- published: 25 Jun 2017
- views: 223
Tirana i/tᵻˈrɑːnə/ (Standard Albanian: Tiranë; regional Gheg Albanian: Tirona) is the capital and largest city of Albania.
Tirana became Albania’s capital city in 1920. The population of the city proper at the 2015 census was 610,070 and the municipality of Tirana, created in 2015, has a total population of 800,986 (2015 census).
The city is host to many public institutions and public and private universities, and is the centre of the political, economic, and cultural life of the country.
The Municipality of Tirana is located at (41.33°N, 19.82°E) in Tirana County, about 32 kilometers (20 mi) inland. Tirana's average altitude is 110 meters (360 ft) above sea level and its highest point measures 1,828 m (5,997.38 ft) at Mali me Gropa. The city is mostly surrounded by hills, with Dajti Mountain on the east and a slight valley opening on the north-west overlooking the Adriatic Sea in the distance. The Tiranë river runs through the city, as does the Lanë stream.
The city has four artificial lakes: the Tirana Artificial Lake around which was built the Big Park, Paskuqani Lake, Farka Lake, Tufina Lake, and other smaller lakes or reservoirs.
Luan Rama is an Albanian diplomat, writer and researcher from Tirana who lives and works in Paris, France.
Luan is author of many books dedicated to links between French and Albanian culture. As a former ambassador of Albania to France (1991–92) and UNESCO (1997–2001), he worked most for protecting and developing the European values of his country.
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT Lëvizja Socialiste për Integrim në një deklaratë për mediat ka deklaruar se sipas të dhënave të saj kjo forcë politike është fituese. Nënkryetari i LSI, Luan Rama thotë se Rilindja do të dalë në opozitë, ndërsa i quan të dëshpëruara përpjekjet për të manipuluar opinionin. Ai thotë se në 7 njësi administrative në Tiranë LSI është forcë e parë, ndërsa thekson se numri i votuesve për LSI në qarkun Tiranë i ka kaluar 100 mijë. Luan Rama ka hedhur edhe dyshime mbi vërtetësinë e exit poll-eve dhe sondazheve. Për më shumë lexoni në: http://www.oranews.tv/vendi/lsi-rilindja-shkon-ne-opozite-ne-7-njesi-ne-tirane-jemi-force-e-pare/
Këmbësorët në korsitë e biçikletave bëjnë një vesh shurdh ndaj zileve të çiklistëve Shumë qytetarë në Tiranë zgjedhin të ecin në korsitë e destinuara për biçikleta, ndërsa çiklistët japin alarmin se kjo i detyron të ndajnë rrugën me makinat, duke nxitur kështu aksidentet e shpeshta.
TIRANE-“Çojeni flamurin, çojeni flamurin kuqezi”. Kështu e nisi fjalën e tij Kryeministri Edi Rama në mitingun përmbyllës të fushatës elektorale në Tiranë, ndërsa më tej për disa minuta u këndua himni kombëtar. Më tej me zërin e ngjirur prej takimeve të shumta të fushatës ai thirri në kor me mbështetësit socialist “Shqipëri! Shqipëri!”
Shënohet incidenti i parë në qendrat e votimit pas nisjes së procesit dy orë më parë. Incidenti është shënuar në shkollën “Dhora Leka” pranë fushës së aviacionit. Procesi i votimi është ndërprerë për momentin, pasi komisionerët janë konfrontuar fizikisht me njëri-tjetrin.
Partia Demokratike mbylli zyrtarisht fushatën elektorale përmes një mitingu përpara Kryeministrisë në Tiranë. Kryetari demokrat, Lulzim Basha, u shpreh përpara mbështetësve se Republika e Re do sjellë një pakt të ri mes politikës dhe qytetarëve. Kreu demokrat theksoi se Rama flet si kryetar opozite edhe pse ka qenë 4 vjet në pushtet. Sipas tij, qytetarët s'do kursejnë të dielën votat kundër Republikës së Vjetër për t'i hapur dritaren Republikës së Re. "Republika e re do sjellë një pakt të ri mes politikës dhe qytetarëve. Kurrë më s'do keni kryeminisrtër që shpërfill qytetarët, një kryeministër të qefeve dhe tekave të tij, Ju meritoni dhe do të keni kryeministrin e qytetarëve, kryeministrin e ekonomisë. Sepse ekonomia është çështja kryesore për të cilën vendosim ne këtë dielë.
http://www.vizionplus.tv https://facebook.com/VizionPlusTV https://twitter.com/VizionPlusTV Presidenti Bujar Nishani së bashku me bashkëshorten e tij ka votuar në shkollën “Andon Zako Çajupi”. Sipas Nishanit, janë shqiptarët ata që e kanë në dorë funksionimin e demokracisë, ndërsa ka bërë thirrje që të dalin dhe të votojnë të gjithë. “Unë besoj që nëse shqiptarët vendosin që demokracia të funksionojë ajo funksionon, demokracia nuk mund të funksionojë pa vullnetin dhe angazhimin e tyre. Duke qenë që edhe sot është një ditë e shenjtë, uroj që e nesërmja të jetë më e mirë për të gjithë shqiptarët. Presidenti është i shkëputur nga infrastruktura e procesit zgjedhor, por ajo që dëshiroj është që të jetë një ditë e qetë, që shqiptarët të votojnë të pashqetësuar, të pakërcënuar dhe besoj se kjo ...
ka votuar Kryetari i Bashkise Tiranë Z.Erion Veliaj
Automjeti i oficerit të policisë Trim Murataj shpërtheu rreth orës 04:00 të mëngjesit të kësaj të premteje, në oborrin e banesës së tij në rrugën “Kastriotët”, pranë shinave të trenit në “Kthesën e Kamzës.
The 3rd stop on our Balkan Road Trip is Albania - in this episode we show you the top things to do in Tirana you can use for you time in the capital! Related Guide: http://www.back-packer.org/things-to-do-tirana-albania/ --- equipment used to produce this video --- Sony NEX 5 http://amzn.to/1FrMMxB GoPro Camera http://amzn.to/1GZdh1q Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/1CMyE0b Opteka SteadyCam http://amzn.to/1JCHAeb Zoom H2n Audio Recorder http://amzn.to/1FFVSt4 SDHC Memory Card http://amzn.to/1ygZzWD Waterproof Memory Card Case http://amzn.to/1FFWLCb Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40 http://amzn.to/1ceMOlo The capital of Albania is located in the center of the country. It has been an 8 hours bus ride from Skopje in Macedonia to get here. Beside the typical sig...
LEARN THE SECRETS TO BIKE TRAVEL IN OUR BOOK! https://cyclingabout.com/bicycle-touring-book/ The capital of Albania, Tirana, is a must see for those travelling the Balkans. This is the third travel video in a series we're doing called "The Places You Should Go". Alleykat are currently riding bicycles around the world from 2012-2014! For more information check out our website: http://www.cyclingabout.com Filmed on a compact camera and edited on iPad. ;)
I traveled to Albania for the first time in December 2015 to explore this Balkan country that used to be isolated for ages due to communist regime. I started my trip in Shkoder for few hours then Tirana for my whole week-end, I loved the city and I enjoyed walking on its large streets and meeting locals. The Christmas decorations on Skanderbeg Square were particularly beautiful but one of my highlights was the 360 view on top of the spinning Sky Tower Bar! Music: www.bensound.com More: http://inacitynearyou.net/2015/12/16/stories-from-tirana/ ------- SUBSCRIBE! Blog: http://www.inacitynearyou.net Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/omarinacitynearyou Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/volubilis26 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/volubilis26
An amazing video travel guide about Albania. See its location. Find out about the glorious past and discover the wealthy present. This is about Albanian demography and tells about Tirana cultural heritage and wonderful scenery. And it shows the most important feature - Albania has all the conditions and opportunities for tourists and holiday makers.
Tirana, the heart and capital of Albania, like all other European metropolises has a never-ending movement and energy. With its clubs, pubs, cafes, and taverns, Tirana is worth to discover, both day and night. The value and hospitality shown towards tourists is something that will mark your journey not only in Tirana but also all over the country. There are different thoughts regarding the origin of the name of the city. Some think that it relates to Tyrrenia (a name of Etruscan origins), while other believe that it relates to the word Theranda (harvest), or to the Tirkan (a castle at the foot of Mount Dajti). Your own journey might begin by visiting the museums and the key spots such as Sheshi Skënderbej, where you will be able to see the Mosque of Et’hem Bey (built between 1798 and 1812...
Albania Travel Video Guide. Awaking Sleeping Beauty--like in the 1990s from her hardline communist isolation, Albania was a stranger from another time. Her cities weren't choked by car fumes, her beaches were unspoilt by mass tourism, her long-suffering people were a little dazed and confused. While things have changed a lot since then, this ancient land still offers something increasingly rare in Europe these days -- a glance into a culture that is all its own. Raised on a diet of separation and hardship, Albania is distinctly Albanian. You'll continue with Albania Travel Video Guide to find beautiful pristine beaches on parts of the Ionian Coast (try the charming town of Saranda, fascinating classical sites like ancient Berat, and dramatic mountain citadels, but the mad traffic of Tira...
In the eyes of most, Albania is by far the most mysterious country in Europe. So what is it actually like to be there? After years of isolation, it's not the easiest thing in the world to get to Tirane (the capital), but going there is part of the adventure.
Tirana Area: 16 sq mi Population: 421,000 Things to do Gay: Cruising (carefully) Things to do: Sightseeing, Museum Need Cash: Yes Walk: XXXX Bike: XX Public Transit: X Car: XXX Durrës Area: Population: 115,000 Things to do Gay: Cruising Things to do: Beach, Cafe Need Cash: Yes Walk: XXX Bike: XX Public Transit: X Car: XXXX
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com Outdoor Albania's original itinerary called for a trek on the "Path of The Sheep" down towards the direction of Boga, but guide, Florian, changed the plans. Instead, the same uncomfortable van with driver Pashko would drive the group up to the pass where they'd begin walking down. The drive would then continue to Boga, rest stop, keep going to Shkodra, change vans again, ending up Tirana later today. The end of not only the North Albania Alps but also two weeks spent in beautiful, friendly Albania. A few Leks left to spend, ex-Marine and I made a fast run over to the flea market rather than turning the Leks back in at the airport.
Join SHABL aka Subscribe - http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG A slice of life living in Tirana, Albania. This is my last day unfortunately and go about the business that people usually do before the leave somewhere cool and affordable. Stock up on stuff, eat lots of good food and further explore the area. Tirana has a bad rep like most of Albania and from what I experienced, it's totally unwarranted. I had a fantastic time trying a bit of living in Tirana and living in Albania in general. I say living in as opposed to visiting because I didn't really do much touristy stuff compared to just go about my day to day life while I was there. Tirana and Albania in general are places I'd like to return to one day during the summer to get another taste; cool spot. Alex - http://findingthefreedom.com A trav...
La ville de Krujë est située à 32 km de la capitale Tirana au pied d'un massif montagneux. C'est une ville touristique avec une vue magnifique au patrimoine historique et culturel très riche. Krujë est surtout connu pour être le berceau du héros national Skanderberg. C'est ici qu'il réunira tous les princes Albanais pour affronter les armées ottomanes. A visiter le vieux bazar, son château du 5ème siècle, ses remparts et son musée national consacré évidemment à Skenderbeg et à la résistance albanaise. Pour venir jusqu'à Krujë, nous avons pris le « fourgon » moyen de transport local. Arrivés à destination, il nous faut chercher une famille. Erkan, notre guide décide de faire une halte à l'épicerie du village où il explique, brièvement, notre projet au gérant. Curieux et heureux de nou...
Who decides what matters? You decide what matters! Urban legends is all beyond the travel guide and shoots behind the scenes. It is the ONORTHODOX 2011-2012 project, seeking for cross cultural communication at a low threshold level. A method, as simple as raising a question about one city and searching for the answer in another one, aims to establish virtual contact between citizens of different cities; different cultures and different countries. Questions range from cheesy to valuable, from general to personal. It is all up to the contributor, who, besides being consumer, becomes producer too. The collected insider views, presented as video messages, are placed on an interactive map, with which you can navigate trough the cities. Take what you consider worth it- filter your way through t...
Who decides what matters? You decide what matters! Urban legends is all beyond the travel guide and shoots behind the scenes. It is the ONORTHODOX 2011-2012 project, seeking for cross cultural communication at a low threshold level. A method, as simple as raising a question about one city and searching for the answer in another one, aims to establish virtual contact between citizens of different cities; different cultures and different countries. Questions range from cheesy to valuable, from general to personal. It is all up to the contributor, who, besides being consumer, becomes producer too. The collected insider views, presented as video messages, are placed on an interactive map, with which you can navigate trough the cities. Take what you consider worth it- filter your way through th...
I guess you what it's all about
All the answers seem so clear to you
You know just exactly what do you want to do
And never allow a feeling of doubt
I guess you see where your road can lead
And all the pain that you have in a store
For now you have chosen to look every door
And find on your own what you think you need
(*) Turn away, find a way your own
I'll be there waiting here to say
Turn away, find a way your own
I'll still be calling your name
And if tried to show you how
Tomorrow is never like yesterday
Would you change your mind and see things my way
Or are you afraid that I'll bring you down?