Thursday, September 30, 2010



Yet more news from Toronto, this time from the libertarian socialist magazine Upping The Anti. Book launches and announcing their new issue.
Toronto Book Launch‏
Dear Friends:

On Wednesday October 6th join UPPING THE ANTI as we celebrate the launch of two new books by UTA editors.

Come and check out:

David Hugill's “Missing Women, Missing News: Covering Crisis in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside


AK Thompson’s “Black Bloc, White Riot: Anti-Globalization and the Genealogy of Dissent”

Both books will be on sale for a special launch price. Refreshments will be served.

Mark your calendars:

Wednesday, October 6 at 7PM - All are welcome
The Imperial Pub
54 Dundas St. E.
Toronto, ON

998 Bloor St. West
P.O. Box 10571
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 4H9
Here also is the announcement of the latest issue of their journal.
Issue 11 Coming Soon!‏

Upping the Anti is about to release its 11th issue!

This exciting issue features:

*Raj Patel on the politics of starving*

*Ladelle McWhorter on normalization and its discontents*

*James Scott on the art of not being governed*

*Lesley Wood on Anti-G20 Mobilization*

*John Clarke on opposing austerity today*

*Stacy Douglas on the queering of colonization*

*Roundtable on the 20th anniversary of OKA*

*Roundtable on No One Is Illegal's fight for Solidarity City*

*Book Reviews and more!*

Subscribe or become a monthly sustainer today to make sure that issue 11 hits your mailbox!

Subscribers and sustainers also get access to all our content online!

Are you already a subscriber but have moved? Send your new address to

998 Bloor St. West
P.O. Box 10571
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 4H9

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Thursday, March 04, 2010


Embryozine is a project of the Swedish anarchist group Anarkisterna, and they are looking for articles for their next issue. Despair not, this zine is bilingual in Swedish and English, so the average reader of this blog might actually be able to write something for them. Here's their appeal.
Wanted: Contributions for Embryozine #5‏
Now it’s time to start working on the fifth Embryo zine! And we want you to contribute texts, illustrations or anything else you see fit. This time we start from a different point than we’ve done previously. Taking on Embryo #5 begins with three themes we want to explore. These are questions we’ve pondered for some time and which we believe to be rather vital to answer. We hope you feel the same way.
Theme One: In it for life
The first theme deals with how to manage being active in a scene that –for as long as we’ve been part of it – rather than a movement resembles a phase you go through (like adolescence). Some have become disillusioned or abject during their time in the extra-parliamentary Left – the revolution might not happen in our lifetime after all. On the other hand, many have learnt new skills and enhanced self-confidence here – the habit of leading meetings, planning and organizing actions, writing pamphlets, speaking in front of a lot of people and organizing workshops.
But if we don’t want to leave this phase, even though we might not be considered young adults anymore, having children and permanent jobs? How can we create a scene that enables you to remain active even when your life and circumstances change? And how do we take care of each other and create a sustainable activism? An activism based not on individual enthusiasts carrying through until they burn out just to be superseded by the next generation of enthusiasts? How have you dealt with it? What are your experiences? What has worked for you? Theme Two: Structures for movement
The second theme takes up the thread where the first one left off. How can our structures (collective spaces, archives, resources, experiences) help to create a continuous movement or a sustainable activism? What significance does an autonomous space as Utkanten have for activists in Malmö? What traces has the burnt down Cyclops left in Kulturkampanjen?
In Sweden, during the last ten years, Solidaritetsgrupper (anti repression groups) and Aktivist Trauma Support have lined up with the Anarchist Black Cross. What functions do these solidarity structures fill? Or for that matter, our other infrastructure – permanent people’s kitchens, joint farming projects, infoshops and distros?
Previous years’ internal discussions took place in forums that are not available for many of those who are active today. How can we create a continuous exchange of experience? People should not have to reinvent the wheel but rather fall back on the experiences others have collected before them, while at the same time no truths may be too sacred to be questioned and discussed.
Theme Three: How to go about actual change
The third theme, finally, focuses on our perspectives. Why do we do what we do? We are anarchists (or autonomous activists) and strive for an entirely different society that we often have a clearer notion of than we have of the way to get there. With Embryo # 5 we want to strike a blow for the need of long term activism.
We could easily spend all waking time on urgent responses or actions only centered on the here and now – but to actually begin advancing our positions in the conflicts at hand, something more is needed. We must ask ourselves where we want to get and how our actions today take us towards that aim.
Like Timbro (a Swedish neoliberal think tank) in the early 80s copied the language and ways of the left, we can take over a mode of operation from the established organizations and businesses:
A target document.
We call for strategic thinking, evaluation and development of tactics. Your participation if you were not discouraged by the mass of text above, but rather inspired by the idea of contributing to #5, please contact us: You do not have to have a finished article – an opening idea is a good start. Similarly, if you have an article that you think does not bear all the way or that needs to be proof-read – send it to us, we’ll comment on it or suggest changes and send it back, you send it back again and so forth until everyone is content with it.
We are also happy for any photos, comics, or collages. All submitted material may not be included in the zine, though. The time frame is tight, we want the final versions of all contributions at the end of March, since our goal is to have Embryo #5 translated, designed and printed on time for the anarchist bookfair in Stockholm in June.
This zine will not be the end of these discussions, but it can be a part of an ongoing process, hopefully taking us further.
Love & struggle!/Embryo Collective

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Monday, February 08, 2010


Molly just received this call out from the Anarchist Voices Magazine and Video Project', formerly Total Liberty magazine. So, if you feel like getting something off your chest why not grease up that typing finger and send your thoughts on to JS.
Articles needed for Anarchist Voices magazine:
It's that time again.
I'm hoping to get an edition of Anarchist Voices together in time for April / May and need articles!
500 - 1000 words. Plain English not academic English.
Simple black and white graphics (A4 sized are great as I can reduce them! after scanning!). Send to
Best wishes

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Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well, here's one to prove that Molly doesn't always keep her nose to the grindstone in her cold and inhospitable country. Here's an item from the antipodes, Australia to be exact. The anarchist magazine 'Mutiny Magazine' from Sydney Australia is once more issuing a call for articles and other contributions to their efforts. This one will be issue # 46. Congrats to the comrades for such a sustained effort. Here's the callout.
Callout for contributions to Mutiny Zine May #46‏:
This one's going to be a little late so bear with us comrades :)
**Deadline is FRIDAY 8th January 2010** (deadline may be extended)Contact us if you can't make the deadline but can still commit to writing us something for an extension.
Send us:
* 350 words of news, actions, resistances, occupations, updates on political situations, etc.
* 1500 words worth of articles
* 350 words worth of reviews on recordings/screenings/gigs/films/books/'graphic novels'/etc
Please send your submissions to
Links to the latest issue #45:
and several back issues can be found at
(Email us for any that haven't been uploaded yet, and we'll see what we can do).
Mutiny Zine Collective

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Issue number 9 of the excellent libertarian socialist journal 'Upping The Anti' is now out. Quite a good magazine. Molly is herself a subscriber, and, of course, you can't get any higher recommendation than that. Here's the details.
UTA issue #9 now available + holiday subscription deal!:‏
Please forward widely
Dear Friends and Comrades,
We are pleased to announce that the ninth issue of Upping the Anti, a journal of theory and action, is can now be ordered online or purchased at these fine booksellers.
UTA 9 includes:
Interviews with Eli Clare and Sherene Razack
◘Ben Saifer on Campus Israel advocacy and the politics of "dialogue"
◘Kate Milley on anti-Native organizing and the "Caledonia Crisis"
◘Chris Hurl and Kevin Walby on the rise and fall of the Canadian Union of Students
◘Roundtables on the ten year of anniversary of the "Battle of Seattle" and anti-Olympics organizing in British Columbia

Upping the Anti is a radical journal published twice a year by a pan-Canadian collective of activists and organizers. We are dedicated to publishing radical theory and analysis about struggles against capitalism, imperialism and all forms of oppression.

Since our debut in 2005, we’ve published articles by and interviews with renowned activists and intellectuals, including Aijaz Ahmad, Himani Bannerji, Grace Lee Boggs, Ward Churchill, Michael Hardt, John Holloway, Sunera Thobani, Deborah Gould, and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz.We have covered a wide range of topics including Palestine solidarity activism, the strengths and weaknesses of the contemporary anti-war movement, trans politics and anti-capitalism, Indigenous solidarity, contemporary feminist organizing, activist burnout, the dynamics of the animal liberation movement, and the contradictions and challenges facing student organizing.
Looking for that perfect holiday gift?
This holiday season, give the gift of revolutionary thought to your friends, family, coworkers or comrades. For a limited time, you can get Issues 8, 9 and 10 of Upping the Anti delivered right to your door, or to the door of your choosing for just $25 CAD or $35 USD. Canada - Holiday Promo
Issues 8, 9 and 10 of Upping the Anti delivered right to your door $25.00 - Login or Register to add this to your cart.USA - Holiday Promo Issues 8, 9 and 10 of Upping the Anti delivered right to your door $35.00 - Login or Register to add this to your cart.Order by December 30th and receive 3 issues of Upping the Anti for $25
!Happy holidays
The Upping the Anti Editorial Committee
A Journal of Theory and Action
If the articles in Upping The Anti inspire or enrage you, if they have been useful (or not) in your organizing work, or if you have something to contribute to an argument on our pages, please consider writing us a letter. We print letters up to 1,000 words and reserve to the right to edit for clarity, spelling, and grammar. Email letters to

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Saturday, December 12, 2009


De Anarkismo/ From Anarkismo.
Cause commune no 26:
Le numéro 26 de Cause commune, le journal de l'Union communiste libertaire (UCL), est maintenant disponible sur le web.

4000 exemplaires papier de ce journal sont distribués gratuitement par des militantes et des militants libertaires, membres ou non de l’organisation. Cause commune se veut un tremplin pour les idées anarchistes, en appui aux mouvements de résistance contre les patrons, les proprios et leurs alliés au gouvernement. Vous pouvez soumettre un texte ou nous faire part de vos commentaires en écrivant à Si le journal vous plaît et que vous voulez aider à le diffuser dans votre milieu, contactez le collectif de l’UCL le plus près de chez-vous (voir la liste sur
Au sommaire du numéro 26:
Le capital en déroute: une analyse communiste libertaire de la crise
Perspectives libertaires: Et s’il n’y avait pas de complot?
Contre-manif prochoix
Échangeur Turcot : La lutte s’intensifie.
Pendant ce temps en Espagne...
La Marseillaise canadienne
Conflits au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
Ontario: La mine aux mineurs !
Related Link:
Common Cause number 26:
Issue 26 of Common Cause, the newspaper of the Union Communist Libertaire (UCL), is now available on the web.
4000 paper copies of this newspaper are distributed free by libertarian militants, whether or not members of the organization. Common Cause wants to be a springboard for anarchist ideas, in support of resistance movements against the bosses, the owners and their allies in government. You can submit a text or send us your comments by writing to . If you like the paper and you want to help distribute it in your community, contact the group at UCL the nearest you (see list on ).
In number 26:
** Capital in collapse: a libertarian communist analysis of the crisis
**Libertarian perspectives: And if there wasn't any conspiracy?
**Pro-Choice counter demonstration
** Turcot Exchange: The struggle intensifies.
** Meanwhile in Spain ...
** The Canadian Marseillaise
**Conflicts in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
** Ontario the mine to the miners!
Related Link:

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Issue number 112 of 'Workers' Solidarity' the newspaper of the Irish Workers' Solidarity Movement is now available as a downloadable pdf file. See either their website or the link below. The WSM has carried out an amazing work of organizing and agitating in their own country, and they have also been a great inspiration to others of us in Canada and the USA. It's a great tribute to their hard work to see that their paper has continued for 112 issues. Most anarchist publications have the lifespan of a mayfly. Here's the promo from the Anarkismo anarchist news site.
Workers Solidarity 112 is online:
The November - December 2009 Edition of the Workers Solidarity freesheet is now online. This is the 112th issue of Ireland's anarchist paper for you to read online, download a PDF of or distribute. 10,000 copies of the print edition are produced.

Click on one of the links below for a PDF version of Workers Solidarity 112.PDF of Workers Solidarity 112 Web Edition 2.3 Mb
Anarchism and the WSM
We carried out an anti-Lisbon campaign involving the distribution of 15,000 copies of a special edition of Workers Solidarity and putting up posters advocating a no-vote. Our activity was designed to begin a discussion about the sort of Ireland and Europe people would like to live in, and was centred on the needs of working people. The vote may have been lost but several thousand people got to hear about the anarchist alternative.

Our members have been active in supporting the MTL dockers during their prolonged strike in Dublin, where several community marches and an occupation of the freight depot were staged. As we got to print talks are still taking place about the details of a return to work, but the company has been defeated in its attempt to break the union.

We were also on the streets, with 15,000 others, in the national march against cuts in the community sector on Sep 30th in Dublin and mobilised for the ICTU regional protests on Nov. 6th. Our message was that ‘marching is not enough – a national strike is needed’.

WSM members have been involved, with others, in the new Social Solidarity Network of workers, unemployed, students and communities who want to resist cutbacks in pay and services.

Members in Belfast, who earlier this year were involved in defending Roma immigrants against racist gangs, supported a picket of the BBC offices there in protest at the neo-nazi British National Party being given a television platform.

We held well-attended public meetings in Cork and Dublin with a guest speaker from the Zabalaza Anarchist-Communist Front, a South African anarchist organisation. You can find out more about Zabalaza at

Our series of public meetings about the economic crisis and the anarchist alternative continued with one in Navan in early November. WSM members also met with probably the planet’s best-known anarchist, Noam Chomsky, who visited Belfast and Dublin at the end of October.

The WSM held a successful national conference on October 31st, where we discussed the future policies and strategies of the organisation as we head into what might be a period of heightened social struggle. If you are interested in joining us in this struggle, then get in touch!
In This Issue
There is Another Way : Anarchists find huge hoard of wealth
The rich remain rich and the rest of us are supposed to keep them that way. That’s why we get pay cuts, health cuts, education cuts, job cuts. It’s not as if dipping into the pockets of PAYE workers is the only way to foot bills.
It's Time to Strike Back
Working people hit the streets in huge numbers on November 6th. The protests showed, once again, that there is a willingness to resist the government’s attacks on living standards. Most observers put the total number who walked out of work to take part in the eight protests at around 100,000.
Francisco Ferrer: Murdered By the State
A hundred years ago this year, a huge campaign arose around the world to save the life of Francisco Ferrer. A Catalonian by birth, Ferrer was an active anarchist and well known across Europe and the Americas for his radical views on education. Ferrer’s enemies were not for turning though and the campaigns failed. He shot to death by firing squad on October 13th 1909.
Social Solidarity Network formed
The government has inflicted growing hardship upon workers and communities across the country, spreading the ethos that we should all commit to sharing the pain. This has been perpetuated by mainstream media, as “sharing the pain” has been portrayed, as the only way out of this crisis.
Review of the Someday Independent
“Someday Independent” is a 4 page leaflet produced by Dublin Shell to Sea. The design/layout and graphical work is of a very high standard and compares favourably to high cost, professionally produced brochures. The overall colour scheme and design is a pleasing blue “wave” design which is easy on the eye and appropriate to the subject material without drawing too much attention to itself.
Fascists Get the Boot
In October, Anti-Fascist Action successfully prevented a large European neo-nazi gig from going ahead in Kerry. Dozens of Slovakian, Polish and Czech neo-nazis were planning to spend a long weekend in Ireland to celebrate the birthday of a leading fascist living in Dublin who’s originally from Prague. AFA managed to stop the gig from taking place and even had the pleasure of bumping into a few of the Blood & Honour fascists in Dublin.
A veteran anarchist speaks of revolution, war and bad coffee…
During his recent visit to Dublin, Workers Solidarity took the opportunity, over “bad coffee”, to chat to 93 year old Roma Marquez Santo about some of his experiences of the Spanish revolution. In 1936 Roma was a metal worker and a member of both the UGT trade union and the POUM, an anti-Stalinist communist party.
Thinking About Anarchism: Workers Have the Power
In the WSM we're often asked why we spend so much time talking about the working class. Even the title of our paper, Workers Solidarity, seems a bit odd to some - why are we talking so much about workers? Isn't anarchism for everybody? And aren't we all middle class now?Review of Black Flame
This is an excellent work. It is wide ranging, both in terms of subjects covered and geography. The latter makes a welcome break from most accounts of anarchism, which are sadly all-too Eurocentric. The former sees anarchist analysis expanded from the usual subjects of political authority and economic class into gender and imperialism (and national liberation struggles). It covers such perennial issues as anarchist organisation (including ‘Platformism’), the Spanish Revolution and a host of others.
That's Capitalism
If the recession is hitting everyone, who is buying the Goldvish mobile phone? This diamond-encrusted mobile costs a cool €1 million. See And you can write the cheque with a limited edition Montblanc fountain pen for $25,000 (€17,072).

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Monday, September 28, 2009


Celle article est de le blog Voix de faits à Québec. This article is from the Voix De Faits blog in Québec.
Cause commune no 25
Le numéro 25 de Cause commune, le journal de l'Union communiste libertaire (UCL), est maintenant disponible sur le web.
4000 exemplaires papier de ce journal sont distribués gratuitement par des militantes et des militants libertaires, membres ou non de l’organisation. Cause commune se veut un tremplin pour les idées anarchistes, en appui aux mouvements de résistance contre les patrons, les proprios et leurs alliés au gouvernement. Vous pouvez soumettre un texte ou nous faire part de vos commentaires en écrivant à Si le journal vous plaît et que vous voulez aider à le diffuser dans votre milieu, contactez le collectif de l’UCL le plus près de chez-vous (voir la liste sur
Au sommaire du numéro 25:
**Si les élections pouvaient changer la ville... Elles seraient interdites!
**[Perspectives libertaires] La vraie fraude, c'est le capitalisme
**L’anarchie de A à Z: «W» comme Wobblies
**Échangeur Turcot: Des logements, pas du béton!
**Fredy Villanueva : Un an plus tard à Montréal-Nord
**Blackwater USA : Besoin d’une guerre? Nous sommes les spécialistes!
**En Afghanistan pour défendre les droits des femmes?
**Syndicalisation : Starbucks montre son vrai visage
**[Courrier] Qui sème la privatisation, récolte la radicalisation
**[Luttes urbaines] Le centre-ville de Québec dans la mire des promoteurs
Cause commune no 25
Issue number 25 of Cause Commune, the newspaper of the Libertarian Communist Union(UCL), is now available on the web.
4000 paper copies of this newspaper are distributed free by libertarian activists , whether members or not of the organization. Cause Commune wants to be a springboard for anarchist ideas, in support of resistance movements against the bosses, the owners and their allies in government. You can submit a text or send us your comments by writing to . If the paper pleases you and you want to help distribute in your community, contact the group at UCL the nearest you (see list on ).
Summray of Issue Number 25:
**If elections could change the city ... They would be banned!
**[Libertarian Perspective] The real fraud is capitalism
**Anarchy A to Z: "W" as in Wobblies
**Turcot Interchange: Housing, not concrete!
**Fredy Villanueva: One year later in Montreal North
**Blackwater USA: Need a War? We're the experts!
**In Afghanistan to defend women's rights?
**Unionization: Starbucks shows its true face
**[Letters] He who sows privatization harvesst radicalization
[Urban Struggles ] The city of Quebec in the sights of developers

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Saturday, August 29, 2009


Molly has often mentioned how the ideas of anarchism are spreading and turning up in areas where they have been long fallow and even in parts of the world where they had little currency before. South and Central America are, of course, not virgin territory in terms of anarchist ideas, but it has still been gratifying to see how anarchism is once more setting down roots in areas where it was once so strong. Not so long ago Molly announced the web debut of groups from Peru and Bolivia. Now here's an announcement from Costa Rica. This country has been mentioned here before, but the group involved seemed to be dormant. Now their magazine La Libertad is out and about in its 10th edition.
The following is an English translation from the orginal Spanish which appeared at THIS LINK on the Anarkismo site.
[Costa Rica] La Libertad 10 hits the streets:
Better late than never ...
To the community of our readers , the most sincere of apologies: Much has happened to the editorial team of La Libertad, new spaces have opened and others have unfortunately closed . We have had to undertake a restructuring process, at both the personal and group level. If not for the support of many people who have demonstrated their love for this project, there would have been no new issue. A thank you to everyone.
** Editorial
**Notes on Costa Rican unionism
**Speech and Action
**May 1, repression and anarchist memory
** Anarchism in El Salvador
**Augusto Cesar Sandino, a free man
**Validity of anarchist thinking in Costa Rica
**Paradoxes of work
**Health, an approach to a social problem from an emergency service
**The ego, anarchism and the rules of living
**The insurgent
**Bitter Humor
Those who are interested in distributing our publication please communicate by email.
Costa Rica 500 colones
Foreign: $ 1 or 1 euro
Salud y libertad
Related Link: /

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Saturday, August 08, 2009


The latest edition of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), is out and available- even available as a downloadable pdf. Here's the announcement from the IWW's website.
Industrial Worker - Issue #1718, August/September 2009:
**Korean Motor Workers Under Police Siege
**French Auto Workers To Blow Up Factory?
**Starbucks Workers Union Expands To Canada
**London Workers Shut Down Underground
**Honduras Uprising Against Coup
Capitalism And The Transformation Of Africa
Download a free PDF copy of this issue.

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009


The English anarchist journal "Black Flag' is looking for contributions to its next edition. Here's their request via the Anarkismo website.

Black Flag issue 230 appeal:
Looking for articles for the next issue of Black Flag.

Black Flag is a UK based class struggle anarchist magazine which (currently) comes out twice a year. We are not affiliated with any of the British anarchist federations, although we aim to have friendly relationships with all and hope to increase co-operation in the future. We also work with the comrades at Freedom.
We are currently getting issue 230 ready and we are appealing for comrades to contribute articles. We aim, as usual, to have the autumn issue ready for this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair (which is the 24th of October this year and, as usual, we will be having a stall). This means that we need material as soon as possible for early copy, with a final the deadline of September 19th – but, obviously, the sooner the better!
As usual, we need articles about current events. We have a lot of history and theory, although obviously if it is a good article we would consider it.
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us. And please pass this onto anyone who would be interested in writing articles or otherwise getting involved. Articles should be, preferably, in rich text format (rtf).
Needless to say, we are looking for articles by class struggle anarchists (or those close to that position) and which reflect a communist-anarchist or anarcho-syndicalist perspective (or, again, those close to that position).
If you are interested in getting issues of Black Flag to sell, please contact us as well. One of the regular issues with the magazine is distribution and we really need for comrades to take bundles to sell. There is little point in producing a magazine which only a few people read!
We recently had an excellent review of the last issue (229) in Freedom and we have placed back issues on line (numbers 226, 227 and 228) in case you wish to see what it is like.
Obviously, we would like comrades to buy these if they can (we do have printers bills to pay!).
If you have articles for us, or wish to get involved please contact us.
blackflagmag[replace with at sign]
Black Flag
BM Hurricane
United Kingdom
Related Link:

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Sunday, July 26, 2009


The Northeastern Anarchist number 14 is now out and about, according to the following notice from the Anarkismo site. Funny thing, as is has actually be out for some time now, as I received a copy in the mail weeks ago. In any case, check out the journal of the Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists. Here's the notice.

The Northeastern Anarchist #14 is out now!:
NEFAC is proud to announce the relsease of issue #14 of the Northeastern Anarchist; a magazine of class struggle theory and practice.

The Northeastern Anarchist is a journal of anarchist communist theory and practice. It is edited by the Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists (NEFAC). The magazine keeps growing in size and is still available to you for $4. There are 44 pages of new reading inside this issue's shiny cover. Check out ordering info and a list of articles below.Get in touch to get a copy in person. Otherwise, ordering info is below.
VIA Paypal
payable to: lady (at)
Note all subscription info, as indicated below*, at the time of your paypal transaction.
VIA check or money order
payable to: "Northeastern Anarchist" send to:
The Northeastern Anarchist
PO Box 230685, Boston, MA 02123, USA
northeastern_anarchist (at)
Subscription (4 issues) ................. $15
Solidarity Subscription..................$25
support free subs for prisoners
Single back issues $2 each
Entire set of back issues (#1-8, 10-13) ......$22
Bundle orders for distribution $3 per copy for five or more copies
$2.50 per copy for ten or more
International orders ......please add $4<
1. Change We Need, an Anarchist Perspective on the 2008 Election
2. Journal of a Long Struggle, the 2007-2008 student strike in Quebec
by Julie Des
3. Sex Workers are Doing it for Themselves, Why the Radical Left Should Care about Sex Workers Rights
by Susan Rohwer
4. Another Approach for Radicals, the Anti-Capitalist Bloc @ the RNC, an I.W.W.Report
by Kieran
5. Class Struggle Anarchist Conference, New York City, May 31-June1, 2008
by Mitch
6. Must the Molecules Fear as the Engine Dies? Notes on the Wall Street "Meltdown"
by Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis
7. Solidarity With the Bolivian People
by FAG, FAO and FAU
8. Strengthening Anarchism's Gender Analysis, lessons from the trans-feminist movement
by Rogue
9. Towards an Anarchist History of the Chinese Revolution
by Andrew Flood
10. Students and Revolutionary Organization, an Interview with Alternative Libertaire
1. Dancing in the Streets, A History of Collective Joy, written by Barbara Ehrenreich
2. Free Comrades, Anarchism and Homosexuality in the United States, 1895-1917, written by Terrance Kissack
Related Link:

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009


They keep them coming, and they keep them coming well. Workers' Solidarity is the eponymous publication of the Irish 'Workers' Solidarity Movement'. Always a good read and a fine example of making anarchism relevant to the ordinary person. This latest edition is available in downloadable pdf format. Here's the promo from the Anarkismo website.
Workers Solidarity 110 now online:
July - August 2009 Edition of the Workers Solidarity freesheet is now online for you to download or read.
Workers Solidarity 110
Click on one of the links below for a PDF version of the northern or southern edition of Workers Solidarity 110.
PDF of Workers Solidarity 110 Southern Web Edition 1.6 Mb
PDF of Workers Solidarity 110 Northern Web Edition 2.7 Mb
Anarchism and the WSM
In the aftermath of the racist attacks that forced over 100 Romanians to flee their homes in South Belfast, the local Workers Solidarity Movement branch is hosting an afternoon of discussion about how we can tackle racism. This will be happening in the city centre on Saturday July 18th. Watch out for posters or check for the time and venue.
Workers Solidarity Movement members who took part in the defence of homes in Belgravia Avenue and Wellesley Avenue will give their account of what happened. With the rise of the far-right, as reflected in the nazi salutes and slogans of the attackers, do we need militant anti fascism today?
There will also be discussions about the anarchist idea - anarchists want to get rid of the state and capitalism but what will we replace them with? How will we organise transport, education and health? What about crime? And we will be debating the best form of organisation for anarchists. Everyone is welcome to drop in and take part, or just to have a look.
Meanwhile in Mayo the arrival of Shell’s pipe-laying ship was preceded by an increasingly aggressive attitude by Shell’s security and the Gardai towards protesters. This reached a new level when local fisherman and Shell To Sea activist Pat O’Donnell had his boat boarded by four masked men who held him and his mate captive before sinking the vessel.
WSM members have been stepping up their work in Shell To Sea to support the local campaigners and to highlight the billions being given away to Shell and other multinationals. The corruption we live under is undeniable in this case. A disgraced cabinet minister, Ray Burke, signed rights to literally billions in gas and oil away to big oil companies. In return the taxpayer got nothing. And this is hardly commented on in the press or on TV.
Millions of euros have been spent on what has felt like a garda occupation of Erris. Finding that money was no problem. It’s such a different story when money is needed to keep beds open in Crumlin children’s hospital or get a new school building in Tipperary. Looking after one of the wealthiest companies in the world appears to be more important than giving our children decent schools, or even saving their lives.
We know there are very real limits to what we can cover in a paper that appears only every two months, but we do hope that it gives some idea of anarchism. And we hope it shows its relevance to the very real concerns people have at present.
We are producing 10,000 copies, in northern and southern editions. We would like to make that a lot more. To interest people in anarchism we first have to let them know it exists, and that it is nothing like the absurd stereotype conjured up by much of the media.
If you want to help us let more people know about the anarchist alternative, why not take a bundle of Workers Solidarity and give them out to friends, at work, at gigs or put them through neighbours’ letterboxes. Send us your name and address, and we’ll send you 20 copies (more if you want them).
In This Issue
The Battle Against Shell in Mayo
1. The Corrib Gas field is worth over 30 billion euro. Enough to get Ireland working again. 2. Under the deal signed by the corrupt Minister, Fianna Fail’s Ray Burke, the taxpayer has no stake in the gas field and gets no royalties.
The War on Youth
On RTE news on 18/5/09, Mary Hanafin stated, in her usual Orwellian fashion, that the Department of Social and Family Affairs (DSFA) had now provided a financial incentive to encourage those under 20 to go into training or education. This ’financial incentive’ involved cutting the dole to €100 per week for new claimants under the age of 20.
Seize Their Assets - Break Up the Criminal Gangs
PAYE taxpayers are only not being forced to bail out bankers and speculators, we are told that we also will have to meet the compensation and legal bills of a giant paedophile network. And we should be grateful that the child abusers are throwing in a few bob towards the cost!
Surprise, Surprise, More Government Lies
From the outset of the financial mess the Irish Government currently find themselves is, they have tried pinning the blame on anyone but themselves and their big business buddies. They have been quite willing to perpetuate lies and untruths in order to deflect public ire away from themselves.
Mayo and Bolivia: The Fascist Link
For the last eight years the local communities in Rossport and Glengad, County Mayo have been resisting petro-chemical giant Shell’s plans for a high-pressure gas pipeline from the offshore gas fields to an online refinery at Bellanaboy. The project is a significant health and safety risk in the medium term, as admitted by Shells own engineers at a recent local forum examining the project. It already has caused high levels of aluminum pollution of the local water supply.
Direct Action Gets the Goods: Visteon Occupation Pays Off
The occupation of the Visteon motor parts factory in Belfast ended on May 3rd when the company gave in and agreed pay extra compensation of between six month’s and nearly two year’s money to the workforce for the loss of their jobs.
Thinking About Anarchism: The Politics of Climate Change
In recent years climate change has loomed large in the public imagination. Scientifically, there is little doubt that it is a real threat to the future of human civilisation. The greenhouse effect has been known about since the early 19th century - gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour trap heat from the sun, causing the climate of the planet to heat up over time. Probably the most spectacular known example of this effect in action is on Venus.
Film Review: Looking For Eric
Born of a Catalan mother whose family fought Franco’s forces in the Spanish Civil War and a father who juggled a nursing career and a passionate interest in painting, Cantona’s humble lineage portrays a character quite different to the one we should have expected from the one on the field, with his upturned collar and puffed out chest, his air always suggested that of a French nobleman; that and his football eventually led to him to be known as King.
Snouts in the Trough
Elections have passed, faces change but the corrupt political class remains. MPs of all parties made common cause in attempting to delay and minimise the disclosure of their fraudulent behaviour and life of grandeur and wealth, subsidised by the taxpayer.
That's Capitalism
Local DUP councillor, Adrian McQuillan seemed less than outraged at the sectarian murder of Kevin McDaid in Coleraine. He wrote it off as “tit for tat” and went on to excuse the killers: “What reason can you see for there being tricolours up yesterday afternoon, a Sunday afternoon? None other than for to get a reaction from the loyalist community…”
Race Hate Attacks in Belfast
At the time of going to press, only 14 of the 115 Romanians targeted in racist attacks in Belfast earlier this month have decided to remain in the country. The rest are returning home.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009


'Solidarity' is the news sheet of the New Zealand Aotearoa Workers' Solidarity Movement. They've now come out with issue number 4, and the following is their announcement as per the A-Infos website. The paper is readable at their website, and is available in a downloadable pdf version there as well.
New Zealand, The fourth issue of Solidarity, free news sheet of the Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM):
Download the .pdf (1.79MB) or read the contents online at the AWSM site.
-- Contents: --
-- * Women workers push for pay equity
-- * Workers on the flu front line: Fight for respect!
-- * Meet the greedy: Rob Fyfe, Air NZ CEO
-- * Super city hikoi in Auckland
If you want to make sure you don’t miss an issue of Solidarity, you can subscribe to either the print or electronic version.
To subscribe to the AWSM announcements list, put your email address in the form on the top right of the page on our website,
Subscribers will be sent pdf copies of Solidarity each month, along with other publications produced by AWSM and occasional information - we promise we won’t spam you with a ton of useless stuff though!
The electronic copy is identical to the print version.
Or, you can subscribe to the print edition to receive a copy of Solidarity in the post. $8 for 12 issues. Mail a cheque to
AWSM, PO Box 6387,
Wellington 6141,
New Zealand,
or contact us to organise an alternative method of payment.
Related Link:

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Sunday, July 05, 2009


Resistance is the bulletin of the British Anarchist Federation, and the latest issue is now in print, readable online and available as a downloadable pdf. Here's the announcement via the Anarkismo website.

Resistance Bulletin #114 July/August 2009:
Anarchist Federation (Britain) info at afed dot org dot uk BM ANARFED, London, WC1N 3XX, England, UK.

AF's regular paper is available online and in print
Iran, refinery walkouts, immigration prison struggles, Greece, the European elections, What is Anarchism? part 3, and more.
Download PDF:
Read online:
Subscribe to receive Resistance in print for a year:
Join one of our free mailing lists to receive PDF or text by email:
Also available: Organise! magazine no.72:
Full contents of the July/August 2009 issue: ·
***Refinery walkouts: the return of solidarity
***· Iran: on the brink?
***· Solidarity wins! – workers beat victimisation
***· On the frontline: workplace roundup
***· Popular protest saves Glasgow park
***· Hunger strike and rioting in immigration prisons
***· SOAS occupation gets the goods
***· Sussex uni students occupy land over job cuts
***· Greece: immigrants and anarchists struggle against racist attacks
***· The BNP: time to panic?
***· What is anarchism part 3 – from capitalism to a free society
Related Link:

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009


It's going to be party time this Friday night down Toronto way as the folks behind the theoretical journal 'Upping the Anti' celebrate the launch of issue number 8 of their magazine. here's their announcement. Go to their website for more details about what the mag is all about.
digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Upping the Anti #8 Launch Party - Concord Cafe, Toronto(Upping the Anti) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
On Friday, May 8th, join UPPING THE ANTI and DJs Saira Chhibber and Nik Red as we celebrate the launch of UPPING THE ANTI NUMBER EIGHT
Friday May 8, 8pm
The Concord Cafe
(937 Bloor Street West)
- DJs Saira Chhibber and Nik Red
-- Raffle, Dancing, Politics, Fun
- Admission: $10 (includes new issue).
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Subscribers get in free.
- Interviews with David McNally, Sam Gindin, and Leo Panitch on the economic crisis
- Interview with Deborah Gould on the legacy of ACT UP
- Interview with Helen Hudson on building sustainable movements
- John Clarke on anti-poverty organizing during the economic crisis
- Shourideh Molavi on Palestine solidarity organizing after the assault on Gaza
- Shiri Pasternak on the struggle at Barriere Lake
- Roundtable with members of the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM)
- Roundtable on activist study groups
- And More...
For more information, email or visit

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Thursday, April 30, 2009


Linchpin, the regular publication of the Ontario platformist organization Common Cause, is now out with its ninth edition. There is a downloadable pdf version at the website. Here's the announcement.
Linchpin Issue 9:

A newly designed issue of Linchpin, Common Cause's free paper, is now out for April/May.

As the recession deepens, employers continue to discard their workers, many of whom are experiencing the inadequacy of government safety nets for the first time. This issue reviews steel and auto worker responses in Hamilton and Windsor. It also provides an anarchist perspective on health care as the McGuinty government quietly leaves hospitals with no choice but to layoff staff, introduce service fees or allow services to erode.

Sarah Lawrance of Ottawa's EXILE Infoshop explains the staples of anarchist activity as educational and liberatory. Kim Mackrael of the Indigenous Peoples Solidary Network shines a light on the latest indications the Harper government wants to undermine Barriere Lake's autonomy.

Pick up a copy of Linchpin in Toronto at Toronto Women's Bookstore (73 Harbord), in Ottawa at EXILE Infoshop (256 Bank St), in Hamilton at Sky Dragon Centre 27 King William), and in London at Empowerment Infoshop (636 Queens Ave). Or download the pdf file linked below.
Andrew Loucks

This paper is published by Common Cause, an Ontario wide anarchist federation. At the first Common Cause Ontario conference held in Toronto we agreed to a basic policy document, a constitution, and a basic publication plan both online in terms of a website (, and a free printed newspaper which will be distributed in large numbers.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Le numéro 24 de Cause commune, le journal de Québec de l'Union Communiste Libertaire est maintenant disponible sur le Web. Pour télécharger une version pdf allez à la site de La Commune en Montréal. Celui-ci est de La Commune.
Cause Commune no 24:
Le numéro 24 de Cause commune, le journal de l'Union communiste libertaire (UCL), est maintenant disponible sur le web. 5000 exemplaires papier de ce journal sont distribués gratuitement par des militantes et des militants libertaires, membres ou non de l’organisation. Cause commune se veut un tremplin pour les idées anarchistes, en appui aux mouvements de résistance contre les patrons, les proprios et leurs alliés au gouvernement. Vous pouvez soumettre un texte ou nous faire part de vos commentaires en écrivant à . Si le journal vous plaît et que vous voulez aider à le diffuser dans votre milieu, contactez le collectif de l’UCL le plus près de chez-vous.

Au sommaire du numéro 24:
*Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec - Nous cotisons, vous placez, ILS EMPOCHENT !
*Opinion : Une perspective communiste libertaire sur l’anticapitalisme
*Théâtre : La Charge de l’orignal épormyable
*Sommet de l’OTAN à Strasbourg: Répression tout azimut
*Montréal: Flics assassins!
*Manifestation contre la brutalité policière à Montréal: Retour sur le 15 mars 2009
*Montréal: Grève(s) générale(s) à l’UQAM
*Saguenay: Lock-out au journal Le Réveil
*Les rendez-vous du 1er mai de l'UCL
Issue number 24 of Cause Commune, the journal of Québec's Union Communiste Libertaire, is now available on the web. To download a pdf versiongo to the La Commune site in Montréal. this is from la Commune.
Cause commune no 24:
Issue 24 of Common Cause, the newspaper of the Libertarian Communist Union (UCL), is now available on the web. 5000 copies of this newspaper are distributed free by militant activists and libertarians, both inside and outside of the organization. Common Cause is a springboard for anarchist ideas in support of resistance movements against the bosses, the owners and their allies in government. You can submit a text or send us your comments by writing to . If you like the newspaper and want to help distribute in your community, contact the UCL group nearest you.

Summary of Issue 24

*Caisse de dépôt et placement du Quebec - We contribute you invest, they pocket it!

*Opinion: A libertarian communist perspective on Anticapitalism

*Theatre: The responsibility(or charge) of the épormyable moose (***)
* NATO Summit in Strasbourg: all-out crackdown

*Montreal: Flics assassins! (killer cops-Molly)

*Demonstration against police brutality in Montreal: Reportback on March 15 2009

*Montreal: General Strike (s) at UQAM

*Saguenay: Lock-out at Le Réveil newspaper.

* May 1 meeting of the UCL
For the life of me I couldn't translate the title of this article. "Charge" may mean "responsibility", "load" or a legal " charge. The play itself concerns an interrogation of a psychiatric patient by psychologists, so perhaps any of these could apply, with legal "charge" the most likely. Trying to search for an English translation of "épormyable" was totally fruitless. While searching around I found out that nobody else seemed to have any idea either, not just my Larousse, but every online translation service and internet discussion boards on the play. The general concensus was that it is a made-up word. No doubt the author wished to mystify with the title. I'll definitely have to read the review in Cause Commune to see what the reviewer's opinion is.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009


In Molly's humble, but not so ignorant, opinion the ideas of anarchism are spreading faster today than in many decades. In addition to this "broad spread" there is an equally rapid spread of the more organization and coherent forms of anarchism, whether they be syndicalist, platformist or otherwise. Once the initial "thrill" of discovering anarchism is over the best amongst its adherents see the need for a more organized long term way to promote the ideal. Here's another recent example, via the A-Infos website from the Aotearoa Workers' Solidarity Movement.
Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement Newssheet SOLIDARITY #1 - February 2009:
Water Meters, What is AWSM?, 90 Day Act
---- Not our crisis! Resist attacks on workers ----
The current economic crisis has been and will continue to be used as a chance for the bosses and the government to launch attacks on wages and working conditions. ---- Already, the National Government has introduced legislation (such as the 90 Day Hire & Fire Act, see inside for more) that attacks our workplace conditions, and as the recession digs in further we can expect them to bring in more new laws that try to stop us from working together to improve our wages, conditions and everyday lives. Meanwhile, across the country redundancies (both "voluntary" and forced) are being used, both to get rid of staff and as a way of bullying workers into accepting below inflation pay rises (or worse!) Farmers department store workers were recently offered a minuscule 20 cent rise, and this sort of offer is becoming more and more common.Some unionised work sites have stood up to this and refused to accept sub-par offers: in recent times bus drivers in Hamilton and Wellington have both experienced lock-outs (where employers refuse to let staff back to work until they give up their demands) but they both stood staunch and received improved offers. Meanwhile, unemployment is predicted to double to 7% this year, and remain at 7 - 7.5% until 2011. Higher unemployment always means lower wages, as bosses find it easier to replace staff that demand "too much". Unemployment benefits are still set at the same low levels they were reduced to in the early 1990s, meaning that especially in the larger cities (and even more so for people with families) a firing makes it near-impossible to survive without additional assistance from charities such as food banks.Of course, all this puts pressure on workers with mortgages, and as the housing market collapses, people are finding themselves with mortgages they can't afford to pay on houses they can't sell. While the problem hasn't here yet reached the levels seen in the USA, there is no telling how bad it might get. But its not all bad news - collective action can win and has won. Recently,workers at Republic Windows and Doors in the USA occupied their workplace when it shut down, and won payouts and more! In Northern Ireland,a factory was occupied by workers who won improved redundancy packages. If we talk to our workmates and support each other in hard times, together we can ensure that we aren't made to pay for the bosses' crisis
For more info:A brief history of the crisis
crisis Analysis and news
Special Feature - Water Water meters for Wellington?
Recent weeks have seen an increase in discussion about water metering in Wellington, fuelled by Mayor Kerry Prendergast and Chair of the Greater Wellington Regional Council Fran Wilde. They, and others, are attempting to use environmental and conservation concerns as away to push through compulsory metering without opposition, but several groups have seen through their charade and are campaigning against the introduction of water meters. The Wellington Residents' Coalitionis currently having monthly meetings, stalls and planning sessions to organise against this attack on Wellington's poorest. AWSM is working within the Coalition on this. Currently, residential water in Wellington is paid for by a portion of rates - in other words, the more expensive your house, the more you pay towards the city's water bill. Water meters would see the cost of providing water fall disproportionately on those who can least afford it. While there are measures that can be taken to lower household water usage (such as rainwater tanks and greywater systems), their cost is often out of reach for many families, and of course renters and council tenants have no real ability to install them. The Council is quite happy to let Wellington's single largest water user, Taylor Preston Limited in Ngaraunga Gorge, receive a hefty subsidy for their water bill, showing well and truly where their priorities lie - with business and the rich, not ordinary Wellingtonians. If you are interested in finding out more or getting involved in the campaign, visit / or contact AWSM.
Profile: Auckland Water Pressure Group
The battle against commercialised water services and user charges has been going for over a decade in Auckland City, and there is a lot we can learn from that campaign. In 1997 the Auckland City Council commercialised water services and Metrowater Ltd was established. Metrowater removed the water pipe to a house belonging to a person who refused to pay them for water, which was until then a council run public service. This triggered the formation of the Water Pressure Group, made up of people also boycotting their wastewater bills and later both water and wastewater bills and determined to abolish Metrowater Ltd and return water services to democratic Council control. On 25 November 1998, the Water Pressure Group's Turn On Squad dug up the street and reinstalled the water pipe to a disconnected house for the first time. Over the next few years hundreds of homes had their water cut off and many needed their pipes reconnected. For three years the WPG was a very effective fully democratic group made up of people from very diverse backgrounds with many different practical skills and political views. At its height up to sixty people attended weekly organising meetings where ideas and plans were discussed and voted on by the meetings. Up to 2000 supporters refused to pay their water bills and took part in protest marches, openly digging up streets and installing water pipes, and distributing leaflets across Auckland and holding many public meetings. Despite enormous pressure at times, a succession of city councils ­ both right-wing and "centre-left" ­ have betrayed the people's demands and the despised Metrowater still exists despite an on-going bills boycott campaign.The WPG didn't stop user charges in Auckland but the campaign has played a big part in slowing down the spread of commercialised water services around New Zealand. Also in preparing local citizens for worse to come. Right now, there are imminent plans to entirely restructure Auckland, and an extreme danger exists of water services being commercialised across the region, or even prepared for privatisation, by franchise. We can learn from the experience of the Water Pressure Group as the Wellington and Christchurch City Councils are trying to commercialise and eventually privatise water services. The most effective way to fight this is with non-hierarchical community groups using mass based direct action.
for more details.
He wai Mori -
Drinking water in Parihaka Local and the national government are currently on a propaganda mission trying to convince us that water is owned by `all of us' (and not Mori). However, this is simply a charade to firstly bring water under state ownership and at a later stage privatise water distribution and commodify water. The Wellington City Council wants to introduce water meters and soon we could find ourselves in a similar situation as the people of Cochabamba (Mexico) where in 2003 even the rain was privatised. In Parihaka, the community has already put a water system in place that is operated and owned by the the community. Parihaka is a small village in Taranaki with a huge history. Invaded by 1,500 colonial troops in 1881 after a direct action campaign to stop the confiscation of land, thousands of Mori were arrested and thrown in jail - some for years - without trial. A 2000 acre block, collectively owned by several thousand people, is all that remains under indigenous control and around 25 people, half of them kids, live in the papakainga. No one pays rates to the council and the maintenance of the road into the pa and the electricity supply as well as rubbish removal and recycling are all organised by the community. In recent years, pipes were laid to a spring a few kilometres up the road. This spring provides the whole village with safe drinking water. A large 2,000,000 litre tank was built into a hill. This water reservoir does not only cater for the village, it stores enough water for drinking, showers and toilets during the Parihaka International Peace Festival in January. The festival lasts three days and around 10,000 people come to listen to music, speakers and participate in discussions on topics such as environmental sustainability, tino rangatiratanga and Parihaka history.
Glossaryhe wai Mori - fresh water commodify - to turn something into a commodity, something that can be bought and sold on the capitalist market papakainga - village tino rangatiratanga - can be translated as sovereignty / absolute chieftainship
Say NO to the 90 Day Hire & Fire Act!
Workers in small businesses across the country are soon to be subject to new attacks on their rights at work. The National Party's 90 Day Hire And Fire Act which comes into effect in late March 2009 means that any worker at a business that employs under 20 workers (over 90% of work sites, over 30% of employed workers) can be fired without reason during the first 90 days of employment. The Council of Trade Unions estimates that approximately 100,000 people fall into this category at any one time. While workers at larger work sites are currently not affected, the National Party has shown that it will likely seek to extend this law to all workers at some point and there is no doubt that the powerful business lobbies will be heavily pushing for this over the coming years.Recent years have seen an increase in casualised labour, temp agencies and the like. The 90 Day Act simply takes these moves one step further in reducing job security. The message from the Government and employers is clear - we should be grateful for the jobs we have, and accept attacks without question or we will be fired .In reality however,the capitalist system- the very system that organises the economy at the moment - is based on us workers selling our labour to the employers who make huge profits from our time and effort. And now, in times of economic crisis with diminishing profits, it is supposed to be the workers who pay for the bosses' stuff-up! We can resist attacks by taking collective action with our fellow workers.By linking together (in unions and in other groups) we can better focus our power and fight for better wages and conditions. The only way to stop the 90 Day Act (and any future extensions of it) is by taking direct action, standing up with our workmates and supporting any and all victims of this new law. Employers that attempt to use this legislation must be targeted with pickets, slowdowns, work-to-rule and other forms of collective action in order to teach them a lesson- that it is workers who hold the power and when we act together we can and will win!AWSM will stand alongside unions and other groups fighting against the 90 Day Act- get involved today! Left - An EPMU member at a protest at Parliament against a previous attempt to pass 90 day legislation in 2006
AWSM Aims & Principles
1: The Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement is an organisation working towards a classless, stateless society: anarchist-communism. We are made up of revolutionary class-struggle anarchists from across Aotearoa / New Zealand.
2: Capitalism is based on the exploitation of the working class by the ruling class. But inequality and exploitation are also expressed in terms of race, gender, sexuality, health, ability, age etc,and in these ways one section of the working class oppresses another. This divides us, causing a lack of class unity in struggle that benefits the ruling class. Oppressed groups are strengthened by autonomous action which challenges social and economic power relationships. To achieve our goal we must relinquish power over each other on a personal as well as a political level.
3: We believe that fighting all forms of oppression and exploitation is necessary. Anarchist-Communism cannot be achieved while sexism and racism still exist. In order to be effective in their struggle against their oppression both within society and within the working class, oppressed groups may at times need to organise independently. However, this should be as working class people only,as cross-class movements hide real class differences and achieve little for those in the oppressed groups. Full emancipation cannot be achieved without the abolition of capitalism
.4: We support Tino Rangatiratanga and stand in solidarity with grassroots indigenous struggle and direct action, while not supporting Mori capitalism and corporatisation (we acknowledge the lack of anarchist theory on the indigenous struggle in Aotearoa / New Zealand and are in the process of researching, debating and discussing a more detailed position on this point).
5: While trade unions can never be revolutionary, we recognise that the majority of collective workplace struggle today occurs within unions and therefore our members should join unions where they exist in their workplace, while being wary of any attempts by union bureaucrats to stifle rank and file struggle. Where unions do not exist we encourage our members to engage with their fellow workers to initiate collective action.
6: We recognise that the general strike is one of the working class' most powerful weapons and oppose all restrictions on worker's rights to take collective action, including strikes.
7: As well as exploiting and oppressing the majority of people worldwide, Capitalism threatens the planet through war and the destruction of the environment.
8: It is not possible to abolish Capitalism without a revolution, which will arise out of class conflict.The ruling class must be completely overthrown to achieve anarchist communism. Because the ruling class will not relinquish power without their use of armed force, this revolution will be a time of violence as well as liberation.
9: We acknowledge that by implementing the organisation section of the The Organizational Platform of the Libertarian Communists- theoretical unity, tactical unity, collective responsibility and federalism - we will be be stable to move forward in promoting the aims and principles of the Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement

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