- published: 27 Jan 2015
- views: 13869
Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl (/ˈhʊsɛrl/;German: [ˈhʊsɐl]; 8 April 1859 – 27 April 1938) was a Germanphilosopher who established the school of phenomenology. In his early work, he elaborated critiques of historicism and of psychologism in logic based on analyses of intentionality. In his mature work, he sought to develop a systematic foundational science based on the so-called phenomenological reduction. Arguing that transcendental consciousness sets the limits of all possible knowledge, Husserl re-defined phenomenology as a transcendental-idealist philosophy. Husserl's thought profoundly influenced the landscape of twentieth-century philosophy and he remains a notable figure in contemporary philosophy and beyond.
Husserl studied mathematics under Karl Weierstrass and Leo Königsberger, and philosophy under Franz Brentano and Carl Stumpf. He taught philosophy as a Privatdozent at Halle from 1887, then as professor, first at Göttingen from 1901, then at Freiburg from 1916 until he retired in 1928, after which he remained highly productive. Following an illness, he died at Freiburg in 1938.
O Existencialismo [Parte 5] - Edmund Husserl, conteúdo de Filosofia, estudando para vestibular/ENEM.
In contrast to empiricist and rationalist traditions, existentialism proposes and orderless world, vaguely hostile, where people choose their character goals, have an obligation only to "authentic," and may only observe the truth (reality) in moments of anxiety. In this program, University of California, Berkeley philosopher Herbert Dreyfus traces the roots of existentialism from Edmund Husserl's School of Phenomenology, to his pupil Martin Heidegger's theories of das Sein, the threefold structure of activity, authenticity, and nihilism. Dreyfus relates the philosophies of both en to present-day schools of thought.
Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology in His Own Words -- Rey Ty. n this version of the video, definition of terms comes first; Husserl's quotes last.
Esteban Marín explica la fenomenología husserliana de manera magistral.
Vamos a descubrir qué es la conciencia dentro de la fenomenología, precisamente, a partir del pensamiento del gran representante de dicha línea de pensamiento: Edmund Husserl.
Apresentação do tipo "mini-quebra-galho" da fenomenologia husserliana para o- curso de filosofia, Defil. resumida do texto de Stegmüller: Correntes Fundamentais da Filosofia Contemporanea, que recomendo. Para versão mais aprofundada ver Edmund Husserl video - Defil UFRN - Claudio Costa
In March 2015 the University of San Francisco hosted the online lecture on the Divine in Husserl. In this interview Ales Bello, emeritus professor at Lateran University, expounds her synthesis of the seven ways to God that she described more thoroughly in her book of 2005 "The Divine in Husserl". Enjoy the interview!
Bryan Magee interviews Hubert Dreyfus concerning the Philosophy of Husserl and Heidegger.
My original blog post: http://geopolicraticus.tumblr.com/post/16911839042/an-interview-in-starbucks Marvin Farber quoting Husserl: http://www.autodidactproject.org/other/farber6.html Music: Weinland "White Dove" http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Weinland/
In " A Naturalistic Worldview " we will interview a Naturalist, who ascribes to New Atheism. This philosophically driven school is backed by a number of ideas, but mainly drawing on Naturalistic Philosophy. As an introduction, did a reading from Edmund Husserl's "Naturalistic Philosophy," which you can view as a preview to this episode.
17.06.2010: Gibt es nicht-materielle Objekte und wie können sie erkannt werden? Diese Frage bewegte Dagfinn Føllesdal auf Einladung des Internationalen Zentrums Philosophie Nordrhein-Westfalen der Uni Bonn im Rahmen der Ernst-Robert-Curtius-Vorlesung. Dieser Podcast gibt den Vortrag des Gastes aus Stanford wider. Team: Marcus Berinski, Denis Nasser, Henner Euting
Phenomenology, as a philosophical movement, was founded in the early 20th century by the German philosopher and mathematician Edmund Husserl. As a method, it involves the investigation of the forms or structures of experience. In this talk, Brentano and Husserl are discussed, as well as the notion of intentionality and some of the fundamental philosophical issues which arise regarding it, including problems about nonexistent objects and the ontological nature of intentional objects. http://www.iep.utm.edu/phenom/ This talk was given by Wayne Martin at the University of Essex a few years back.
Extrait tiré du site http://www.baglis.tv, d'une table ronde intitulée "Prologue à Raymond Abellio" réunissant Bruno Pinchard, Nicolas Roberti et Antoine Faivre. La pensée de Raymond Abellio œuvrait pour la création d'une élite sacerdotale invisible. A la fois non religieuse et non institutionnelle, et se situant au-delà de l'habituel clivage césaropapiste (c'est-à-dire l'obligation de devoir choisir de se ranger soit du côté du pape soit du côté de l'empereur), cette élite devait constituer le nouveau christianisme qu'Abellio appelait de ses vœux en réponse à son affirmation « le christianisme a prospéré dans l'affirmation du Père contre le fils... A présent, le fils se retourne contre le Père ».... Souhaitez-vous découvrir la pensée ce penseur libre qui a traversé toute l'histoire du ...
In this video, Professor Thorsby discusses Edmund Husserl's evaluation of phenomenological reduction, what is does and does not extend to.
Interviewers are: Sculptor Joris Gaymans (right), and head editor of the magazine Michel Gastkemper (left). 0:16 family & politics 7:03 truth & human 10:32 Yitzak Ben-Aharon 20:16 the Michaelic stream 33:28 last twenty years 45:57 Rudolf Steiner & spiritual science 1:05:45 school for spiritual science Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon is a philosopher, spiritual scientist and activist. Founder of: - the kibboetz Harduf - the 'Global Network for threefolding' - the ' Israeli Civil Society' - the 'Global School for spiritual science' and - the 'Global Event College'. He teaches, writes and gives lectures around the globe about the development of human consciousness in the field of science, humanities, social and historical events. He is best known both by his pioneering research on the Spiritual ...