Liberal termites eat away at American history

Edit Chicago Sun-Times 12 Dec 2014
“While students will learn a great deal about the Beaver Wars, the Chickasaw Wars, the Pueblo Revolt, and King Philip’s War, they will learn little or nothing about the rise of religious toleration, the development of democratic institutions, and the emergence of a society that included a rich mix of ethnic groups and the absence of a hereditary aristocracy....

National Museum of the American Indian Presents “Mvskoke Etvlwv: The Muscogee People Festival” (NMAI - National Museum of the American Indian)

Edit noodls 27 Nov 2014
(Source. NMAI - National Museum of the American Indian) ... The Muscogee People Festival." ... 14, through Sunday, Nov. 16 ... to 5.30 p.m. daily ... Tricia Alexander-cultural food information Dan Beaver-war clubs and ballsticks Harry and Diane Beaver-basket weaving Jimmy and Ceka Deere-ballsticks Darla Dirksen-baskets Nelson "Scotty" Harjo-flutes Mary Smith-baskets and mats Dana Tiger-contemporary art Sandy Wilson-cultural crafts, jewelry, textiles....

National Museum of the American Indian Presents “Mvskoke Etvlwv: The Muscogee People Festival” (Smithsonian Institution)

Edit noodls 13 Nov 2014
(Source. Smithsonian Institution) ... The Muscogee People Festival." This three-day event will take place Friday, Nov ... 16 ... to 5.30 p.m. daily ... Tricia Alexander-cultural food information Dan Beaver-war clubs and ballsticks Harry and Diane Beaver-basket weaving Jimmy and Ceka Deere-ballsticks Darla Dirksen-baskets Nelson "Scotty" Harjo-flutes Mary Smith-baskets and mats Dana Tiger-contemporary art Sandy Wilson-cultural crafts, jewelry, textiles....

National Museum of the American Indian Presents “Mvskoke Etvlwv: The Muscogee People Festival” (National Museum of Natural History)

Edit noodls 13 Nov 2014
(Source. National Museum of Natural History) ... The Muscogee People Festival." This three-day event will take place Friday, Nov ... 16 ... daily ... Tricia Alexander-cultural food information Dan Beaver-war clubs and ballsticks Harry and Diane Beaver-basket weaving Jimmy and Ceka Deere-ballsticks Darla Dirksen-baskets Nelson "Scotty" Harjo-flutes Mary Smith-baskets and mats Dana Tiger-contemporary art Sandy Wilson-cultural crafts, jewelry, textiles....