Convenient Solutions For Casino
Jan 11
There is, of course, a catch associated with the bigger prizes in a jackpot game – the jackpot is harder to hit than the normal bingo prize in a regular game. Either there are a lot more people playing that game (attracted by the jackpot or guaranteed prize of course) or there has to be a special rare event that triggers the jackpot. Thus although the prize is bigger than normal, there is a lower chance of hitting it.
Add in the variables of card cost, number of cards (bingo tickets) you can buy for any given game and it can be seen that some thought could be applied to choosing a jackpot game to play. So, to summarize the types of special or jackpot bingo games: Guaranteed prize games, also known as ‘guaranteed jackpots’.
These come in essentially two varieties: The first is a fixed amount whereby the jackpot main prize is the same no matter how many people play the game. The second is a guaranteed minimum where the prize is guaranteed to be a minimum of a certain amount, but can be higher. If lots of people play the game (and buy lots of cards) the prize pool can rise above this guaranteed minimum amount. These games are called jackpots from definition number 2 above of a ‘jackpot’.
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