June 6 2015

Prisoner Abuse

These articles deal with abuse of prisoners and detainee’s by US forces and CIA

Released 12/9/2014 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:
Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program
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For Current articles and reports you may check out:

Uncommon Thought News Torture Links from the news

Uncommon Thouhgt News Government Secret Operations links from the daily news.


3/01/10 ProPublica, Justice Department Report on Waterboarding Memos

4/04/05 Sanchez Memo sanctioning abuse Memo of Sept. 14, 2003

3/26/05 British Foreign Affirs Committee Human Rights Report – 2004

this UTJ linkDepartment of Justice memo on torture guidelines, 12/30/04.

Final Report of the Independent Panel to Review DoD Detention Operations 8/24/04

AR 15-6 Investigation of Intelligence Activities At Abu Ghraib – The Fay Report

Memos and Reports Released on 6/22/04

From the 6/22/04 DoD Press Release

Document 1:  Status of Taliban and Al Qaida, Dated:19 January 2002   <> DoD Doc 1

Document 2:  Status of Taliban and Al Qaida message from Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff to Unified Commands and Services, Dated: 21 January 2002  <> DoD Doc 2

Document 3:  Memo for Commander Joint Task Force 170, Dated: 11 October 2002   <> DoD Doc 3

Document 4:  SOUTHCOM’s endorsement of the CJTF-170’s request, Dated: 25 October 2002
<> DoD Doc 4

Document 5:  Secretary of Defense memorandum ref: approving counter resistance techniques, Dated: 02 December 2002   <> DoD Doc 5

Document 6:  Secretary of Defense memorandum for Commander, SOUTHCOM ref: Counter Resistance Techniques Dataed:15 Jan 2003   <> DoD Doc 6

Document 7:  Memorandum for the Department of Defense General Counsel Ref: Detain interrogations Dated:15 Jan 2003    <> DoD Doc 7

Document 8:  Working Group Report ion detainee operations Dated:04 April 2003   <>
DoD Doc 8

Document 9:  Memo for Commander, SOUTHCOM: Counter Resistance Technique in the War on Terrorism Dated:16 Apr 2003  <> DoD Doc 9

5/20/04 DoD Briefing Transcript

Text of Bush order on prisoner treatment


Full Text of General Taguba’s Report of Abu Ghraib Prisoner Abuse and Torture ARTICLE 15-6 INVESTIGATION OF THE 800th MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE


ICRC Abuse Report 2/04 (pdf)

Working Group Report on Detainee Interrogations in the Global War on Terrorism: Assessment of Legal, Histroical, Policy , and Operational Considerations (3/06/03)

Tokyo War Crimes indictment against George W. Bush International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan (CRG, 3/01/04)

DoJ Memo on Torture


4/30/04 Borger, Guardian/UK, US military in torture scandal

5/10/04 Hersh, New Yorker, TORTURE AT ABU GHRAIB

‘I asked for help and warned of this but nobody would listen’, Guardian/UK, 5/01/04

Link to video of a 5/01/04 report

Muslim ‘torture’ backlash, Langdon, This is London, 4/30/04

Outrage at US abuse of Iraqi prisoners, Al Jazeera, 5/01/04

4/30/04 DemocracyNow, Abu Ghraib: New Warden, Same Prison

4/30/04 Mejendie, Reuters, Iraqi Prison Photos Mar U.S. Image

4/30/04 Borger, Guardian/UK, US military in torture scandal

5/01/04 WSWS, ‘Bush and the Democrats are responsible for torture in Iraq’

5/06/04 Johnston & Lewis, NYT, U.S. Examines Role of C.I.A. and Employees in Iraq Deaths

5/05/04 Schmitt & Lewis, NYT, White House and Pentagon Scurry to Draft Responses

5/04/05 Dunham, Reuters, 25 Prisoners Died While Held by U.S. Forces

5/05/04 Buncombe, Independent/UK, Iraqi prisoner scandal grows

5/05/04 Jehl & Schmitt, NYT, Army Discloses Criminal Inquiry on Prison Abuse

5/04/04 News.com, Bremer ‘knew of abuse in November’

5/04/04 Reuters, US specialists sent to Iraq to train guards-report

Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba, Article 15-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade

5/08/04 Spinner, Wa. Post, Soldier: Unit’s Role Was to Break Down Prisoners

5/07/04 Chatterjee & Thompson, CorpWatch, Private Contractors and Torture at Abu Ghraib, Iraq

5/07/04 Tanner, Reuters, Soldiers Back in U.S. Tell of More Iraqi Abuses

5/07/04 WSJ, Red Cross Saw ‘Widespread Abuse’ in Iraq – WSJ

5/07/04 Borger, Guardian/UK, ‘Cooks and Drivers Were Working as Interrogators’

5/06/04 Johnston & Lewis, NYT, U.S. Examines Role of C.I.A. and Employees in Iraq Deaths

5/05/04 FAS Project on Government SecrecyTorture Report many have Broken Classification Rules

5/05/04 Graham & Babington, Wa. Post, Probes of Detainee Deaths Reported

5/04/04 News.com.au, Bremer ‘knew of abuse in November’

About CENTCOM – United States Central Command

U.S. Military Chain of Command – Fox News