Canadian Seal Hunt Footage Released By Humane Society International

Edit Huffington Post 20 Apr 2016
Animal welfare campaigners have released footage of the "horrific cruelty" seals are subjected to during Canada's controversial annual hunt.  ... "In the last 24 hours we have seen horrific cruelty, as we do every year at Canada's commercial seal slaughter ... Today is the tenth day of the seal hunt, which can last up to two weeks ... More than 30 countries, including the EU member states, the US and Russia, have banned seal hunt products....

Seal hunters call on Quebec to allow hunting on Brion Island

Edit CBC 19 Apr 2016
Seal hunters in Quebec’s Magdalen Islands want the province to allow grey seal hunting on a local nature reserve ... ....

Sea Shepherd Makes Waves This Earth Day (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)

Edit Public Technologies 18 Apr 2016
Sea Shepherd continues to combat illegal fishing, over-fishing, whaling, sealing, dolphin ... In addition, Sea Shepherd will continue its opposition to the illegal slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands, the slaughter of dolphins in Japan, the Canadian seal hunt and illegal whaling and fishing wherever Sea Shepherd is needed....

Flipper pie, a unique delicacy

Edit CBC 14 Apr 2016
From 1976, the Aquarium restaurant in downtown St. John's cashes in on the seasonal seal hunt. Learn one of the ways to make flipper pie ... ....

As Canada’s Commercial Seal Hunt Begins, HSI Witnesses Slaughter on the Ice (Humane Society International)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Apr 2016
Canada's annual commercial seal hunt, in which tens of thousands of harp seals - most just a few weeks of age - are being shot, clubbed and skinned for their fur, has begun ... Urge the Chinese government to stop their trade in products of commercial seal hunts ... With more than two million seals killed since 2002, Canada's commercial seal hunt is considered the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth....

Indigenous People Seek Greater Role in Arctic Policy (Bowdoin College)

Edit Public Technologies 07 Apr 2016
(Source. Bowdoin College). Anne Henshaw. Arctic observer Dr. Anne Henshaw delivered a lecture to the Bowdoin community on Thursday, March 31st. She had originally intended to call it. 'A Place at the Table'. Indigenous representation in international Arctic Policy. But on reflection she decided to change the title to. 'We don't need a seat at the table, it's our table.' Indigenous engagement in international Arctic Policy ... Spring seal hunting....

Canadian Commercial Seal Hunt to Open April 10th (IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare)

Edit Public Technologies 05 Apr 2016
Canada's commercial seal hunt will open once again on the East Coast on April 10th ... However, the commercial seal hunt is expected to kill only a fraction of this number. The commercial seal hunt is at its lowest point in history ... With few international markets, the seal hunt actually costs more in tax dollars than it brings into the economy ... Canada's commercial seal hunt and Inuit sealing are very different....

About Paul McCartney- A Quick Snapshot

Edit The Examiner 04 Apr 2016
Paul McCartney, the name is enough to describe a legend that has lived to rule the hearts of people worldwide. He is known as Paul McCartney, McCartney, Paul, Sir Paul and by so many names his fans would have ever thought of ... His Story. ... He has also been associated with projects that promote International charities relevant to subjects like seal hunting, animal rights, music education, landmines, and poverty among others ... ....

More Reflections on the SeaWorld Agreement

Edit Huffington Post 02 Apr 2016
Today, SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby and I urging him to use a wide range of diplomatic tools to pressure Japan to end its commercial whaling activities and to stop contravening international law by slaughtering hundreds of innocent whales ... I've also been speaking with Manby about revving up campaigns to finish off Canada's commercial seal hunt and to fortify global efforts against shark finning ... I've long talked about that idea, too ... Bravo ... ....

Sealing drama Les Loups to launch in St. John's

Edit CBC 01 Apr 2016
The feature-length drama Les Loups, shot in the Magdalen Islands during the annual seal hunt, will be screened in St. John's ... ....

7 adorable animals that are also murderous monsters

Edit Vox 30 Mar 2016
They attack and eat baby seals ... Common polar bear prey, like seals, have comparatively much lower levels of Trichinella, meaning they're not likely the main vector of transmission ... Terrifying! 5) Seals rape penguins. You think seals are cute, right? Of course you do. Look at this seal befriending a dog. ... So it might trouble you to learn that seals hunt and eat penguins ... Unsettling, but what are you going to do? Seals are carnivores....

Letters to the Editor, March 28

Edit Toronto Sun 28 Mar 2016
STOP THE SEAL HUNT. If Justin Trudeau’s Liberals want to find more money for their big dreams, then stop subsidizing the spring seal hunt in the Gulf of St ... Tell Newfoundland that baby harp seals should not be clubbed by common, mindless savages in an orgy of blood lust. The seals and the rest of the world would thank Justin for doing the right thing....