My favorite Hulk Hogan interview ever.
Transcript below.
Mean Gene: Hulk Hogan, the only thing I can say what a
difference a year makes. A year ago at this time at
Wrestlemania Four, you were at the side of The
Macho Man when he became the undisputed
World Wrestling Federation Champ. One year later, here in
Atlantic City, you're going to be challenging this very same man for the world crown.
Hulk Hogan: Well, you know you're exactly right, Mean Gene. One year ago, brother, me and The Macho Man were as one. We were best of friends. We would do anything to win together, brother. And if you would've told me one year later right in the very same place that it started, in the
Trump Plaza that we'd be locking horns, going head on head for the
WWF Championship, I'd a called you a liar, Mean Gene! But you know something? I should've seen this thing coming, man. As the
Mega Powers team was formed, brother, as the SummerSlams, as the
Survivor Series went down, as the Mega Powers started growing together, the
Mania was a little bit ahead of the
Madness, man, but it really didn't matter. You were either in or you were either out, brother. You either believe or you didn't, man, and you were either ready or you weren't. The Macho Man made me feel that he believed in the three demandments of the prayers, the training, and the vitamins. He made me believe that he was in my corner, Mean Gene. And he also made me believe that he was ready to fight all odds. That's why I stuck with him, brother. That's why we stayed together so long.
Mean Gene: You know its that relationship with
The Mega Powers deteriorated even further
...Macho Man Randy Savage went so far as to attack your Hulkamaniacs.
Hulk Hogan: Oh, yeah! He did more than just attack the Hulkamaniacs, brother. He went so far as to put our manager, the lovely
Elizabeth, right between us, man. It was him that eaten alive by the jealousy. It was him that was eaten alive by the lust, brother. It was a simple fact that The Macho Man couldn't be the man that all my Hulkamanics wanted him to be, brother. He couldn't handle the load. He couldn't handle the pressure, but what really tore us apart was the way he was so jealous of Hulkamania. The way he put Elizabeth between us. The way he manipulated her. The way he twisted this whole beautiful thing around, but I found out one thing, Macho Man. You're not a believer in the demandments, brother.
Brother, you're a cheapshot artist. You take whatever you can get as quick as you want. You were never in my corner. You were always on the outside waiting for me to make the first move, but just like
Donald Trump, Macho Man, I hope you're ready, brother, because Donald Trump has questions in his own mind. He sent a whole team of seismologists out here to check the foundation of the
Trump Towers because when the Mega Powers explode off the launching pad, brother. As we erupt over the whole Atlantic City, he was worried about the foundation. He was worried that the thousands of people in the arenas might become unseated and swallowed by
The Earth. Donald Trump, don't worry about my Hulkamaniacs, they're survivors. They're ready, but you, Macho Man,
I don't care where you stand. I don't care what you believe in. All I'm want from you is your best.
I want you to be ready. I want the
Macho Madness to be at his peak because when Hulkamania rules, when Hulkamania lives forever, when Hulkamania puts you down on your knees, I want the whole world to realize that I beat you at your best and at the end of Wrestlemania Five, I will be the World Wrestling Federation champion! And whatcha gonna do Macho Man when the whole world full of Hulkamaniacs destroy you?
- published: 01 Dec 2010
- views: 114282