- published: 17 Dec 2011
- views: 136657
Systems thinking is the process of understanding how those things which may be regarded as systems influence one another within a complete entity, or larger system. In nature, systems thinking examples include ecosystems in which various elements such as air, water, movement, plants, and animals work together to survive or perish. In organizations, systems consist of people, structures, and processes that work together to make an organization "healthy" or "unhealthy".
Systems thinking has roots in a diverse range of sources from Jan Smuts' Holism in the 1920s, to the General Systems Theory that was advanced by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the 1940s and Cybernetics advanced by Ross Ashby in the 1950s. The field was further developed by Jay Forrester and members of the Society for Organizational Learning at MIT which culminated in the popular book The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge which defined Systems thinking as the capstone for true organizational learning. Cornell University systems scientist, Derek Cabrera's book, "Systems Thinking Made Simple", explains that systems thinking itself is the emergent property of complex adaptive system (CAS) behavior that results from four simple rules of thought.
White board animation by James Swanson
Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, Senior lecturer at MIT and Founder of the Society for Organizational Learning shares his perspectives on leadership and systems thinking with IBM. This video has been edited from an original at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOPfVVMCwYg Standard Youtube license
Peter Senge's keynote speech "Systems Thinking for a Better World" at the 30th Anniversary Seminar of the Systems Analysis Laboratory "Being Better in the World of Systems" at Aalto University, 20 November 2014. Peter Senge is a Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Sustainability at the MIT. He is the founding chair of the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) and the author of the widely acclaimed book, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning Organization. The Journal of Business Strategy (September/October 1999) named Senge one of the 24 people who has had the greatest influence on business strategy over the last 100 years. Peter Senge: http://mitsloan.mit.edu/faculty/detail.php?in_spseqno=41415 Other videos from the seminar: Raimo P. Hämäläinen: Milestones of Sys...
A Systems Story - A short introduction to key systems thinking concepts. Directed by: Gyula Gábor Tóth, Videographer : Dénes Fellegi, Design: Enikő Simonyi, Text: Linda Juhász-Horváth, Narration: Sarah Czunyi, Action: Szilvia Penyigey BEE Environmental Communication bee.co.hu Balaton Group www.balatongroup.org For educational use, you can download definitions of key concepts introduced in the video here: http://bee.co.hu/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Definitions_A-Systems-Story.pdf *** 'A Sufi story tells of a village of blind men. One day, a new creature arrived. Each of the men grasped one part of it, and declared they knew what it was: - A snake! - A rug! - Columns! But by only experiencing one part of it – each was wrong. In our everyday lives, we also tend to look at things in...
A short example of how systems thinking can be used in program evaluation to maximize program effectiveness. Part of the 'Evaluation For Leaders' mobile learning course at www.evaluationforleaders.org. Produced by Chris Lovato, Beverly Parsons, and Kylie Hutchinson. Check out other videos and resources at www.insites.org and www.communitysolutions.ca.
How does systems thinking work? Here is an example of systems thinking!
A short video explaining the primary differences between analytical methods of reasoning and systems thinking while also discussing the two methods that underpin them; synthesis and reductionism. For full courses, transcriptions & downloads please see: http://www.systemsthinking.io Twitter: https://twitter.com/SystemthinkAcad Facebook: https://fb.com/thinkacademyio
Elizabeth Stefanski is an impatient social innovation junkie with over a decade of experience in building and leading social ventures. She recently joined the Business Innovation Factory as chief market maker, where she is attracting capital and building partnerships to generate new models for transforming complex social systems. Stefanski also serves as advisor and gender-centric design expert to Bazaar Strategies, rolling out emerging market innovations in mobile technology. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TE...
What key principles should MFTs use to guide their approach to psychopharmacology with clients? How could MFTs take a proactive stance with respect to the limitations and benefits of “drug therapy”?
Panel discussion about how chemists, manufacturers, and designers can adopt a systems approach when creating products and materials.
Get your free audiobook or ebook: http://yazz.space/sabk/35/en/B015DRNZVA/info This book captures current trends and developments in the field of systems thinking and soft operations research which can be applied to solve today's problems of dynamic complexity and interdependency. Such wicked problems and messes are seemingly intractable problems characterized as value-laden, ambiguous, and unstable, that resist being tamed by classical problem solving. Actions and interventions associated with this complex problem space can have highly unpredictable and unintended consequences. Examples of such complex problems include health care reform, global climate change, transnational serious and organized crime, terrorism, homeland security, human security, disaster management, and humanitarian ai...
Get your free audiobook or ebook: http://yazz.space/sabk/35/en/B00RV3Y8OI/info The book is a collection of peer-reviewed scientific papers submitted by active researchers in the 37th National System Conference (nsc 2013). Nsc is an annual event of the Systems Society of India (ssi), primarily oriented to strengthen the systems movement and its applications for the welfare of humanity. A galaxy of academicians, professionals, scientists, statesman and researchers from different parts of the country and abroad are invited to attend the conference. The book presents research articles in the areas of systems modelling, complex network modelling, cyber security, sustainable systems design, health care systems, socio-economic systems, and clean and green technologies. The book can be used as a t...
Get your free audiobook or ebook: http://yazz.space/sabk/35/en/B00JZKOZTS/info Systems Thinking, Critical Realism and Philosophy: A Confluence of Ideas seeks to re-address the whole question of philosophy and systems thinking for the twenty first century and provide a new work that would be of value to both systems and philosophy. This is a highly opportune time when different fields critical realism, philosophy of science and systems thinking are all developing around the same set of concepts and yet not realizing it. This book will be of interest to the academic systems community worldwide and due to it's interdisciplinary coverage, it will also be of relevance to a wide range of scholars in other disciplines, particularly philosophy but also operational research, information systems, ...
In his keynote presentation to our Climate, Buildings and Behavior symposium last month, leading organizational thinker Peter Senge offers a distillation of his insights into the most important factors in achieving meaningful change for the environment or in any sphere of life. They include positive aspirations instead of negative admonitions ("the power of aspiration is much greater than the power of desperation"), the desire and vision to bring into being and develop something new (like building a cathedral, or raising a child) and networks of relationships with collaborators engaged in "collective, creative process." Whatever kind of personal or social change work you're engaged in, you'll take away actionable insights from this accessible and profound talk. Visit our website: htt...
Founder of Vanguard Consulting, John Seddon, speaking at the Beyond Budgeting Conference at Happy on 3 November 2015.
A series of videos about systems and systems engineering—this one is about Systems Thinking, or thinking about the world around us, and its problems, in a joined up way. Systems Thinking is designed to get to "the heart of the matter," the root problem, the "core issue," or whatever… but, how to go about it?
#LASTconf 2012 The term Systems Thinking sounds familiar, doesn't it? Indeed when asked most people say they have heard of Systems Thinking (ST). It is not until people try to describe ST that they realize they have heard of it but they don't know what it is. Join me for this introductory session on ST and discover how to infect yourself and others with this amazing way to see the world. Together we will explore what ST really is, we will learn how to explain ST to our friends and colleagues (create our elevator pitch), learn what ST definitely is not (myth busting) and see how ST helped me to save $$$ in technology provisioning.
Competence in systems thinking is implicitly assumed among the population of engineers and managers — in fact, most technical people claim to be systems thinkers. But this competence is not as prevalent as these assertions might lead one to assume. Controlled experiments show that systems thinking performance, even among highly educated people, is poor. This presentation provides a set of systems thinking competencies and demonstrates how these are not as common as advertised. We also discuss how these competencies can be measured. The main thesis is that systems thinking is not a natural act because (1) evolution has favored mechanisms tuned to dealing with immediate surface features of problems and (2) the Western education system tends to emphasize reductionist approaches. We discuss t...
Plenary talk from the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation: “An Introduction to Systems Thinking: Integration and Implementation in the Face of Wicked Problems.” This talk provides an introduction to systems thinking for people with little prior knowledge of the field. It is useful to identify four key systems thinking skills: 1. Exploring boundaries – understanding the inclusion, exclusion and marginalisation of stakeholders and the issues that concern them. 2. Appreciating multiple perspectives – how and why stakeholders frame issues in different ways. 3. Understanding relationships – networks of interconnections within and across systems. 4. Thinking in terms of systems themselves – organised wholes with properties that cannot be anticipated by analysing an...
A rare and yet an indepth interview with author Peter Senge of The Fifth Discipline while he was in Manila in April 2011. Dr. Peter Senge talks to host Raju Mandhyan about how he came about to be the world's top ten management guru. he also, briefly covers the five disciplines of...Mental Models, Personal Mastery, Shared Visions, Team Learning and Systems Thinking. Interview also considers the success story of Judge Maria Filomena Singh of the Regional Trial Court of quezon City, Metropolitan Manila, Philippines from the Systems Thinking Perspective. ExPat InSights and host Raju Mandhyan are extremely grateful to OCCI, the Organizational Change Consultants International, Inc., mainly represented by Ms. Marisol Lopez, Ms. Bel Villavicencio and Dr. Nicanor Perlas for this rare opportunity...
Systems thinking is the core principle of the MIT System Design and Management (SDM) program. It is also the foundation of systems engineering, which is one of the core subjects in the SDM program. Both are essential to addressing today’s complex sociotechnical challenges. Those who understand and embrace these disciplines will be the ones to lead industry and improve the world. In this interactive, back-to-the-classroom session, Dr. Qi Van Eikema Hommes will compare and contrast systems thinking with scientific thinking. Traditional science and engineering disciplines are built upon scientific thinking, but such thinking can prove limiting in the face of the challenges of modern, complex, sociotechnical systems. Systems thinking is therefore needed to address these new challenges. To exp...