February 15 2016

Next Onslaught in Gaza: Why the Status Quo Is a Precursor for War

Hama fighters

By Ramzy Baroud

It is not true that only three wars have taken place since Hamas won parliamentary elections in 2006 in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Other wars that were deemed insignificant or ‘skirmishes’ also took place. Operation Returning Echo in March 2012, for example, killed and wounded over 100 people. But since the death toll, relative to the other major onslaughts seemed trivial, it was not cited as ‘war’, per se.

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January 28 2016

Gaza Speaks: This Is What the Decade-long Siege Has Done to Us

Palestinian children

By Ramzy Baroud, PhD (With reporting from Yousef Aljamal in Gaza.)

Whenever Mariam Aljamal’s children hear the sound of thunder at night, they wet their beds. Their reaction is almost instinctive, and is shared by a large number of children throughout the Gaza Strip.

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August 11 2015

Gaza: Our Child’s Shattered Face in the Mirror


A review by Gary Corseri of GAZA UNSILENCED. Edited by Refaat Alareer and Laila El-Haddad. Just World Books, Charlottesville, VA., 2015.

When I received this book in the mail, about a week ago, the first thing that struck me was the amazing cover photo. Now, I think I’m as wary of judging a book by its cover as the next reader/reviewer; and I read through the entire book before ever thinking of starting a review in this way. Does the book justify this sort of cover? Most assuredly it does!

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July 7 2015

Baskin’s Generous Offer: Making Peace with Israeli Occupation


AbbasBaskinBaskinsiteBy Ramzy Baroud

[Baskin with Mahmoud Abbas. (Via Gershonbaskin.org)]

It would be fair to assume that Gershon Baskin’s recent article in the Jerusalem Post – Encountering Peace: Obviously no peace now, so what then? (June 24) – is not a mere intellectual exercise aimed at finding ‘creative’ solutions to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

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July 2 2015

Baskin’s Generous Offer: Making Peace with Israeli Occupation

AbbasBaskinBaskinsiteBy Ramzy Baroud

[Baskin with Mahmoud Abbas. (Via Gershonbaskin.org)]

It would be fair to assume that Gershon Baskin’s recent article in the Jerusalem Post – Encountering Peace: Obviously no peace now, so what then? (June 24) – is not a mere intellectual exercise aimed at finding ‘creative’ solutions to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

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