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Pre-order the fourth and final book of World Made By Hand series.


Battenkill Books (autographed by the Author) |  Northshire Books Amazon

JHK’s Three-Act Play, Big Slide
A log mansion in the Adirondack Mountains…
A big family on the run…
A nation in peril…
Visit the Big Slide Page to order, perform, or see sample scenes.


Manhattan Gothic Print | Kindle | Kobo (Digital) | Barnes & Noble (Digital) Readers: if you would like a print edition of the book we ask you to patronize the CreateSpace store because they give us a better royalty than the Big Boys, Amazon, et al, and we writers need to make a living.

JHK’s novella about a boy in New York in the 1960s. Paperback – $8.00 E-book – $2.99 Click to Buy

emb of Riches Thumbnail

JHK’s lost classic now reprinted as an e-book
Kindle edition only


What’s Up

Clusterfuck Nation – Blog > The Awful Lull

Support this blog by visiting Jim’s Patreon Page! Spring unfolds at last in all its loveliness and Hillary sits back in repose like the matriarch of toads with a clear path to her toadstool throne, having swallowed the mouse-king Sanders. (She forgets that there are millions more mice under the thatched grass, including new mouse-kings awaiting.) more »

April 25, 2016 9:03 am

Podcast > KunstlerCast 276 — That Conversation About Race We Were Supposed to Have

  “Christopher Cornelius” is the nom de guerre of a black American international humanitarian aid worker who has put years of service in some of the world’s most dangerous places: Pakistan, Afghanistan, West Africa, Kenya, the Balkans, Cambodia, Sudan, and others. He is uncomfortable with developments in racial politics back home and has an original more »

April 6, 2016 5:09 pm

Clusterfuck Nation – Blog, Forecast, Other Stuff > Pretend to the Bitter End

Forecast 2016 There’s really one supreme element of this story that you must keep in view at all times: a society (i.e. an economy + a polity = a political economy) based on debt that will never be paid back is certain to crack up. Its institutions will stop functioning. Its business activities will seize more »

January 4, 2016 8:34 am

Forecast, Other Stuff > Forecast 2015 — Life in the Breakdown Lane

“Don’t look back — something might be gaining on you,” Satchel Paige famously warned. For connoisseurs of civilizational collapse, 2014 was merely annoying, a continued pile-up of over-investments in complexity with mounting diminishing returns, metastasizing fragility, and no satisfying resolution. So we enter 2015 with greater tensions than ever before and therefore the likelihood that more »

January 4, 2015 9:26 pm

Interviews with JHK, Other Stuff > JHK on the “Strong Towns” Podcast with Chuck Marohn

Strong Towns Home Page or just play it JHK yaks with Chuck Marohn about “A History of the Future.” Should be of interest to “World Made By Hand” readers. The new World Made By Hand novel !! Is now available !! “Kunstler skewers everything from kitsch to greed, prejudice, bloodshed, and brainwashing in this wily, funny, rip-roaring, more »

September 26, 2014 9:26 am

My Garden > The Garden, Third Year, 2014

   Click here if you want to start back in 2012 for the very beginning of the project The chickens were the focus of the 2014 project. The basic box was up at the end of 2013. It needed to be trimmed out and painted. Work is underway late April. Black locust fenceposts went in after the more »

March 8, 2015 3:30 pm

My Garden > The Garden, Second Year, 2013

   Click here if you want to start back in 2012 for the very beginning of the project.  The garden had a nice winter sleep and then I got cracking again in the spring of 2013. Here’s a shot of the potager in front of the house in July of 2013:  The first thing I more »

December 7, 2013 4:45 pm

My Garden > Making a Garden 2012

For several years this past decade, we lived in rented houses where it was not practical to build a garden – given the expense and issue of altering somebody else’s property. In the fall of 2011, we bought a place on three acres literally on the edge of Greenwich, Washington County, New York, a main more »

May 15, 2013 2:45 pm

My Town > A Winter Tour of the Hidden Corners of a Little Town in Upstate NY

I moved here in November and have been exploring it through this weird, snowless winter of 2012.   Greenwich After the Civil War. Before the war its name was Union, NY,and before that it was called Whipple Cityafter its founder, Job Whipple.After the Civil War, the name Union was deemed politically incorrect for a nationwishing to more »

May 15, 2013 2:47 pm

