Giveaway!!! The Truth About Vaping and the FDA - Vape, is it safe? AV Lyfe
This Giveaway is for the specific purpose to gather as much testimonial and legislation/
FDA feedback as we can! When we all converse, we become more educated and poised. So we are offering a chance to win one of my (
Erik Hutchinson) personal Able Mods with an
Old Town Vapormill ACTivist sleeve. The mod comes complete with:
Brass ModFather Cap,
Torpedo Atty V3, HK top cap,
Key Switch and
Ringer Rings. Depending how this goes
... I may be throwing in more for more winners...
As of now this is a chance for 1 lucky winner.
Share the original post on the social media platform you found this giveaway (FB, IG, Twitter, G+,
Tumbler, Pintrest)
2. Subscribe to this youtube channel
Leave you best, well thought out: comment, testimonial, thought on regulations, success story, etc...
4. Get as many people involves as possible in this discussion as possible.
We will pick the winner at random and your entry is your clean, non-derogatory comment.
The contest ends 2/29/16
"I spend my time traveling around the country sponsoring
Cloud Comps. The biggest
point that people don't seem to be pushing hard enough is,
In America we have over 232,
000 b&m; vape shops or vape product retailers in
America alone. Most of which or small business, that in most cases, are first time business owners. This new healthier alternative (vaping) is the driving force behind new industry and career opportunity for a lot of
Americans that has previously felt misplaced and stagnant prior. As of
2013, vape products have claimed a mere 1% of
Big Tobacco sales... and look how we used it! We built a new industry!
The people who felt misplaced, now have new opportunity and a chance for success; even in the mits of the "
Great Recession"
We can argue rights all day long... but the topic to focus on is; how many jobs will be lost if the we allow this industry to be monopolized by Over
Regulation and Big Tobacco. If they succeed in claiming our industry, then they have claimed our jobs.
This is why we fight as hard as we can to promote, educate and engage yourself and others around you! If everyone pulls together, WE WILL
--- Erik Hutchinson 2016