- published: 20 Aug 2014
- views: 15
Pierre Henry (born 9 December 1927) is a French composer, considered a pioneer of the musique concrète genre of electronic music.
Pierre Henry was born in Paris, France, and began experimenting at the age of 15 with sounds produced by various objects. He became fascinated with the integration of noise into music. He studied with Nadia Boulanger, Olivier Messiaen, and Félix Passerone at the Paris Conservatoire from 1938 to 1948 (Dhomont 2001).
Between 1949 and 1958, Henry worked at the Club d'Essai studio at RTF, which had been founded by Pierre Schaeffer in 1943 (Dhomont 2001). During this period, he wrote the 1950 piece Symphonie pour un homme seul, in cooperation with Schaeffer; he also composed the first musique concrète to appear in a commercial film, the 1952 short film Astrologie ou le miroir de la vie. Henry has scored numerous additional films and ballets.
Two years after leaving the RTF, he founded with Jean Baronnet the first private electronic studio in France, the Apsone-Cabasse Studio (Dhomont 2001).
Wells Fargo & Company is an American multinational banking and financial services holding company which is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with "hubquarters" throughout the country. It is the third largest bank in the U.S. by assets and the largest bank by market capitalization. Wells Fargo surpassed Citigroup Inc. to become the third-largest U.S. bank by assets at the end of 2015. Wells Fargo is the second largest bank in deposits, home mortgage servicing, and debit cards. Wells Fargo ranked 10th among the Forbes Global 2000 (2015) and the 30th largest company in the United States, according to Fortune 500 (2015).
In 2007 it was the only bank in the United States to be rated AAA by S&P, though its rating has since been lowered to AA- in light of the financial crisis of 2007–08. The firm's primary U.S. operating subsidiary is national bank Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., which designates its main office as Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Wells Fargo in its present form is a result of a merger between San Francisco–based Wells Fargo & Company and Minneapolis-based Norwest Corporation in 1998 and the subsequent 2008 acquisition of Charlotte-based Wachovia. Following the mergers, the company transferred its headquarters to Wells Fargo's headquarters in San Francisco and merged its operating subsidiary with Wells Fargo's operating subsidiary in Sioux Falls.
Tales of Wells Fargo is an American Western television series starring Dale Robertson that ran from 1957 to 1962 on NBC. Produced by Revue Productions, the series aired in a half-hour format until its final season when it expanded to an hour.
Set in the 1870s and 1880s, the series starred the Oklahoma native Dale Robertson as special agent Jim Hardie, noted at the time as "the left-handed gun". The concept of Tales of Wells Fargo, a company troubleshooter in the American West, was also adapted by the syndicated series Pony Express, co-starring Grant Sullivan as detective Brett Clark, which aired in the 1959-1960 season, nearly coinciding with the centennial of the Pony Express. Even earlier, from 1954 to 1955, Jim Davis had starred as a railroad investigator, Matt Clark, in the syndicated Stories of the Century. Davis and Robertson, both of whom had unusual but similar-sounding speaking voices, each did the narration for their respective series.
In the 1957 Christmas episode entitled "Laredo", Jim Hardie must track gunrunners across the United States/Mexican border in Laredo, Texas, a quest which keeps him from spending the holiday with friends as he had intended. Guest stars include Henry Rowland, Rodolfo Hoyos, Jr., Karl Swenson, and Pierre Watkin.
The Tales series, known in Japan as the Tales of series (「テイルズ オブ」シリーズ, "Teiruzu Obu" Shirīzu), is a franchise of fantasy Japanese role-playing video games published by Bandai Namco Entertainment (formerly Namco), and developed by its subsidiary, Namco Tales Studio until 2011 and presently by Bandai Namco. First begun in 1995 with the development and release of Tales of Phantasia for the Super Famicom, the series currently spans sixteen main titles, multiple spin-off games and supplementary media in the form of manga series, anime series, and audio dramas.
While entries in the series generally stand independent of each other with different characters and stories, they are commonly linked by their gameplay, themes and high fantasy settings. The series is characterized by its art style, which draws from Japanese manga and anime, and its action-based fighting system called the "Linear Motion Battle System". Multiple people have become linked with the series, including character designers Kōsuke Fujishima and Mutsumi Inomata, producers Hideo Baba and Makoto Yoshizumi, and composer Motoi Sakuraba. The series was created by Yoshiharu Gotanda.
The Pony Express was a mail service delivering messages, newspapers, mail, and small packages from St. Joseph, Missouri, across the Great Plains, over the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada to Sacramento, California, by horseback, using a series of relay stations.
Officially operating as the Leavenworth and Pike's Peak Express Company of 1859, which in 1860 became the Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company, this firm was founded by William H. Russell, Alexander Majors, and William B. Waddell all of whom were notable in the freighting business.
During its 19 months of operation, it reduced the time for messages to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to about 10 days. From April 3, 1860 to October 1861, it became the West's most direct means of east–west communication before the telegraph was established and was vital for tying the new state of California with the rest of the United States.
The idea of a fast mail route to the Pacific coast was prompted largely by California's newfound prominence and its rapidly growing population. After gold was discovered there in 1848, thousands of prospectors, investors and businessmen made their way to California, at that time a new territory of the U.S. By 1850, California entered the Union as a free state. By 1860, the population had grown to 380,000. The demand for a faster way to get mail and other communications to and from this westernmost state became even greater as the American Civil War approached.
Gameplay Robocraft HD episode 4
H Saison 1 Vol 1 Ep 2 Le Manuscrit
Tales of Wells Fargo Season 2 Episode 4 : John Wesley Hardin
Projet Fashion - Le défilé de Pierre-Henry - La Final
Projet Fashion - Défi Pyjama - Replay - Émission 3
Projet Fashion - Les inspirations de Pierre-Henry - La Final
"Bon appétit" - La langue française expliquée par un Américain (Ep 04)
"Henri Au Beach Party" Avec Pierre Hébert et Martin Perizzolo (Mike Ward Sous Écoute)
Tales of Wells Fargo Season 1 Episode 5 : A Time to Kill
H s1 ep2
Tales of Wells Fargo TV Series Full Episode 4 : Hardie is in town to testify at the trial of a young man for armed robbery. The delinquent won't reveal the name of his partner because he's convinced that his confederate will make sure Hardie doesn't testify by scaring the Wells Fargo agent out of town. When Hardie refuses to run and then guns down the first outlaw sent to kill him, he discovers the criminal has hired notorious gunfighter John Wesley Hardin to finish the job. Agent Jim Hardie shifts over its history from being mostly an agent helping Wells Fargo cope with badguys to being the owner of a ranch near San Francisco who still does some agent work. Set in the 1870s and 1880s, the series starred the Oklahoma native Dale Robertson as special agent Jim Hardie, noted at the time a...
www.pertuistv.com http://www.youtube.com/user/PertuisTV?sub_confirmation=1 https://vimeo.com/user25234513/videos www.pinterest.com/onsefaitunetoil www.facebook.com/ONSEFAITUNETOILEPERTUISTV http://twitter.com/Onsfaitunetoile ASTERIX-LE DOMAINE DES DIEUX de A. Astier et Louis Clichy REPAS DE FAMILLE de Pierre-Henry Salfati SERENA de Suzanne Bier REC 4 de Jaume Balaguero UN ILLUSTRE INCONNU de Matthieu Delaporte LA PROCHAINE FOIS JE VISERAI LE COEUR de Cédric Anger EDEN de Mia Hansen-Love
Si vous avez du mal à apprendre la langue française ce n’est pas votre faute: c’est la faute de la langue française. L'humoriste américain Sebastian Marx vous décode tous les pièges dans lesquels il ne faut pas tomber. Aujourd'hui quatrisème épisode : "Bon appétit". Pour revoir le 1er épisode : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opOFm3KV1eI Suivez Seb Marx : http://facebook.com/sebastianmarxcomedian Toutes les infos et réservations pour ses shows ici : http://sebmarx.com Une série créée par Sebastian Marx Réalisation : Corentin Thomas Avec : Sebastian Marx Urbain Courty Pierre-Gaspard Choquet Sarah Donnelly Paul-Henri De Baecque Montage : Jordi Gueyrard et Clément Hudelot Effets Spéciaux : Stéphane Theiller Mixage son : Philippe Henry Production : Paul-Henri de Baecque Musique : Bar...
Extrait de l'épisode # 4 avec avec Pierre Hébert et Martin Perizzolo. Sous Écoute sur: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sousecoute Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/SousEcoute Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sousecoute/ Le site de Mike: https://www.mikeward.ca Musique: Génération Passe-Partout - Les Denis Drolet «Dans le poulailler» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m95vtIbtI14 Montage. BabuS https://twitter.com/B4buS
Tales of Wells Fargo TV Series Full Episode 5 : The son of a dead man accused of robbing a Wells Fargo stage discovers an empty strong box in the attic of his farmhouse. The boy is still convinced that his father has been falsely accused and asks Jim Hardie to help find the real culprits. Agent Jim Hardie shifts over its history from being mostly an agent helping Wells Fargo cope with badguys to being the owner of a ranch near San Francisco who still does some agent work. Set in the 1870s and 1880s, the series starred the Oklahoma native Dale Robertson as special agent Jim Hardie, noted at the time as "the left-handed gun". The concept of Tales of Wells Fargo, a company troubleshooter in the American West, was also adapted by the syndicated series Pony Express, co-starring Grant Sulliva...
Le 29 septembre 2012, le père de la musique électroacoustique livrera "Le Fil de la vie" qu'il estime être sa dernière grande composition. A 84 ans, Pierre Henry évoque en avant-première cette œuvre testament et revient sur sa carrière dense et atypique, celle d'un créateur tentant sans cesse de lier l'homme et la nature. Qu'il soit ou non le père -- spirituel ou pas -- de la techno importe finalement peu... A 84 ans passés, une seule chose compte pour Pierre Henry : composer. L'œuvre qui naitra devant le public de la Cité de la Musique, le 29 septembre prochain, aura même une saveur toute particulière. Avec "Le Fil de la vie", le grand pionnier de la musique électroacoustique déclare livrer une sorte de testament. Ce Fil de la vie sera « la décomposition de certaines de mes œuvres. Un vo...
Centre des arts d'Enghien-les-Bains www.cda95.fr
18 septembre 1988 Le musée d'art moderne rend hommage à Pierre HENRY. - Extrait de la "messe pour le temps présent" (1968).- Pierre HENRY dans son studio, devant les consoles, travaille à de nouvelles oeuvres destinées au Musée d'Art Moderne. - Interview de Pierre HENRY. Il commente sa dernière oeuvre, "Gymkhana" et décrit sa méthode de travail.- Sa collection de sons bruts, conservés sur bandes et entreposés sur des étagères, vaut à la demeure de l'artiste la dénomination de "maison au 50 000 sons". Images d'archive INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel http://www.ina.fr Abonnez-vous http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Inaculture
Les Toulousains ont réalisé une bonne opération le week-end dernier face aux Zèbres, mais l'entraîneur de la défense, Pierre-Henry Broncan sait qu'il faut maintenant entretenir cette bonne dynamique.
Créer votre entreprise en franchise avec Carrefour : https://goo.gl/c6VSPS Abonnez-vous à Observatoire de la franchise : https://goo.gl/03QqvJ
Directors: Éric Darmon & Franck Mallet Year: 2007 Time: 52 mins Music: Pierre Henry Veteran and co-inventor of Musique Concrète, Pierre Henry invites us for a short walk through his long career, his music, his concerts, his film-collaborations, and his home. An unique personality who fathered some of the most important developments in the music of the 20th century, remaining faithful to his vision and work till today. English subtitles hardcoded.
Ce documentaire sur Serge Gainsbourg s'écrit de la même manière qu'une autobiographie. Il ne retrace pas sa vie chronologiquement, mais laisse s'exprimer le chanteur à la première personne, comme si lui-même prenait en main la narration pour se raconter. Il évoque donc en particulier son rapport à son père, ses pensées, ses désirs, ses envies, son appréciation de lui-même et de son succès... Le sujet de ses origines slaves reviennent, entremêlés d'images d'archives, d'interviews, de concert et de quelques créations qui parlent de sa Russie.
-- METAL IMPACT INTERVIEW -- WATCH IT IN 1080P(HD) ! -- Si THE LAST EMBRACE semble débouler sans crier gare sur la planète Metal telle une météorite venue des fins fonds de l'espace, les bougres ont pourtant un sérieux background derrière eux ! Formé en 1998 par Olivier guitariste et leader de la formation leur parcours a été long et sinueux ! Il leur aura fallu treize longues années pour que le line-up se stabilise enfin, une situation pas de tout repos qui en aurait refroidi plus d'un ! Un syndrome qui semble d'ailleurs toucher bons nombres de combo de l'hexagone [...] c'est au Hard Rock Café que nous rencontrons Olivier et Pierre Henri "Coco" deux joyeux lurons sympathiques, très disponibles et heureux de nous faire partager leur passion ! Magnéto les gars c'est à vous ! Lien direct d...
De Napoléon à Henri VIII, en passant par la grande Catherine de Russie et Pierre Le Grand, cette série en 4 épisodes illustre comment ces souverains vicieux ont manœuvré pour accéder au trône. Voyez ce qu’ils ont gagné et l’ampleur des sacrifices consentis.