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Charlotte Osei Is Exaggerating Autonomy Of The EC To Absurd Limits
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General Secretary of the People's National Convention (PNC), Atik Mohammed, says the behaviour of the Electoral Commissioner Charlotte Osei is sheer display of arrogance.

According to him, Madam Charlotte Osei is taking Ghanaians for a ride by "exaggerating the autonomy of the Electoral Commission to the absurd limits."

Commenting on the adamant position of the EC on the change of its logo, the PNC General Secretary questioned the logic in the EC's decision.

He wondered if it is the logo that will be conducting the 2016 elections, hence the need for a new one.

Atik Mohammed posited on Peace FM's Kokrokoo that the EC Chairperson seems to have misconstrued the autonomy of the Commission and is treating her outfit as above the laws of the country and the citizenry.

He noted that the Commission is a State institution and must respect the opinions of the citizenry.

Is it (EC) becoming a sub-State of some sort? Is it becoming an island?" he rhetorically quizzed.

Atik Mohammed expressed disappointment in the EC for giving little attention to the concerns expressed by some Ghanaians on election-related issues.

Logos don’t conduct elections. And as far as elections we’ve conducted and those we are about to do are concerned, logo doesn’t have any role to play and what even makes it worse is the attempted explanations she’s given regarding the logo. I was thinking there should be some rationale. I have kept waiting but the rationale hasn’t come.

"The reason it has become [very, extremely] in fact exceedingly important that we should have a new logo. I’ve waited for such rationale but to no avail except some ridiculous claim that the EC is embarking on some rebranding exercise...You don’t need a logo that looks like Ku Klux Klan.
Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana

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