Résultats de recherche
  1. 21 déc. 2016

    meteor shower tonight! Best time to watch is after 12 a.m. tonight and before dawn of December 22. Credit: Jacek Halicki.

  2. 22 déc. 2015

    Could this be part of the meteor shower?

  3. 21 déc. 2018

    The meteor shower will peak overnight (December 21 to 22). Keep your eyes peeled! Meteors may appear 5 to 10 times per hour. Photo: Brian Murahashi/Jim Albers

  4. 21 déc. 2015

    meteor shower: best time is predawn on Dec 22-23 as the (almost full) Moon sets. Photo: NASA

  5. 16 oct. 2017

    When and where to see the meteor shower

  6. 21 déc. 2018
  7. 21 déc. 2013

    If it's clear where you are tonight, check out the meteor shower! Best seen after midnight.

  8. 23 déc. 2018

    Strong Ursid peak recorded by CMOR, peaking late UT Dec 22. More than 300 Ursid orbits detected in one day.

  9. 22 déc. 2018

    Noticeable Ursid meteor shower activity as of 15 UT detected by CMOR. Main peak still 6-8 hours away.

  10. 23 déc. 2018

    will be visible tonight after the clouds clear out. is tracking it all for you!

  11. 23 déc. 2019

    Ursids peaked last night according to CMOR radar data. Similar activity compared to the past few years.

  12. 21 déc. 2018

    Happy Winter Solstice & Season's Greetings to you! Watch out for Sat Sun

  13. 20 déc. 2019
  14. 23 mars 2016
  15. 21 déc. 2015

    Last of the year tomorrow night! The are expected to peak on the night of Dec 22 & 23.

  16. 21 déc. 2019

    Are you staying up tonight to see the meteor shower? Great timing with the - there will be plenty of darkness!

  17. 22 déc. 2014

    The Meteor Shower to peak around Eve

  18. 22 déc. 2016

    Whilst watching the very faint Aurora last night I saw plenty of bright . This one was the biggest. Will attempt composite later

  19. Afficher cette discussion
  20. outburst predicted for this weekend: When and where to see it

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