A control car, control trailer or driving trailer is a generic term for a non-powered railroad (US) or railway (UIC) vehicle that can control operation of a train from the end opposite to the position of the locomotive. They can be used with diesel or electric motive power, allowing push-pull operation without the use of an additional locomotive. They can also be used with a power car or a railcar. In a few cases control cars were used with steam locomotives, especially in Germany and France (see article Voiture État à 2 étages).
In the US, cab cars are control cars similar to regular passenger car, but with a full driver's compartment built into one or both ends. They can be very similar to regular railcars, to the point of including a gangway between cars so that they could be used in the middle of a passenger train like a regular car if necessary. European railways used such equipment since the 1920s. In the United States they appeared for the first time in the 1960s. In the UK, driving trailers may have one or two driving cabs.
Fui pego de surpresa
Quando ouvi você dizer que está me amando
Até pouco tempo atrás você me esnobou
E falou que não tinha nada a ver
Agora tudo muda...
Chego a pensar que você está meio maluca
Mas a verdade é que não dá pra dizer não
Se o meu coração ainda te chama
Mistura de vontade com rancor
Melhor admitir que vacilou
Me viu do lado de alguém, se arrependeu de tudo
E agora vem dizendo que me quer também
Eu vou aceitar, vou te namorar
Pra ser sincero, eu quero seu amor
Não faz mais assim, promete pra mim
Que a infantilidade acabou
Eu vou aceitar, vou te namorar
Pra ser sincero, eu quero seu amor
Não faz mais assim, promete pra mim
Que a infantilidade acabou