- published: 11 Apr 2016
- views: 193
Liam Halligan is a British economist, journalist and broadcaster.
Halligan is currently Chief Economist at Prosperity Capital Management - an asset management firm. Halligan is also an economics commentator. For the last seven years, he has written his “Economics Agenda” column in The Sunday Telegraph – which recently won the titles “Workworld Columnist of the Year” and “Business and Finance Journalist of the Year” at the British Press Awards.
Halligan was educated at The John Lyon School and holds economics degrees from the Universities of Warwick and Oxford.[citation needed]
Halligan’s interest in the Former Soviet Union dates back to the early 1990s, when he moved to Moscow and co-founded Russian Economic Trends – a source of data and commentary. During that period, he wrote a column in The Moscow Times and advised the Russian government. He went on to cover Russia for The Economist and The Economist Intelligence Unit.
In 1996, Halligan returned to the UK to become a Political Correspondent at The Financial Times, based at the House of Commons. Halligan moved to Channel Four News – where, until 2006, he was the programme’s Economics Correspondent. During this period, he received some awards – including the World Leadership Forum's "Business Journalist of the Year" award (twice), the "Wincott Award” (three times), the Workworld "TV Programme of the Year" award (four times), and the Bradford and Bingley "Personal Finance Programme of the Year" award.
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