
words | sounds | ethnopoetics | radio | film | conceptual art | dada, surrealism, futurisms


Kathy Acker -- "Against Ordinary Language: The Language of the Body" (1992) [PDF]
Theodor Adorno -- "Punctuation Marks" (1956) [PDF]
Bruce Andrews -- "Electronic Poetics"
Bruce Andrews -- "The Poetics of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E"
Bruce Andrews -- "Reading Language, Reading Gertrude Stein"
Debra Bricker Balken -- "Philip Guston's 'Poor Richard' "
Amiri Baraka -- "Cultural Revolution and The Literary Canon" From Callaloo, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Winter, 1991) [PDF]
Amiri Baraka -- "'The "Blues Aesthetic' and the 'Black Aesthetic': Aesthetics as the Continuing Political History of a Culture" (1991) [PDF]
Amiri Baraka -- "Blank" from Callaloo, No. 24 (Spring - Summer, 1985) [PDF]
Amiri Baraka -- "Afro-American Literature & Class Struggle" (Black American Literature Forum, 1980) [PDF]
Katherine Barnes -- Christopher Brennan's large Musicopoematographoscope and Mallarmé's Un Coup de dés. [PDF]
Roland Barthes -- The Death of the Author
Derek Beaulieu -- "an afterword after words: notes towards a concrete poetic" [PDF]
Samuel Beckett & Georges Duthuit -- "Three Dialogues" from Transition 49 (1949) [PDF, 3mb]
Max Bense -- "Concrete Poetry I"
Max Bense -- "Concrete Poetry II"
Charles Bernstein -- "An Interview with Richard Foreman"
A.S. Bessa -- "Vers: Une Architecture" [PDF]
A.S. Bessa -- "Interview With Robert Swinston (Merce Cunningham)" [PDF]
Sérgio Bessa -- "Interview With Mike Kelley" [PDF]
Sérgio Bessa -- "Architecture Vs. Sound in Concrete Poetry"
Sérgio Bessa -- "Originative Poetics of Concrete Poetry"
Mairead Byrne -- "Some Differences Between Poetry & Stand-up Comedy" [PDF]
David Daniels Interview -- by Michael Basinski
William S. Burroughs -- "The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin"
William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin -- The Third Mind (1978)
Michel de Certeau -- "The Practice of Everyday Life"
Augusto de Campos -- "The Concrete Coin of Speech" (Poetics Today, Vol. 3:3 (1982), 167-176) [PDF, 768k]
John Robert Colombo -- "On Found Poetry (A FOUND INTRODUCTION)"
Claus Clüver -- "The Noigandres Poets and Concrete Art" [PDF]
R.P. Draper -- "Concrete Poetry"
Öyvind Fahlström -- Manifesto
Ian Hamilton Finlay -- "Letter to Pierre Garnier, 1963"
Henry Flynt -- "Art or Brend?" (1968)
Henry Flynt -- "Communism, 2010, Part 1" (2010) [PDF]
Henry Flynt -- "On Pandit Pran Nath (1918-1996)" [PDF]
Henry Flynt -- Down With Art (1968) [PDF]
Richard Foreman -- "The Carrot and The Stick " [October, Vol. 1. (Spring, 1976), pp. 22-31] [PDF, 540k]
Giovanni Fontana -- "EPIGENETIC POETRY: Hypervox and electrophonic mask" [PDF, 90k]
Pierre Garnier -- "Poemes Mechaniques, by Piere & Ilse Garnier (1965)"
Pierre Garnier -- "Position 1 of the International Movement" (1963)
John Giorno -- "Restless: An Interview" by Daniel Nester (2002)
Open Letter: Kenneth Goldsmith & Conceptual Poetics (2006)
    "Introduction" -- Barbara Cole & Lori Emerson
    "Zero Kerning" -- Craig Dworkin
    "Encyclopedic Novelties: On Kenneth Goldsmith's Tomes" -- Molly Schwartzberg
    "from COLDEST" -- Bruce Andrews
    "KENNY" -- Geoffrey Young
    "Fidget's Body" -- Rubén Gallo
    "Fidgeting with the scene of the crime" -- Derek Beaulieu
    "A Silly Key: Some Notes on Soliloquy by Kenneth Goldsmith" -- Christian Bök
    "Sampling the Culture: 4 Notes Toward a Poetics of Plundergraphia and on Kenneth Goldsmith's Day" -- Jason Christie
    "Moving Information": On Kenneth Goldsmith's The Weather" -- Marjorie Perloff
    "Stepping out with Kenneth Goldsmith: A New York interview." -- Caroline Bergvall
    "W. 3rd St. - W. 26th St." -- Robert Fitterman
    "Paragraphs on Conceptual Writing" -- Kenneth Goldsmith
    "On Kenneth Goldsmith: The Avant-garde at a Standstill" -- Joshua Schuster
    "The Medium Means Nothing" -- Carl Peters
    "Un-Visual and Conceptual" -- Johanna Drucker
    "The Unboring Boring and the New Dream of Stone, or, if literature does politics as literature, what kind of gender politics does the current literature of the boring enact?" -- Christine Wertheim
    "sucking on words." -- Simon Morris, Dr. Howard Britton
    "Uncreative is the New Creative: Kenneth Goldsmith Not Typing" -- Darren Wershler-Henry
Kenneth Goldsmith -- "From (Command) Line to (Iconic) Constellation"
Roland Greene -- "The Concrete Historical"
Roland Greene -- "Material Poetry Bibliography"
Roland Greene -- "Interview with Augusto de Campos"
Marina Corrêa -- Concrete Poetry as an International Movement viewed by Augusto de Campos: An Interview (2008)
Eugen Gomringer -- "From Line to Constellation"
Eugen Gomringer -- "Concerete Poetry"
Eugen Gomringer -- "Max Bill + Concrete Poetry"
Eugen Gomringer -- "The Poem as Functional Object"
Brion Gysin - Dreammachine Plans (1958) [PDF, 6.2 mb]
Terry Wilson - Interview with Brion Gysin
John Savage - Brion Gysin Interviewed in Paris
Brion Gysin & William S. Burroughs -- Ports of Entry: A Conversation (1986) [PDF]
Bernard Heidsieck -- Interviewed by W. Mark Sutherland (2008) [PDF]
Neil Hennessy -- "Willy vs. Jimmy: Which Typing Monkey gets all the Bananas?" [PDF]
Dick Higgins -- A Short History of Pattern Poetry
Dick Higgins -- Synesthesia and Intersenses: Intermedia
Peter Jaeger -- "Steve McCaffery's Visual Errata"
Asger Jorn -- "Pataphysics: A Religion in the Making"
Sol J. Leon -- "Abraham Lincoln Gillespie: 1895-1950" [PDF]
Erberto F. Lo Bue -- "John Cage's Writings" (1982) [PDF]
Clark Lunberry -- "The Poetles Poem: Deviant English and the Para-Poetic"
F.T. Marinetti -- "Geometric Mechanical Splendor + the Numeric Sensibility"
Gil McElroy -- "Ground States: The Visual Contexts of bpNichol"
Stephen McLaughlin -- "A Few Dozen Copies of a Bland Pop Album That Will Soon Cease to Exist"
Christof Migone -- "La premiére phrase et le dernier mot" [PDF]
Noigandres Group -- "Pilot Plan for Concrete Poetry"
Object 10: Cyber Poetics -- Kenneth Goldsmith, ed (2001)
    [Kenneth Goldsmith -- Introduction]
    [R. Rickey and Derek Beaulieu -- State of the (E)Art...]
    [Christian Bök The Piecemeal Bard Is Deconstructed...]
    [Neil Hennessy -- The Sweetest Poison...]
    [Kenneth Goldsmith -- From (Command) Line...]
    [Martin Spinelli -- Analog Echoes...]
    [Katherine Parrish -- How We Became Automatic Poetry Generators...]
    [Darren Wershler-Henry and Bill Kennedy -- Apostrophe...]
    [Brian Kim Stefans -- Proverbs of Hell (Dos and Donts) v.2]
    [Christian Bök]
    [Stgacy Doris]
    [Peter Gizzi]
    [Kenneth Goldsmith]
    [Karen Mac Cormack]
    [Jennifer Moxley]
    [Jena Osman]
    [Juliana Spahr]
    [Brian Kim Stefans]
    [Chet Wiener]
Marjorie Perloff -- "A Conversation with Charles Bernstein"
Marjorie Perloff -- "Haroldo de Campos's Galáxias and After"
Marjorie Perloff -- "Translating Brazilian Concrete Poetry: The French Connection"
Charles A. Perrone -- "Versatile Vanguard Vectors: from Visible Voices to Virtual Vortices in the Vamps, Versions, and Voyages of Brazilian Concrete Poetry" [PDF, 61mb]
Charles A. Perrone -- "Brazilian C.P. + Intersemiotic Creation"
Martina Pfeiler -- "Sounds of Poetry: Contemporary American Performance Poets" (2003), PDF [3.3mb]
Michalis Pichler -- "Statements on Appropriation"
Décio Pignatari -- "Concrete Poetry - A Brief Structural-Historical Guideline" (Poetics Today, Vol. 3:3 (1982), 189-195; PDF, 592k]
Victoria Pineda -- "Speaking About Genre: the Case of Concrete Poetry"
Vanessa Place -- "Global Conceptualisms. I am American."
Neil Powell -- "Concrete Poetry and Conceptual Art: A Spectre at the Feast?"
Seth Price -- "Dispersion" [PDF, 11mb]
Seth Price -- "Stay at Home/Go Home" (2003) [PDF]
Arlo Quint -- "Bern Porter: Finding Poetry after the Manhattan Project"
Gerhard Rühm -- "the phenomenon of the "wiener gruppe" in the vienna of the 50s and 60s"
Raphael Rubinstein -- "Gathered, Not Made: A Brief History of Appropriative Writing"
Raphael Rubinstein -- "When I Found Out You Wrote the Book I Read: Appropriation and Ethics" [PDF, 180k]
Jerome Rothenberg -- "How We Came Into Performance" (2005) [PDF]
Severo Sarduy -- "The Concrete Poetry Movement in Brazil"
Aram Saroyan -- "Flower Power, 1999"
Michael Scharf -- "I LOVE SYSTEMS"
Kurt Schwitters -- "The Onion (Merzpoem 8)" Translated by Peter Wortsman [PDF]
Jessica Smith -- "Manifest"
Mary Ellen Solt -- Concrete Poetry: A World View (1968)
    [Czech Republic]
    [United States]
    [Typography in the Visual Poem]
    [The New Poet-Reader]
    [The New Visual Poetry]
Susan Sontag -- The Aesthetics of Silence
John Strausbaugh -- On David Daniels
Thom Swiss -- Approaches to Teaching Concrete Poetry: An Annotated Bibliography
Jon M. Tolman -- The Context of a Vanguard: Toward a Definition of Concrete Poetry
Paul de Vree -- "Manifesto"
Andy Warhol -- "An Artist and his Amiga" Amiga World January / February 1986 [PDF, 2.3mb]
Darren Wershler-Henry, ed -- Open Letter 3 (2000)
    [Darren Wershler-Henry -- "Noise in the Channel..."]
    [Christian Bök -- "The Square Root of -1"]
    [Craig Dworkin -- "Net Losses"]
    [Loss Pequeño Glazier -- "Between the Academy and a Hard Drive"]
    [Neil Hennessy -- "A Reading of John Riddell’s "Pope Leo: El Elope"]
    [Neil Hennessy -- "JABBER:The Jabberwocky Engine"]
    [Karl E. Jirgens -- "A Quick Note on Swift Current..."]
    [damian lopes -- "The Technological Narrative of Project X 1497-1999"]
    [Lucas Mulder -- "Today/Tomorrow/Apotheosis"]
    [Brian Kim Stefans -- "Reflections on Cyberpoetry"]
Jonathan Williams -- "The Crooked Cake..."


Faubion Bowers and Daniel Kunin -- "The Electronics of Music " (from Aspen 4)
Pierre Boulez -- "Schoenberg Is Dead" (1952) [PDF, 1.5mb]
John Cage Interview (1987, John Held. Jr.)
Cornelius Cardew -- "Towards an Ethic of Improvisation"
Germano Celant -- "Artsounds"
Germano Celant -- The Record as Artwork, from Futurism to Conceptual Art (1977) [PDF, 28mb]
Roc Jiménez de Cisneros -- "Continuum, Expanded" (on György Ligeti), 2011 [PDF, 310kb]
On Bob Cobbing -- "Make Perhaps This Out Sense of Can You" Matthew Abess [PDF]
Bob Cobbing -- "Statements on Sound Poetry"
Bob Cobbing -- Interview by W. Mark Sutherland
"The Other's Language: Jacques Derrida Interviews Ornette Coleman, 23 June 1997." Timothy S. Murphy, translator [PDF]
Kevin Concannon -- "Cut + Paste: Collage and the Art of Sound"
Suzanne Delehanty -- "Soundings"
Craig Douglas Dworkin -- "Unheard Music"
Morton Feldman and Iannis Xenakis -- "In Conversation" (1986) [PDF, 47k]
Morton Feldman and La Monte Young -- "A Conversation on Composition and Improvisation" (1985) [PDF, 1.7mb]
Feldman the Rug-maker, Weaving For John Cage" (Meg Wilhoite) [PDF, 1.3mb]
Lucy Fischer -- "Sound Waves"
Bettina Funcke -- "Robert Whitman’s Telecommunication Projects"
Michael Gibb -- "Sound Poetry: A Discography"
Dick Higgins -- "A Taxonomy of Sound Poetry"
Petr Kotik -- "The Music of Marcel Duchamp"
Christopher Knowles and the Structured Logic of Play -- Lauren DiGiulio (2012, Barbican Center, London, Program Notes for Einstein on the Beach)
Dan Lander and Micah Lexier, ed. -- "A Bibliography of Recorded Works by Artists"
Dan Lander and Micah Lexier, ed. -- "A Discography of Recorded Works by Artists"
Daniele Lombardi -- "Futurism and Musical Notes"
Steve McCaffery -- "Sound Poetry: A Survey"
Christof Migone= -- "Slippery Threads [PDF]
Christof Migone -- "Volume" [PDF]
Enzo Minarelli -- Manifesto of Polypoetry
Stephen Montague -- "John Cage at Seventy: An Interview"
Robert P. Morgan -- "A New Musical Reality": Futurism, Modernism, + "The Art of Noises"
Fred Moten -- "Sound in Florescence: Cecil Taylor's Chinampas"
Marjorie Perloff -- "JOHN CAGE CONCEPTUALIST POET" (2012) [PDF, 192k]
Marjorie Perloff -- John Cage "What You Say..."
Nancy Perloff -- "... Postmodernism and the Music of John Cage"
Ron Rice -- "A Brief history of Anti-Records and Conceptual Records"
Luigi Russolo -- The Art of Noises (1913)
Torben Sangild -- The Aesthetics of Noise
Erik Satie -- "A Day in the Life of a Musician"
Pierre Schaeffer -- Solfège de l'objet Sonore (1966) [PDF]


Michael Davidson - The Scandal of Speech in Deaf Performance [HTML]
Alcheringa - Statement of Intention [HTML]
H-Dirksen L. Bauman - Redesigning Literature: Poetics of American Sign Language Poetry [HTML]
Robert Duncan - Rites of Participation, from The H.D. Book (unpublished) [HTML]
Brent Hayes Edwards - Louis Armstrong and the Syntax of Scat [Microsoft Word Doc]
Robert Bringhurst -- Excerpt from "Story as Sharp as a Knife:
    The Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World (1999/2000)
Spoken Music [PDF, 132K]
    ShlΩwtxan / Robert Bringhurst -- The Prosody of Meaning [PDF, 64]
Bronislaw Malinowski -- The Meaning of Meaningless Words... [HTML]
Henry Munn -- Writing in the Imagination of an Oral Poet [HTML]
Juan Gregorio Regino -- The Poet Speaks, The Mountain Sings... [HTML]
Jerome Rothenberg -- Introduction: Poetry Without Sound [HTML]
Jerome Rothenberg -- Ethnopoetics at the Millennium [HTML]
Jerome Rothenberg / Andy Webster -- Endangered Languages, Endangered Poetries [HTML]
Jerome Rothenberg -- Total Translation: An Experiment in the Translation of American Indian Poetry [HTML]
Gary Snyder -- The Politics of Ethnopoetics [PDF]
Nathaniel Tarn / Gary Snyder - From Anthropologist to Informant [PDF]
Tristan Tzara -- Note on Negro Poetry (1918) [HTML]
Heriberto Yépez -- A Sketch on Globalization & Ethnopoetics [HTML]


Christof Migone -- "Hole In the Head" [PDF]
Christof Migone & Allen Weiss: Phonic Gaps and Gasps (English version) [PDF]
Christof Migone & Allen Weiss: Phonic Gaps and Gasps (French version) [PDF]
Christof Migone -- "Language is the Flower of the Mouth" [PDF]
Christof Migone -- "Radio Naked" [PDF]
Christof Migone -- "The Technology of Entrapment" [PDF]
Gregory Whitehead -- "Holes in the Head theatres of operation for the body in pieces" (1993) [PDF]
Gregory Whitehead -- "Impossible Voices, Unmakeable Being"s (1997) [PDF]
Gregory Whitehead -- "BLANK on BLANK - a conversation between Allen S. Weiss and Gregory Whitehead" [PDF]
Gregory Whitehead -- "O MONSTROUS VOICE LIKE MINE: an occasional live-to-air speech" (2002--?) [PDF]
Gregory Whitehead -- "Principia Schizophonica: notes towards a morbid anatomy of the voice, off" [PDF]
Gregory Whitehead -- "SHAKE, RATTLE, ROLL - a radio manifesto by Gregory Whitehead" 1992 [PDF]
Gregory Whitehead -- "DRONE TONES AND OTHER RADIOBODIES: Gregory Gangemi and Jason Quarles in conversation" (2003) [PDF]
Frank Zappa -- "Edgard Varèse: The Idol of My Youth" (1971)
Frank Zappa -- "Letter to Edgard Varèse"


Rudolf Arnheim "Art Today and the Film" (1966)
Rudolf Arnheim "Who Is the Author of a Film?" (1958)
Francois and André Berge "An Interview with Blaise Cendrars on the Cinema" (1976)
Luis Buñuel "A Statement" (1960)
Guy L. Coté "Interview with Robert Breer" (1962/63)
Selections from FILM CULTURE Magazine (1955-1996)
Jerome Hill "Brakhage and Rilke" (1965)
Jerome Hill and Guy Davenport "Stan Brakhage and His Songs" (1966)
Ken Kelman "Film As Poetry" (1973)
Richard Leacock "For an Uncontrolled Cinema" (1961)
Charles Levine "Interview with Robert Breer" (1973)
Willard Maas "Poetry and the Film: A Symposium" (1963)
Scott MacDonald "Screen Writings" (1985) [13.4mb, PDF]
Scott MacDonald "Introduction to "Avant-Garde Film"
Colin Marshall's Ubuweb Experimental Video Project
Taylor Mead "The Movies Are A Revolution" (1963)
Martha Merrill "Black Panthers in the New Wave" (1972)
Walter S. Michel "In Memoriam Of Dimitri Kirsanov, A Neglected Master" (1957)
Toby Mussman "Early Surrealist Expression in the Film" (1966)
Yvonne Rainer - Screenplay for "Film About A Woman Who..." October, Vol. 2 (Summer 1976) [PDF, 3mb)
Yvonne Rainer - Screenplay for "Journeys from Berlin/1971" October, Vol. 9 (Summer 1979) [PDF, 1mb)
Yvonne Rainer - A Letter from Yvonne Rainer October, Vol. 10 (Autumn 1979) [PDF, 2mb)
Carrie Lambert - "Moving Still: Mediating Yvonne Rainer's 'Trio A'" October, Vol. 89 (Summer 1999) [PDF, 1mb)
Ron Rice "Dazendada Works" (1965)
Ron Rice "Foundation for the Invention and Creation of Absurd Movies" [PDF]
Alan Schneider "On Directing Samuel Beckett's Film"
Mark Segal "Hollis Frampton/"Zorns Lemma" (1971)
Paul Sharits's Flickerfilms: A Concrete Experience of Nothing [William H. Smith, ES 55/56 SPRING/AUTUMN 2009] [PDF]
Michael Snow "Notes on Rameau's Nephew", October, Vol. 4 (Autumn, 1977), pp. 43-57; PDF, 2.6mb
Gregory Springer "New Improved George Landow Interview" (1976)
Donald Sutherland "A Note on Stan Brakhage" (1962)
Parker Tyler "Stan Brakhage" (1958)
Parker Tyler "Declamation on Film" (1961)
Andy Warhol in Conversation with Peter Gidal (1982) [PDF, 20kb]
WFUV Radio Symposium "On the Nature and Function of the Experimental (Poetic) Film" (1957)
Gene Youngblood "Expanded Cinema", 1970, [PDF]


Terry Atkinson, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell -- "Lecher System" (1970)
David Bainbridge, & Harold Hurrell -- "Loop" (1967)
David Bainbridge -- Notes on M1 (1969)
Robert Barry -- Interview (October 12, 1969)
Iain Baxter -- Statements (1970)
David Bainbridge -- Notes on M1 (1969)
Bernhard and Hilla Becher -- The Function (undated; late 1960s)
Mel Bochner -- Excerpts From Speculation (1967-1970)
Daniel Buren -- Beware! (1970)
Victor Burgin --Situational Aesthetics (1969)
Donald Burgy -- Name Idea #1 (1969)
Donald Burgy -- Art Idea for the Year 4000 #4 (1970)
Ian Burn / Mel Ramsden -- Excerpts from The Grammarian (1970)
Ian Burn -- Mirror Piece (1967)
Ian Burn -- “Xerox” Book (1968)
Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy - Conceptualismo y Economía (Conceptualism and Economy) (2009) [PDF, 1.2mb]
Roger Cutforth -- The Empire State Building (1969)
Jan Dibbets -- Statement (undated; late 1960s)
Marcel Duchamp -- The Creative Act (1957)
Nicolás Gómez Echeverri - Marta Traba in Black and White (1984, translated by Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy) [PDF]
mg src="../images/arrow_orange.gif" align=middle border="0"> Claire Fontaine -- "Ready-Made Artist and Human Strike: A few Clarifications" [PDF]
Dan Graham -- TV Camera/Monitor Performance (1970)
Hans Haacke -- Statement (1969)
From An Interview with David Hammons (1986)
Douglas Huebler -- Statement (1969)
Alan Kaprow Interview (1988, John Held. Jr.)
Alan Kaprow -- "Art Which Can't Be Art" (1986)
Alan Kaprow -- "The Education of the Un-Artist" Part 1 (1972) [PDF]
Alan Kaprow -- "The Education of the Un-Artist" Part 2 (1972) [PDF]
Joseph Kosuth -- Art After Philosophy (1969)
Silvia Kolbowski -- an inadequate history of conceptual art* (October, Spring 2000) [PDF, 2.1mb]
Christine Kozlov -- Information: No Theory (1971)
Rosalind Krauss -- Grids (1979) [PDF, 3.5mb]
Sol Lewitt -- Sentences on Conceptual Art (1968)
Gustav Metzger - Auto-Destructive Art Manifesto (1960)
Robert Morris -- Statements (1970)
Bruce Nauman -- March 2, 1970
John Perreault - “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” (ALPHABET) (undated; late 1960s)
Adrian Piper -- Three Models of Art Production Systems (1970)
Mel Ramsden -- Abstract Relations (undated; late 1960s))
Ed Ruscha -- Edward Ruscha Discusses His Perplexing Publications (1965)
Bernar Venet -- Statements (1971)
Lawrence Weiner -- Statements (1969)
Ian Wilson -- Interview (1969)


Oswald de Andrade - Anthropophagite Manifesto (May 1928)
Arp, Baumann, Eggeling, Giacometti, Helbig, Henning, Janco, Morach, Richter - The Radical Artists' Manifesto (11th April 1919)
Hugo Ball - Dada Manifesto (14th July 1916)
Giacomo Balla and Fortunato Depero - Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe (March 11, 1915)
André Breton - Manifesto of Surrealism (1924)
André Breton - Drop Everything (1922)
Umberto Boccioni - Plastic Dynamism (15th December 1913)
Anton Giulio Bragaglia - Futurist Photodynamism (1st July 1913)
David Burliuk - Universal Camp of Radio-Modernists (1926)
D. Burliuk, Alexander Kruchenykh, V. Mayakovsky, Victor Khlebnikov - Slap In The Face Of Public Taste (15th December 1913)
Carlo Carrà - The Painting of Sounds, Noises and Smells (11 August 1913)
Bruno Corra - Abstract Cinema (1912)
F.T. Marinetti - War, the World’s Only Hygiene (1915)
F.T.Marinetti - The Futurist Manifesto (aka The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism) (20th February 1909)
F.T. Marinetti, Bruno Corra, Emilio Settimelli, Arnaldo Ginna, Giacomo Balla And Remo Chiti - The Futurist Cinema (15th November 1916)
F.T. Marinetti, Emilio Settimelli, Bruno Corra - The Futurist Synthetic Theatre (18th February 1915)
Mauro Montalti - For A New Theatre: "Electric-Vibrating-Luminous" (1920)
Francis Picabia - Thank you, Francis! (January 1923)
Francis Picabia - Dada Manifesto (March 1920)
Francis Picabia - Manifeste Cannibale Dada (27th March 1920)
Antonio Sant’Elia - Manifesto of Futurist Architecture, (Florence) Lacerba, August 1, 1914
Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes - Dada Manifesto (5th February 1920)
Valentine de Saint-Point - Futurist Manifesto of Lust (11th January 1913)
Tristan Tzara - Monsieur Antipyrine's Manifesto (14th July 1916)
Tristan Tzara - Dada Manifesto (23rd march 1918)
Tristan Tzara - Monsieur Aa The Antiphilosopher Sends Us This Manifesto (22nd May 1920)
Tristan Tzara, Franz Jung, George Grosz, Marcel Janco, Richard Hülsenbeck, Gerhard Preisz, Raoul Hausmann - Dadaist Manifesto (April 1918)
Tristan Tzara - How I Became Charming, Likeable and Delightful (19th December 1920)
Tristan Tzara - Unpretentious Proclamation (8th April 1919)
Jacques Vaché - Letter to André Breton (18th August 1917)
