
Niels Harrit Canadian Universities Tour, 2/22 – 3/4

February 20th, 2011 Posted in , Niels Harrit

Dr. Niels Harrit, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, will be lecturing across Canada in six recognized locations. He will offer a critique of the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center, focusing on Building 7. Widely published, he is the lead author of a 2009 article on the discovery of nano-thermite (an incendiary and explosive) in the WTC dust.

Tour Schedule:

Tuesday February 22 @ 7PM, Edmonton Alberta “Edmonton Questions 9/11” For more info see:

Thursday February 24 @ 7PM, University of British Columbia Presentation: “Explosive Evidence” For more info see:

Saturday February 26 @ 7PM, University of Victoria Presentation: “Explosive Evidence” For more info see:

Tuesday March 1 St. @ 7:30 PM, McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario Presentation: “Reasonable Doubt: Science and the Collapse of World Trade 7 on September 11, 2001.” For more info see:

Thursday March 3 @ 7PM, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario Presentation: “Reasonable Doubt: Science and the Collapse of World Trade 7 on September 11, 2001.” For more info see:

Friday March 4 @ 7PM, University of Toronto Presentation: “Reasonable Doubt: Science and the Collapse of World Trade 7 on September 11, 2001.” For tickets see:

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