- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 336493
Grey aliens, also referred to as "Alien Greys", "Greys", "Grays", "Roswell Greys", and "Zeta Reticulans", are alleged extraterrestrial beings whose existence is promoted in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their unique skin color. Forty-three percent of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens. Such claims vary in every respect including their nature (ETs, extradimensionals, demons, or machines), origins, moral dispositions, intentions, and physical appearances (even varying in their eponymous skin color). A composite description derived from overlap in claims would have Greys as small-bodied sexless beings with smooth grey-colored skin, enlarged head and large black eyes.
The origin of the idea of the Grey is commonly associated with the Betty and Barney Hill abduction claim which took place in 1961, although skeptics see precursors in science fiction and earlier paranormal claims. The Grey aliens are also famous from earlier depictions of the Roswell UFO incident from 1947.
The Grey Aliens History Amazing Education Documentary
Grey Aliens: Where Are They From - New UFO Documentary 2015
Grey Aliens and their Origins and their Agenda
Phil Schneider Revealed A Huge Secret About Grey Aliens Before He Was Killed
UFO SPACESHIP with 2 Grey ALIENS filmed by Hikers in Foresst of Poland, May 2016
Annunaki vs Grey aliens
Grey Aliens caught on tape videos 2015 (VERY SCARY)
Actors: Roberto Julio Alamo (actor), Roberto Julio Alamo (writer), Roberto Julio Alamo (director), Shuning Zhang (actor), Tillman Sillescu (composer),
Genres: Comedy, Short,Grey aliens, also referred to as "Alien Greys", "Greys", "Grays", "Roswell Greys", and "Zeta Reticulans", are alleged extraterrestrial beings whose existence is promoted in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their skin color. Around half of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens. Such claims vary in every respect including their nature (ETs, extradimensionals, demons, or machines), origins, moral dispositions, intentions, and physical appearances (even varying in their eponymous skin color). A composite description derived from overlap in claims would have Greys as small-bodied sexless beings with smooth grey-colored skin, enlarged head and large black eyes. The origin of the idea of the Grey is commonly associated with ...
A spooky compilation of supposedly "real" Aliens, Demons, Hybrids and more.. I cannot say for certain this is actual proof, but some of these clips sure gave me the creeps. Visit my channel for more stunning compilations of Alien and Ufo footage This is the Official version! Recommended Videos: Hollow Earth, The Biggest Cover Up - Full Documentary© https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaPtq8F2hUc Creature Caught on Tape in Holland - The Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1-PE76TSec Creature Caught on Tape in Holland - Scary Footage!!!© https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEwuk5N2R6c Creature Caught on Tape in Holland - The Paranormal Research© https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNjDWxUCHoI The Mystery of the Dark Eyed Children - Scary!!© https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILyJ-kFDRQ8 Cr...
Grey Aliens: Where Are They From - New UFO Documentary 2015 Like And Subscribe For More Updates UFO TV 2015 Subscribe for more videos → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoeiwR09WhD_TdoeRzBJuEg Thank For Waching : ✓ GOOGLE+:https://plus.google.com/+ufotvnew2015 ✓ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ufotvnew2015 ✓ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ufotvnew2015 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
Richard D. Hall interviews Danielle Silverman & Professor John Biggerstaff about the work of Nigel Kerner who has written two great books on Grey Aliens. In 1997 Nigel Kerner first introduced the notion of aliens known as Greys coming to Earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long outlived. In this new book "Grey Aliens And The Harvesting Of Souls" Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not: souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls and, thereby, escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favor of the timeless realm of spirit. Kerner explains that genetic manipulation by the Greys has ...
Phil Schneider claimed to have been in a battle with the greys where he got some of his fingers lasered off by the greys advanced weaponry. Do you believe that Phil Schneider was telling the truth & perhaps got murdered because he knew and SAW too much? Comment below! Like & Share! read here: http://www.disclose.tv/news/phil_schneider_revealed_a_huge_secret_about_the_greys_before_he_was_murdered/133957
UFO SPACESHIP with wondering ALIENS filmed by Hikers in Foresst of Poland, May 2016. ~~ Links: 1) VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7FrAm9P3P0 2) Thumbnail image - Poland forest with Aliens and UFO screenshot youtube http://blog.seniorennet.be/peter2011/archief.php?ID=1953745 3)
Soundtrack I used : The Visitors from audionautix (royalty free) These are some of the pictures I found which I think only includes footage of only Grey Alien specie. I think the last picture is a perfect proof that aliens exists on our Planet :)
Annunaki vs Greys. the Annunaki were the creators of man. The Annunaki live in our solar system. After the last flood the Annunaki left and never returned. the greys are extra dimensional beings.After the Annunaki left the greys made the heavens of earth their home..the greys know of the Annunaki's return and will turn man against them.....................
Why are the grey aliens visiting earth? What do they want? And why are they abducting people? Grey Aliens are a very unique set of extraterrestrial beings that influence our world today. Grey Aliens were created (cloned) by the Reptilian Aliens as a slave race. Grey Aliens are the most common alien being that people speak about and in modern times Grey Aliens, or Greys, have become a modern day pop-culture phenomenon. Grey Aliens are said to stand anywhere between 3.5 feet to 6 feet tall with big heads and huge oval eyes. Masters of the skies, Grey Aliens are the beings who maneuver the flying saucers (UFOs) many people see today. They are a dying race of Aliens because they were not able to retrieve the successful forms of cloning from their masters. That is why today they perfo...
ALIENS EXPOSED! New, Polemic and Strong evidence! this video will impact you! it must be shared with max number of people! make your part now, please share it! Because the Government Cover-up! Before Judge, please watch the whole video. This is an USA NEWS Channel, subscribe it for more videos every week. Join us at facebook for instant breaking news and more related with this video: https://www.facebook.com/usatimesnews/ Subscribe this Channel for more videos everyweek. Tip: Share on facebook to help people understand the truth. *** LEGAL NOTE ***: This video have copyright permissions. Please write to us asking for more informations at our INBOX Facebook Page or sent us an e-mail
4 PLAYLIST Alien, Abduction, Greys, Agenda, Dr Karla Turner, UFO, Abductee, Murdered Technology and Science research info: C2CAM Coast to Coast AM Full Radio . Alien, Contact, Cover Up, UFO, Encounters, Phenomenon, Documentary UPDT: 5/13/15 C2C AM Coast to Coast AM Full Radio . Greys are commonly included . (Aliens & UFO Documentary) The Grey Alien Agenda - Part 2 UFO Hunters Complete Episode #1 - P2.
[HD] PLAYLIST (Click Bellow) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM2DgZAoO4j4_Of80tLAsfw Description
UFO abduction terrible secret about aliens new documentary. it is intersting videoo UFO abduction terrible secret about aliens new documentary. Grey aliens, also referred to as Alien Greys, Greys, Grays, Roswell Greys, . Grey aliens, also referred to as Alien Greys, Greys, Grays, Roswell Greys, and Zeta Reticulans, are alleged extraterrestrial beings whose existence is . For more science and technology videos and documentaries, please subscribe to my channel The secret space: .
[NEW] PLAYLIST (Click Bellow) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM2DgZAoO4j4_Of80tLAsfw Description
PLAYLIST (Click Bellow) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM2DgZAoO4j4_Of80tLAsfw Description( NOVEMBER 2016)
Get your free audiobook or ebook: http://skyble.space/sabk/35/en/B003N3U3JY/trial Exposes the agenda behind the bio-robotic grey aliens genetic manipulation of certain human races Reveals the Greys nature as sophisticated self-aware machines created by a long vanished extraterrestrial civilization Explains how their quest to capture human souls appears in the historical record from biblical times Explains how the phenomenon of racism is a by-product of their genetic tampering In 1997 Nigel Kerner first introduced the notion of aliens known as Greys coming to Earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long since outlived. In this new book Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining some...
Some believe that Grey Aliens are actually demons who continually seek ways to deceive man, and in all honesty, what a better way than to "pretend" to be an alien being. Although the existence of Grey Aliens or any other race wouldn't disprove the existence of God, it would still leave many wandering into spiritual darkness thinking that perhaps the Universe isn't what has been previously perceived. Ephesians 6:12 | For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Stated by Paul, this passage perhaps speaks about those fallen angels who continually seek to go against the plans of God which creates the "evil" that has been commonly asso...
Another www.earthfiles.com report from Linda Moulton Howe talking about the newest planet, grey aliens and human souls and much more! Listen live Tuesdays 7-9pm PT- Thursdays 7-9pm PT where you can call in and ask questions yourselves at 818-923-1713 You can always see what is coming and see if we have open lines by watching weekly the show! AND watch this channel for EXCLUSIVE YouTube interviews! Go to http://www.drjradiolive.com and you can see so much more information. https://twitter.com/drjradiolive https://www.facebook.com/drj.ilias https://www.facebook.com/drjradiolive https://instagram.com/drjradiolive/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/130514150@N04/ https://www.tumblr.com/blog/drjradiolive https://plus.google.com/107242066760117257528/about
Presents a never before glimpse into the inside world of the Greys including ufo abductions and medical experiments. A number of the experiencers that Bob Mitchell interviewed reported hearing telepathic voices, and having their thoughts controlled by the entities. While most of the encounters were characterized as unpleasant, people who dealt with Mantids– human sized aliens with insectoid bodies, surprisingly described the creatures as exceptionally nice. Additionally, the beings seemed to float a couple inches off the ground, he said. One interesting case involved a deaf abductee named Marion who conveyed to Mitchell her disturbing abduction experiences, which included visitations from hooded entities who came through the walls.
Harrowing stories of alien abduction and visitation, including encounters with the Greys, Mantids, Hooded Aliens and other entities. Bob Mitchell spent 35 years as an investigative Crime reporter and sports writer for the Toronto Star – before deciding to retire and focus on the topic of alien encounters and stories of alien abduction as a MUFON field investigator. Before proceeding make sure your doors are locked. Make sure your windows are shuttered and also locked. But even those safe precautions may not be enough to prevent you from experiencing an alien abduction and having to endure experiments of extraterrestrial origin. In this interview, Bob shares the stories of four alien abductees. Grey aliens may have been created by another alien race called the Anunnaki – and these grey ali...
In this shocking interview, Whitley Strieber describes his personal experiences with The Gray/Grey Aliens and Abductions. Brought to you by http://tellustruth.wordpress.com
In Great Britain, the primary underground military compound is called the RAF Peasemore Base, located in the Berkshire countryside, with access points at Harwell, Watchfield, and RAF Welford. There are at least six levels at Peasemore, the deepest level over a kilometer below, all interconnected and accessed from different secret locations. It is in this deep underground location where Grey aliens work with British Intelligence to genetically engineer generated life forms. These drone-like entities are used in MI-LAB abduction scenarios and in a genetic technology exchange. New Grey test tube life forms are laboratory made in three stages. First they are “born” in incubation units, kept in long racks as they develop, and indirectly programmed while being grown to maturity. They are called ...
Alien, UFO, New World Order, 911, Conspiracy, Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderbergers. Skull and Cross Bones, Kennedy Assassination, Reptilian, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, New World Order, MKultra, Evil, Harp, Tesla, Free Energy, Montauk, Plum Island, Alien, Alien Abduction, Exorcism, Alien, Exorcism, UFO, Extra Terrestrial, Outerspace, Close Encounters, Hangar 18, Roswell, Alien Crash, Philadelphia Experiment, Tesla, Anti Gravity, cattle mutilations, abductions, area 51, new mexico, crash landing, abduction, Aliens, Moon, Earth, Flying, Shuttle, Planet, Predator, Secret, Galaxy, Invasion, Astronomy, Launch, Planets, Apollo, Solar, Spaceship, Conspiracy, Discovery, Sighting, Disclosure Project, Astronaut, Orb, Hubble, Mystery Object, Contact, Stars, Sightings, Space Shuttle, Strange,Circles, Documen...
Hey you
Know what you are
You're beautiful
Na na na nana na na
Na na na nana na na
Na na na nanana na na
Na na na nana na na
Na na na nana na na
Na na na nanana na na
You're beautiful
Beyond compare, can't help but stare
So full of life
Inspired, like a lonely child
You're magical
You're bless I appreciate it
You stop the clouds from crying
I'm sighing
But you don't see who you are
What you mean
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes
Try cause I don't lie
Beautiful you
Oh baby won't you come my way
Your beauty's true
Don't listen to what those might say
Beautiful you
Oh baby I'm so blown away
With everything we do
You're beautiful
Na na na nana na na
Na na na nana na na
Na na na nanana na na
You're spiritual
You touch me so, you're wonderful
Don't hide it, shout it out
And show the world
You're loveable
You crazy thing, you're so sexual
You stop the flowers from dyin'
I'm sighing
But you don't see who you are, what you mean
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes
Try cause I don't lie
Beautiful you
Oh baby won't you come my way
Your beauty's true
Don't listen to what those might say
Beautiful you
Oh baby I'm so blown away
With everything we do
You're beautiful
Na na na nana na na
Na na na nana na na
Na na na nanana na na
Listen up
I need you much more than special
You're my ultimate high