Tuesday, August 03, 2010



The following appeal for solidarity with Alexey Gaskarov, a political prisoner in Russia, comes originally from the website of the Revolutionary Confederation of Anarchosyndicalists (KRAS). KRAS is the Russian section of the anarchosyndicalist international the IWA-AIT. Molly first saw the following version on the A-Infos site. I have slightly edited what follows for English grammar.
Date Mon, 02 Aug 2010 22:53:51 +0300

On July 29, some people with different political views were arrested. They are suspected of involvement in an protest action in Khimky a city near Moscow the previous day. Among them is a well known libertarian activist and antifascist Alexey Gaskarov. They are charged without any proof of organization of attacks against city administration building. The defendants face up to 7 years of prison on charges of «hooliganism» and organization of mass disorder. New arrests are taking place. It is obvious that the authorities will clearly try to discredit and crush oppositional movements in Russia. ---- We call libertarian and antifascist activists of whole world to show solidarity with arrested anarchist comrade.

What can you do?

1) Send protest faxes and e-mails to this address:

Khimky city court of Moscow Oblast
141400, Khimky
ulica Leningradskaya, 16
fax: (495) 572-83-14

To: President of Khimki Court
Mrs. S.B. Galanova


At present, your court is examining the case against social activist
Alexey Gaskarov.
Alexey Gaskarov was arrested on July 29 on the street by officers of
«Center E»: in this case, the basic rules of detention under the law
on the police were violated. Hiis apartment was searched in violation
of established procedures, without a warrant, compiling an inventory
of seized property, and without witnesses. Suspicions and accusations
against him (organization of the attack against the city
administration building in Khimky on July 28, 2010) are entirely
groundless, and that manifested itself at the first meeting of the
court. Allegations that he was arrested at the scene in Khimky is a
lie. The so-called witnesses clearly lie and confuse the hearings.

Under these conditions, we can not assess the arrest of Alexey
Gaskarov and this trial other than as a purely political process, and as an
outrageous act of repression and violation of civil rights. We
strongly protest against this lawlessness and intend to organize a
broad international campaign of protests against the new
manifestations of authoritarianism and dictatorial tendencies in

We demand the immediate release of Alexey Gaskarov and the dropping of all
charges against him

Name of organization, date, signature


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Monday, July 19, 2010



Molly has reported several times on the worldwide campaign against the anti-worker policies of the Nestlé Corporation. The international union federation the IUF has been at the forefront of this, and they now announce a victory in Russia. Here's the story from their website.
Nestlé Waters Russia Bows to Pressure, Union Vice-Chair Reinstated
Management of Nestlé Waters Russia has declined to appeal the court-ordered reinstatement of Sergei Strykov, Vice-Chair of the union formed last year who was fired on January 27. Strykov has also been compensated for wages lost from January through May, while the union was fighting his illegal dismissal.

Strykov's dismissal was part of a series of harsh anti-union measures inflicted by Nestlé management in an attempt to stop the union from developing. The union fought back with a series of public actions, backed by international support.

While the workers are still seeking negotiations around urgent issues including workloads, work assignments and overtime pay Nestlé's decision not to fight the reinstatement represents a clear victory for the campaign to defend basic union rights at Nestlé Domodedovo.

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Friday, April 16, 2010


There are many countries in the world where it is tough to be an anarchist, but Russia may hold some special place in this line-up. Of course it is hard to be anything that has a different opinion than the rulers in Russia. Here's a case in point from the Russian Avtonom website, a story and an appeal for solidarity with a falsely accused Siberian anarchist. the following has been slightly edited for English grammar.
A frameup against anarchist in Tyumen, Siberia
In evening of 14th of April officers of Center of Counteraction Against Extremism (“Center E”) in Tyumen region searched a house and arrested for 48 hours a local anarchist and member of Autonomous Action Andrey Kutuzov. According to friends of Andrey, the pretext of the arrest was a leaflet, which Center E officers considered “extremist”. Friends of Andrey say that leaflet was planted during the search. Andrey Kutuzov and Rustam Fahretdninov were arrested in January of 2009 for “political vandalism”, eventually criminal case against them was closed due to “lack of proof”. This history resulted a criminal case against officers of “Center E”, who back then beat up one of the arrested.

Last year, three houses were searched and the pretext of the repression was an anti-militarist leaflet and graffiti against a local military call-up center, wheatpasting against police brutality in spring of 2008 and a memorial action for Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova 21st on January 2009, where besides flowers a leaflet was also wheatpasted to the memorial statue of revolutionaries in the city. Back then, “Center E” officers were searching homes together with SOBR commandos. Computers, samizdat press and leaflets against police brutality were confiscated.

Last year, for many hours “Center E” denied the arrest, disinforming friends and family of the arrested. Eventually criminal case against Andrey Kutuzov and Rustam Fahretdinov were dropped only in August of 2009.

And now Andrey is again targeted by “Center E”, which is going maverick. Andrey is a linguist, working in the philological faculty of the Tyumen state university.

Please call Center of Counteraction Against Extremism in Tyumen region to ask what are they up to: +7-3452-31-25-88 – Ravil Solimovich Mukhamadulin

Press-center of the local police department: +7-3452-79-30-12

translation to Esperanto: http://jan-tiana.livejournal.com/66139.html

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Monday, March 22, 2010



The following came to Molly's attention via the online labour solidarity site Labour Start. It's originally from the international union federation, the IUF. There's a website and a Facebook page for the international campaign to make Nestlé treat its workers fairly
Stop Nespressure in Russia!
Rights and Recognition for Nestlé Waters Workers and their Union!
In November 2009 workers at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo, near Moscow, joined together to do something about eroding real wages and deteriorating working conditions. They formed a legal union - and management responding by harassment, discriminatory work assignments, cutting drivers' wages by half and sacking the union vice-chair, who was formally accused of damaging the company by doing his job too well! The workers are determined to defend their union and win their rights - you can support them by using the form below to send a message to management of Nestlé, the world's largest food company.
The letter
Please go to this link to send the following letter to Nestlé management.
To Stefan De Loecker, Market Head Russia
cc Alfredo Silva, Assistant Vice-President, Human Resources - Zone Europe
Dear Sirs
I am shocked to learn that management at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo has responded to the formation of a union by imposing pay cuts on drivers who join the union and by firing the union vice-chair Sergei Strykov on January 27. I call on you to immediately reinstate Strykov, to reinstate all union members to their former driver work assignments, to end all anti-union discrimination through rates, bonuses and job assignments and to enter into good faith negotiations with the union on working conditions and overtime pay.
Yours sincerely

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Saturday, February 20, 2010


The world of the international corporation knows no borders, and the actions of management worldwide are the same. Conversely the solidarity of ordinary people should also know no boundaries. What follows is an appeal from the international union confederation, the IUF, for solidarity with workers in Russia who are pitted against the dictatorial actions of the Nestlé Corporation.
Nespressure Again at Nestlé Russia:

Company Punishes Union Workers with Dismissal, Discrimination and Pay Cuts:
Nestlé's Corporate Business Principles state that their business practices are "designed" to "establish a constructive dialogue with unions. In fact they have little choice - if they want to respect international Conventions and treaties which anchor this obligation in international human rights law.

In 2008 - after a year of struggle - Nestlé management conceded that that the union representing Kit-Kat workers in the Russian city of Perm could negotiate the wages management had declared a "commercial secret". Less than two years later, Nespressure - squeezing workers and suppressing rights - is being applied again at Nestlé Russia.

In November 2009, workers at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo, 30 kilometers outside Moscow, joined together to address the problem of eroding real wages and deteriorating working conditions. Nestlé's subsidiary in Domodedovo bottles and delivers Pure Life water to homes and offices. Workloads have increased substantially for drivers following the 2008 closure of one of the company's three Moscow-region distribution depots (increasing pressure on remaining drivers). Drivers are paid according to a piece rate/bonus scheme. Working days of 12 hours or more are necessary to reach a reasonable level of pay. Last year, the number of dispatchers was reduced by 50% in a cost-cutting exercise, which dramatically increased the workload on the survivors. So drivers, joined by dispatchers, formed a union and on November 17 obtained legal status by joining the All-Russia Trade and Service Employee's Union 'Solidarnost'.

Management immediately began harassing the union chairman and interfering with his access to members. Drivers were reassigned to work as loaders, eliminating the drivers' bonus, or assigned to smaller vehicles, making it impossible to achieve the bonus quota even with 15-16 hours of work. Drivers who joined the union have seen their pay cut by up to 40%.

Union communications to management, supported by the Russia-wide Nestlé Union Coordinating Council, requesting negotiations to determine work schedules, overtime and bonus pay and an end to the anti-union harassment were not answered.

On January 24, braving a temperature of -20 degrees Celsius, union members demonstrated in support of their rights at Nestlé's Moscow headquarters.

On January 27, union vice-chair Sergei Strykov was summarily dismissed. Though Strykov had a perfect work record, he was accused of financially damaging the company by consistently selling the extra bottles drivers have previously been encouraged and rewarded for selling! At a meeting with the bosses, union activist Strykov was told he could collect the overtime he is owed in exchange for "resigning by mutual consent" with the management.

Strykov is one of a group of workers who filed a legal case against the company on January 21 to recover unpaid overtime payment - in Strykov's case money owed since January 2006.

When he refused to "resign", he was fired and ordered to immediately relinquish his company uniform - shirt, coat, hat and shoes - in subfreezing weather! ( who ever said that managers were human beings ?-Molly )

The Nestlé Domodedovo workers have not been intimidated by the brutal sacking of their union vice-chair. Union members and their supporters turned out for another rally at the factory gate on February 5.

The union is demanding the reinstatement of vice-chair Sergei Strykov, that all union members are reinstated to their former work assignments; an end to all anti-union discrimination through rates, bonuses and job assignments and negotiations between management and the union on working conditions and overtime pay.

You can support their demands - CLICK HERE to send a message to Nestlé Russia's Human Resources Director and to corporate management in Switzerland.
Stop Nespressure!
Nestlé - Stop Pressure on the Union!
The Letter:
Please go to the link above or to This Link to send the following message to Nestlé management in Russia.
To Stefan De Loecker, Market Head Russiacc Alfredo Silva, Assistant Vice-President, Human Resources - Zone Europe
Dear Sirs
I am shocked to learn that management at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo has responded to the formation of a union by imposing pay cuts on drivers who join the union and by firing the union vice-chair Sergei Strykov on January 27. I call on you to immediately reinstate Strykov, to reinstate all union members to their former driver work assignments, to end all anti-union discrimination through rates, bonuses and job assignments and to enter into good faith negotiations with the union on working conditions and overtime pay.
Yours sincerely

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Friday, December 25, 2009


The heartland of the ex-Soviet Union is one of the countries of the world where classical fascism (as opposed to what the "left" usually labels as "fascism") is gaining ground. Given the social crisis of a defeated empire that still has delusions of glory this is not unexpected. At the same time opposition is rising against this fascist threat, and anarchists are at the forefront of this opposition. Here, from the A-Infos website is an appeal for solidarity with a Russian anti-fascist initiative that will happen soon in the New Year.
Russia, Manifesto of the January 19 Committee, Moscow:
On January 19, 2010, a year to the day from the murders of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova, we, the organizers of an antifascist march, call on you to join our campaign against neo-Nazi terrorism.


The word fascism has been utterly devalued today. It is hard to find a political movement that avoids branding its opponents as “fascists.” But there are also meaningful interpretations of this term. Many of them have a direct bearing on what is taking place in contemporary Russia.


For some people, fascism is the extreme intolerance intrinsic to authoritarian societies. For others, it is an ideology of exploitation and coercion. For still others, it means the use by the authorities of covert paramilitary units for the suppression of democratic movements.

Finally, for some, fascism is a force that murders good people, people like the lawyer Stanislav Markelov and the journalist Nastya Baburova,the young antifascists Fyodor Filatov and Ivan Khutorskoi, the ethnologist Nikolai Girenko, the chess player Sergei Nikolaev from Yakutia, the programmer Bair Sambuev from Buryatia, and hundreds of others. People who define fascism in this way do not divide their enemies into Russians and non-Russians, grown-ups and children, priests and punk rock fans, young activists and defenseless janitors from Central Asia.

It is not a matter of definitions, however. All the murderers come from one and the same environment.

They can be defeated only through a combined effort, only by overcoming the barriers that separate political activists from each other and from people who do not trust politicians and are not involved in the political process. For this purpose we are organizing an antifascist initiative that will unite people of various political persuasions with all those who consider themselves apolitical but who are convinced that the rise of fascism in Russia demands a clear response from society.

The neo-Nazis have changed. They now not only attack marketplaces, they also blow them up – along with railroad tracks, concert halls, churches, cafes, and the entryways of the buildings where their political opponents live. The fascists now not only beat up people on the streets, they also murder them. Neo-Nazi terrorism has become a reality.

If this goes on much longer, Russia will turn into a country wracked by ethnic cleansing and inter-ethnic war. We appeal to everyone who would rather not wait to see this happen. Act now: take a public stance using whatever means you have at your disposal.

We also call on well-known and respected people – scholars, artists, writers, and intellectuals – to support our cause with their good names. We believe that the struggle against the neo-Nazi scourge in Russia must be raised to a new level. It has to become a mass campaign of solidarity that reaches beyond youth subcultures and activist groups. The understandable aversion people feel to politics should not prevent them from recognizing the threat posed by neo-Nazism.

We believe that we have three main tasks today. First, we need to deprive neo-Nazis and racists of the explicit and implicit support they receive from bureaucrats and establishment politicians. Second, we have to drive members of ultra-rightist organizations out of mainstream politics. Third, we must put an end to the practice of using radical right-wing gangs to intimidate and murder social and political activists.

We call on people in various cities and countries to take to the streets on January 19, 2010, and show their solidarity with our cause


German version: http://jan-19.livejournal.com/581.html

Russian version: http://jan-19.livejournal.com/301.html & http://ru.indymedia.org/newswire/display/23144/index.php

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009



The following report was originally written for the Anarkismo website. In the last few days it has also been published in numerous other places, including the Avtonom website in Russia and the A-Infos website. It is important because it shines a spotlight on the recovery of anarchism in what was once one of its heartlands-Russia. Since the fall of Marxist dictatorship anarchism in Russia, like in much of the rest of the world, has become pretty well the only credible radical alternative to business as usual and the rule of the kleptocracy. There is still, however, a long way to go, but the following shows how anarchists in Russia are overcoming their initial disorder and forming working organizations.


Report from 8th General Assembly of Autonomous Action:
by Ellenor Hutson - Liberty & Solidarity

( Molly Note- Liberty and Solidarity is a recently formed British platformist organization )
The setting of the assembly
Earlier this year, Anarkismo.net decided to send a delegate, as an observer representing the organizations which run the Anarkismo project, to the 8th annual conference of Autonomous Action (AD), a libertarian communist organization with branches across Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine. Present at the conference were delegates from 12 different branches of AD, together with observers from the Union of Autonomous Youth and the youth wing of the Siberian Federation of Labour.

The conference was held at a secret location in the Ural Mountains where a campsite was set up from resources laboriously carried uphill over a 6-hour hike. This was a necessary precaution police attention and in addition provided economical conference accommodation in a country were poverty is widespread.
Report from 8th General Assembly of Autonomous Action

This year I was privileged to attend the 8th annual conference of Autonomous Action, an anarchist group with branches across Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine as an observer representing the Anarkismo project.

The conference was held at a secret location in the Ural Mountains where a campsite was set up from resources laboriously carried uphill over a 6-hour hike. This was a necessary precaution police attention and in addition provided economical conference accommodation in a country were poverty is widespread.

The campsite was beautiful; nestled in unspoilt conifer forest teeming with wildlife, much of it unfortunately of the insect variety. The comrades were the most fantastic hosts, going out of their way again and again to make me feel welcome, introduce me to people, find me translators, put me up in their homes before and after the conference and generally take very good care of me during my stay.

During the lengthy journey to the campsite the comrades were able to explain something of the recent history of Russian Anarchism to me which I found very interesting. After having been totally crushed by the Bolshevik movement following the Russian Revolution, Anarchists in Soviet Russia faced the task of rebuilding a movement from scratch in the 1980’s when Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy of Perestroika once again permitted political opposition. This was no easy task given that the number of living anarchists in a country larger than Europe could literally be counted on one hand. The first task of anarchists in the eighties was therefore propaganda initiatives to inform others of the anarchist philosophy.

As in other countries, the anarchist movement has been influenced by sub cultural movements such as punk. The environmental movement has also been a large influence. In particular the Rainbow Keepers, a Russian equivalent of Earth First active in the 1990’s was influenced by anarchist ideas and organisational principles and has been instrumental in popularising anarchist ideas amongst activists.

Coordination of groups leading to the formation of Autonomous Action began around 2000, as an attempt to organise the diffuse elements of anarchist activity into a federation capable of defending itself and coordinating in a more organised way.

Autonomous Action now has around 120 members. 12 branches sent delegates to the General Assembly representing Tyumen,Ufa, Nizhni Novgorod, Moscow, Irkutsk, Magnitogorsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, and Minsk. In addition two new groups based in Cheboksary and Kazan were admitted to the federation during the assembly and an individual member attended from St. Petersburg.

Also attending as guests were the Union of Autonomous Youth, the youth wing of the Siberian Federation of Labour, a syndicalism union with approximately 6000 members, mainly in air traffic control, healthcare and public transport. 48 individuals were present in total.

Within the Autonomous Action, individuals and groups must agree to abide by the manifesto and organisational principles. A proposal passed during the conference also requires members to refrain from publicly voicing opinions that contradict agreed AD positions. Beyond this, groups have a large degree of autonomy to adapt their activity to local conditions.

Joint projects and Campaigns are decided through conference but participation by local groups is not compulsory. Resolutions on joint activity have the status of recommendations. The conference resolved several joint projects including the publication of a “how to” activist guide and a national campaign against the Centre for the Prevention of Extremism, a national police initiative targeting activists.

Decisions are made on a national level in three ways: by a vote or the reaching of consensus between group delegates, by conference or by a referendum of members.

Delegates councils are held every two weeks using the internet. Each group is expected to meet regularly in order to discuss the agenda and mandate a delegate. The delegates council have limited powers compared to the conference, for example they are not able to change any rules, or admit collective members or expel members.

Conference makes decisions by consensus if possible and by 2/3rds vote if not. Members not present can send mandates.

The referenda of members allows decisions to be taken on any important issues that come up between conferences. They can be initiated by any group and decided within one month. As with conference consensus is sought first. The period allowed for attempting to reach a consensus is one month after which a 2/3rds majority vote is accepted. This period is shorter than previously as the spread of the internet across the region has now reached the point where all groups have at least one member who is able to obtain internet access. This is improving the efficiency of decision making.

The conference began each morning with physical training. I’m ashamed to say I never found out what this involved, considering that the hike up the mountains on the first day was quite physical enough and preferring to spend my mornings dipping my feet lazily in the river.

The programme then continued with discussion on various subjects often lasting well into the night. Topics included Anti Fascism, Anarchist Black Cross, the economic crisis and training in how to deal with the police.

There was also decision making on national proposals. These were mostly of an administrative nature but also included a proposals for a shared programme of action. There was also discussion of strategy and the direction Autonomous Action should take in the future.

A large amount of the conference was given over to reports from each group on their activity and the situation in their region, followed by discussion and suggestions. This provided an extremely interesting overview of activity and an insight into the working culture of Autonomous Action. I was impressed by the respectful and comradely tone of discussions and the willingness of participants to listen to constructive criticism.

The overwhelming majority of the groups gave significant time in their reports to an account of antifascist and Anarchist Black Cross Activity. The fascist movement in the region is very large although the exact numbers are obscure as many fascists are organised in a decentralised fashion into street gangs.

The neo nazi movement adopts a radical rather than a parliamentary approach and aims at establishing superiority on the street and crushing political opposition as a precursor to seizing state power. The popular slogan “Russia for the Russians” is given effect by regular attacks on migrants. The existence of these movements clearly necessitates a militant response from the anarchist movement. Comrades reported that violence is escalating, frequently involving the use of knives where previously only fists had been used.

Nationally, 9 comrades have been killed by fascists in the last few years: Nikolay Girenko, Timur Kacharava, Aleksandr Ryukhin, Stanislav Korepanov, Ilya Borodaenko, Fyodor Filatov, Stanislav Markelov, Anastasia Baburova and Ilya Dzhaparidze.

Of these, Timur Kacharava and Ilya Borodaenko and Anastasia Baburova were anarchists, and Ilya and Anastasia also members of Autonomous Action.

There is a great deal of racism in wider society against people from the Caucasus and central Asia which the fascists are able to exploit. One comrade told me that more people would probably be involved in fascist movements were it not for the fact that the soviet years had engendered a sense of cynicism towards political expression of any sort!

Only a few groups were able to report superiority on the streets or progress in preventing the fascists from organising. The more common anarchist experience is of being outnumbered locally by fascists. The level of state attention on anarchists is also high. The movement has political prisoners and many groups had experienced harassment from the Centre for Prevention of Extremism. This partially reflects on the militant tactics employed by antifa but is not wholly explained by this. Although the delegates from Ufa reported that general political activism is distinguished from militant anti fascism and is tolerated locally this experience is unrepresentative and in any case is only a recent development there.

Unsurprisingly therefore, participation in the Anarchist Black Cross is a very popular activity for members of Autonomous Action. Anarchist Black Cross activities include collecting money for lawyers fees, collecting and publishing information about prisoners, educating activists in basic legal rights and tactics when dealing with the police and supporting resistance by prisoners.

Anarchist Black Cross activity is coordinated over the Autonomous Action email list. This is apparently not wholly efficient and some difficulty was reported in obtaining accurate information. A proposal was made to delegate responsibility for some tasks to named individuals but this was decided against on the basis of wishing to avoid the creation of an elite of ABC activists and in favour of generalised responsibility shared by all.

Apart from Anti Fascism and the ABC, groups reported a large range of other activities including, animal rights campaigning, environmental campaigns, propaganda production and movie clubs, food not bombs initiatives and attempts to organise factory workers and tenants and student unions and to campaign on bread and butter issues such as the price of public transport.

Anarchists, particularly in Ufa are also involved in LGBT issues, Russia is quite socially conservative and the rights of LGBT people are not always respected. For example a Gay Pride march in Moscow was subject to a counter demonstration by members of the Russian Orthodox church amongst other reactionaries.

Anarchists appear to have achieved the greatest public support for environmental campaigns, understandably so as many of the projects opposed are harmful to local people as well as to the environment more generally.

It would be fair to say, however, that the pursuit of social organising and campaigning work is often overshadowed by the pressing need for survival and self defence. This is not to criticise Autonomous Action, which struck me as successfully maintaining a decent organisation under tremendous pressure. One delegate, in a particularly beleaguered region reported that “All we do is just hang banners and fight for survival.”

Other delegates commented on increased organisation challenges facing their groups as a consequence of repression from police or neo nazi’s. For example groups may find that membership suffers as individuals become dissuaded from remaining in the movement. This prompts a need for greater recruitment activity and a relatively high turn over of activists, leading to a greater requirement for internal education and training.

Autonomous Action appears capable of responding effectively to these challenges although solidarity from abroad is of course always welcome! The conference gave the impression of a small movement but one which is focused and well organised. One comrade commented that although membership had been steady at around 100 people for the last few years but that the quality of participants had increased terms of serious and self discipline.

All in all a fantastic bunch of comrades! I can only end the report by thanking them all for their hospitality over an inspiring and informative week.
Ellenor Hutson
Liberty & Solidarity
Report written for Anarkismo.net
Autonomous Action's website:

In addition to Avtonom mentioned above there are a number of other Russian anarchist links in this blog's Links section. The following is a quick list, and excludes a number of links in other ex-Soviet republics such as Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia. A general overview of anarchism in the ex-Soviet bloc, including numerous links can be found at the Abolishing the Borders From Below website.

**Indymedia Russia http://ru.indymedia.org/

**Indymedia St. Petersburg http://piter.indymedia.org/

**Indymedia Siberia http://imc-siberia.org/

**Moscow Anarchist Black Cross http://www.myspace.com/abcmsc

**Praxis Research and Education Center Moscow http://www.praxiscenter.ru/

**Free Trade Union confederation of Tomsk http://kulac/narod.ru/mainpeng.htm

**KRAS http://www.aitrus.narod.ru/

**Federatsiya Anarcho-Kommunistou http://fakrostov.narod.ru/

There are numerous other links in the Russian language which are listed HERE at the Avtonom website. Most of these are simply email addresses. Some are no longer current. the interested reader is urged to consult that list for a fairly complete listing as of earlier this year.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009


Here's an item from the Moscow News about a recent protest by autoworkers at the AvtoVAZ works in Russia. Note that, as usual, the protest was in response to planned layoffs. Note also that it gathered far more participants than expected. Molly would also like the reader to note that the "official" union response ie calling for nationalization is very much beside the point. the plant is, for all intents and purposes, nationalized already, and the demand for workers' control by "union activists" is far more relevant than nationalizing an already nationalized company.
AvtoVAZ protest prompts inquiry:

Ayano Hodouchi
A protest rally by 2,000 AvtoVAZ car workers on Thursday prompted the state corporation running the factory to threaten to fire troublemakers, while President Dmitry Medvedev reacted to workers' complaints of mismanagement by announcing an inquiry into state-run companies.

The protest, organized by the Edinstvo, or Unity, trade union, went off without incident, although many more than the planned 500 participants attended. Union leader Pyotr Zolotaryov called for AvtoVAZ to be nationalised, and union activists said the plant should come under workers' control.

AvtoVAZ, which is controlled by state corporation Russian Technologies, announced last month it was sending workers on an enforced furlough for August and slashing hours and wages in half starting in September. The company has denied it has plans to fire 26,000 employees - one-quarter of the workforce at its giant plant.

Analysts fear there may be social unrest in Tolyatti, a city of 700,000, on a much larger scale than in Pikalyovo, a small Leningrad region town where Prime Minister Vladimir Putin intervened in June to get three factories reopened and back wages paid.

Vladislav Kapustin, minister of industry, energy and technology in the Samara region government, said that AvtoVAZ did not need any more state support for the time being. "AvtoVAZ makes as many cars as it sells," Kapustin told RIA Novosti, adding that the situation may worsen in the case of a second wave of the economic crisis many analysts fear will come this autumn.

Kapustin also said that regional authorities planned to offer extra part-time work to 22,000 AvtoVAZ employees to make up for short-time working.

Russian Technologies chief Sergei Chemezov, a close ally of Putin's, told reporters in Ankara last week that he is confident AvtoVAZ sales would grow again in August. "In July, sales volumes expanded by 12 per cent to 15 per cent, in August, that figure will grow even more," RIA Novosti quoted Chemezov.

Chemezov slammed the workers' protests as "provocative", adding: "There are people who are not at all happy that we are in the factory. They have been asked to leave."

He reiterated that mass layoffs would not take place at the factory if sales recovered and the market stabilised, Vremya Novostey reported.

AvtoVAZ's press service declined to comment on Monday on who the company wanted to dismiss.

On Thursday, Medvedev removed Chemezov from a presidential committee for economic modernisation, the Kremlin's press service said. Vedomosti reported that his removal may have been due to the fact that he was not an active enough participant in the committee, according to sources close to the Kremlin.

Seemingly putting more pressure on Chemezov, Medvedev on Friday ordered a probe into the activities of state corporations, including Russian Technologies. According to the Kremlin website, Medvedev ordered Prosecutor General Yury Chaika and the head of the Kremlin's oversight department, Konstantin Chuichenko, to investigate the activities of state-owned corporations, and in particular, the use of state funds.

The probe may be aimed at addressing workers' complaints, rather than preparing any drastic changes.

"A change of management is possible but not very likely," said Ivan Bonchev, an auto industry analyst at Ernst & Young.

"It is one of the options, but not the most likely one."

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Friday, July 17, 2009


The following appeal for an international day of solidarity with Vsevolod Ostapov comes from the English language section of the Russian anarchist news service Avtonom. they hope that actions will take place tomorrow, July 18th. The following has been slightly edited for English grammar.

Call for Global Action Day on the 18th of July in support of Vsevolod Ostapov:
No love is lost between the Russian population and the cops: the facts of police terror are brought to light with disturbing frequency.
On April the 4, 2008, Moscow cops beat up and arrested seven young men near Sololniki metro station in Moscow. The reason for this was an attempt made by these kids to prevent the illegal arrest of their 19-year old friend Seva Ostapov. Once in the police station (OVD Sokolniki), the "law enforcers" decided to show the "smartasses" the error of their ways: for several hours cops viciously beat and torturing our friends with tasers (electroshockers). The cops made lots of chauvinistic and racist remarks (it's common knowledge that many Russian cops are very supportive of Nazi ideas).
Moscow anarchists reacted with a campaign that succeeded in attracting public and media attention so that the milita's top boss had to make public comments on the issue. The cops decided to go on the offensive, i.e. they charged 6 of the young people with a minor offence (supposedly for a participation in public brawl - a brilliant move to cover up the cop-inflicted wounds on their bodies), while the seventh one, Seva Ostapov, got a felony charge of assault on a cop. Seva faces a long prison sentence (charged with an article 318.1 of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, 5 years maximum), although the CCTV records and numerous witnesses point out that the charge is completely false.
Each and every part of the state machine of repression are acting together. The detainees (who had various injuries because of police brutality) were refused medical examination when they asked for medical examinations in Moscow hospitals (the Russian healthcare system is subservient to the state), the prosecutor office ignores witness reports given by Seva's friends, while fake "chance witnesses of assault on police officers" started to appear out of nowhere and by some quirk of fate they turn out to be cops as well. As the events unfold, the case brought up against the militia department for illegal detainment and torture of Seva and his friends, is stalled in spite of large amounts of evidence. The prosecutor "loses" different documents regarding the case, sometimes he just "forgets" to make another move in the investigation. This is typical for Russia as well.
It is obvious, that the state takes this issue very seriously: either Seva goes to prison and the torturers in militia uniform are thus absolved of any charges, or the state admits numerous torturers and fascists are amongst the number of its "sworn to serve and protect" militia officers.
We ask you to support the Global Action Day in support of Seva Ostapov on July the 18th and carry out solidarity actions near the Russian embassy in your country (or any other Russian state office instead in case your town is lucky to have no Russian embassies nearby)!
More on this in English:
Contact: antisokolniki@gmail.com

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Saturday, March 28, 2009


The people at the Russian anarchist news site Avtonom have put together a list of anarchist contacts in Russia. For the full list see THIS LINK. Here's their announcement of the list from their English language section.

Anarchist and related contacts in Russia and Belarus:
This updated contact list has been gathered from Abolishing the Borders from Below - journal and Anarchist Yellow Pages (http://ayp.subvert.info). A more regularly updated version of the list in Russian language is split into three sections in our website
- for contacts of Autonomous Action
- for other anarchist and related contacts with "offline existence" http://www.avtonom.org/index.php?sid=9
- for anarchist and related internet projects and other links. Check these if you want more updated lists.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The following appeal is from the Russian anarchist news site Avtonom. It has been slightly edited for English grammar.

Freedom for union activist Valentin Urusov!:
Dear friends!
In July of 2008, in city of Udachniy in Sakha (Yakutia) Republic workers of the biggest Russian diamond mining company ZAO ALROSA formed an independent trade union, which became a member of the independent trade union association SOTSPROF. During two months more than 1000 workers joined the union. But on the 3rd of September 2008 the leader of the union Valentin Urusov was arrested on drug possession charges. Drugs were planted on Valentin, in order to destroy the union and any resistance of the workers. On the 26th of December Urusov was sentenced to 6 years to be served in a work camp.

The city of Udachniy has 15 000 inhabitants and is located in the Russian Far North, 20 kilometers from the Arctic circle(the sort of place that makes Winnipeg look like paradise-Molly). The closest major city is at a distance of 600 kilometers. The city is totally dependent on the diamond monopolist ALROSA and local authorities. ALROSA accounts for approximately 25% of the world's rough diamond supply and 97% of Russia's rough diamond production.

The workers of ALROSA started to demand better working conditions in spring of 2008. Already for many years drivers of the union had to work 70-130 hours overtime a month without a proper overtime benefit. Workers in mines work with outdated equipment and without air heating. Health problems due poisonous air are usual amongst miners.

As demands were not heard by the administration, from 25th to 27th of August workers were on a hunger strike. After the administration announced that they would form a committee for negotiation, the hunger strike was halted. On the 30th of August more than 500 workers joined a union meeting in Udachniy.

The committee should have finished work on the 5th of September, but on the 3rd of September Urusov was arrested on drug possession charges. The arrest, during which 70 grams of drugs allegedly possessed by Urusov were seized, was conducted personally by the chief of the Mirny department of the UFSNK (Administration of Federal Service of Drug Control) S. Rudov, who traveled 600 kilometers specially for the occasion. The witnesses were the vice-director of Aykhal'sk mining plant department of economical safety G. Pustosvetov and his driver.

Urusov himself announced to his lawyer, that he was practically kidnapped from the doorstep of his own home. He was taken to a 60 kilometer distance from his home, where one of the officers of the drug police (UFSNK) forced him to confess that the drugs were indeed his, by shooting three warning shots next to his head and promising, that his death would be announced as an attempt to escape. Right now Valentin Urusov is waiting for a result of an appeal in the remand prison of Yakutsk. Valentin is also suffering from kidney problems, but is not receiving medical aid. His family is in a need of financial help, and human rights organizations are gathering funds to get him a lawyer. If you want to donate, see instructions from http://avtonom.org/index.php?nid=2250

For more information, write to Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow, abc-msk@riseup.net, www.avtonom.org/abc

Please send the following appeal for Urusov by e-mail, even better if you can send it by fax as well:
*To president of ALROSA Sergey Vybornov
phone: +7 (411-36) 3-01-80
fax: +7(411-36) 3-04-51, +7 (495) 745-80-61
e-mail: aho@centr.alrosa-mir.ru
*To president of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Vyacheslav Shtyrov
fax: +7(4112) 43-50-55
e-mail: upo@gov.sakha.ru , ud-odto@gov.sakha.ru
Dear Mr. Sergey Vybornov!
Dear Mr. Vyacheslav Shtyrov!
On the 26th of December 2008 the district court of Mirny in Sakha (Yakutia) Republic sentenced Valentin Urusov, a worker at URMSU "Almazenergoremont" of AK ALROSA, and a leader of the trade union "Profsvoboda" which is a member of SOTSPROF, to 6 years in prison for drug possession charges. Valentin was not using nor possessing any drugs, and he was framed up by officers of the UFSNK.

The lawyer for Valentin Urusov is confirming, that the court was not investigating all testimony which would have proven Valentin innocent, and the court decision was also distorting evidence given by witnesses for the prosecution.

There are number of contradictions in the investigation. Also according to Urusov, during his arrest and the "confiscation" of drugs, he was assaulted and threatened with murder. It is characteristic for the case, that director of the Aykhal'sk mining plant department of economical safety G.Pustosvetov also witnessed the arrest.

Thus we have grounds to believe, that the arrest and sentence of Urusov are a revenge for his union activity in AK ALROSA and a measure to scare off the workers of the company. We know that a number of activists of the union were threatened and repressed as well, with lay-offs, threats and deprivation of a number of payments.

We demand to stop repression against the workers and union activists of AK ALROSA. We demand to stop repression of union activists - workers of AK ALROSA, to free Valentin Urusov, to restore laid off workers and to stop harassment of the trade union "Profsvoboda" in the company.

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Saturday, March 07, 2009


The following is from the English language section of the Russian anarchist news site Avtonom. It's about the release of a new movie on the international phenomenon of "squatting". Squatting ties into the general anarchist attitude to "property rights" in that those who actually use property should be deemed to have its ownership. This applies not just to residences but also to workplaces. Here's the article.

Squatting. A film by Larisa Matteissen:
Release date 3rd of February 2009 1 hour 25 minutes
The movie follows anarchists and activists, who occupy different empty buildings and territories - from rooms, houses and industrial buildings to complete villages and ports. Dutch and Russian activists are telling about their experiences of squatting and reactions of authorities to self-organisation. Anti-squatters explain why they are in side of the state. You may freely distribute the film for non-commercial purposes.
Contact: kalevala_com@mail.ru
This is version with English subtitles:
Torrent: http://onebigtorrent.org/torrents/4679/Squatting--A-film-by-Larisa-Matteissen
Please seed it!
You may download Russian version of the movie here:
Made available by http://squat.anho.org

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009




The situation of migrants may be dire anywhere in the world, but, of 'developed countries" that of migrants to Russia may be one of the worst. In addition to the usual anti-immigrant agitation there are numerous racially motivated murders. This, however, doesn't go unopposed, and anarchists are in the forefront of fighting the fascists who thrive on this xenophobia. Here, from the English language section of the Russian anarchist news site Avtonom, is a recent interview with two Russian anti-racists conducted by a Swedish activist. The following has been slightly edited for English grammar and spelling.

Interview with Russian anti-racists:
Recently Swedish activist Etranger questioned two Moscow activists, Utka and Igor, on the state of anti-racist movement and activities of anti-migrant groups. The Swedish version of the interview was published in http://www.motkraft.net/text/396. In this interview, Utka and Igor represent themselves and not any particular group.

How many anti-migrations groups are involved in the movement against migrants? What is the strategy of these groups?

Utka: Still you hardly can speak about a common movement against migrants. There are several groups and some of them started to cooperate.

The main anti-migration organisation is the DPNI (Movement against illegal immigration, founded in 2002). The main purpose was to create a modern right wing movement in the style of Le Pen or Joerg Haider. They have strong groups in some bigger cities and the leader of the DPNI, Aleksandr Belov, is involved in some building business, where the most of the workers are foreigners from the CIS countries. The DNPI is very close to the neonazi organisation Slavic Union (SS) of Dmitry Demushkin. Especially, the DPNI works on a strategy to show, that the whole Russian people fight against foreigners, and not only right wing movements. The DPNI inflates conflicts at participation of non-Russians and submits them in an absolutely other key, that means as ethnic conflicts even if they are not ethnic.

Only in 2008, when during the economic crisis discussions about “illegal” immigration became more important, did some pro-Kremlin youth organisations supporting the government raise the item of “illegal immigrants” . One of them is the Young Guard, the youth organisation of the party United Russia.

Some years ago the organisation was not very active - especially if you compare it with other pro-Kremlin youth organisations (for example, the movements "Going Together" and "Ours"). Feature the Young Guard (MGER) in comparison with "Ours": "Ours" basically are careerists not from exclusive layers; the active part of the Young Guard are mainly children of members of Putin's power structure.

Under the slogan “Our money for our people” members of the Young Guard, the youth organisation of the Kremlin party United Russia, held anti-foreigner demonstrations on 1 November (and again on 8 December) in several big cities.

In particular, they took pages out of the DPNI’s tawdry book, by demanding a halt to the migration of foreign workers to Russia, the deportation of migrants without proven residence status and offered themselves for street patrols to seek out illegal foreigners.

A few days later, the Young Guardists and their fellow pro-Kremlin activists of Mestnye (“Locals”) signed an agreement to coordinate their activities in the fight against “illegal migrants.” Letting the cat out of the bag, Mestnye leader Sergei Fateyev also announced his readiness to work together with the DPNI.

Away from the courts, Russki Obraz (RO – Russian Kind), one of the fascist outfits that co-organises the so-called “Russian Marches”, has been trying to raise its public profile as a rival in xenophobia to front-runners like the Movement against Illegal Immigration and the Kremlin-linked youth organisation, Young Guard.

On 11 December, about 30 RO supporters gathered in the centre of Moscow to demand changes in the law to limit the number of migrant workers in the ongoing economic crisis and to have the term “ethnic crime” written into the penal code. This latter demand is likely to find misguided support amongst many people because hardly a day passes without the Russian media reporting on minor crimes committed by foreign workers hit by the crisis and deprived of basic rights.

The RO has already found ready listeners in the Russian parliament, the State Duma. The day before its Moscow rally, it held a round table on “The Migration of Labour in Times of Crisis: Threats and Challenges.” Alongside some of the usual suspects from the far-right, Maxim Misshenko also took part.

Misshenko, 31, is not only an MP for prime minister Vladimir Putin’s party United Russia but also heads another Kremlin-linked group, Rossia Molodaya (Young Russia), and is frequently present in the media. As well as lending RO his presence, Misshenko added to its credibility by receiving a petition outlining a raft of racist legislative proposals.

And, as if that were not enough, three hundred right-wing extremists staged an authorised march on Russia’s Constitution Day, 12 December in Moscow where they heard speeches by members of the Nazi Slavic Union, the Russian National Bolshevik Front and the DPNI. The event was used as an opportunity by mob of Nazi boneheads to give Hitler salutes, actions likely to be repeated when the far-right stages its next “Russian March” in March.

Grabbing even more publicity, however, for its xenophobic campaigns has been Young Guard, the youth organisation of Russian premier Vladimir Putin’s United Russia, which, on 19 January organised rallies against migrant labour at the railway stations of several Russian cities. In Moscow, about 50 Young Guard members showed up to dish out their leaflets to passengers newly arrived from Tashkent and to wave placards with the slogans “If you want to work, pay your taxes” and “Illegal = thief”.

This performance drew some resistance from anti-fascist anarchists who held up a banner with the slogan “No human being is illegal” and pelted the Young Guard members with eggs. It was the first action against these kind of official meetings. I might become the beginning of a more organised struggle against the anti-migrant groups. There were some efforts to organise migrant groups, but they are directed at trade-union activity. Russian NGO’s condemn the the anti-migrant groups, but they don’t have any activities to stop them. The official migration authorities condemned the efforts of the Kremlin youth organisations, saying they are stupid.

The Young Guard has his own security. It is not clear, whether it consists of official police employees or former police employees. But at least the police know them, as far as I understood during the action on 19 January.

Igor: One pro-Kremlin youth organisation campaigned against migrants already in autumn of 2006, that is "Locals" - on dubious legal grounds they raided marketplaces in Moscow region, looking for illegal migrants and beating up some of them.

Utka: Yes the “Locals” organised campaigns against migrants on a local level, but now it seems, that the campaigns are becoming more organised under direct instructions of the head of the party.

Is there any self-organized resistance or other kinds of resistance against theses groups?

Utka: I think, that actually in Russia there is no anti-racist movement at all. There is a lack of knowledge and resources as well as a lack of understanding on which level it makes sense to fight racism.

Igor: In terms of when it comes to groups other than small anti-fascist and anarchist groups (such as Autonomous Action), I think these come down to three - "Civic Action" of Svetlana Gannushkina, which does humanitarian work for refugees and also speaks against racist violence in media. Their website http://www.refugee.ru/ apparently only has materials in Russian. They help both refugees from outside of Russia and from conflict regions inside of Russia.

There is also "Tadzhikistan Fond", a support structure for migrants from Tadzhkistan. Other diasporas have similar structures.

Utka: The “Tadzhikistan Fond” is very special. Unlike other structures of diasporas it somehow may rely on official representatives of the Tadzhikistan embassy in Moscow, which a least makes efforts to avoid deportation of Tadzhik migrants etc.

There is a trade union of legal migrants in Moscow and other regions. It was founded two years ago. In fact it works not really like a real trade union, because it seems to work more as an labour recruitment agency. The organizing of illegal workers is much more difficult. At the moment in Moscow a small initiative is starting to work, which should fulfill the function of a trade union, mainly concerning the non-payment of salaries. One of the main problem is how to put pressure upon small firms which exist today, but tomorrow they don’t. The point is, that in these cases the legal way to demand money from the head of the firm doesn’t help, you need to find more effective ways to deal with it.

What do you think is the most important issue for the anti racist movement in Europe and how we can help each other in our struggle?

Igor: I think this depends a lot on the local situation. For example in many European countries there is a danger of rising populist parties, but that is not the case in Russia as its undemocratic system (which is of course a problem in itself) does not give a chance for such parties. As a result, the frustration of nationalists creates terrorist violence, and the number of recorded racist murders around Russia already reach several hundreds. Thus in Russia there must be more focus on the extreme violent fringe of the ultra-nationalists, which consists of only a small part of the anti-migrant movement.

But really, there is not yet such a thing as "anti-racist" movement in Russia. There are several actors in the anti-racist area and contacts abroad (for example many Russian radicals have joined anti-border camps in Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, Poland and Finland), but not any common efforts to coordinate work. Counter-demonstrations against racists are rather weak, although occasionally there have been some successes, such as dispersion of the racist picket of DPNI in St. Petersburg in September of 2006. In my opinion, the anti-racist movement in Russia is in a serious need of strategical approach; currently focus is on tactics only.

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