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April 29, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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An Alternative After a Likely Bern-Out: The Green Party’s Jill Stein

Jill Stein’s platform is all about job creation through a green infrastructure plan, resuscitating trade unions, fostering worker cooperatives and slashing defense spending. Is it a pipe dream or simply the future?


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Seymour Hersh on Sanders and Clinton: ‘Something … Amazing Is Happening in This Country’

The veteran progressive journalist acknowledged on "Democracy Now!" that “it’s going to be very hard for a lot of the people who support Sanders to support Hillary Clinton" and explained why he's excited about what's ahead in American politics.
Juli Hansen / Shutterstock

The Endgame of 2016’s Anti-establishment Politics

Will Bernie Sanders’ supporters rally behind Hillary Clinton if she gets the nomination? Likewise, if Donald Trump is denied the Republican nomination, will his supporters back whoever gets the Republican nod?
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If Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders’ support and that of his voters may depend on her doing the one thing that her track record shows she’s been most unwilling to do all along.

On KCRW’s “Left, Right & Center” on Friday, Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and the other panelists ask whether we’re seeing a new, moderate Trump and where the presidential candidates stand after the New York primary.

Amid Media Megamergers, a Mosaic of Community Media Thrives

There is a hunger for authentic voices—not the same handful of pundits circulating through all the media networks who know so little about so much, explaining the world to us and getting it so wrong.

One Major High and Many Lows in Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Speech

The leading Republican presidential candidate called out the massive ruin caused by the “dangerous idea” that the U.S. “could make Western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming a Western democracy.”

These Days of Mild U.S. Weather Will Not Last

Scientists warn that the current pleasures of warmer weather will pale for Americans as climate change brings extreme temperature increases and unhealthy levels of atmospheric ozone.

Michael Moore Blasts Obama in an Open Letter About the Flint Water Crisis

The filmmaker and activist calls the president’s upcoming visit to the beleaguered Michigan town “too little too late.”



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Amy Goodman on How the Media Is Ruining the 2016 Election by Focusing on ‘Trump-land’

The “Democracy Now!” host explains why pundits are getting coverage “so wrong” and outlines what needs to change.

14 Races to Go: Sanders Set on ‘Transforming a Nation’

“The people in every state in this country should have the right to determine who they want as president and what the agenda of the Democratic Party should be.”

Cracked Distills Idiocy, Mendacity of American Politics (Video)

The humor and video site provides an overview of the presidential election process and shows why candidates can’t be honest.

Report: Ted Cruz Pre-emptively Picking Carly Fiorina as His Running Mate

Watching the seemingly endless series of Republican debates this election season, one might wonder why so many candidates hung in there well past the point when it was clear they had no real chance of winning. Well, wonder no more.

Money Couldn’t Buy Love for Maryland Congressional Candidate David Trone

Despite spending a record-breaking $12 million of his own money to win a House seat, Trone lost Tuesday’s primary race.



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Michigan Official Tried to Manipulate Lead Tests—Eight Years Ago

In 2008, a Michigan environmental official told lead test technicians to “bump out” sky-high lead results by collecting more clean water samples.

Clinton Supporters Removed Pro-Sanders Facebook Pages, Report Says  (Video)

The Young Turks report that supporters of Hillary Clinton recently took down of a number of Facebook pages devoted to her opponent, Bernie Sanders.

Half of Americans Think the Presidential Nominating System Is ‘Rigged’

And more than two-thirds of U.S. voters want to change the process by which the political parties choose their presidential nominees, a poll by Reuters/Ipsos finds.

Survey: A Majority of American Millennials Now Reject Capitalism

Just 42 percent of Americans between ages 18 and 29 support the economic system with which the United States itself is often equated, Harvard researchers found.

Neoliberalism Is Destroying Our Lives and Many of Us Don’t Even Know What It Is

“It’s as if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of communism,” observes British writer George Monbiot.

Donald Trump Is a Sign of American Decline (but Not in the Way You Think)

Donald Trump is the first presidential candidate to run openly and without apology on a platform of American decline.

Our Hungry World Need Not Fell Its Forests

The rapidly growing human population can feed itself without worsening climate change by destroying the planet’s forests, researchers say.

How a Canadian City Eradicated Homelessness With One Revolutionary Idea

It’s really a wonder more cities haven’t tried “Housing First,” which evolved from a New York City program begun decades ago.

Samantha Bee on John Kasich and Ted Cruz’s Pathetic Pact to Thwart Donald Trump (Video)

The “Full Frontal” host takes pity on the Republican presidential candidates who haven’t understood that Donald Trump is destroying them.

Reinventing Saudi Arabia After Oil: The Prince’s $2 Trillion Gamble

Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, 30, the deputy crown prince of Saudi Arabia, laid out his vision for Saudi Arabia on Monday in a plan called “Vision 2030.”

FDA Tells Massachusetts Group Home to Stop Shocking Its Disabled Residents

The government questions whether the Judge Rotenberg Center has been straight with families about the risks of its electrical shock devices and alternative treatments.