing partner Ovi she reached third place at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, Norway with the superb song "Playing with Fire".
The interview took place in the studio complex in Bucharest where Paula's vocals were recorded for "Playing with Fire". Various samples where done there by her and then sent to Norway to the producers of this song for the final touches for it to be read for the great Eurovision Song Contest.
In the interview Paula tells how she experienced the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest and what her future looks like. Plus there is news about the current album she works on with Ovi which of course will contain "Playing with fire" and many more great songs she promises us.
Also in the interview you can see and her talking about the awards she has received recently in Romania and internationally.
- published: 04 Sep 2010
- views: 227
ESCKAZ in Amsterdam: Interview with Paula & Ovi (Romania)
Eurovision In Concert, Amsterdam
Interview with the representatives of Romania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Paula Seling & Ovi
Eurovision ...
Eurovision In Concert, Amsterdam
Interview with the representatives of Romania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Paula Seling & Ovi
Eurovision - Romania - Paula & Ovi - Miracle
Евровидение - Румыния - Паула и Ови
wn.com/Esckaz In Amsterdam Interview With Paula Ovi (Romania)
Eurovision In Concert, Amsterdam
Interview with the representatives of Romania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Paula Seling & Ovi
Eurovision - Romania - Paula & Ovi - Miracle
Евровидение - Румыния - Паула и Ови
- published: 05 Apr 2014
- views: 2600
OSLO 2010: Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) speaks to oikotimes.com (May 19)
In this clip you see Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) 2010 Eurovision Song Contest) in interview with JP from Radio international and Oikotimes.com done on 19 May 2...
In this clip you see Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) 2010 Eurovision Song Contest) in interview with JP from Radio international and Oikotimes.com done on 19 May 2010 in Norway at the run up to the 55th Eurovision Song Contest.
wn.com/Oslo 2010 Paula Seling Ovi (Romania) Speaks To Oikotimes.Com (May 19)
In this clip you see Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) 2010 Eurovision Song Contest) in interview with JP from Radio international and Oikotimes.com done on 19 May 2010 in Norway at the run up to the 55th Eurovision Song Contest.
- published: 19 May 2010
- views: 3735
Paula Seling and Ovi - Miracle (Lyrics) - EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 2014 ROMANIA
"Miracle" is a song performed by Romanian recording artist Paula Seling in collaboration with Norwegian musician OVI.
The song was written by the Nordic songw...
"Miracle" is a song performed by Romanian recording artist Paula Seling in collaboration with Norwegian musician OVI.
The song was written by the Nordic songwriters Phillip Halloun, Ovidiu Cernau?eanu, Beyond51 Productions and Frida Amundsen. Recorded and produced by Beyond51 in Oslo, Norway, it was Paula and Ovi's entry at the 2014 Selectia Nationala.
The song was premiered live during the show "Morning with Razvan & Dani" for the very first time on 20 February 2014, broadcasting on Antena 1, the performance beginning with the artists who are back to back, Paula wearing a black skirt, and Ovi who choose a casual suit.The duo performed "Miracle" at a new TV show called "Teo Show" on Kanal D, host by one of the most famous Romanian TV presenters Teo Trandafir, where they were announced that passed the preselections, and enter in the grand final who takes place in Transylvania, Brasov.
Before the National Selection, Paula Seling and Ovi were invited on "Morning with Razvan & Dani", a show produced by the two Romanian television presenters, Razvan Simion and Dani Otil, on 20 February 2014, in order to promote their song, as the rest of the contestants. The pair be of the opinion that are a lot of people who work their phychical, more precisely, they think that even is a hardball, they can fulfill their achievement through their hard work as a team. They were also invited on Adevarul Live, a live informing broadcast, present by Raluca Moisa and Corina Cosmescu, being interviewed about their entry.
In order to promote the finalist songs, Paula and Ovi through Unicorn Records filmed on 20 February at 23:00 a promotional video , each contestant need to record his song for the Eurovision competition. In their video, Seling and Ovi are singing, surrounded by lights who are moving depends the beat of the song
In order to promote the finalist songs, Paula and Ovi through Unicorn Records filmed on 20 February at 23:00 a promotional video , each contestant need to record his song for the Eurovision competition. In their video, Seling and Ovi are singing, surrounded by lights who are moving depends the beat of the song
wn.com/Paula Seling And Ovi Miracle (Lyrics) Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Romania
"Miracle" is a song performed by Romanian recording artist Paula Seling in collaboration with Norwegian musician OVI.
The song was written by the Nordic songwriters Phillip Halloun, Ovidiu Cernau?eanu, Beyond51 Productions and Frida Amundsen. Recorded and produced by Beyond51 in Oslo, Norway, it was Paula and Ovi's entry at the 2014 Selectia Nationala.
The song was premiered live during the show "Morning with Razvan & Dani" for the very first time on 20 February 2014, broadcasting on Antena 1, the performance beginning with the artists who are back to back, Paula wearing a black skirt, and Ovi who choose a casual suit.The duo performed "Miracle" at a new TV show called "Teo Show" on Kanal D, host by one of the most famous Romanian TV presenters Teo Trandafir, where they were announced that passed the preselections, and enter in the grand final who takes place in Transylvania, Brasov.
Before the National Selection, Paula Seling and Ovi were invited on "Morning with Razvan & Dani", a show produced by the two Romanian television presenters, Razvan Simion and Dani Otil, on 20 February 2014, in order to promote their song, as the rest of the contestants. The pair be of the opinion that are a lot of people who work their phychical, more precisely, they think that even is a hardball, they can fulfill their achievement through their hard work as a team. They were also invited on Adevarul Live, a live informing broadcast, present by Raluca Moisa and Corina Cosmescu, being interviewed about their entry.
In order to promote the finalist songs, Paula and Ovi through Unicorn Records filmed on 20 February at 23:00 a promotional video , each contestant need to record his song for the Eurovision competition. In their video, Seling and Ovi are singing, surrounded by lights who are moving depends the beat of the song
In order to promote the finalist songs, Paula and Ovi through Unicorn Records filmed on 20 February at 23:00 a promotional video , each contestant need to record his song for the Eurovision competition. In their video, Seling and Ovi are singing, surrounded by lights who are moving depends the beat of the song
- published: 12 Mar 2014
- views: 9100