Hakkō ichiu (八紘一宇?, literally "eight crown cords, one roof" i.e. "all the world under one roof") was a Japanese political slogan that became popular from the Second Sino-Japanese War to World War II, and was popularized in a speech by Prime Minister of Japan Fumimaro Konoe on January 8, 1940.
The term was coined early in the twentieth century by Nichiren sect Buddhist activist and nationalist Tanaka Chigaku, who cobbled it from parts of a statement attributed in the chronicle Nihon Shoki to legendary first emperor Jimmu at the time of his ascension. The full statement by the emperor Jimmu reads: "Hakkō wo ooute ie to nasan" 八紘を掩うて宇と為さん or in the original kanbun Japanese (not necessarily the way that the Chinese would render it) 掩八紘而爲宇: 'I shall cover the eight directions and make them my abode,' with "hakkō" 八紘 ' eight crown cords' identical to "happō" 八方 'eight directions.
Ambiguous in its original context, Tanaka interpreted the statement by Jimmu, mythically descended from the sun goddess Amaterasu, as meaning that imperial rule had been divinely ordained to expand until it united the entire world. While Tanaka saw this outcome as resulting from the emperor's moral leadership, many of his followers were less pacifist in their outlook, despite some intellectuals, aware of the inherent nationalist movements reacted to this term. Koyama Iwao (1905-1993), disciple of Nishida, and drawing of Adornment Sutra Flower, proposed the term " to be included or to find a place ". This understanding was rejected by the military circles of the nationalist Right.
Coordinates: 40°22′52″N 43°41′58″E / 40.38111°N 43.69944°E / 40.38111; 43.69944
Hakko (Armenian: Հակկո, also Romanized as Akko) is a town in the Aragatsotn Province of Armenia.
Yerevan Nights | Varied | Armenia |
Radio Van | Pop | Armenia |
Radio Aurora | Pop,Top 40 | Armenia |
Armenian Christian Radio | Christian Contemporary | Armenia |
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 1 Part 1/3
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 1 Part 2/3
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 1 Part 3/3
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 1/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 2/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 3/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 4/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 5/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 3 Part 1/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 3 Part 2/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 3 Part 3/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 3 Part 4/5
Hakko Ichiu Part II Ost. Kiss Kiss - Kim Hyung Joong
BIRTH OF THE B-29 - WWII , Japan 23430
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 1 Part 1/3
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 1 Part 2/3
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 1 Part 3/3
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 1/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 2/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 3/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 4/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 2 Part 5/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 3 Part 1/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 3 Part 2/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 3 Part 3/5
Hakko Ichiu - Let's Play Empire Of Japan - Episode 3 Part 4/5
Hakko Ichiu Part II Ost. Kiss Kiss - Kim Hyung Joong
BIRTH OF THE B-29 - WWII , Japan 23430
United Kingdom Episode 5: "Keeping her ticking over" (Part 2/2)
Japan Travel: Heiwadai Park Very recognizable landmark Miyazaki, Kyushu
Let's Play Victoria 2 AHD Italien - Folge 057 Deutsch
Zustimmung von Paradox Interactive
JackS és Dark a Broforce ban
Impire - trailer
Hearts of Iron 3 gameplay soviet union part 47: Through the enemy lines
Hearts Of Iron 3 Episode 1: Rommelize
"I don't give a fuck"
This is more or less how it sounded.
So my will shall fall on your knees
It’s just a matter of time.
I've been always wrong
I've never understood
If you were closer to me
I'm like a singer that has had his days
Whose refrains are catchy no more
Well, it doesn't matter what u meant
I'm blind and sad
But just don't ask me what i felt
And this feeling is gettin' stronger every day
And sadly changin' what you are used to say
I'm sorry I'm not able to hide my grins
I'm too tired to fill your mailbox with my tears
Please leave me in my ditch
Well now I wish I could come back
And hold your head again
In my shakin' hands
as I prowl through dust and crushed stones
mock and jeer, as i stare
my bare feet turn shades into black
wannabe prowling
wannabe drifting
wannabe guilting the others for my crimes
wannabe killing
wannabe burning
wannabe cutting this grey skin weakened by times
one cut for every time I've lied
one cut for every thing I hide
every scar is a lie...
the broken symbol of things long gone
for who are you to judge me?
dirty as you say, while dirty are your insides
wannabe sticking
wannabe rucking
wannabe soiling this sky and make stars collide
wannabe screaming
wannabe singing
wannabe writing hate words for bright sides
one word for always being a bitch
and one for every suicide threat
every word is a lie...
my unexpected letters are getting worse
one more to feed this addiction
because I can't beat this self-affliction
one more for every time I've said I would quit
and one for every time I believed it
one more for every time I've said "stop"
And she keeps calling you "darling"
probably as a joke she won't admit
and it's simple, it is not my honey
but I know I should think of music
play some weird chords , and appear to be sad
and it's simple, it is not my honey
simple... but I know..
she's unfinished but sweet, nothing needs to change
she's unfinished but sweet, like a tiny rain
and it's simple, it is not my honey
But it's all right now
Can you read it in my eyes?
So your lies disappear
Can you read it in my eyes?
Oh no, don't ask me why
But it's not too late to change
Until the twelfth and last knell
And written in the blood on the floor
You see that you still can be saved
Oh no, don't ask me why
You got be blind
Still can be saved
Oh no, don't ask me why
You got be blind
You got to be mine
Your blowin' my mind
I'll make a journey of a thousand miles
To see the truth between the lines
But don't ask me why I'm crying
I forget about where it all began
I never knew the rules
I'm half the way to become dust
And I cry with the same eyes
which saw you smile to me
But frankly you just don't give a damn anymore
You've already got what you came for
No matter what you do
Stretched on the green grass of my hopes
And I miss the days of our becoming
Just to prove I can
And break your concentration
This I saw with my own eyes a cliff-swallow
made her nest in a hole of the bank
but when finished a snake crawled up to the nest
whistling to the nest whistling
Then the mother swallow with swift flutterings
and shrill cries fought at the snake
blinding him with the beat of her wings
made him slipping
made him slipping
until he fell down the bank
and in the river was drowned
in the river was drowned
Only an hour was passed until a shrike
made the mother impaled on a thorn
as I see for myself I know
no objection at all
no objection at all
As for myself I overcame
my lower nature
only to be destroyed
by my brother’s ambition
Then the mother swallow with swift flutterings
and shrill cries fought at the snake
blinding him with the beat of her wings
made him slipping made him slipping
made him slipping made him slipping
and in the river was drowned
Every day flows As alive oil which
Soupy and grim It approaches and observes
But doesn't talk Doesn't answer back
Doesn't act And doesn't understand
Every day rain And the water so cold
Makes me feel Far away from my ego
Tedium grows in me As seasons dessapear
With no tears in my eyes Neither can i suffer ?
Pierced in my heart There is a painful spine
This is the last act Of my inner tragedy
Every day rain And the water so cold
Makes me feel Far away from my ego
Tedium grows in me As season dessapear
With no tears in my eyes Neither can i suffer ?
Pierced in my heart There is a painful spine
"I hear voices inwrought in my head
(Shell of mt hallucinations)
Sweet mushrooms of salvation
Squeeze the odds
I evaporate in daze
The hoop of hovering lights
Incomprehensible in the day
A mumble which is seething underneath
Fear and raves
Are gushing out my holes
You know if I've tried
To fly to the outskirts of the sky
I will never return to earth
Can you tell if is better or worse?
Five billion miles away from the sun
Oh, no... slay me now
Mesmerice my obsession
In what could've been a nice trip
Underdressing in contradictions
While jesus spits on my feet
Perma teen's pussypie
Fly, you mad fly
Sunday morning
I'm sad in the heart
Nothing to do 'till it's dark
When I'll be drunk again
Sunday morning
Warm under the blanket
Left alone just like me
While everybody sleeps.
Thinking of her that I already miss
Where have we thrown
The love we made
In this same bed
And how many times
Had I Hated me for this?
...Thinkin' of her on a sunday...
Thinking of her that I already miss
Where have you thrown
The love we made
In this same bed
And how many times
The floating of clouds, enchanting and slow,
Is the sweetest thing that life could make me.
And with warm hands in my pockets,
I suddenly remember...
I'm trying to see something in them
And asking myself:
Is it just a stock phrase
Or does the last to finish win the race?
And with warm hands in my pockets,
I suddenly remember all the times I've seen you laughing
And there was not enough rain to quench my thirst.
I've some good stories to tell,
And I show my silver hair like a peacock's tail.
And with warm hands in my pockets,
I suddenly remember all the times I've seen you laughing
In the deep of spiral walls the meaning mushroom lives alone
The door is closed and there's no key an idiot god eternal sleep
30 years and a thousand nights closed inside a box called life
no air to breath no space inside no ears to hear no mouth to speak
Mind expanding, pure perception soon will start the trip
To strange land, strange things to see
Sonic rainbows, impossible corners fall deep through confusion
A strange dream, quite like a grave space and time has no sense here
In the spiral.
One chance one time to hear, to see the sound the toughts this real new being
The sleeping village man forget the way an idiot god eternal dreams
The death, the time to leave this space round and around this dirty race
She probably doesn't know
And means nothing to me
She seems to float through another daydream
Reminds me that there's no reasons to stay
I see that thing will mever be the same again
The same again
Snapshot love
She wanna me...
And cares nothin' to me
She tasted my tears and laughs forever
She kissed my lips and says now or never
I can't remember what she have done that day,
Remember that day
Things I said in anger will be spread around
The lies won't matter now
I'll strew rose petals in your path
I can't remain anymore to hear you scream
My head explodes
'Cause God's too big to stay inside
If only i could eat and hold you inside me
I don't hear you, it's hard to listen your apologies
Eye leacves prick me
When I'll suicided me I will find a hobby
You embraces me and your hands tighten too much my throat
How many purple leaves
Fall down at the ground during winter
How many green and yellow leaves
Slides up to my eyes
Slips in my heart
How many dry leaves
I've already treaded
Ana how many of them
I've to see fall down
I've to see to rot at the ground
Like a psychedelic dream
I'd steal a howling diamonds wind
To melt it with sunrise
When straight ahead luna shines
The season wrap slowly bleed
Bleed in my heart
How many dry leaves
I've already treaded
Ana how many of them
I've to see fall down
I've to see to rot at the ground
Like a psychedelic dream
A day is like a tear
The tear of a widow
Remembering her love
Remembering her shining days
A tear is like a day
Drops down, never shines
A tear is only salty water
The seas are just the same
I'd steal a howling diamonds wind
To melt it with sunrise
When straight ahead luna shines
The season wrap slowly bleed
...in may heart
A day is like a tear
By now I can steal
Neither another minute of life
To explain, speak and describe
I am weak, too weak
To become me strong
To motivate me, to live anymore
I don't feel me able
To take back consistence
Maybe not even shape, and my color
Forced into narrow masks
So spine-chilling, so ugly
Just like a poor robber
I disguise myself and rob the others
Pretending me real, but I'm not it
I don't feel me able
To take back consistence
Maybe not even shape, and my color
I don't want to get back to me
Lie is all I know how to do
"A yellow dog and ginger queen-cat,
Run after one other under the sun".
It seems you came here just to tell me that
Then you pinch me and run away
"In this journey of self-discovery
My life begins and ends with pain".
Oh, she toys with my insecurity
Kick bt kick walls do move
Now your eyes start with a rip roarin' cry
No I can't understand your decay
But you drawl somethin' to jolly up
Hand in hand we walk alone
No I can't understand your decay
But you drawl somethin' to jolly up
Hand in hand we...
...Somethin' that works for me
Like a long forgotten dream
The tide carried ashore
The red petal you once gave to me.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra-tracks
Man hands on misery to man.
But I’d rather kiss you
Before I miss you
So loud my loss blinds my cry
I’ve never seen a man looking
With such a wistful eye
When all the souls and I are painted blue.
He does not bend
His head to hear
He does not stare through a little roof of glass.
But I already miss you
Before I kiss you
So loud my loss blinds my cry
We stare out there so close and tight
Until the day he dies
Unknown to all and to the turn of time.
Heart-shaped petal red of light
Hiding your face from mine
I mind my step without a sigh.
I hear your call
Forever fall
Until the night gives freedom to us all.
But I’d rather kiss you
Before I miss you
So loud my lost blinds my cry
But I will never miss you
until I’ll kiss you
So loud my love grows and tries
A little pixie is on the way
To break my heart and now
I'm on a sailing ship to nowhere
A flat emotion takes my time
And leave inside my mouth
A tast of blueberry and spice
Poker-faced eyes have been mine just for a while
Another drink and I'll be safe at least for tonight
My life is tasteless
And wishful sleep's never enough
So I empty bottles
I've no pillow where I can hold my head
And you..
We're the silent half untruths
we have sharp pebbles in the boots
we don't like happy endings
we're dreams splattered on a toilet seat
we remember to forget the defeat
we're millions of wisdom teeth
'cause we're the ones who are too sober to...
we're the ones who are too sober to love
we're the child who has nothing pure
we have cheap liquors we have the cure
we're the umpteenth rainy day
we're dumb soldiers in a diet-nam
who need to tape their plastic ideals
we're the inner conflict stars
and we are goin' to draw the line that says we've had enough
we're barely more than strangers
fucking each other in more ways
and then if I could tell you what's on my mind...
I wish I could climb a tree to the very top
until there were nothin' between me and the half untruths
between...me and love
...in spring we're pale
...in summer we're barefoot
...in fall we're poets
I remember to forget the time
I may still leave that face unseen
this broken mirror cuts no more through skin
('cause I’ve walked on the fragments 'till they left no sign).
but I still see the Me I've never met
september lets joy be unconfined
this time october rust will shine
november makes me need her like the pain
there will be wrists, there will be frozen blades
to push me into the shade
my bed is always left unmade
no one knows what's hidden inside
demons allowed me no pride
and the refusal to soothe my inflictions failed
I'd wish to extend my hands, the hands my heart won't set free
this is a life that hangs suspended
for yet another day
I'm wasting away with doubts
for yet another week
for yet another month
There's something in the way
you laugh when you're drunk
that tells me all the things I'm glad you're not
I need days to forget a line of your face
and I need tedious weeks to stop thinking of your skin
just to realize : life's really a dope
I keep dead leaves in my books
for all the winters to come
I keep the newspapers I read
for all the awaiting days without memories
and then it takes a glance
and my heart beats faster and faster
so...do you really think that I can't hide the truth ?
when I feel lost no joy can help me to leave this town
if I don't mend my ways, nothing could change
Give me a limpid light
And I'll believe in you
Pretending to be real
And safe behind your "cruci-fiction"
What do you say?
What you say makes me sick
You know I feel you're swimming inside me deep blindly
Should I help you if you flounder
But I know that you seem fall
You know I feel you're dewy dewberry ladybird
And should I tell you why it seems that?
Since you glance in my eyes
Underwater is your blooming love to me
You are breakwaters for wave of life
Touch my lips and hear the floating simphony
You are breakwaters for wave of life
You're dewy my girl dewberry ladybird
Dip inside me, damp-proof lady
Yesterday evening
I took two keys from the bunch
One was blue and the other silver
They opened doors which were made of memories
I gave them back to the past
Who is their only owner
In exchange for them I received recollections
Of many and many evenings I spent in that place
In exchange for them I had a little memory
I'm sitting at the table while my friends
Are talkin' and I'm
Wasting my ninth life and stealing ideas from a book
So they can believe I'm strong
The giggling schoolgirls
Who speak loudly about sex
Are nymphs who grin when I bleed
And it seems they enjoy watching me
But I know someday I'll laugh about this
Nowhere, and nowhere
And all points 'tween...
I'm but a cloud in the breeze
Seeing her stepping out from my blood
Hurts me so much
Distant wind chimes bring me back to my pains
I'm no longer young enough to escape
Her lies,
She suspects nobody makes bets on
Oh she'll never understand
That wishing won't make it true
I see you everywhere
but it seems it doesen't care, I'm aware
Icy words instead of hugs
every face looks at me doin' mugs
and I'm afraid of glowing kisses
touch me touch me I'm goin' insane
gimme gimme a glance
and tell me it's only a farce
I see you in my lair
the light is dim inside, dont be scared
Icy words instead of hugs
every face looks at me doin' mugs
and I'm afraid of glowing kisses
touch me touch me I'm goin' insane
sit down and take a breath
and show me is not a fake
"A place to take roots and grow up strong"
I'll cut every tongue saying these words on a rusty wire.
don't tell me stories to feed my mind.
the path I lead, the cruel law I must heed.
I laugh at myself : innocence left in childhood,
am I now better understood?
don't be too late
'cause I can't sleep 'till my clock keeps ticking backwards.
walk on water like jesus did
don't be too late
'cause I can't sleep 'till my clock keeps ticking backwards.
don't be too late
five words, I'm enchained to you but I fall through the holes in my maps
don't be too late
No, I cannot understand
What you obtained
Now the hours become the days
And the days become the weeks
Illusions give a price to pay
Hide your mind
Into the sleep
Wake up dead into your bed
And ask yourself one hundred times
The reason of your suicide
Fill your eyes with smoke
So you can't see what you're doing
Fill your mouth of stupid thoughts
His goodbye letters are getting worse,
nothing more than usual words.
a single thought eats him inside
and makes room for his pride.
who do you think you are?
I saw him today, his smile is still the same
he never spoke the name
of the barricades he has built inside
shelter from jealousy's bite
who do you think you are?
so tell me who do you think we are?
deadshot baby
love means something other than this
deadshot baby
deadshot baby
tell me, tell me if you can hear the "knock-knock"
And you help me cut my wrists
And later you insist
It's easy to agree with your thoughts than die
I can only keep my mouth (shut)
And listen to your guns
Watch bloody fingertips on sharp can edge
Can I get you a drink while you decide the way
You should eat nails for breakfast, just to be safe
Sit down on my easy chair
While ceiling turns to black
A distant radio sadly resounds
I'm going down for the count
White carpet turns to red
Like every friday evening boredom grows
Can i get you a drink while you decide the way
You should eat nails for breakfast, just to be safe
The highest prices to pay
A pleasant act to you
Another glare of anger is my reward
I feel just like a fool
To be a afraid of you
But the scars on my hands still hurts me
Can i get you a drink while you decide the way
I've lost the way, I've lost my head
In the maze of reason
What happened to
My so called convinctions?
I'm poised on a tightrope
Temptation burst like a flower
Hypnotic perfume kills me
Oh please help me, I can't resist, I want...
Castles in the air
They're so easy to take refuge in
Fungus fantasia
I see the sun in a grain of dust
And eternity in a sandglass
Within the walls of my skull
Pseudo-landspaces give me good vibes
There are two worlds for every man
Ambiguities of perspective
I want get stoned and i want create and I want...
Castles in the air
They're so easy to take refuge in
Billions of brain cells
They're so esay to inebriate
Fungus fantasia
I'm flying in the sun in a flattening of emotions
Pure burning light cast away weakness
Feeblemind get high, an experimental drive
Charger of the mind
I'm flying in the sun in a flattening of emotions
Pure burning light cast away weakness
This time I want repent and be cornered by the muse
Her actions speak louder than my voice
and make us strangers by love.
I hate the sound of silence
ringing in my ears
so I sing nineteen sad songs
that I know she hates to hear.
what if all my words were lies?
and all my hellos goodbyes?
what price for love we fools do pay?
how do lovers from love abstain?
if i let her touch me
it's just because I'm drunk.
no matter what is said or done, I'm wrong
so as always I'm down
where future narrows and splits in twain
Not too far from where i walk
Across the forbidden rail
If you just wish hard enough
The barman is Satan
Small water spiders
Flutters in the sudden breeze
And butterflies in the meadow
Bisects my view of the sky
She practices black magic
And is confused by the truth
She can't seem to choose between us
And leaves me with a longing for stealthy glances
And leaves me with a longing for stealthy glances
And leaves me with a longing for stealthy glances
And leaves me...
She cracks a big smile
And refreshes my mind
She cracks a big smile
And has invented nothing
She's confused by the facts (without pourpose)
And everything seems perfect
She's confused by the facts (without pourpose)
And draws me...
She wants me...
...or not?
And draws me (into her world)
She wants me (to lose control)
(Whether I'm willing) or not
She said: "imagine there is no heaven"
"Imagine there is no hell"
Without questioning the need
Without letting anyone know
A dark joy fills the air
Brown eyes in the mud
carefully pour their water out
brown eyes in the mud
onto the ground in the rutted cracks
brown eyes watch me and speak
show me how she does that trick
brown eyes with their mights
carry me in the usual fights
"what does that mean?"
she asks and grins
so I put my lips on her rivers
"that's what it means"
she insists:"what does that mean?"
her huge eyes brim
so after much doubt I've come to realize:
this clean skin burns
green spring is the source
my crude rhyme is a crime
could it be more sublime?
shadows shuffle backwards
she mumbles four words
I spend all the time on hallucinations
Since I want let myself believe that
The neighborhood madman is coming my way
He's really a prince in disguise and is coming my way
Over my dead body
The sound of the ocean and the roar of the crowd
Are not a very well kept secret
He wants me to lose control
As the city holds his breath until the end of times
Mercy will make me laugh
The bastard town speaks only of money
The family doctor says I'm chronic
I know at least we're food fot maggots
Your head was next to mine
What a deal
And say my thoughts t o bribe
but I can't steal
Trust all I think and say
It's not real
This wine is red like a day
With much fear
The feelings I deserve
Are like tears in my nerves
And the first light shows the rails
To my crying eyes that failed
Decisions traced a line
And then you said goodbye
Decisions traced a line
And then you said goodbye
Can you bury the light inside?
Can you stop what moves the earth clockwise?
Can you make me feel bright?
Then tonight I'll kill the day
Let it be, what can never be
Let me set foot on strange islands
Flashbacks of things to see
I'm a little bit confused,
But insomnia gives me a picture of time
Pushin' myself to lose
In a life of different kind
Oh, bloodgrim
Can you show me the dark outside?
Can you move what stop the moon in the sky?
Can you or can't you?
Empty hours tedium filled
Stains on my hands stains on my feet
I'm waitin' for the rain
That wash my pain
Wake gives a concept of eternity
Roaming unknown worlds
Wake gives a concept of infinity
Roaming with unknown men
Then today I'll kill the night
There's no more than a bloogrim spot
Which binds us to the world
Desire to possess, understand, collect and discover
A bike ride in darkness
not afraid to move on and choosing to see
winter means you'll button my coat for me.
The embrace, the kiss and the promise in your smile
are warm enough to shelter me from a weak
wind telling jokes that make me smile for weeks.
it is "very you" the way you carved our names
The past night I was back
and reading through the lines I tried to see
the day you painted our world red, sitting on my knees.
I should steal back my love to forget about mortality,
and lose my way back home
without telling anyone that I feel..
..that is "very you" the way you carved our names
and keeps my heart true
'cause you smiled a smile that warms for miles
I destroyed it just yesterday
it was a cool present
maybe the sweetest you have ever given me
I broke it into pieces and threw it away
and on it your dedication cried
Tired of love poetry,
cool blank days and lazy complications
I gotta react and stand
cos' you broke my heart and now I'm breaking your bones
I ‘m stealing breath to anxiety
and drive faster and faster
on the shortest way to reach...
better so...
after all I'm still that drip teenager of the eighties
better so...
I will use the same old words I've been telling you every day
Time is rolling by...Time is rolling by
and our fights have become scars that have survived
the tries to hide this suffered page of time.
This suffered page of time
disguised as a teen drama changed my life
so I tell myself it is not a lie that I want to hear
me telling me there's still enough time to clear
the wrong things I said
to become as bright as a day
I’ve learned to love my faults
so I’ve earned my secret shame
and the price of being a coward
puts bitterness into your eyes
oh no, another living room plant has died
I don't know how to find
the strength I thought I had
in the day I said I wanted things back
oh the time to be here is not my time
if I believe it’s not a lie
I never meant to cause you harm
and I learned to love this broken car
the only place where we talked and smiled
You never meant to steal my time
you wanted just a bit part in my life
but now I'm just trying to love this empty bed and cry
but now I want to hear
you telling me there's still enough time to clear
the wrong things I said
And it's always the same old story
Repeated a thousand times
And everything we say
is written in sand with confused lines
And I sing a song about this battle
And later cringe to hear
that nothin' is forever
'cause life is really a dope
It's no coincidence
A murder might actually be the best way out
A voice on the phone
Says that my life is a cliche'
Huge flocks of birds
Passed overhead while we wait...
...to I sing a song about this battle
And later cringe to hear
that nothin' is forever
'cause life is really a dope
It's no coincidence
Red grass is growing up all around me
And above there is a black sky without weight my life is flat, it is an arduous stair
5 poles my world, my perception
I want more, I want a new eye, -
A fresh dope which can inebriate me
Nothing more thoughts, only burning
Dejection leaves me, nothing more to see
A smalll opening of sleep
pulverizes me
pulverizes me...
I want more, I want a new eye,
A fresh dope which can inebriate me,
Second hand dreams
Faded like an old film scene
Troubled the sleep
And filled her eyes
Of blood-coloured tears
Made her laugh hysterically
She looked to me like a queen
A glimpse of hope
Cow-eyes lied
Blurred my mind
And killed me, yeah...
She said: "I can give you another chance"
Give it away
Indesicion is my middle name
I get smart, I get down
But it's all ok
My righteous fears
Made her laugh hysterically
She makes me feel like a shit
Damn it! no!
Cow-eyes lied
Blurred my mind
And killed me, yeah...
Old rusty chains embrace me
Morning appears like a pebble in my shoe
Summer has gone and blood is by the sun
Summer has gone
By a 21 inches sun
Merciless light is climbing my body
absolute silence awakens the me
A blues hardly whispered
Is the landscape of my dreams
Summer has gone and blood is by the sun
Summer has gone
By a 21 inches sun
I don't want to face this day
I can't face this fucking day
Beautiful loser
I don't want to face this day
I can't face this fucking day