AI releases report on death row juveniles in Iran

Amnesty International (AI) released a report (PDF) Jan. 26 on the many juvenile offenders on death row in Iran. The report states that 73 executions of juvenile offenders took place between 2005 and 2015 and that 160 juvenile offenders are currently on death row. Iran ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child and despite being legally obligated, has not, completely abolished the use of the death penalty against juvenile offenders. Iran implemented a reform that allowed judges to use their discretion to impose "alternative punishments on juveniles convicted of capital crimes," but it has largely been used in order to deflect criticism of the state's appalling human rights record, the report states. Amnesty International hopes that Iranian authorities will comply with international human rights standards now that international sanctions have been lifted and the country is on the road to seek rapprochement with the international community.

From Jurist, Jan. 26. Used with permission.

The surge in executions by Iran and regional rival Saudi Arabia is contributing to a global spike in use of the death penalty over the past two years.

Iran: every man in village 'executed on drug charges'

Amid the alarming surge in executions by Iran comes the news that every man in one village in restive Balochestan province has apparently been executed on drug charges.  See full story at Global Ganja Report...