- published: 03 Dec 2015
- views: 25923
Popayán is the capital of the Colombian department of Cauca. It is located in southwestern Colombia between Colombia's Western Mountain Range and Central Mountain Range. It has a population of 258,653 people, a territorial extension of 512 km2, is located 1760 meters above sea level, and has an average temperature of 18/20°C.
This town is well-known because of its beautiful colonial architecture and its contributions to Colombian cultural and political life. It is also known as the "white city" due to the color of the most of colonial houses and places in the city downtown, where several churches are located, such as San Francisco, San José, Belén, Santo Domingo, San Agustín, and the Catedral Basílica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, known locally as "La Catedral".
The city's cathedral was home to the Crown of the Andes, a 16th-century Marianist devotional object featuring emeralds taken from the captured Inca Emperor Atahualpa before its sale to finance local health care institutions.
POPAYÁN, Más que una ciudad blanca
Apareció bruja en la ciudad de popayán.
Rap en Popayán
Bruja se rie en Popayán
Doña Jesusita cuenta su visita a Popayán - País paisa
Centro Historico de Popayan,Cauca,Colombia.
Terremoto de Popayán 1983 - 2016 Conmemoración 33 años
Desgarrador Accidente en Torremolinos de Popayan
Bikers Family | Una de sus clases | GBR adictos Popayán | Sj4000 2017
POPAYÁN, Más que una ciudad blanca. En este audiovisual se muestra nuestra ciudad desde diferentes campos como su espiritualidad y tradición, su gastronomía, su originalidad, su entorno natural, su arquitectura, etc. Esta herramienta siendo un elemento clave para promocionar a Popayán y sus riquezas a nivel nacional e internacional en los próximos años. En este trabajo audiovisual, se resaltan los principales atributos de la Marca Popayán, como: -Popayán, Sumérgete en la historia de Colombia -Popayán, Propicia para el descanso -Popayán, un placer para tus sentidos -Popayán, Saborea la Colombia más genuina -Popayán, más bohemia -Popayán, eleva tu alma al cielo de Colombia En la realización de este rodaje, participaron más de treinta actores y modelos, todos oriundos de la ciudad de Po...
Fui a Popayán, la capital del Cauca. Junto al grupo teatral 'Popayán. Memoria y Encanto', recorrimos el Centro Histórico y conocimos más de las tradiciones payanesas. Si te gustó, ÚNETE: www.facebook.com/dianatraveleroficial www.twitter.com/diana_traveler www.instagram.com/diana_traveler
Grabada en vivo (transmisión EN VIVO POR FACEBOOK 1:30AM) NO ESPERS lo q al parecer es un ave de gran tamaño riendose, en el barrio los naranjos el 12 de Marzo de 2017 a la 1:30am Acá les dejo la entrevista a la Joven que grabo el video con un video mas :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh3W4_xhJLg
Estamos cumpliendo a los caucanos residentes en Siloé con este vídeo ya que algunos de ellos nos habían pedido que lo hiciéramos. La población mayoritaria de Siloé en este momento es Caucana y Nariñense
REALIZACIÓN ESPAÑAPRODUCCIONES 2014 - IVAN ESPAÑA - 321 301 5421 POPAYÁN - COLOMBIA Imágenes inéditas nunca antes vistas del terremoto de Popayán en 1983, imágenes que marcaron la historia de la ciudad blanca, en tan solo 18 terribles segundos.
Con una escena que muestra el fallecimiento de una niña como resultado de la imprudencia vial es parte de este simulacro. Popayán ya está comprometida con la campaña ‘Salvemos vidas en la vía’
Vlogs versus piques observaciones mucho mas..¡¡ Hola¡¡¡ espero que les guste este video, ahora estoy manejando una nueva edición ....LIKEEE¡¡¡ suscribete a mi canal Mis Redes Sociales: *Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keinner.riveraa *Twitter: https://twitter.com/KeinnerRivera *instagram: @keinner rivera *Snap: Keinner Rivera like si te gusto .... gracias por el apoyo
Part of Viventura trip 01/08/16-19/08/2016 Map of Travel: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1lSSRPvMsJhQLhi4JgzBFPcoPxFM
COLOMBIA: POPAYAN & LA ZONA CAFETERA After San Agustin, we hit the road to reach close by Popayan for a couple of days. Popayan also named the “Ciudad Blanca” or the “White City” was enjoyable to relax and taste good meat a la parrilla (bbq). We then continued to the Zona Cafetera, the coffee producing region, and stopped in Salento. Salento is a great little city where to visit coffee farms and hike the famous Valle de Cocora. This valley is home of the wax palm tree unique symbol of Colombia. These majestuous trees can reach 60m and live for more than 300 years. Their wax was once used to waterproofing the wooden boats. They are now protected. It’s been very rainy since we arrived in Colombia and thanks to our guesthouse in Salento, we wore rubber boots for the hike as the path became ve...
I'm visiting Popayan, beautiful city in south Colombia and really trying to record while local people are keep warning me how dangerous it is and that apparently "some people" wanted to still my camera. Fuck that people just let me record MY THING. I believe in Positive energy and Good vibes, no one will attract me. Later that day I'm crossing border with Ecuador so as bonus You can see a little bit of panorama in Quito, Ecuador. KEEP POSITIVE GUYS! STAY STRONG!
Colombia, architectura colonial
Mooi wit Popayán en San Agustin met veel archeologische sites en prachtige natuur. Muy lindo blanco Popayán y San Agustín con muchos archaelogicos parks y la hermosa naturaleza
LAST TURKISH STOPS: KARS-TRABZON Before our departure for Kars, we enjoyed the Kahvalti one last time in Van: Delicious breakfast of more than a dozen of dishes: goat and cow cheeses, grilled vegetables, soups, delicatessen and fried specialities (sigara boregi: cheese cigar, very addictive…) and of course a lot of sweets. Daniel fell in love with some kind of heavy and humid chestnut cake which fills you up for the rest of the day, Magali found a nick name for the cake “the stomac plug” (yeks!). Bad idea! We didn’t see coming the numerous passes to reach our next stop and the “Schumacher” behaviour of the minivan driver. You can imagine how we felt arriving in Kars! Kars is a peculiar little town of about 70’000 citizens, it kept influences of Russian occupation (1890 to 1920) with basa...
Ohhh oooo!
The dance hall has to ram, the dance hall has to ram
It has to ram in a style and fashion
The nation has to jam, the nation has to jam
We gonna jam in a style and pattern
Because is I, Papa Winnie, on the microphone stand
The people doesn't know where I really come from
Me tall, me no short, me slim, me not fat
And everytime I rap, me say the crowd hear me say
You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are gray
You never know, Dear, how much I love you
So please don't take my sunshine away
You are the woman, and I am the man
And everything we do, jah knows we do it real strong
We are just modeling up the dance hall, in a style and fashion
Me and my girl, her name is Liana
The talk of the town, is that we have two babies, twins
One of them fat and one of them slim
We call them Rootsie, Rootsie,
Rootsie and Boopsie, Rootsie, Rootsie, Rootsie and Boops
You are my sunshine...
Sufferation in the land, sufferation in the land
Killing all my natian Lord I can't understand
Famine in the land, tribulation getting strong
They always have a plan to fool we Africans
Creating war in the East
War in the West
War inthe North
And war inthe South
If love were a thing that money can buy
The rich man would live, and the poor man would die