April 15 2016

The Logic of Murder in Israel: A Culture of Impunity in Full View of the Entire World.


By Ramzy Baroud, PhD

“Whether he made a mistake or not, is a trivial question,” said an Israeli Jewish man who joined large protests throughout Israel in support of a soldier who calmly, and with precision, killed a wounded Palestinian man in al-Khalil (Hebron). The protesting Jewish man described Palestinians as ‘barbaric’, ‘bestial’, who should not be perceived as people.

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March 4 2016

Hillary’s Secret Letter and the Whole Matter of Endless War and the Almost Complete Corruption of America’s Government


By John Chuckman

An almost perfect measure of the decay of democratic values in American politics is found in a letter from Hillary Clinton to Haim Saban, a wealthy American-Israeli and a major contributor to the Democrats. It is a letter whose only purpose is to elicit funds, ingratiating its author to the recipient by condemning the perfectly legitimate right of free people to choose boycotting Israel over its appalling behaviors.  The letter is disturbing in some of its views and characterizations, but it has been reviewed and remarked upon by many, as here.

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February 15 2016

Next Onslaught in Gaza: Why the Status Quo Is a Precursor for War

Hama fighters

By Ramzy Baroud

It is not true that only three wars have taken place since Hamas won parliamentary elections in 2006 in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Other wars that were deemed insignificant or ‘skirmishes’ also took place. Operation Returning Echo in March 2012, for example, killed and wounded over 100 people. But since the death toll, relative to the other major onslaughts seemed trivial, it was not cited as ‘war’, per se.

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February 5 2016

The Logic of Hunger Striking Palestinians: When Starvation Is a Weapon

hunger strike

By Ramzy Baroud

By Friday, January 29, Palestinian journalist Mohammed al-Qeq had spent 66-days on hunger strike in Israeli jails. Just before he fell into his third coma, a day earlier, he sent a public message through his lawyers, the gist of which was: freedom or death.

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October 24 2015

Of Course, It is an Intifada: This is What You Must Know

Palestinian intifada

By Ramzy Baroud

[Photo: This is a Palestinian Intifada, even if it ends today. (Quds Press) via Palestine Chronicle.]

When my book ‘Searching Jenin’ was published soon after the Israeli massacre in the Jenin refugee camp in 2002, I was quizzed repeatedly by the media and many readers for conferring the word ‘massacre’ on what Israel has depicted as a legitimate battle against camp-based ‘terrorists’. 

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August 11 2015

Gaza: Our Child’s Shattered Face in the Mirror


A review by Gary Corseri of GAZA UNSILENCED. Edited by Refaat Alareer and Laila El-Haddad. Just World Books, Charlottesville, VA., 2015.

When I received this book in the mail, about a week ago, the first thing that struck me was the amazing cover photo. Now, I think I’m as wary of judging a book by its cover as the next reader/reviewer; and I read through the entire book before ever thinking of starting a review in this way. Does the book justify this sort of cover? Most assuredly it does!

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July 25 2015

A Chance for Arab-Iranian Reconciliation: An Opportunity in the Iran Nuclear Deal


By Ramzy Baroud

[Photo: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, wikipedia (2014).]

“The Americans have taken the Shia Muslim side in the Middle East’s sectarian war,” declared Robert Fisk in the “Independent” newspaper on July 15, a day after the US and five major world powers reached a landmark agreement with Iran about its nuclear programs.

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July 15 2015

An Interview with Lia Tarachansky The Big Lie at the Heart of the Myth of the Creation of Israel


By Douglas Valentine

[Papers. Graphics: Israeli Foreign Ministry.]

Lia Tarachansky’s heart-wrenching documentary, On the Side of the Road, reveals the Big Lie at the heart of the myth of the creation of Israel.

Tarachansky had to break through a lot of personal and social barriers to produce this often infuriating film about the Nakba, the “catastrophe” of 1948, when approximately 750,000 Palestinians (a number that has grown to 1.5 million refugees living in camps over the ensuing 67 years) were expelled from their homes and forced into squalid camps, where they are denied basic human rights.

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