Famous quotes by William Wagner:
"But in embryonic, I think there's some truth that we're falling behind because there's a lot that we can't do, ... I think, particularly in Asia, you see a lot of advances that are not happening in the U.S. If you polled U.S. scientists, I think there would be a sense that the U.S. is falling behind."
"The fuel obviously escaped from the vessel when it collided and was burning not only in the vessel itself, the tractor-trailer, but on the bridge, on the concrete. The bridge is made of concrete, so a lot of scalding occurred from it. There's a lot of superficial damage right now,"
"[The high water was inevitable; this, after all, was Oregon's north coast, where 65-plus inches of rain fall per year.] I think we had over 100 when we were building that thing, ... Never seen rain like that."
"It would have been miserable for them, ... It was wet, the roof leaked, they couldn't keep their clothes dry."
"Some of our Jaycees were married to these Finnish gals from Astoria, ... so the gals said, `Let us see if we might enlist the Brotherhood to do some carpentry.'"
"They did all the notching for the corners and, boy, did it fit nice,"
"[Only one problem: The pressure treatment totally obscured the markings.] That took a little extra work, ... It was like putting together a giant puzzle."
"I don't want people to think that that's something I do every day — wake up and do a beer bong. I like to have fun, but that's not me all the time."
"These combined meetings will draw more than 2,000 for one of the most dynamic and far-reaching gatherings on the global issues affecting research and industry. Our goal is to advance tissue engineering/regenerative medicine science and foster interactions that may more rapidly result in new technologies that will benefit patients worldwide."
"The long-term vision is to replace, repair and regenerate failing tissues and organs with the materials of tissues and organs. It's still 'out there,' but it's possible to put together a grant proposal now that doesn't sound completely crazy."