Every day reshuffling

Edit New Statesman 28 Jan 2016
The ongoing reshuffle, more bad news for Simon Danczuk Media Ltd - and is Liam Gallagher a Corbyn fan? ... It was a mistake that a real fan could never make but understandable from, say, a snooty poseur pretending to like soccer instead of the Eton wall game ... No sooner does a gruelling game of musical chairs end than speculation begins about the next moves in what seems to be a permanent Labour reshuffle ... What goes around . ....

Gunpowder, swordfights and military rebellion: the secret life of public schools

Edit The Daily Telegraph 06 Apr 2015
The 'Collegers' and the 'Oppidans' teams of Eton College take part in the 'Eton Wall Game'  Photo. Getty Images ... During the period, Eton and Winchester both suffered six full-scale revolts, with Rugby following close behind with five. Another more amusing episode of high jinks saw one cohort of Eton boys deliberately knock over their own wickets to show that they were “sick to death of cricket” ... Now, Turner concludes ... ....

How can we put Sydney schoolboy rugby to rights?

Edit Canberra Times 05 Sep 2014
A recent high-profile schoolboy game where Scots defeated Newington 101-0 posed the latest in a long line of questions over whether teenage rugby in the Sydney region is as well structured as it could be ... If we don't try something, rugby may become the equivalent of Eton's wall game – played by a self-declared elite few and watched by fewer, who viciously uphold the traditions of a game whose charms are impenetrable to others....

Arcane public school games explained: Anyone for Rugby Fives, The Field Game or Winkies?

Edit The Independent 30 Aug 2014
Thomas Arnold, Rugby's great head master, and a lot of other masters, went off to found Clifton and Marlborough and other public schools back in the 19th century, so the game spread through the Rugby diaspora. It's like squash, but you don't have a racket, you use a glove instead and play up against a wall and sideboards – basically a squash court ... "Everybody seems to know about Eton Wall Game, but it's hardly ever played....

Why are rich Russians so obsessed with buying up London property?

Edit The Guardian 09 May 2014
As more and more well-to-do Russians shift cash into London real estate, Stephen Moss heads to Moscow to investigate …. The apartments at One Hyde Park, London, are among the world's most expensive, with prices ranging from £6.5m to £140m. Photograph. Warrick Page/Getty Images ... But why London? The only thing for it was to head to Moscow and see for myself – in between a few games of chess ... Photograph. Getty ... We use it." ... The Eton wall game ... ....

Kim Philby: His Most Intimate Betrayal, TV review: Deadly cunning of a gentleman spy exposed

Edit The Independent 03 Apr 2014
A couple of years ago, a friend of a friend was going through the selection process to join one of the British intelligence agencies ... Very thorough stuff ... In Kim Philby ... Macintyre concentrates on the deceits of Philby, the most effective of the Cantab spies, and his relationship with Elliott, another intelligence officer whose vetting procedure appeared to consist of being able to explain the rules of the Eton wall game ... ....

Kim Philby: His Most Intimate Betrayal, TV review: Ben Macintyre succinctly exposes the deadly cunning ...

Edit The Independent 02 Apr 2014
A couple of years ago, a friend of a friend was going through the selection process to join one of the British intelligence agencies ... Very thorough stuff ... In Kim Philby ... Macintyre concentrates on the deceits of Philby, the most effective of the Cantab spies, and his relationship with Elliott, another intelligence officer whose vetting procedure appeared to consist of being able to explain the rules of the Eton wall game ... ....

How the initially beautiful 'choke tackle' is brutally squeezing the life out of modern rugby

Edit The Daily Telegraph 28 Mar 2014
A lot of the attacking intent being built into the game is being negated by periods of play that too often look like the Eton Wall Game. You know the one – there is a wall, a ball and a heaving, shunting mass of the kids trying to muscle the ball from one end to the other. We rarely see the ball and it is, unless you are from Eton, very, very dull....

How the initially beautiful Choke Tackle is brutally squeezing the life out of modern rugby

Edit The Daily Telegraph 28 Mar 2014
Currently a lot of the attacking intent being built in to the game is being negated by periods of play that too often look like the Eton Wall Game. You know the one – there is a wall, a ball and a heaving, shunting mass of the kids trying to muscle the ball from one end to the other. We rarely see the ball and it is, unless you are from Eton, very, very dull....

A divided education system breeds a divided UK

Edit The Guardian 29 Jan 2014
The Eton wall game at Eton college. 'The only logical solution is to remove the socially divisive separate development regime which the state/private ­sector division constitutes.' writes David Webster. Photograph. Eddie Keogh/Reuters ... One might have thought that the master of Wellington College would be an apologist for such a divided society which the private education sector is designed to reproduce from one generation to the next ... No....