Tuesday, August 03, 2010



The following appeal for solidarity with Alexey Gaskarov, a political prisoner in Russia, comes originally from the website of the Revolutionary Confederation of Anarchosyndicalists (KRAS). KRAS is the Russian section of the anarchosyndicalist international the IWA-AIT. Molly first saw the following version on the A-Infos site. I have slightly edited what follows for English grammar.
Date Mon, 02 Aug 2010 22:53:51 +0300

On July 29, some people with different political views were arrested. They are suspected of involvement in an protest action in Khimky a city near Moscow the previous day. Among them is a well known libertarian activist and antifascist Alexey Gaskarov. They are charged without any proof of organization of attacks against city administration building. The defendants face up to 7 years of prison on charges of «hooliganism» and organization of mass disorder. New arrests are taking place. It is obvious that the authorities will clearly try to discredit and crush oppositional movements in Russia. ---- We call libertarian and antifascist activists of whole world to show solidarity with arrested anarchist comrade.

What can you do?

1) Send protest faxes and e-mails to this address:

Khimky city court of Moscow Oblast
141400, Khimky
ulica Leningradskaya, 16
fax: (495) 572-83-14

To: President of Khimki Court
Mrs. S.B. Galanova


At present, your court is examining the case against social activist
Alexey Gaskarov.
Alexey Gaskarov was arrested on July 29 on the street by officers of
«Center E»: in this case, the basic rules of detention under the law
on the police were violated. Hiis apartment was searched in violation
of established procedures, without a warrant, compiling an inventory
of seized property, and without witnesses. Suspicions and accusations
against him (organization of the attack against the city
administration building in Khimky on July 28, 2010) are entirely
groundless, and that manifested itself at the first meeting of the
court. Allegations that he was arrested at the scene in Khimky is a
lie. The so-called witnesses clearly lie and confuse the hearings.

Under these conditions, we can not assess the arrest of Alexey
Gaskarov and this trial other than as a purely political process, and as an
outrageous act of repression and violation of civil rights. We
strongly protest against this lawlessness and intend to organize a
broad international campaign of protests against the new
manifestations of authoritarianism and dictatorial tendencies in

We demand the immediate release of Alexey Gaskarov and the dropping of all
charges against him

Name of organization, date, signature


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Sunday, March 21, 2010


Anarchism is worldwide, perhaps even more so now than in its 'golden age'. It is also internationalist to the core and defends the right of free movement across the world. Here's a report from the A-Infos website about a demonstration in Bulgaria against detention of immigrants in that country. I've done my best to edit it into proper English.
Bulgaria, Repost from Protest in front of the detention center
Here is a small report from yesterday.... Sofia, Bulgaria - On March 20, 2010 at the "Home for the temporary accommodation of foreigners" in the quarter of Busmanci from 11 am to 13 pm we held a peaceful protest rally against arbitrariness and repression against immigrants and in defense of their human rights.
We gathered about 40 people to protest against this antihuman place demanding the immediate release of the people in general and also against the state policy against people detained there. The protest was organized by the Civil Initiative Committee and the Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria.
Anarohsaprotiva was attended by activists, lawyers, friends of the detainees at the center, bloggers, and citizens. Despite good weather and previously sent press releases - the place had a TV and 2 journalists. No cameraman nor any other journalists.
However, police were in place, ie before the high walls of prison long before the protesters. A video-duty cop was also at his post. The people in the prison had been informed of the protest and thus people stood at the bars. Dozens of hands with Victory sign passed through the narrow bars. Many of the people inside were tied hand and mouth with rags, probably torn sheets. Many showed photos through the bars of their children. There were handmade banner with the inscription Busmantzi -Freedom;. Throughout there was chanting - "Guantanamo, Freedom, Human Rights We Want Freedom" ... attempts at chanting in Bulgarian.
The protesters distributed a leaflet on the problem and the newspaper "Free Thought". the leaflet was read during the megaphone, was a short talk by a former prisoner at center. Chants were in Bulgarian and English, slogans such as "There's no Illegal people," "Papers for All or No Papers at All!", The freedom of movement is everybody's right, we are here and we will fight", "Busmanci - Guantanamo", "No borders, no nations stop the deportation" and others.
There was a short parade down the street to the jail. Police did not intervene, and after half an hour the protesters withdrew, arguing before the final closed that "we will be back, this is only the beginning". People waved for a long time through the bars and shouted "Thank you" while the group went away.
This was the first protest in Bulgaria for the rights of immigrants and refugees ever....Pictures here
LGB, AS group Sofia.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010



La Page Noire est l'infoshop anarchiste du Québec. Voice certains éléments des nouvelles pour la nouvelle année. Le texte suivant a attiré l'attention de Molly par le site web A-Infos.

La Page Noire is Québec City's anarchist infoshop. Here's some new items for the new year that they have in stock. The following came to Molly's attention via the A-Infos website.
Québec : Nouveautés janvier - La Page Noire:
Voici quelques unes des nouveautés du mois de janvier 2010. À noter l'arrivée desderniers numéros de la revue Réfraction, mais surtout d'un grand nombre demagnifiques posters de Celebrate Peoples' History, Beehive Collective et dumanifeste des jeunes féministes (Toujours rebelles). Enfin, nous vous invitons aulancement du livre J'haïs les féministes de Mélissa Blais le vendredi le 5 février.
Bonne année!
Le collectif de la Page noire
Le climat change... et la société ?
Florence Rudolf
Le risque de réchauffement accéléré de la planète n'est plus uniquement une question de sciences, mais également une question sociale majeure. Cet ouvrage propose une approche élargie du changement climatique en lui apportant l'indispensable éclairage des sciences humaines et sociales.

États, experts, médias, organisations écologistes, citoyens et opinions publiques..., il s'agit ici de faire le point sur l'ensemble des acteurs impliqués dans le changement climatique, sur leurs représentations et leurs conceptions de la crise, sur la façon dont ils interagissent, et bien entendu sur leurs moyens d'agir.

Ce livre s'adresse à chacun d'entre nous. Il n'est pas destiné aux experts, mais à tous celles et ceux qui se sentent concernés par le destin de la planète, des êtres vivants et de l'humanité.
Le mandat impératif, de la Révolution française à la Commune
par Jean-Luc Debry
Pierre-Henri Zaidman explore en historien la genèse du mandat impératif et la défaite de ses partisans face aux tenants de la démocratie représentative. Son texte a le grand mérite de resituer le débat dans son contexte historique : 1791 et les Enragés (Jacques Roux, Théophile Leclerc, John Oswald et Jean-François Varlet), 1848 et les fouriéristes, 1871 et la Commune de Paris bien sûr, sans oublier les étonnantes ambiguïtés des blanquistes.
PEEL: The Art of the Sticker
Hardcover, 160 pages, includes 69 stickers
This book includes photo and interview highlights from the first eight issues of PEEL, as well as a brief story of the birth of the zine, some never before published images, and some behind the scenes photos.

From the back of the book: Stickers have long been part of the street-art scene, but PEEL is the first magazine dedicated to this aspect of graffiti. Inspired by the wealth of stickers they saw all over New York City when they traveled there from Indianapolis, Indiana, to help with the Sept. 11 clean-up, Dave and Holly Combs have never been able to look at stickers the same. With every issue of PEEL, the couple feature art, and the community around it. Having evolved from a hand-made zine stuffed into plastic bags to a glossy, internationally distributed magazine, this book documents the development of PEEL and sticker culture, as both are intimately linked.
Dans un village d'Aragon,
dont je ne veux pas rappeler le nom...
Ricardo Vazquez Prada
En juillet 1936, l'arrivée des troupes franquistes dans un petit village d'Aragon précipite dans l'horreur ses habitants, parmi lesquels la famille du menuisier don Pedro. Pour sa femme, dona Maria, et ses deux filles, il s'ensuivra une petite odyssée, tissée de tragédies, d'amours et d'espoirs, au gré des aléas d'une terrible lutte à mort.

Parallèlement, un torero et un étudiant de leurs amis rejoignent la colonne Durruti, au-delà de la ligne de front toute proche.

En toile de fond se profile un affrontement entre deux projets sociaux : celui de fascistes, des grands propriétaires terriens et du clergé réactionnaire, décidés à éliminer les « rouges » jusqu'au dernier ; et celui qui s'incarne dans le nouvelle société égalitaire et communautaire que tentent d'instaurer les colonnes anarcho-syndicalistes.
Arena: On Anarchist Cinema
Eric Jerry (Contributor), Andrew Hedden (Contributor), Dan Georgakas (Contributor), Pietro Ferrua (Contributor), Russell Campbell (Contributor), and Richard Porton (Editor)
In the wake of the end of the Cold War and worldwide protests against corporate globalization, anarchism continues to attract new adherents among both aging leftists and new generations of young radicals. Arena aims to tap into this revived interest in libertarian ideas, culture and practice by providing a dynamic focal point: a journal that brings together good, stimulating and provocative writing and scholarship on libertarian culture of all kinds.

Designed for a general, intelligent, popular readership as well as for scholars and aficionados working in the area, the first issue of Arena focuses on film and video-historical and modern-and future issues will cover the entire spectrum of the arts: film, theatre, and art criticism as well as political theory and practice, reportage, letters, reviews, and unpublished fiction and nonfiction.
Nationalisme et culture
Rudolf Rocker
Né en 1873 à Mayence, une ville séduite par les idéaux de la Révolution française, Rudolf Rocker est d'abord attiré par la social-démocratie avant de s'orienter vers l'anarchisme.

Contraint de quitter l'Allemagne, il se réfugie à Paris puis à Londres, où il exerce sa profession de relieur et fréquente le groupe d'anarchistes juifs qui édite la revue Arbayter Fraynd. Revenu en Allemagne après l'armistice, il participe fin 1922-début août 1923 à la fondation de l'AIT (Association Internationale des Travailleurs), dont il assure le secrétariat. En mars 1933, après l'incendie du Reichstag, il quitte définitivement son pays natal.

Expatrié aux Etats-Unis, il collabore aux activités du cercle d'ouvriers regroupés autour de la Fraye Arbayter Shtime (La Voix du travailleur libre) puis, à partir de juillet 1936, à la campagne en faveur de la révolution espagnole. Mort en 1958, près de New York, il laisse une ouvre importante dans laquelle deux livres brillent d'un éclat tout particulier: ses Mémoires qui, en quelques 1 500 pages, retracent une trajectoire personnelle qui est aussi celle de l'anarcho-syndicalisme de la première partie du XXe siècle, et son grand ouvrage théorique, , que Bertrand Russell salua comme une "importante contribution à la pensée politique", en louant "sa brillante critique du culte de l'Etat [...], la superstition dominante et la plus nocive de notre temps".

Fruit d'un très long travail achevé en 1933, le livre ne sera publié dans sa langue d'origine qu'en 1949, soit bien après les versions en espagnol et en anglais. Il aura fallu beaucoup plus de temps encore pour que ce grand livre soit enfin disponible en langue française. Voici réparée l'injustice dont a été victime en France celui qui fut une des têtes les mieux faites du mouvement anarcho-syndicaliste, et c'est avec grande fierté que nous mettons à la disposition des lecteurs français ce qui est à l'évidence une des oeuvres les plus précieuses de la pensée libertaire du siècle passé, servie par le beau et rigoureux travail de Jacqueline Soubrier-Dumonteil.
About On The Lower Frequencies: A Secret History of The City
Erick Lyle's On the Lower Frequencies is at once a manual, a memoir and a history of creative resistance and fun in a world run rotten with poverty and war. Whether handing out fake starbucks coupons for free coffee, dropping flyers on mall-goer's heads that say "aren't you glad this isn't a bomb?" or having punk shows in laundromats, Lyle (formerly known as Iggy Scam) has shown the world over the years that you can resist consumerism and have fun and have a sense of humor at the same time.
Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today
Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today is a major collection of contemporary politically and socially engaged printmaking. This full color book showcases print art that uses themes of social justice and global equity to engage community members in political conversation. Based on an art exhibition which has traveled to a dozen cities in North America, Paper Politics features artwork by over 200 international artists; an eclectic collection of work by both activist and non-activist printmakers who have felt the need to respond to the monumental trends and events of our times.

Paper Politics presents a breathtaking tour of the many modalities of printing by hand: relief, intaglio, lithography, serigraph, collagraph, monotype, and photography. In addition to these techniques, included are more traditional media used to convey political thought, finely crafted stencils and silk-screens intended for wheat pasting in the street. Artists range from the well established (Sue Coe, Swoon, Carlos Cortez) to the up-and-coming (Favianna Rodriguez, Chris Stain, Nicole Schulman), from street artists (BORF, You Are Beautiful) to rock poster makers(EMEK, Bughouse).
Réfractions N°23 L'entraide, un facteur de révolutions
On vit une époque formidable, c'est-à-dire une époque « à craindre et à redouter », celle du grand bond en arrière, de la vague néolibérale aux relents de XIXe siècle, celle de la loi du plus fort, de la compétition à mort et de l'individualisme de la pire espèce. Aujourd'hui, l'entraide devient un délit : accueillir un sans-papiers est passible de prison, et la gauche institutionnelle contaminée a oublié d'inclure le socialisme dans son programme.

Ce sombre tableau ne serait-il qu'un trompe-l'oeil ? Car l'entraide est toujours là, partout, mais occultée. L'utopie mortifère des dominants n'est pas encore parvenue à détruire la spontanéité naturelle des relations solidaires qui rejaillissent sansfin, en tous lieux, en tous temps. En période de crise, c'est-à-dire de nécessité, les initiatives de solidarité se multiplient : on résiste, on survit quand même, et dans la joie. On redécouvre le troc, le don, la réciprocité, les coups de main, les groupements d'achat, les logiciels libres, les jeux coopératifs, l'économie solidaire, etc., c'est-à-dire l'entraide, celle qui fait si peur au pouvoir parce qu'elle est imprévisible, invisible, omniprésente et puissante.

Cette crise, c'est l'occasion de rouvrir le vieux dossier anarchiste de l'entraide, ou plutôt de L'Entr'aide, comme l'explique Marianne Enckell dans le premier article. Pour les anars, la référence, c'est le titre du livre de Pierre Kropotkine, L'Entraide, un facteur de l'évolution (1902). Mais que retenir aujourd'hui de ce livre ? Est-il toujours d'actualité ? Jean-Christophe Angaut nous met en gardecontre son côté naturaliste, tout en rappelant que ce livre reste encore incontournable. L'animalité, ce n'est pas la loi du plus fort, c'est aussi l'entraide qui navigue naturellement entre nature et politique.
Note sur l'histoire d'un mot, Marianne Enckell
Que faire du naturalisme de L'Entraide ? Jean-Christophe Angaut
Faut-il chercher dans la nature un fondement des valeurs morales ? Annick Stevens
Nature et culture (ou vice versa), Alain Thévenet
Faut-il chercher dans nos gènes un fondement des comportements sociaux ? Jacques van Helden
Qu'a-t-on appris sur l'entraide depuis Kropotkine ? Pablo Servigne
Kropotkine fondateur de la gauche darwinienne, Pierre Jouventin
Être anarchiste oblige ! André Bernard
Entretien avec Sylvie Knoerr, une individualiste solidaire
Les jardins partagés, un exemple d'entraide libertaire. Entretien avec Laurence Baudelet, Irène Pereira
Luttes sociales et entraide : l'exemple des mutuelles dans les transports, Martial Lepic
Comment se débarrasser du trotskisme ? Alexander Neumann
L'oeuvre de Claude Lévêque au pavillon français de la biennale de Venise, Bernard Hennequin
Choses vues et vécues, Alain Bihr
Contourner un affrontement violent et stérile, Pierre Sommermeyer
Un champ de bataille comme alternative à l'Otan ? Guillaume Gamblin
L'eau tranquille fend la pierre, Wolfgang Hertle
Francisco Ferrer, Annick Stevens
Le réveil des illégalismes
Le capitalisme tangue. Les dominants s'affolent. La répression s'étend. Les lois d'exception reviennent. Le fichage de la population se veut exhaustif. Le Régime craque, qu'il crève !

La destruction d'un régime inique qui accapare les richesses et distribue la misère est une nécessité pour toute volonté créatrice.

Réfractions, qui veut à sa mesure participer à l'édification d'une société autre de libres et d'égaux, propose avec ces pages de réfléchir sur notre réalité. Ou plutôtde penser au sein de ce couple contrarié que forment nos désirs et notre réalité.

Trois moments s'articulent : la crise du capitalisme, la montée des illégalismes, la nécessité du changement radical de la société.
Qu'il crève, le régime !
Les mécanismes de la crise, Pierrick
La crise ? Une soirée à Strasbourg
Qui succédera au capitalisme ? Pierre Sommermeyer
L'heure des illégalismes
Salut à l'action directe, Marianne Enckell
Illégaliste, parfaitement ! Jean-Marc Delpech, David Doillon
Grève générale ! Bernard Hennequin
En porte-à-faux : réfugiés et sans papiers face à l'illégalité, Christophe Tafelmacher
Une révolte grecque, Jean-Pierre Duteuil
Syndicalisme d'action directe et illégalité, Irène Pereira
Désobéir à la loi ? André Bernard
Table ronde sur (...)

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Saturday, January 09, 2010


Here is a preliminary press release from the Spanish CGT on the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the CNT in Barcelona. The following English translation comes from the A-Infos site. I have slightly edited the translation below (mostly in terms of the definite article) to make it less grating to the English ear. As to the rather florid style, I'd like to assure the reader that this is a normal way of writing in Spain for almost all political persuasions, not just anarchists.


History: 100 YEARS OF ANARCHO-SYNDICALISM (1910-2010):

A hundred years ago, a handful of women and men, with their courage and rebelliousness, started to change the World.

---- Being conscious that the workers emancipation could only be achieved through direct action and be made by the workers themselves, subjugated peoples of all conditions and trades decided to organize autonomously and to assume their destiny in community without any master, government or superstition.

---- That was how anarcho-syndicalism was born under the historical names of the Confederación General de Trabajo (General Workers’ Confederation) and the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (National Workers’ Confederation)( uh-not exactly. it is more the "present" names than the "historical" names-Molly ), inspired in the principles that invigorated the First International, the most democratic, humanist and revolutionary expression of political and social self-determination that modern times have known.

Experience has shown how these antiauthoritarian ideals were the ones that promoted the most important and ambitious historical social changes. They rejected the submission culture, preached by the ruling classes, the oligarchy and the Church, fighting on the ground the intolerance of the predatory bourgeoisie, and setting a great example of solidarity, and they disputed with totalitarianism the achievements attained with so much sacrifice.

Pioneers in the denunciation of every injustice and always ahead of their time, the anarcho-syndicalists wrenched the eight-hour day from the capitalists. They also conquered, after centuries of humiliation, social equity for women bringing their ideas about social revolution, full, complete and libertarian, throughout the World and especially to Latin America, a land that from that moment turned into the second home of that heroic proletarian activism.

It was also the libertarian resistance that in a first and critical moment checked the onslaught of the mercenary Nazi fascists troops that were called up by the Francoist dictatorship to subdue the Spanish people and punish their revolutionary insolence. Even nowadays, the Spanish revolution developed from 1936 to 1939 continues to amaze the world and is considered as an historical milestone. At the same time, here in Spain, in the scene of that unequal contest, revanchism and conspiratorial forgetfulness remain, sparing with the ethical legacy of those people that had a new World in their hearts.

That’s why, when we are celebrating the first century of that brightness that still lightens the fertile path of freedom and solidarity, when the terrible mirages of the autocratic and statist power have revealed themselves as fellow travellers of domination and exploitation, we, the anarcho-syndicalists, recall ourselves to condemn the new and unforeseen threats that are putting in danger the existence of our planet and the decent coexistence of the peoples and to reassert our faith in working humanity and in the final defeat of capitalist barbarism and its representatives.

In the beginning of 21st Century, we are convinced that the homeland of the oppressed is the entire World and that their family is the whole of humanity, women and men, young and elderly, native and foreigner, and we defend rebelliousness and peace and call for the breaking up of the recent and invisible chains of voluntary servitude.

When everything in the highest levels of society is conspiring to stifle the cry against established injustice, the anarcho-syndicalists, revolutionary trade-unionists, anarchists, libertarians, anticapitalists and antiauthoritarians, acting as repositories of the authentic democracy of direct action, state that we are the people in its infinite rebelliousness, and recognise the enormous debt contracted with the previous generation that fought for freedom, justice and dignity.

Because our idea of anarchy symbolize the highest expression of order.

Because when all the people govern, as the ideal of true democracy hopes, no one rules, as anarchism fights towards.
Jose Pascual Rubio Cano
Scr Relaciones Internacionales CGT
Coordination mailing list
From: CGT Internacional

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Thursday, November 05, 2009


Over the years many brave Israeli citizens have refused compulsory military service in their country's continued aggression against their Palestinian neighbours. Two recent ones, now prisoners of conscience, are Efi Brenner and Or Ben-David. The country of Turkey also has compulsory military service, and its troops are often used in equally brutal campaigns against that country's Kurdish minority. As in Israel many Turks have refused military service and been imprisoned for it. Anti-militarists in both countries see their struggle as a common one. Here, from the A-Infos website is the story of a recent demonstration in Istanbul in support of their Israeli fellow resisters.
A few notes on sources. The Israeli anarchist group, from which one of the resisters comes from is the Anarchists Against the Wall. The War Resisters International and the War Resisters Turkey (website in Turkish) also supported the protest. Note the prominent role played by anarchists in the protest. Turkey has a vibrant and growing anarchist movement, very much unknown in the outside world because of the large language barrier.
Turkey- Istanbul: Freedom for Efi Brenner and Or Ben-David!:
On 30 October a group of Turkish antimilitarists gathered at the front door of Israel Consulate of Istanbul and declared their support to two Israeli conscientious objectors, Efi Brenner and Or Ben-David* who arrested last week for to object war politics of Israeli governments against Palestinian people. -- In the meeting that realized for the invitation of WRI (War Resisters’ International) a Turkish antimilitarist, Özgür Bircan also declared his conscientious objection. The members of LAF (Anarchist Activity Lycee), high school students same as Efi and Or, attended the meeting with the placards written “Reject! Resist! Refuse!” and “Do not go for service, do not shed your brothers’ blood”. ---- After reading the declaration of Shministim, Turkish antimilitarists said these briefly:
"We, the Turkish antimilitarists, with the invitation of WRI, gathered today to protest Israeli government and give our support to Israeli conscientious objectors Efi Brenner and Or Ben-David. As you know UN accused Israeli government and Hamas committing war crime at Gaza recently. Israeli conscientious objectors do not want to participate this crime. Wars are meant to be destruction for both humanity and nature and therefore we call all human beings not to go for military service and not to participate this crime.
Besides we want to conduct our support to all conscientious objectors arrested or suppressed for refusing to go for military service because of their political, moral or religious beliefs. We want Azerbaijani objectors Mushfiq Mammedov, Sakhetmurad Annamamedov who declared will not go for military service because they are Jehovah’s Witnesses, four Turkmenistanian objectors, South Korean objector Jungmin Oh and Belarusian objector Dzmitry Smyk released.
Özgür Bircan, who declared his conscientious objection in the meeting, said these briefly:
I, Özgür Bircan, object wearing uniforms; taking and giving orders; to be obliged to ‘learn’ using arms; applying this ‘knowledge’ if required, on people whom I did not know and see before; and to be part of one of the ideal citizen formatting institutions of yours.
Blood thirsty masters of this world, we are expecting you to the front lines of wars. We, the conscientious young people of the world will not be the participants of your bloody wars, power struggles, we object wars and militarism. I object wars and militarism.
If we need to create heroes for ourselves, my heroes are these two teenagers who met confinement at their early ages since they refuse to be part of that ferocity in Palestine. They are the saints of modern world. Our hearts are with Efi, Or and the whole people objecting to participating in wars.
* Of the Anarchists Against the Wall initiative

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Saturday, October 24, 2009


Ah, the joys of 'Imperialism-Lite'. The new Democratic Administration in the USA is gradually creeping up to its first year in power, and very little has changed in terms of US policy towards the rest of the world. Yeah, President Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize despite the fact of having accomplished nothing. America's two foreign wars continue and will do so for the foreseeable future. The immovable object of Israeli/Palestinian peace remains just as unachievable as it has been for decades. No doubt others have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for empty words, but this may be most glaringly empty award in history. Meanwhile the one substantial change in US policy ie backing down from an anti-missile system in eastern Europe may not be as substantial as its appears, as the following story hints at.

The following came to Molly's attention via the A-Infos website. It is originally from the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej.
Poland, NO TO PATRIOTS! Anarchist Antimilitarist Action During Biden's Visit to Warsaw:
On Oct. 21, US Vice-President Joe Biden visited Poland as part of a four-day visit to Central Europe and the Balkans meant to seal various sorts of military deals in the region. The Campaign Against Militarism protested during his visit with the Prime Minister.
---- Before the protest, one activist accidentally met Biden on the way to an announced trip to the monument of the Heros of the Warsaw Ghetto and came within arms reach of the VP with a banner reading "No Patriot Missiles". Poland is trying desperately to obtain Patriot Missiles. Previously the US had offered its ass-licking ally only training versions of the missiles, without any real warheads.
---- Upon arrival at the Prime Minister's Office, the police, secret service, etc. etc., tried to detain the first protester and claim that there could be no protest.
The person naturally refused to be led to the police wagon and journalists became interested in this action. When more people arrived, the police tried parking police vans in front of the protesters, which, although a decidedly modest group of people, were apparently not to be shown to the US Vice President or the media. The police also tried to block the banner, but one person jumped out around them with another banner. All the time the police were harassing and trying to block the protesters, which pissed one journalist off so much that he called the police headquarters complaining. Journalists also had reasons to be pissed off: the government announced that yes, they can go to a "press conference" with Mr. Biden - but nobody would be allowed to ask any questions.
And there are lots of questions to be asked. Nobody knows much about the SM3 IB, the version of anti-ballistic missile which Poland may receive sometime after 2018 since it is still in testing. Nobody knows about the warheads on the ten Patriot missiles Poland is supposed to get (at a cost of 300 million dollars for just the missiles) or what exactly the US soldiers at the military base scheduled to open next year in Poland really will be doing. And nobody knows for sure what America's missile defense plans in the region really are.
Eventually the cops had to leave the protesters alone.
In the meanwhile, the case of some people arrested in Slupsk in March 2008 after a demonstration against the planned missile shield is finally in court. So far, people are only denied the charges; witnesses will be heard next week.
Leaflet: No to Patriots!
The Campaign Against Militarism strongly protests against the location of Patriot and SM3 IB rockets in Poland. All of these rockets, regardless of their kind, are instruments of war and imperialist politics. War is killing in the interest of governments, power elites and business. In wars the ruling classes always win, and normal people always lose.
The military policy of the USA has for a long time rested on the promotion of the arms industry, to profit corporations. Wars are conducted ensure corporate profit, foreign governments are overthrown for the same reasons. The Polish government, supporting the military adventures of the ISA like the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq often says outright that they are in it for the profit (for example for contracts in Iraq), or for strengthening their relations with the USA. We oppose Poland's participation in these criminal campaigns,
No to Polish and American Imperialism!
No to Pro-War Manipulation!
No War for Profit!
No More Hate Wars!
Campaign Against Militarism

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Monday, September 21, 2009


Here's something that there is far too little of, a report on a recent anarchist bookfair held in the Canadian city of Victoria. There should be more of such public reports. The following is from the A-Infos website.
Canada, Victoria Anarchist Bookfair Report Back:
This past weekend marked the beginning of the 4th Annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair in British Columbia, Canada. For those of you who have never been, Victoria is a prime tourist location that can be described as nothing less than “quaint”—and I don’t mean that in a good way. Regardless, Victoria’s local radicals have managed to prove that there is more to the city than the world’s most well kept gardens and daily whale watching expeditions. The bookfair brought together an interesting assortment of vendors, collectives, and organizations, each with a unique project and mission. Being my first trip north of the border, the bookfair provided a space for me to connect with and learn about the different struggles that some individuals and communities in B.C. are facing. Off the bat, it was good to see the bookfair organizing collective’s Statement of Indigenous Solidarity:
The Bookfair collective supports the struggles of indigenous peoples throughout North America to assert their cultural autonomy and territorial sovereignty. Victoria is located on the traditional inter-lapping territories of the Lekwungen and Songhees peoples, who have endured the seizure of much of their land by force and repeated attempts to obliterate their culture through multiple forces of colonization. The resilience and strength of these and the other communities who make ancestral connections to this region in the face of injustice, challenges us to support them and all indigenous peoples in the on-going struggle against colonialism, capitalism, and cultural genocide.
As with previous years, there were various events held throughout the week leading up to the bookfair, including the D.I.Y Fair, which, luckily, I was able to attend part of. Among the myriad of workshops held at the D.I.Y. Fair (guerrilla art, first aid, etc), AK author Cindy Milstein facilitated a discussion entitled “Educating for Freedom” where she spoke about her work at The Institute for Anarchist Studies. Cindy also gave a talk the next day at the bookfair entitled “Anarchism’s Principles and Prefigurative Politics,” which covered some of the themes touched upon in her upcoming book, Anarchism and its Aspirations, available soon from AK Press. After the first day of tabling, much of the crowd headed over to a bookfair-affiliated spoken word/hip-hop show featuring Testament, an anarchist rapper, who also helps run the Empowerment Infoshop in London, BC. ( Ooops, I think he means London Ontario-Molly )
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend any of the workshops held during the bookfair because I had to tend to the AK table, but the line-up was solid, with presentations regarding Gender-Queer Anarchy, Indigenous Resistance to Ecocide, Social Transformation through Martial Arts, and more. I did get a chance to walk around the bookfair hall, which included local booksellers Camas Infoshop and Black Raven Records, among others. Josh Macphee, author of Realizing the Impossible, was also present at the bookfair tabling for the radical arts collective Just Seeds. Positioned at a 90 degree angle from the AK table was a new group called the Women’s Publication Network, a project of the UVSS Women’s Center, who were handing out free zines. I found some incredible zines at this table, including a collection of writings from (mostly Canadian) young women of color and a zine critiquing the portrayal of First Nation Peoples in Canadian cinema. Directly across from the AK table was Victoria Street Newz, an independent newspaper/activist resource distributed by low/no income people throughout the city. There is current contact info for all of these groups at each of their linked websites, so please get in touch to find out how you could support any and all of these projects.
Across the room, Gord Hill, author of 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance was tabling on behalf of Warrior Publications, as well as the No 2010 Olympics on Stolen Native Land campaign. For those of you who haven’t heard about the No 2010 campaign, I urge you to visit their website www.no2010.com, to find out why such a diverse constituency has come together to resist the devastating impact that the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver is sure to bring to local Indigenous communities, women, and poor people alike. Heads up—if you are anywhere near the west coast during the month of November, stay alert for updates on the No 2010 Speaking Tour that is making its way down the coast.
I wish I could give you a better sense of what a great learning experience the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair was for me, but I guess it’s just one of those things where you just have to be there. Lucky for you, there’s always next year.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009


The struggle against landlords (the public as well as the private ones) is an integral part of anarchism. Here's an item about recent actions in Warsaw, Poland. It was originally published in English language form at the ZSP Warsaw Blog. It came to Molly's attention via the A-Infos website. The main website of the Polish anarcho-syndicalist ZSP (Polish Union of Syndicalists) is HERE.
Tenants Protest in Warsaw:
August 12, tenants from the Tenants Defense Committee and from the Warsaw Tenants Association paid an unannounced visit to the office of Vice president Andrzej Jakubiak. A large group of people managed to walk right into his office without any interference with their protest. The tenants are angry at Jakubiak because of what he did at the last session of the City Council. Before voting on a new resolution on housing policy, Jakubiak made a speech providing incorrect information. The city changed the maximum amount of money people can earn to qualify for public housing. Although city officials claimed that this amount would be raised (since in fact the minimum wage was raised), it was actually LOWERED. Jakubiak gave incorrect figures which contradicted what was in the resolution right before voting. Nobody on the City Council corrected him. Jakubiak claimed that representatives of the tenants were lying.
After publication of the official stenogram and final copy of the resolution, it is clear that one thing was written in the resolution, and another thing promised at the council meeting.
Jakubiak will most likely claim he "made a mistake" but tenants are not likely to let him get away with this. Members of ZSP* involved in the tenants movement were the first to discover the discrepancy and notify the public of the misleading information. The city housing office also gave this incorrect information to the press so it seems as if this was no slip of the tongue by the vice president, but a deliberate attempt to hide the fact that the city significantly cut the qualifying income for public housing to less than 80% of the minimum wage, meaning that no person in full-time employment can qualify for public housing.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The following item comes from the A-Infos website. It has Canadian relevance because of the continuing refusal on the part of our Harper Conservative government, in terms of its refugee program, to recognize that the Roma people face persecution in Europe. Of course they do. Here is an example, one amongst many, of people demonstrating the sort of thing that government claims doesn't exist.
Czech, Svitavy, East Bohemia, Media, Some 70 anarchists and other activists attended a one-hour protest against mounting neo-Nazi activities in the Czech Republic Saturday:
They paid tribute to all victims of neo-Nazi violence since the fall of the previous regime in late 1989.
---- "The police were monitoring the march, we dealt with no misdemeanour during the event," Svitavy police spokeswoman Anna Stegnerova told journalists.
---- The activists carried posters reading "No to further neo-Nazism victims" and "No to xenophobia and racism."
---- An anarchist claimed in his speech during the event that there have been more than 30 victims of neo-Nazis in the country.
--- The march was joined by about 20 Romanies from the association We Want to Live!
--- "We have arrived from Brno, we have come to pay tribute to Ota Absolon," a member of the association said.
--- The march of neo-Nazism opponents was held on the day when in the past years skinheads used to stage marches in support of the convicted skinhead Vlastimil Pechanec.Pechanec was sent to prison for 17 years for a racially-motivated murder of a 23-year-old Romany man in 2003.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009


'Solidarity' is the news sheet of the New Zealand Aotearoa Workers' Solidarity Movement. They've now come out with issue number 4, and the following is their announcement as per the A-Infos website. The paper is readable at their website, and is available in a downloadable pdf version there as well.
New Zealand, The fourth issue of Solidarity, free news sheet of the Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM):
Download the .pdf (1.79MB) or read the contents online at the AWSM http://www.awsm.org.nz/?p=156#more-156 site.
-- Contents: --
-- * Women workers push for pay equity
-- * Workers on the flu front line: Fight for respect!
-- * Meet the greedy: Rob Fyfe, Air NZ CEO
-- * Super city hikoi in Auckland
If you want to make sure you don’t miss an issue of Solidarity, you can subscribe to either the print or electronic version.
To subscribe to the AWSM announcements list, put your email address in the form on the top right of the page on our website, http://www.awsm.org.nz.
Subscribers will be sent pdf copies of Solidarity each month, along with other publications produced by AWSM and occasional information - we promise we won’t spam you with a ton of useless stuff though!
The electronic copy is identical to the print version.
Or, you can subscribe to the print edition to receive a copy of Solidarity in the post. $8 for 12 issues. Mail a cheque to
AWSM, PO Box 6387,
Wellington 6141,
New Zealand,
or contact us to organise an alternative method of payment.
Related Link: http://awsm.org.nz/?p=156

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Saturday, June 27, 2009


If there is anything that clearly illustrates the "translator's dilemma" it is the article that follows. The English language article that follows comes from the A-Infos website. What it actually is is a melding of two previous articles, at least one of which has previously appeared in the original French at A-Infos. I don't know about the second, and apparently older item. Pour les francophones j'ai reproduit les originals ci-dessous. What is the problem here ? First, and foremost, the articles were presented without any introductory context. What I literally did at the beginning was go in search of a Spanish original from the much more well known Spanish CNT. No such luck. It took some searching to find out that this was from the AIT-affiliated French CNT, one of the two anarchosyndicalist organizations in France that claims this name. The other, and larger French CNT, the CNT Vignoles has, as far as I am able to determine released no statement on the events in Iran. It might be a good idea for any anarchist news site to provide at least a minimum of context. Yeah, I know that the "Paris" in the title should have given me a clue, but that was all it was-a clue. it was only when I read the full text in editing it that the idea that the country of origin was France became clear.

The fact that the original was in French, however, was a blessing because of the second matter. The English translation was obviously a 'machine-translation', and the resulting product was, to say the least, clumsy, and at points incomprehensible. I'm a little more comfortable in French than in Spanish, and thus the following item from A-Infos has been edited for English grammar, spelling and simple "sense" better than it would have been if the original had been in Spanish with which I am far less familiar. The second item was much more mangled by computer translation than the first.

I know the time constraints of translation. This particular item took up far more of my time than it may deserve, what with reference to the original and correcting the translation. Still...I think that it shouldn't become an ever present reflex amongst anarchists to rely on machine translations. Occasionally the time should be taken to do the work right. Computers are, after all, "stupid" in that they mindlessly follow instructions. At least to anarchists it should be obvious that sometimes a real human is necessary.

Be that as it may, here is an anarchist statement on the events in Iran.
CNT-AIT - Statement in solidarity with the iran's insurgents:


The dominant ideology, that is of Power, forcibly wants us to believe
that electoral democracy would be the highest expression of popular sovereignty, that elections give Power its legitimacy.
The Iranians, however, have just burst this lie. The Iranian elections, like all elections, are only a joke. Elections are acceptable for Power only when they go in its interests. People can express their voice as long as they say what Power desire them to say. When this it is no longer the case, Power uses all the means at its disposal, any frauds and subterfuges, to keep its dominant position. Elections are only an alibi for Power. In Iran, it is a proclaimed result opposed to reality. In Europe since 2005, Power has had reiterated ballots until the results of the referendum(for the new European constitution-Molly) were in conformity with Power’s expectations (and it even sometimes directly passes its projects without new electoral guarantees...).

The Iranian population, young and old young, let forth its anger in front of this flagrant lie of Power, which thus appears in its very raw truth. What occurs in Teheran goes beyond the question of the elections. Everyone knows that the election of one or another politician will change nothing fundamental. All the politicians - without exception – are a part of Power, even if they represent forms of it with different expressions. But regarding their basic principles, they all agree : for them privileges and easy life, for the people, hard work, unemployment, misery and police repression.

Power holds its legitimacy only with our passive submission to its dictatorship over the spirit. To say no, to release oneself from the dominant psychological influence, no longer being afraid and revolting against this submission, is the first step towards an emancipatory rupture, a first step toward revolution. In this direction, the insurgent Iranians who rose, and who expect nothing of the “oppositional” puppet ", show to us the way, that of the street.

In Europe, the electoral results of the last European elections show although Power is not more legitimate there than in Iran: with 60% of abstention, the political parties - all tendencies together – do not represent anything but themselves. Power has no more legitimacy here. These parasites steal our lives. Only a rupture with this system will enable us to find our freedom and our autonomy.

We can rely only on ourselves !
Let us have confidence in our own strength: We are all, we produce all, without our participation the system will collapse!
In solidarity with the Iranian insurrectionists, Freedom for all detainees!
To end once and for all to any dictatorship of murderous Power,
CNT-AIT (International Workers Association)
The crowd opens to the police officer's motor bike which engulfs itself in the live mass, the acrobat who drives the humming machine has become accustomed to brutality and so he hits many defenceless unwary people. It does not seem that today the crowd that he charges is the People, a whole People electrified by the word “freedom”.

In the face of the wild henchman of the ayatollah, those – male and female - who draw aside constitute neither a trade-union nor a political group and even less stewards, like in our demos in Europe. A few minutes ago some of these persons did not know each other. And here they are assembled in the solidarity of this massive fight. Actually nobody flees, the retreat they started is a trap which is closed again on the mechanized tough. Men and women, without another weapon than their moral strength, drawn up against the dictatorship, they spontaneously reinvent the erudite tactics of Alexander the Great's phalanges against Darius ‘s scythe tanks.Like in an operation of the Roman legions surrounding Hannibal elephants, the “clubman” is caught by tens of arms and thrown on the ground.

With the Magnanimity and intelligence of revolting people : they saw under the bestial uniform that there was a young man and while his deadly engine of death starts to burn the furious fists become again helpful hands, drawing the defeated enemy aside from the fire and wipe his running blood . And these facts already speak to us more than long speeches.

That which occurs in Teheran and here in France the political commentators say to us that this heroic people would not have other ambition than to change the head of State. (This change of head being what our political economists call “democracy”, showing thereby how much they hold the People in contempt, since it would be only a change of dictator). The Iranian masses, however, daily in the street,and precisely without any leaders, demonstrate the Peoples’s ability to self-organize and to fight against a Power of murderers. This movement which started on the pretext of an electoral discussion put in motion something much deeper.

An element which does not mislead on the state of mind of Iranian people, it is the participation, by their word and by their acts, of the anonymous women who express their will to get rid of the choking headdress of the politicians and the clerics. I saw it on my screen this 14 June : she wears neither scarf nor veil, her hair is dyed blond and she wears a surgical mask to protect herself from the tear gas . She has decided and marches in the middle of her comrades. To be filmed does not matter to her. What really counts for her on this day, is to show the direction and to prompt men; "Down with the dictatorship, long life freedom! "Two days later another woman is a genuine lioness who attacks alone a band of police officers, kicking their legs while they are hitting another women at a bus stop. When the policemen men turned on this attacker, she finds refuge within the small group which reforms itself around her to protect her. All of them stay upright under the blows of the police

...... They and so many others! The young Neda shot down on the 21th of June by a murderer on the theocrats’orders. She paid of its life for the fear which seizes Power when women enter the fight. In large Pantheon of innumerable and obscure State and capitalism’s victims, Neda will remain forever in our memories, associated with Alexandre, this young Greek assassinated this winter by another murderous cop.

At that time our comrades in Athens wrote:

"Our lives do not belong to States and their assassins! The memory of the brothers and of the sisters, assassinated friends and comrades remain living through our fights! We do not forget our brothers and our sisters, we do not forgive their assassins "

So it must be said loudly : the Iranian people's fight is also our fight. What we can see in action, is nothing but this huge universal brotherhood that is gradually rising against the criminals who are ruling the world and who control us. This fight will unite us beyond borders . A fight shaped by what gives it body and which will will make it win : the Idea that one can live free, all together and with dignity, apart from the sordid plans imposed by the ideology of domination.
CNT-AIT : A Teheran comme à Paris : contre l'illégitimé du pouvoir, révolution sociale !:
L'idéologie dominante, celle du Pouvoir, nous assène que la démocratie électorale serait la plus haute expression de la souveraineté populaire,que les élections donnerait au Pouvoir sa légitimité. Pourtant, les Iraniens viennent de faire éclater ce mensonge. Ces élections, comme toutes les élections, ne sont qu'une farce. Les élections ne sont acceptables pour le Pouvoir que quand elles vont dans ses intérêts. Le peuple peut donner sa voix tant qu'il dit ce que le Pouvoir aenvie d'entendre. Quand ce n'est plus le cas, le Pouvoir utilise tous les moyens à sa disposition, toutes les fraudes et les subterfuges, pour garder sa position dominante. Les élections ne sont qu'un alibi pour le Pouvoir. En Iran, c'est un résultat proclamé à l'opposé de la réalité. En Europe depuis 2005, ce sont des élections réorganisées jusqu'à ce que les résultats aux référendum soient conformes aux attentes du Pouvoir (quant il ne fait pas passer directement ses projets sans caution électorale ...).

La population iranienne, jeunes et moins jeunes, a laissé éclaté sa colère devant ce mensonge flagrant du Pouvoir, qui apparaît ainsi dans sa vérité toute crue. Ce qui se passe à Téhéran dépasse la question des élections.Tout le monde sait que l'élection de tel ou tel politicien ne changera rien de fondamental. Car tous les hommes politiques - sans exception -font partie du Pouvoir, même s'ils en représentent des formes d'expression différente. Mais sur le fond, ils sont tous d'accord : pour eux les privilèges et la vie paisible, pour le peuple, le travail dur, le chômage, la misère et la répression policière.

Le Pouvoir ne tient sa légitimité que dans notre soumission passive à sa dictature sur les esprits. Dire non, se libérer de l'emprise psychologique du discours dominant, ne plus avoir peur et se révolter contre cette soumission, sont les premier pas vers une rupture émancipatrice, révolutionnaire. En ce sens, ceux des Iraniens qui se sont insurgés, et qui n'attendent rien non plus de la marionnette « d'opposition », nous montrent le chemin, celui de la rue.

En Europe, les résultats électoraux des dernières élections européennes démontrent bien que le Pouvoir n'y est pas plus légitime qu'en Iran : avec 60% d'abstention, les partis politiques - toutes tendances confondues - ne représentent qu'eux même. Le Pouvoir n'a ici non plus aucune légitimité. Ces parasites nous volent nos vies. Seule une rupture avec ce système nous permettra de retrouver notre liberté et notre autonomie.

Ne comptons que sur nous même !
Ayons confiance dans nos propres forces :nous sommes tout, nous produisons tout, sans nous le système s'écroule !
En solidarité avec les insurgés Iraniens,Liberté pour toutes les personnes arrêtées !
Pour en en finir une fois pour toute avec la dictature du Pouvoir assassin,
CNT-AIT (Association Internationale des Travailleurs)
108 rue Damrémont
75018 PARIS

De l’Iran à la Grèce:
La foule s’ouvre sur la moto du policier qui s’engouffre dans la masse vivante, le voltigeur qui conduit l’engin vrombissant est tellement habitué à brutaliser et à frapper des gens sans défense quil ne se méfie pas. Il ne voit pas quaujourdhui la foule quil charge c’est le Peuple, tout un Peuple électrisé par le mot de liberté.

En face du sbire sauvage des ayatollah ceux et celles qui s’écartent ne constituent ni un groupe syndical ou politique et encore moins un "service d’ordre", il y a quelques minutes encore certaines de ces personnes ne se connaissaient pas et les voilà réunies dans la solidarité de cette lutte massive. En réalité personne ne fuit, le recul amorcé est un piège qui se referme sur la brute mécanisée, des hommes et des femmes, sans autre arme que leur force morale, dressés contre la dictature réinventent spontanément les savantes tactiques des phalanges d’Alexandre le Grand contre les chars à faux de Darius. Comme dans une manoeuvre des légions romaines happant les éléphants d’Hannibal, le matraqueur est saisi par des dizaines de bras et jeté a terre.

Magnanimité et intelligence du peuple révolté, sous l’uniforme bestial il y avait un jeune homme et pendant que son engin de mort commence à brûler les poings rageurs redeviennent des mains secourables, écartent l’ennemi vaincu du brasier et essuient son sang qui coule. Et ces faits nous parlent déjà plus que de longs discours.

Cela se passe à Téhéran et ici en France les commentateurs politiques nous disent que ce peuple héroique n’aurait d’autre ambition que de changer de chef. (Ce changement de chef étant que ce nos politologues nomment la démocratie, montrant par quel mépris ils en ont, puisque ce ne serait quun changement de dictateur). Pourtant les masses iraniennes font quotidiennement dans la rue, et précisément sans aucun chef, la démonstration des capacitées du Peuple à s’autoorganiser et à lutter contre un pouvoir d’assassins. Ce mouvement qui a démarré au prétexte d’une controverse électorale a mis en branle quelque chose de beaucoup plus profond.

Un élément qui ne trompe pas sur l’état d’esprit du peuple iranien, c’est la participation par la parole par les actes de femmes anonymes qui expriment leur volonté de se débarrasser de la chappe étouffante du pouvoir et des religieux. Je l’ai vue sur mon écran ce 14 juin elle n’a ni foulard ni voile elle a les cheveux teints en blond et un masque chirurgical pour se protéger des grenades lacrymogénes elle est décidée et marche au milieu de ses camarades. Qu’on la filme ne lui importe pas ce qui compte pour elle en ce jour c’est de de montrer la direction et d’entrainer les hommes : « À bas la dictature, vive la liberté ! » Deux jours plus tard cette autre femme est une véritable lionne qui attaque seule à coups de pieds une bande de policiers occupés à frapper d’autres femmes à un arrêt de bus, agressée à son tour par les soudards elle se réfugie au sein du petit groupe qui se reforme autour d’elle pour la protéger, toutes restent debout sous le coups ...Elles et tant d’autres ! La jeune Neda abattue le 21 juin par un assassin aux ordres des théocrates payera de sa vie pour la peur qui s’empare du Pouvoir lorsque les femmes rentrent dans la lutte. Dans ce Panthéon immense des victimes innombrables et obscures de l’Etat et du Capitalisme Neda restera dans nos mémoires unie à Alexandre ce jeune grec assassiné cet hiver par un autre flic meurtrier.

A ce moment nos camarades d’Athènes écrivaient :

« Nos vies n’appartiennent pas aux états et leurs assassins ! La mémoire des frères et des sœurs, des amis et des camarades assassinés restent vive à travers nos luttes ! Nous n’oublions pas nos frères et nos sœurs, nous ne pardonnons pas leurs assassins »

Et il faut le dire la lutte du peuple iranien rejoint celle de tous. Ce que nous voyons en marche n’est pas autre chose que cette immense fraternité universelle qui se léve peu a peu contre les criminels qui nous gouvernent. Elle nous réunira par delà les frontières autour de que ce qui lui donne corps et qui la fera vaincre. L’Idée que l’on peut vivre libres, ensemble et dignement, en dehors des sordides schémas imposés par l’idéologie de la domination.
Un militant de la CNT-AIT

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