- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 80313
Claude may refer to:
A production assistant, also known as a PA, is a member of the film crew and is a job title used in filmmaking and television for a person responsible for various aspects of a production. The job of a PA can vary greatly depending on the budget and specific requirements of a production as well as whether or not the production is unionized.
Production assistants on films are sometimes attached to individual actors or filmmakers.
In unionized television and feature film, production assistants are usually divided into different categories: "Set PA", "Truck PA", "Locations PA", "Office PA", or "Set Runner" and "Extra PA or Daily" - Variations exist depending on a show's structure or region of the United States or Canada.
Office PAs usually spend most hours in the respective show's production office handling such tasks as phones, deliveries, script copies, lunch pick-ups, and related tasks in coordination with the production manager and production coordinator.
BBP may refer to:
Jules Van Nuffel (21 March 1883 – 25 June 1953) was a Belgian priest, musicologist, composer, and a renowned expert on religious music.
Born on 21 March 1883 in Hemiksem, Van Nuffel studied at the Grand Seminary of Mechelen for the priesthood, in addition to piano, violin, organ, harmony and counterpoint. He was ordained priest by Cardinal Mercier on 25 May 1907. As a cantor at the St. Rumbold's Cathedral he founded the St. Rombouts' choir, and directed this famous choir until 1949. He collaborated with the organist at the cathedral Flor Peeters.
From 1918 until 1953 Van Nuffel directed the Lemmens Institute in Leuven. Van Nuffel died in Wilrijk on 25 June 1953.
Jules Van Nuffel was a prominent composer of liturgical works. His favorite composers were Bach, Wagner and Claude Debussy. The numbering of the psalms, which he composed for the liturgy, follows the Latin Psalter.
One of his crowning achievements was the creation of the Nova Organi Harmonia. This was an eight-volume collection of Gregorian accompaniments, composed by Van Nuffel himself, Flor Peeters, Jules Vyverman, Marinus de Jong, and other professors at the Lemmens Institute. The Nova Organi Harmonia was reprinted in many editions after World War II.
Eugène Diomi Ndongala Nzomambu (born 1962) is a wealthy millionaire politician from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He was parliamentary and vice-minister of Economy and Finances in the government of president Mobutu Sésé Seko.
On the evening of 10 December 1997, a dozen members of President Laurent-Désiré Kabila's military police came to Eugène Diomi Ndongala's house. They raped his two sisters, Arlette Fula, aged 22, and Charlotte Ndongi, aged 21 and also searched and looted the house. The soldiers then arrested Ndongala on his return home. They did not have a warrant. He was taken to a private residence and later transferred to Loano military barracks in Kinshasa. From there, he was taken to Kokolo military barracks. On 2 January 1998, he was taken to a farm at Mikonga, on the outskirts of Kinshasa and returned to Kokolo barracks the following day. During his detention, he had reportedly been severely beaten. His state of health deteriorated when he suffered from acute appendicitis. On 8 January 1998, after public pressure on the authorities, he was transferred to a hospital and underwent surgery. He was released on 24 January 1998.
DEZ MONA - SUSPICION (official video)
L'évêque Mukuna dénonce la rébellion de l'ACK RSA
Bubblebath Productions @ ATV
BBP ft. Deeklo - Je suis content (Official music video)
the Right Side - Sweet Enemy ( official video )
Traumland - Iwein Segers over zijn tegenspelers in de film
twenty one pilots - Heathens (Remix by UneZ & BBP)
Ensorcelé par sa soeur de stérilité ivrognerie instabilité son mariage détruit walesa délivre
FAL, A shortfilm by Hans Van Nuffel
Le parlement illégitime du Congo invalide Felix Tshisekedi, Diomi Ndongala et Mbusa Nyamwisi
The best dance au mariage de Sylvie Jolie Musungay
Walesa met Paris sens dessus-dessous avec plus de 12000 personnes à la convention du 26 et 27/08/17
Nzambi Wa kumikuna
Emission Moi avec le Bishop Bony MUSUNGAYI de l'église missionnaire LE TABERNACLE
C'est le temps des esprits supérieurs - Pasteur Jean-Claude Kitoko - (Jour 5)
''Être de la race de Job'''/ Pasteur Bony OMENYA
L ' honorable Baudouin Mayo Mambeke de l ' UNC parle de la me gestion de Matata Ponyo
twenty one pilots - Heathens (Remix by UneZ & BBP)
Bubblebath Productions @ ATV
the Right Side - Sweet Enemy ( official video )
BBP ft. Deeklo - Je suis content (Official music video)
DEZ MONA - SUSPICION (official video)
DIRECTED by HANS VAN NUFFEL STARRING Valentijn Dhaenens, Laurence Roothooft, Charlotte Caluwaerts, Claude Musungayi, Sachli Gholamalizad, Steven Van Watermeulen, Mieke De Groote, Elise Caluwaerts, Louis Janssens, Arnaud Ndogala Luanda, Bert Huysentruyt, Stef Aerts. DEZ MONA Gregory Frateur, Nicolas Rombouts, Roel Van Camp, Steven Cassiers, Sjoerd Bruil, Tijs Delbeke Director of Photography - Patrick Otten Camera Assist & Gaffer - Lester Otten, Hassel Dehaes Editing by Hans Van Nuffel Color Grading by Kene Illegems Post Production - Caviar Post Productions Management - Peter Deuss Planning - Katrien Van Den Brande Assistant - Ward Geerts Production - Veerle Van Rossom, Anita Boels Make-Up by Els Van Schoor, Ines Borgonjon Band Costumes by Veronique Branquinho Probs by Patrick Vanderb...
le pasteur de l'ACK Afrique du sud aurait décidé de rejoindre le combat, ce qui est dénonce par l’évêque. il en profite pour inviter l’église à se soumettre aux autorités en place
TV report about Bubblebath Productions @ Antwerp TV The making of Dazed. The new single of Suite 406. Thanx to Shirley Seber ( Vocals ), Claude Musungayi ( Rap ), Steven Geerts ( Mix ) & Rik Rosseels ( Compose & Produce ) All music by Bubblebath Productions. www.bubblebath-productions.com
Bubblebath Productions is proud to present a new project called BBP ft. Deeklo. This project is based on french chansons, which we rework with the maximum respect for the original. In this case we based our first single on Je suis Content by Jaques Dutronc. Rap/Vocals: Claude Musungayi Vocals: Rik Rosseels Backings: Shirley Seber Produced by Rik Rosseels Mixed by Steven Geerts & Rik Rosseels Mastered by Steven Geerts Video director & camera : Fayçal Aallouch Cameraman: Jim Huylebroek More info about our projects & BBP Studio on: www.bubblebath-productions.com https://www.facebook.com/bubblebathproduction
" the Right Side " is a BBP project and collaboration between Rik Rosseels ( Bubblebath Productions ) & Salahdine Ibnou Kacemi ( Nomobs Entertainment ). Sweet Enemy: Written by Rik Rosseels & Salahdine Ibnou Kaçemi. Produced & arranged by Rik Rosseels. Mixed & mastered by Steven Geerts & Rik Rosseels @ BBP Studio. Vocals: Shirley Seber Rap: Salahdine Ibnou Kaçemi Video directed by Rik Rosseels The BBP video Crew: Rkan Albay: Head of production & video editor Claude Musungayi : Production assistant Emre Yucelbas: Production assistant Steven Geerts: Production assistant Maxime Lenaerts: Pre-production Moga Mogames: Camera operator Johan September: Photography & Stills Eronida Gashi: Make-up artist Nunoy Van den Burgh: Danser Jasmine Lucker: Danser Melissa Van der Stock: Behind th...
This remix is a BBP project and collaboration between BBP & Jurgen Van Rompaey ( UneZ ). Based on the original track written by Twenty one Pilots. This Remix is: Produced by Rik Rosseels. Mixed & mastered by Steven Geerts & Rik Rosseels @ BBP Studio. Video directed by Rik Rosseels The BBP video Crew: Actress/danser: Lies Sadonius Dop & head of production: Rkan Albay Dop 2: Moga Mogames Video editing: Rkan Albay & Rik Rosseels Production assistants: Claude Musungayi, Temina Katemina, Johan September. Special thanx to Luc Gees & Seppe Calcoen for there lightning material. https://www.facebook.com/bubblebathproductions https://www.instagram.com/bbpstudio www.bbpmusic.be © Bubblebath Productions
Elle cite tous les noms des personnes qui ont participé
The son of a dead arms dealer receives some shooting lessons from a Congolese ex-child soldier. A glorified extension of his manhood for one, a brutal tool of destruction in the hands of the other. A story about mutual fascination, tragic loss and automatic assault rifles...
L'Assemblée nationale congolaise a invalidé samedi le mandat de cinq députés - dont Félix Tshisekedi, le fils de l'opposant historique Etienne Tshisekedi - pour "absence prolongée non justifiée" de plusieurs mois, a rapporté dimanche la radio onusienne Okapi. L'invalidation du mandat de Félix Tshisekedi, de l'opposant emprisonné Eugène Diomi Ndongala, de l'ancien ministre Antipas Mbusa Nyamuisi passé à l'opposition, de Claude Iringa et de Jean Maweja est intervenue après un débat houleux entre les députés présents au dernier jour de la session plénière entamée en mars. "Il y a des députés qui ne se sont jamais présentés depuis le début de cette législature (après les élections de novembre 2011, ndlr), mais curieusement leurs noms ne sont pas cités", a dénoncé le député d'opposition Grégoi...
Après la conquête de l'Europe, et deux jours de convention dans une salle pleine à craquer de plus de 6000 personnes par jour, l’évangéliste Claude Kabundi Walesa se confie au micro de PactoleTV pour conclure sa tournée par une interview. PactoleTV La chaîne Chrétienne Incontournable du moment. Mais surtout, celle de la DIFFÉRENCE et de l'EXCELLENCE. Télé Visible sur le bouquet ORAO TELECOM et HAPPY BOX TV. Sans oublier le site internet www.pactoletv.com Nos Contacts: / +33 7 82 76 79 54 et +33 9 80 59 49 48 - pactoletv@yahoo.fr Réalisation: Koné Sombaga
Une émission réalisée et produite par la maison bedy-bs contact 00243857158888 fb: Emission moi www.bedy-bs.com
This remix is a BBP project and collaboration between Rik Rosseels ( BBP ) & Jurgen Van Rompaey ( UneZ ). Based on the original track written by Twenty one Pilots. This Remix is: Produced by Rik Rosseels. Mixed & mastered by Steven Geerts & Rik Rosseels @ BBP Studio. Video directed by Rik Rosseels The BBP video Crew: Actress/danser: Lies Sadonius Dop & head of production: Rkan Albay Dop 2: Moga Mogames Video editing: Rkan Albay & Rik Rosseels Production assistants: Claude Musungayi, Temina Katemina, Johan September. Special thanx to Luc Gees & Seppe Calcoen for there lightning material. https://www.facebook.com/bubblebathproductions https://www.instagram.com/bbpstudio www.bbpmusic.be © Bubblebath Productions
TV report about Bubblebath Productions @ Antwerp TV The making of Dazed. The new single of Suite 406. Thanx to Shirley Seber ( Vocals ), Claude Musungayi ( Rap ), Steven Geerts ( Mix ) & Rik Rosseels ( Compose & Produce ) All music by Bubblebath Productions. www.bubblebath-productions.com
" the Right Side " is a BBP project and collaboration between Rik Rosseels ( Bubblebath Productions ) & Salahdine Ibnou Kacemi ( Nomobs Entertainment ). Sweet Enemy: Written by Rik Rosseels & Salahdine Ibnou Kaçemi. Produced & arranged by Rik Rosseels. Mixed & mastered by Steven Geerts & Rik Rosseels @ BBP Studio. Vocals: Shirley Seber Rap: Salahdine Ibnou Kaçemi Video directed by Rik Rosseels The BBP video Crew: Rkan Albay: Head of production & video editor Claude Musungayi : Production assistant Emre Yucelbas: Production assistant Steven Geerts: Production assistant Maxime Lenaerts: Pre-production Moga Mogames: Camera operator Johan September: Photography & Stills Eronida Gashi: Make-up artist Nunoy Van den Burgh: Danser Jasmine Lucker: Danser Melissa Van der Stock: Behind th...
Bubblebath Productions is proud to present a new project called BBP ft. Deeklo. This project is based on french chansons, which we rework with the maximum respect for the original. In this case we based our first single on Je suis Content by Jaques Dutronc. Rap/Vocals: Claude Musungayi Vocals: Rik Rosseels Backings: Shirley Seber Produced by Rik Rosseels Mixed by Steven Geerts & Rik Rosseels Mastered by Steven Geerts Video director & camera : Fayçal Aallouch Cameraman: Jim Huylebroek More info about our projects & BBP Studio on: www.bubblebath-productions.com https://www.facebook.com/bubblebathproduction
DIRECTED by HANS VAN NUFFEL STARRING Valentijn Dhaenens, Laurence Roothooft, Charlotte Caluwaerts, Claude Musungayi, Sachli Gholamalizad, Steven Van Watermeulen, Mieke De Groote, Elise Caluwaerts, Louis Janssens, Arnaud Ndogala Luanda, Bert Huysentruyt, Stef Aerts. DEZ MONA Gregory Frateur, Nicolas Rombouts, Roel Van Camp, Steven Cassiers, Sjoerd Bruil, Tijs Delbeke Director of Photography - Patrick Otten Camera Assist & Gaffer - Lester Otten, Hassel Dehaes Editing by Hans Van Nuffel Color Grading by Kene Illegems Post Production - Caviar Post Productions Management - Peter Deuss Planning - Katrien Van Den Brande Assistant - Ward Geerts Production - Veerle Van Rossom, Anita Boels Make-Up by Els Van Schoor, Ines Borgonjon Band Costumes by Veronique Branquinho Probs by Patrick Vanderb...
Une émission réalisée et produite par la maison bedy-bs contact 00243857158888 fb: Emission moi www.bedy-bs.com
Elle cite tous les noms des personnes qui ont participé
"Voici l'époux qui vient; sortez au-devant de lui".
www.casarhema.fr contact : +33148128682 / +33629917016 casarhema@hotmail.fr il est strictement interdit de télécharger ou vendre nos vidéos pour quelque raisons que ce soit ,même de remettre ça dans vos compte
Après la conquête de l'Europe, et deux jours de convention dans une salle pleine à craquer de plus de 6000 personnes par jour, l’évangéliste Claude Kabundi Walesa se confie au micro de PactoleTV pour conclure sa tournée par une interview. PactoleTV La chaîne Chrétienne Incontournable du moment. Mais surtout, celle de la DIFFÉRENCE et de l'EXCELLENCE. Télé Visible sur le bouquet ORAO TELECOM et HAPPY BOX TV. Sans oublier le site internet www.pactoletv.com Nos Contacts: / +33 7 82 76 79 54 et +33 9 80 59 49 48 - pactoletv@yahoo.fr Réalisation: Koné Sombaga
Allons plus loin dans la connaissance de JÉSUS-CHRIST.
SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR LE BOUQUET ORAO TELECOM . PARTICIPEZ A LA PROPAGANDE de PACTOLETV votre jeune Chaîne d’Evangélisation chrétienne. Vous pouvez aussi suivre notre Chaine Télé en direct via notre site Internet www.pactoletv.com PARTAGEZ A VOS PROCHES. Chez nous, il n'y a pas de PRIX, pas de grille tarifaire pour évangéliser ou prêcher la parole chez PACTOLETV. Une offrande de votre convenance suffit. Pour passer à l'une de nos émissions, contactez le studio de PACTOLETV au + 33 7 82 76 79 54 ou au + 33 9 80 59 49 48 Mail: pactoletv@yahoo.fr www.pactoletv.com est notre Site chrétien d’Évangélisation, Informations chrétiennes et de promotion d'Artistes Chrétiens. Un studio audiovisuel avec fond vert est également à votre disposition pour vos émissions personnelles, vos clips et séances PHOTO...
Pasteur Partenaire de PactoleTV Chaîne de télévision visible sur le Bouquet ORAO TELECOM Canal 74 et sur www.pactoletv.com. PactoleTV La chaîne Chrétienne Incontournable du moment. Contact: +33 7 82 76 79 54 et +33 9 80 59 49 48.
Journée de la Liberté religieuse
SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR LE BOUQUET ORAO TELECOM . PARTICIPEZ A LA PROPAGANDE de PACTOLETV votre jeune Chaîne d’Evangélisation chrétienne. Vous pouvez aussi suivre notre Chaine Télé en direct via notre site Internet www.pactoletv.com PARTAGEZ A VOS PROCHES. Chez nous, il n'y a pas de PRIX, pas de grille tarifaire pour évangéliser ou prêcher la parole chez PACTOLETV. Une offrande de votre convenance suffit. Pour passer à l'une de nos émissions, contactez le studio de PACTOLETV au + 33 7 82 76 79 54 ou au + 33 9 80 59 49 48 Mail: pactoletv@yahoo.fr www.pactoletv.com est notre Site chrétien d’Évangélisation, Informations chrétiennes et de promotion d'Artistes Chrétiens. Un studio audiovisuel avec fond vert est également à votre disposition pour vos émissions personnelles, vos clips et séances PHOTO...