Larissa Dubecki


Writer. Food, mostly, but other stuff too. Author of Prick With a Fork, out now through Allen & Unwin.


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  1. Happy International Women's Day folks...

  2. Editing. When the two writers within you, the one who thinks you're shit and the one who thinks you're kinda OK, really get to slug it out.

  3. 回覆給

    . Mum, is that you?

  4. Not sure lust for life is a really good thing to write on a dating profile.

  5. Today's aim: codify a position on rattan furniture.

  6. Just followed and Twitter suggests I follow the similar account of ... Food for thought.

  7. Eek, an earwig just crawled out of my salad.

  8. Thanks for the retweets folks but the two missing chickens have been found dead. Bloody foxes.

  9. If anyone sees two chickens roaming the streets of Northcote there's a high degree of probability they're mine.

  10. 回覆給
  11. It's Dinner time. My piece for SBS_Food on Heston, the casino and the lamington.

  12. The bane of one waitress's life? tells of the 10-year-old food snob

  13. Larissa Dubecki 已跟隨 、 及其他 110 位
    • @MargaretSimons

      Freelance journalist and writer. Director of the Centre for Advancing Journalism at University of Melbourne

  14. So I'm in Rome Thursday night and know nuttin' about hotels - any suggestions, people?

  15. Prick with a Fork by is a triumph. Insightful. Funny. Engaging. A must for anyone in restaurants.

  16. I am loving 's book sick. It is hilarious. Anyone who has ever worked in hospitality will love it, you have my word 😂👍


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